
Yamazakana's page

Organized Play Member. 165 posts (168 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


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...but where is nice little Grippli?


I cannot wait for Grippli Ancestry...

Fighter Dedication is also nice choice for shield-bearing or grappling Barbarian.

Human can gain Fighter Dedication at 2nd level, some Fighter Feats, Multitalented human Feat (Monk Dedication) at 9th level, and Flurry of Blows at 10th level.

Frogfolk (Grippli)

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We must gain frog as well as lizard.

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Grippli, Lizardfolk, Vishkanya, Catfolk, Tengu.

Where is Nagaji?

I thought about it for a day, if Barbarian violates anathema,
she loses only totem power & totem feats.
So Animal Barbarian with a greatsword can use normal rage.

We usually fight with claws and bite, and after we need to use weapons,
we still fight as Fury Barbarian.

I hope the animal anathema is altered to "wielding weapons to any animal
of your totem animal's kind (and flagrantly disrespecting them)."

Halfling has become like a Grippli.
From the point of niche in core races, this is better.

The Great Spirits whispered Animal Totem lacks Bird totem...
though I can understand that it is difficult to handle fly speed.

It's not a big deal but PRIONOSUCHUS is not crocodile.
It's a titanic salamander.


My Wishlist
1) Reduce the number of skills.
2) Reduce the number of conditions.
3) Reduce the number of bonus types.
4) Add jumping power, swimming speed, poisonous slippy skin, and long tongue to adorable Grippli!

1.Fractional Base Bonuses into Core!
2.Simplify Conditions!
3.Unchain Animal Companions!
4.Simplify Environment!
5.More Love to Grippli!


Dire salamander(Animal companion)
Diplocaulus (Familiar)



-Pathfinder Player Companion: Blood of the Beast (october 2016 on sale)

Though 3rd party products,
-Amazing Races: Grippli!
-Astonishing Races: Grippli

What is the next summer's Hardcover?

Valashmai jungle and homeland of Grippli and froghemoth.


Lupin (PCable dog race)

Rogue (my first D&D character)
Ranger (I love wilderness warriors)
Druid (Nature spell, wildshape, and frog domain!)
Hunter (especially Feral cHunter)

I mistook.
Blessed Striker

Believer's Boon(ACG)

Planar focus
New useful options are added to animal focus.

Versatile summon nature's ally
Your animals gain high survivability.

Superior Summoning
When you use summon pack, you can summon three (or more) animals.

Teamwork feats
Blades above and below
This increases chances that you and your animals can flank.
Shake it off
You can gain some bonus to all saves easily.
Escape route
Broken wing gambit and Paired opportunist
Coordinated charge

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Nice frog!

What did grippli and nagaji gain?

Grippli frog domain druid

Nature training class feature is unclear.
AC's feats, traits, and options?
Or all feats, all traits, and AC's options?

If the latter,

Feral hunter X / Ranger1 with Shapeshifting hunter feat is fun.

That make sense. When a hunter releases her AC voluntarily, she cannot gain permanent focus.

Except for duration and some bestial features, feral focus works like animal focus.
So, feral hunter seems to gain additional permanent focus because of absence of AC.

Planar focus

If you dip 1 level druid(ability of menhir savant is cool) or falconer ranger archtype, you can gain pack flanking and animal soul feat.

2H sword + animal growth + vital strike is great.

Power attack and Vital strike will be useful in both form.

Planar focus is powerful.

Feral hunter(pack summoning)

Spirit Ranger
Feral Hunter

Feral hunter can use wildshape to change dire ape (large size, str+4 dex-2 natural armor+4, attack with bite and weapon).

She has teamwork feat (while flanking with summoned animals, attack+4, dmg+1d6).

And animal focus.

Errata about Feral Hunter.

Now we have a teamwork feat.

Spirits gift and evolved companion are feats for druid.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

When combat style of your companion is charger, Evolved companion(pounce) is quite useful.

Feral Combat Training is needed to make good use of dragon style.

Armor Proficiency,light is not absolutely necessary.
Penalty of Masterwork studded leather and elven chain is -0.

Wild Fang druid

AC small cat
WS tiny tree frog

I think New feral hunter should have bonus teamwork feats and second feral focus.

Nice changes! Thanks, paizo.
Are there new Animal Foci?


Blood of the Croaker for Grippli and Boggard.

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