
Bearserk's page

Organized Play Member. 259 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


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The Exchange


Tend to play more tougher races.

I can live with Gnomes or Ratfolk and maybe a Wyrwood but nothing really fits my taste.

Some other options might be an animal headed Gathlain or a Coldborn Skinwalker Halfling.

A lot to much dexteriy based small folk out there.

The Exchange

Currently a Samsaran Arctic Druid/VMC Cleric of Sun Wukong in Reign of Winter who had lost his former life in Irrisen.

Rest of the Gang is a Vanara Unchained Rogue, an Invulnerable Rager Fetchling Barbarian, a Dwarf Inquisitor of Dranngvit and a Ratfolk Tatterdemalion Witch.

Just ended book 1...

The Exchange

Dαedαlus wrote:
Bearserk wrote:
Yes it's evil by the allignment rules in the core book.

Could we get a quote for this?

If you’re going to make a claim like this, you need text to back it up. And an explanation why/how paladins exist. Not to mention how this works when there is literally a LG Empyreal Lord of executions.

Core book page 166: Good Versus Evil.

..Good implies altruism, respect for life...
..Evil implies hurting, oppressing, and killing others.

And no. I can't explain stuff like Paladins or LG Deity of executions cause i haven't create them and they seem total illogical to me under the core rules.

A paladin who only kills evil undead and evil outsiders can work fine for me but what about the dragons in there Smite Evil list?

But this is my personal problem.

The Exchange

Yes it's evil by the allignment rules in the core book.

The Exchange

hiiamtom wrote:

The other thing I would like to see is something like an Oracle using the warlock as the base (or sorcerer but as 5e matures I feel sorcerer is by far the weakest class).

In Xanathar's Guide To Everything are the Divine Soul Sorcerer and the Celestial Warlock.

I think that's what you looking for.
Very nice options.

The Exchange

There are some feats for Paladin and Druid for some spells from other lists...

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Gathlain also have no Str penalty.

The Exchange

Imho there is no need for this.

There is a lot more only-female stuff than the opposite.

The Exchange

A lot of druid shamans have 6 attacks at lvl2 thx for their Animal Companion and Totem Transformation.

So i'm not impressed.

The Exchange

In general for me young Druids leave their circles and have to find their place in the world and it's a looong way to go!

Actually i play a Samsaran Druid in Reign of Winter and try to solve the mystery of Winter and maybe take revenge on the witch who killed my last Incarnation.

The Exchange

Thread rise from your grave...

graywulfe wrote:


All that said I personally would not be opposed to seeing some weapon types added to the list of Druid Proficiencies, if they fit thematically with the class and are not too powerful.

Some years and a lot of books later is there anything to add?

The Exchange

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Get a Druid with the Vulture Domain.
Kill people than cast Reincarnate and hope for good rolls.


The Exchange

Cleric & Inquisitor
-Scalykind (Saurian) Domain @ Level 4

What about Prestige classes?
Grant someone an AC?

The Exchange

Ah, i miss the old Holy Warrior Cleric archetype from Gods and Magic....

The Exchange

The Summoner!

Totally Bard Video!

The Exchange


The Exchange

Hexcrafter Magus can be a good addition with the hexes from the Healers Handbook.

And you can participate on the arcane magic mysteries of the AP.

The Exchange

A bird or other creature who has a fly and a swim speed like a duck or a seagull for a familiar.

The Exchange

Hexcrafter Magus and Spirit Guide Oracle for me.

I like allrounders and they got the stuff that brings me to play these classes.

The Exchange

More of Osirian deitys please.

The Exchange

On first level switch CLW with Goodberries.
Better for groups imo.

The Exchange

Someone mentioned a Wood Oracle?
I'm sure it's not the best but great for a face and quite powerful.

Thx to the Wood Bond Revelation it can get a permanent competence bonus on attacks and can choose the best Cleric spells as a full caster.

And if someone don't like the rest of the Wood Mystery choose a better archetyp like Spirit Guide.

And i would suggest a Half-elf with the Weapon Familiarity racial trait for the Bows and 2 other martial weapons without spending a feat.

The Exchange

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Looks really good so far.

Maybe i would include Half-elves and Skinwalkers, especialy Coldborn and Ragebred for Berserkers.

For Classes i would include the Bard, the Warpriest and the maybe the Arcanist.

The Occultist, Inquisitor and the Summoner could be also good additions.

For the Deitys i would take a look for the Dwarves and Giants too.

For the big players this comes in my mind:

Cayden Cailean

Funny i think maybe the Orc Pantheon would also be a nice addition for some ruthless vikings.

And some Empyreal Lords fit great like Tolc, Pulura, Immonhiel or Cernunnos.

There are some good traits in Reign of Winter Players Guide and good stuff in People of the North.

The Exchange

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Depends on adventure GM and Group but i would say Bard!.

Shaman or Spirit Guide Oracle are ollow ups!

The Exchange

I tend to prefer the Osirion Pantheon over the core deitys.

So you are not alone.

But i don't like Tombs & Traps. ^^

The Exchange

My Tengu Hunter brings his Roc companion.
Both wear the same helmets...

The Exchange

Ryan Freire wrote:
Bearserk wrote:

Like i mentioned in another thread don't forget that even the Forgotten Realms had the CG Godess Eilistraee for good drow.

Drizzt was not the only one!

But some like it simple and that's okay too.

IIRC she got murdered by lloth during some crisis or another.

Aaand came back like other deitys.

Even Helm is alive and well.

Death not really means a lot in the FR.

The Exchange

You don't need tree-huggers if you can have a tree.

Ghorans don't need sleep as plant creatures and can even give you a nice breakfest with Goodberries.

The Exchange

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Like i mentioned in another thread don't forget that even the Forgotten Realms had the CG Godess Eilistraee for good drow.

Drizzt was not the only one!

But some like it simple and that's okay too.

The Exchange

Chaotic Evil Monsters!

The Exchange

Shamans and Rangers doesn't have any restrictions trough alignment ore else too.
I think you mean the Hunter.

The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Shaman and Druid.
Versatile and stuff like Hexes or Wildshape are so much fun.

Followed by Cleric and Inquisitor but Oracle and Hunter are close.
Never played a Warpriest but the Sacred Fist is appealing.

Ranger is nice but i prefer healers over fighters.
Paladin is nearly out of play.

The Exchange

And don't forget the two parent classes of the Shaman are Witch and Oracle. Prepared and spontaneous so it comes into play at level 4 looks allright for me.

The Exchange

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Ryan Freire wrote:
The GM's only job is to make a fun game Rhedyn. If their interpretation invalidates an entire core class that countless others have no problem running for or with, its their interpretation that's skewed not the class.

Fun for ALL people on the table and not only the Paladin!

And problem childs like Kender or Malcavians are core in other games too so thats not realy an argument.
A mistake by tradition is still a mistake imho.

The Exchange

Hexcrafter Magus
Spirit Guide Oracle

The Exchange

The Joker use a lot of explosions... ^^

And think about the Fey or Serpentine Bloodlines.

The Exchange

Yeah it's all like in the good ol' AD&D times...

The Exchange

Chess Pwn wrote:

... druid with a shaman archetype are some ideas.

I suggest Saurian Shaman!

The Exchange

nicholas storm wrote:

It's in the same book (Adventurer's Guide) as the Halcyon Druid.

Arcanist Archetype

It costs a lot of exploits, so I think I prefer the base arcanist.

Thx for the link.

Yes it cost 4 exploits but you got the full Wizard spell list and can ad a druid spell or a cleric spell with the Good descriptor per level besides the Spell Mastery features.

And you can get more exploits with feats if you realy need that much so i think it's a fair trade.

It could be fun to go into the Stargazer Prestige Class so he can get the Stars Domain and Witch Hexes and Shaman hexes of the Heaven Spirit besides two Oracle Revelations and a Familiar too without loosing only one level of spells. ^^

The Exchange

Maybe the Magaambyan Initiate Arcanist Archetype could be a good alternative choice for you.

The Exchange

A simple but more expensive solution would be max out Use Magic Device and use some scrolls.

The Exchange

If celestials can fall demons can rise!

The Exchange

Paladin of Baha-who? wrote:
....Almost forgot about a witch. Witches never run out of Hex (although they can run out hexes available to use on a specific individual).


One of the best solutions for many encounters.

The Exchange

Good choice.

Remember that a Half-elf can easily take the Ancient Lorekeeper too so you can use a higher Charisma.

The Exchange

They use the same spell list but got a list of spells through their Mysteries.
If you wanna blast choose a Flame Oracle. If you wanna be more like a Druid choose Nature.
The Spirit Guide Archetype gives you the option to change a second list of spells each day.

The Exchange

Some archetypes like the Ecclisitheurge expand their spells through different domains. It's more like a wizard.

The Exchange

Bloodrager Archer?!
Maybe Urban or Enlighted?
Or Urban Scald for more support...

The Exchange

Maybe a Paladin with VariantMultiClassing Bard if you havn't considered to spend your feats?!

The Exchange

VMC Duid.

The Exchange

With or without Archetypes?
I would ad Cleric/Oracle and Vigilante.