
Rosc's page

**** Pathfinder Society GM. Starfinder Society GM. 1,122 posts (2,474 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 51 Organized Play characters. 13 aliases.


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Dark Archive

This looks like a realt fun take on Kingmaker and I'd love to apply. Conidering our need for reliable healing, my favorite classes....

How about some kind bat alchemist? I could use Goblin (maybe only +2 dec) or elf variant with dark vision. Maybe their wings were burned away in an accdent. Maybe they're trying to learn alchemy to restore what was lost. Maybe focus on healing, maybe delve into monster stuff.

Alternatively, how do you feel about the Shifter class? In particular, the oozemorph archetype.

Dark Archive

Hello! I am interested in applying. But settling on a character before you know your numbers is a fool's errand. So in that case...

Roll: 4d6 ⇒ (3, 1, 5, 2) = 11 10
Roll: 4d6 ⇒ (3, 1, 5, 2) = 11 10
Roll: 4d6 ⇒ (6, 4, 5, 2) = 17 15
Roll: 4d6 ⇒ (3, 2, 2, 4) = 11 9
Roll: 4d6 ⇒ (2, 4, 6, 6) = 18 16
Roll: 4d6 ⇒ (5, 6, 5, 6) = 22 17

Okay I can work with this. Even if the identical first rolls look a little suspect...

While I want for those to generate, I have a couple questions.
1) I didn't see Ultimate Wilderness on the list. How do you feel about the Shifter class? And doubly so, how do you feel about the Oozemorph archetype? I think that one may go especially well with the Drug Addict background.
2) Thoughts on the Kineticist? It's Burn mechanic is my favorite resource system in all of PF1e, and I'd love to play a dedicated special-powers-person. I'm also inclined towards the spiritualist and the fun stories that can come from the phantoms. A small writing example of such fun can be found here.

Dark Archive

Game Master S wrote:
Hey everyone, I'll be completely out of pocket tomorrow. I've got a funeral that's going to be.... a lot. I'm sorry. I won't be able to post until Tuesday morning. There's a chance that I need some escapist fun tomorrow night, but let's assume Tuesday morning.

I understand that, I went to one last Saturday. I'm sorry for your loss.

Take as much time as you need.

Dark Archive

Here we go. My last-minute biohacker. And, if you don’t mind, I’d like to ask for a small indulgence with the character creation.

A Small Indulgence:
A while back I wrote up homebrew rules to port the Medusa into Starfinder as both a monster to fight and (in starfinder tradition) as a playable race that uses gene therapy to remove their pretrifying gaze and dangerous venom.

Rules can be found in this article. While this is homebrew, it is not entirely amateur work: I have experience writing playable ancestries for Paizo as well as content for Starfinder as well.

If the race is not allowed, she can be converted to a Tiefling with a cosmetic serpentine motif with minimal changes.

Character Sheet:

This humanoid woman wears a labcoat and obscures her face with dark tinted goggles and a medical mask. Serpentine tendrils growing from her scalp to her lower back are bound up in a gentle cloth wrap behind her.

Nessia Eureno
Female Medusa biotechnician biohacker 1
NG Medium Monstrous Humanoid
Init +2; Perception +0
SP 6 HP 10 RP 4
EAC 13; KAC 14
Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +1
Speed 30 ft.
Melee unarmed strike -1 (1d3-1 P)
Ranged tactical needler pistol +2 (1d4 P; critical injection DC +2) or shock grenade I +1 (explode [15 ft., 1d8 E, DC 12)]
Str 9 (-1), Dex 14, Con 10, Int 18 (+4), Wis 10, Cha 12
Base Atk +0
Feats Skill Synergy (Computers, Intimidate)
Skills Computers +10, Culture +10, Diplomacy +5, Engineering +8, Intimidate +7, Life Science +9, Medicine +9, Physical Science +9
Languages Brethedan, Brethedan (sign), Common
Common (tactile), Common (sign), Vesk, (plus two more)
Combat Gear shock grenade I (2), mk 1 serum of healing (2)
Other Gear second skin, tactical baton, tactical needler pistol with 33 darts, everyday clothing, hygiene kit, personal comm unit, credstick (92 credits)
Augmentations prosthetic hand, modular eyes
Special Abilities
Custom Microlab (Ex) Nessia has created a small, customized kit consisting of medical supplies, testing materials, and pharmaceutical compounds, which she can use to evaluate medical conditions and perform several additional tasks. It takes the form of a cybernetic augmentation installed in her left hand.
Biohacks (Ex) As part of her custom microlab, Nessia keeps a specialized micropharmacy of catalysts, nanites, and specialized chemicals, plus a small mixing apparatus and syringes. She can use these components to quickly fashion biohacks: specialized solutions that produce different effects.
Field of Study, Genetics (Ex) Nessia has selected the genetics field of study, granting her access to a unique booster and inhibitor.
Injection Expert (Ex) Barsala is proficient with weapons with the injection weapon special property, as long as the weapon has not gained that weapon special property from a weapon fusion, spell, class feature, or similar ability or effect.
Modular Eyes (Ex) Nessia has a custom eye augmentation that grants her low-light vision. This augmentation counts as biotech, and the Nessia may change its type each time she rebuilds it. If this augmentation is lost or destroyed, Nessia can rebuild and install it with one day’s worth of work.
Natural Weapons (Ex) Nessia can attack with a special unarmed strike that deals lethal damage, doesn’t count as archaic, and threatens squares.
Striking Presence (Ex) Nessia gains a +2 Racial bonus to Intimidate and Culture checks.

Background (Terraformer):
Nessia was raised on Beretha, where she gained a fascination with the Barathu and a passion for the medical sciences. After an early education, she hastily jumped at her first opportunity to observe exotic life on other words. While it did cost her the majority of her remaining credits, she secured a job terraforming the planet Entha. Surely, she thought,this is where she would develop her Unified Essence Theory and develop whole new kinds of biotech.

Sadly, the work was too taxing and dangerous for her to seriously pursue her independent research, but she had many opportunities to put her medical knowledge to use tending to on-the-job injuries or putting together stims to help with the long shifts. However, despite doing her best to ease the burden placed on the workers and more than a little aid from Shan, it eventually pushed her past a breaking point. Nodding off on the job after one too many sleepless nights caused an accident that cost her an arm. Getting a replacement was simple enough, but she knew she had to get out of there before she got someone else hurt or worse.

Post Prompt:

Post Prompt wrote:
Your ship’s scanners confirm it, that’s the Wintermourn, and they’re on a direct course for your cargo! The comms console beeps with an incoming hail. Answering it, Captain Niva Rovo’s face appears on screen. Her whiskers twitch as she grins. ”Looks like we got a little race on our hands, huh? Try not to splat all over an asteroid!” She laughs as the screen cuts out and Wintermourn’s thrusters fire.

”No, nononono!” The rubber pads on her steel hand slam on the console in front of her. She doesn’t wait for her captain to give orders; her fingers are already dancing across the analog keypad.

”Scanning the Wintermourn. Combat data incoming. Recommend pursuit…” The eyes behind her goggles trace over every bit of info she can dredge up on such short notice. Hull integrity, power surges, systems…. there! ”Engines. Aim for the engines. Slow. Her. Down! If she beats us to another haul they’re not going to just dock our pay, they’re going to revoke our oxygen privileges!”

The serpentine hair begins to stand up on her head, the agitated snake heads dancing about uselessly and adding quite the intimidating silhouette to the frail little sawbones.

Fun Facts:

-Nessia wears her medical mask and tinted goggles at all times. She considers it a huge faux pas to show her eyes.
-Too broke to finish med school.
-Can’t get the education to get a good job.
-No good job means no good money (see above).
-Once, Nessia attempted to start a career as a Virtual Infotuber under the nickname “Miss Serpentitis.” Her debut went so horribly wrong that it caused her to have an existential crisis and she abandoned the persona entirely.

Starship Combat:
Nessia can serve as a highly competent science officer, but she can also perform as a capable engineer or as an intimidate-leaning captain in a pinch.

Dark Archive

Looks like it's getting a little close to the buzzer. I'd like to chime in and say I've got a character concept that I'm currently typing up. Let's see if I can get it done soon enough to edit it into this post....

Dark Archive

Good luck, everyone o7

Dark Archive

Okay! Bounced around a few ideas but I'd like to mix it up by bringing back an old concept I've had kicking around for a long time. I would like to submit Doctor Meiosa, a former(?) Lamashtu cultist who has/had an obsession with body modification.


Even before the “incident” that left her in her current state, the woman who now calls herself Doctor Meiosa had a hazy memory of things that came before. A collection of moments and emotions, more than anything.

A body, born into shame and left by behind.
Markets. Chains.
Underground. Surrounded by others who are broken. Mother. Welcome.
A man, brilliant and unflinching, puts her under the knife and lets it out. He sets her free.
Eager to learn, she becomes the apprentice. Sheets and studies and bodies and organs.
Something that is not human, captured and harvested. Some of it is put into her. It feels so….natural.
She discovers a hunger within her. An irresistible need for change. Hunt. Harvest. Implant. And hunt again.
Many rituals for Mother. Many children. Head is foggy. The Harvest brings clarity.

Many hunts. Many discoveries. The body is barely even human.
What is human? It is the chrysalis. Must find more.
New hunt. New quarry. Ustalav….

Doctor Meiosa:

A woman of garundi heritage stands before you, hands gripping a spear, her body covered in a lattice of surgical scars. Vials of various liquids and glass jars with visceral contents hang from various belts and straps. Her form is muscular, though somewhat asymmetrically, as if things had been surgically added and then taken away.

Dr. Meiosa
Female Vivisectionist Alchemist 1
N Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init +5; Perception +5
AC 13, touch 11, flat-footed 12 (+2 armor, +1 Dex)
hp 11 (1d8+3)
Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +3 (+1 vs extraordinary, spell-like, and supernatural abilities of aberrations)
Speed 30 ft.
Melee longspear +5 (1d8+7), dagger +5 (1d4+5)
Ranged 5 javelins +1 (1d6+5)
Extracts prepared (CL 1st; concentration +3)
1st - cure light wounds, enlarge person
Str 20, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 15, Wis 12, Cha 8
Base Atk +0; CMB +5; CMD 16
Feats (b)Brew Potion, 9b0Throw Anything, Iron Will, (b)Improved Initiative
Traits (Ca)Foe of the Strange, (Ra)Scholar of Ruins (Dungeoneering), (Fa)Indomitable Will
Skills Craft (Alchemy) +6 (+1 when crafting alchemical items), Disguise +0, Heal +5, Knowledge (Arcana) +6, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +7, Knowledge (Nature) +6, Lore (Organ Transplants) +6, Perception +5, Spellcraft +6,
Languages Abyssal, Common, Undercommon
Combat Gear leather armor, acid, alchemist’s fire
Other Gear explorer’s outfit, alchemist’s kit, midwife’s kit (7/10 uses), wooden unholy symbol of Lamashtu (broken), 17 gold
Special Abilities
Alchemy Allows for the creation of alchemical items. Details here.
Mutagen +2 natural armor, +4 bonus to a physical stat, -2 penalty to a corresponding mental stat for 10 minutes. (Str/Int, Dex/Wis, Con/Cha)
Sneak Attack 1d6

Primary formulae book “Reserve Notes on Human Transfiguration and Alchemical Modifications”
(4/100 pages)
1st: crafter’s fortune, cure light wounds, enlarge person, polypurpose panacea

General Gameplan:
As you can see, Meiosa is a brute alchemist with an emphasis on melee combat. As she levels, she will lively go heavy on the alchemist discoveries that include overt physical mutations and strong themes of body horror.

Surely, things will only get better for her once aberrations are introduced into the equation.

Art of the character

Dark Archive

GM Nightmare Knight wrote:

The oozemorph would be a challenge to RP, especially early on, but it does fit thematically. I'd allow it, but be aware NPCs will react poorly early on, due to circumstances - perhaps don't dump Cha?

The shifter's alt rules you suggested would work for me in regards for balance. If you think that'd be better for the prospective party, then go for it.

Okay, what if I did both? Maybe start with an oozemorph dip, and maybe bonding with some kind of monster acts as the "cure" to the condition? I'm imagining something like the Venom symbiote...

Only question is how oozemorph weapons and polymorph would interact with the synthesis form.

Dark Archive

This kind of AP is 100% my vibe and I'll certainly get a character submission in. I've got a few ideas bouncing around in my head, depending on what kind of stats I get.

A couple of questions, if I may.
1) Is the Oozemorph Shifter a little too much for the campaign? It seems thematically apppropriate, but it has unusual features such as early access to compression and limited time in a humanoid form that can speak and use items.
2) Monstrous transformations are a fun theme and the Synthesis Summoner fits the theme quite well, but presents several balance issues. Would it be possible to play a weaker one that simply uses the summoner's base HP (like the PF2e Summoner) instead of the abusable temp HP shield? And maybe ignoring the whole "use the eidolon's physical stats" rule and simply allow the summoner's natural stats to gain benefits from anything that boosts/hampers the eidolon (such as evolutions or growth by level)?

Stat generation
- 18
- 8
- 1d6 + 10 ⇒ (3) + 10 = 13
- 1d6 + 10 ⇒ (2) + 10 = 12
- 1d6 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 10 = 15
- 1d6 + 10 ⇒ (4) + 10 = 14

Dark Archive

Hey there, I'm working on some character concepts and I'm wondering if you'll allow me the indulgence of proposing a bit of homebrew.

See, I wanted to go hard on the Eldritch Anatomist and a summoner with a strange eidolon seems like a great bet, but the options are limited and Occultism only has Phantoms. I just so happened to have written a proper aberration subtype for eidolons. It's here in an old article if you're willing to give it a look and tell me what you think.

If not, I can submit something that's more by-the-books.

(I'd propose something a bit more unusual but I'm assuming that common ancestries means rare heritages are off the table)

Dark Archive

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I dunno, maybe it's from my years playing tons of summoners but the GM controlling my summons for me feels like a mild overreach. It seems like the purpose of the rule is to make it so your summon can't perform complicated actions unless your character is capable of giving it commands. Can't make a summoned wild bull perform hard labor without a Nature check, etc.

I've never heard of a GM who takes control over what's essentially a player tool. It would be like them seizing direct control over a familiar or animal companion. And in my mind, that kind of removes it from feeling like an aspect of your character.

I'd suggest having a chat with the GM between games and tell them how you feel about it. Maybe try to reach an agreement that you can control your own summons so long as it acts in a 'reasonable' way as per a creature of its nature.

Dark Archive

Out of all the options, I like the Mystic as a character and the Envoy as a class so I'd prefer one of those.

Dark Archive

Ohhh, I might just apply for this.

Quick question. How do you feel about the Oozemorph Shifter? It's one of my favorite archetypes, but it tends to have funny interactions with gameplay at early levels. Of course, I have backstory reasons as well as potential ways to get around town without drawing undue attention.

Dark Archive

oops, got my tabs mixed up and posted in the wrong thread

Dark Archive

It's alright. Take all the time you need!

Dark Archive

I'd love to play as Chk-Chk, but I'm willing to fill if needed.

Dark Archive

Color me interested!

Dark Archive

Ah, Mr. Smiles, my beautiful son. It's good to see him again.

Dark Archive

ST Talomyr wrote:
Rosc wrote:

Hey hey! Hope I'm not too late. This submission is for Joey Hart, a vampire who's greatest claim to fame is a small apartment building he's slowly turning into a haven-for-rent with a generous supply of blood.

I'm doing that thing where I leave the clan unspoken so you can slot it into your current NPCs and let me improvise, but if you're too short on time to co-op the character creation I've also got a clan suggestion below.

Let me know if there are any mistakes. I haven't made a VtM character in a loooong time.

** spoiler omitted **...

** spoiler omitted **

Oh cool. Sounds like an interesting idea. And Ventrue Landlord is a very classic kind of modern vampire. I wonder what kind of blood would fit his particular palette....

Dark Archive

Hey hey! Hope I'm not too late. This submission is for Joey Hart, a vampire who's greatest claim to fame is a small apartment building he's slowly turning into a haven-for-rent with a generous supply of blood.

I'm doing that thing where I leave the clan unspoken so you can slot it into your current NPCs and let me improvise, but if you're too short on time to co-op the character creation I've also got a clan suggestion below.

Let me know if there are any mistakes. I haven't made a VtM character in a loooong time.

Character Sheet:

Joey Hart

Chronicle: Chicago by Night
Concept: Struggling writer turned struggling landlord.
Nature: Celebrant
Demeanor: Director
Clan: ???
Generation: 11th
Sire: ???
Embrace: 2010 (Apparent Age 31)
Max Blood Pool /Current: 12/12
Max Trait Rating: 5
Blood points Per Turn: 1
Current blood pool(?): 1d10 ⇒ 10

XP Earned: 20
XP Spent: 14
XP Remaining: 6

Physical: (3)
Strength: ●●
Dexterity: ●●
Stamina: ●●

Social: (5)
Charisma: ●●●
Manipulation: ●●●
Appearance: ●●

Mental: (7)
Perception: ●●●
Intelligence: ●●●●
Wits: ●●●

Talents: (9 +2FP +6XP)
Alertness: ●
Awareness: ●●
Brawl: ●
Empathy: ●
Expression: ●●●
Intimidation: ●
Streetwise: ●
Subterfuge: ●●

Skills: (5 +2FP +8XP)
Animal Ken:
Crafts: ●
Drive: ●
Etiquette: ●
Firearms: ●●
Larceny: ●
Stealth: ●●
Professional: ●

Knowledges: (13 +2FP)
Academics: ●●
Computer: ●
Finance: ●●
Investigation: ●●●
Law: ●
Medicine: ●
Occult: ●
Politics: ●
Technology: ●●

Disciplines: (3)

Backgrounds: (5 +6FP)
Domain Size: ●●
Domain Security: ●
Generation: ●●
Herd: ●●
Status: ●
Mentor (Sire?): ●●
Resources: ●●

Virtues: (7)
Conscience: ●●●
Self Control: ●●●●
Courage: ●●
Humanity: 7
Willpower: 5/5 (+3 FP)

Health Levels
_ Bruised
_ Hurt -1
_ Injured -1
_ Wounded -2
_ Mauled -2
_ Crippled -5
_ Incapacitated

Apparent Age 31

Joey Hart is an unremarkable man with slightly scruffy, dusty blonde hair and a slightly overweight physique that hints at proper muscles buried under a decade of neglect. He is often seen with a band tee-shirt under a worn gray hoodie with well-worn blue jeans. He has the resting face of a sleep deprived businessman but often shifts to a pleasantly neutral expression in conversation.

Joey always was the creative type. He dabbled in music, tried his hand at theatre, but ultimately found his passion in writing. Unfortunately, his aspirations were cut short thanks to the untimely death of his parents at the hands of a drunk driver who also died in the accident.
His folks didn’t leave much, but they did own a modest apartment complex that he had lived out of through most of his childhood. This bittersweet homecoming had him learning the trade of being a landlord, setting aside his personal projects for a crash course in home improvement and business management.
He did well enough, keeping the place functional and even making a modest living off of it, but the required time investment suffocated his social life and cut him off from furthering a creative career. After a while, his tenants were the only people he had time to interact with, and they were a mixed bag on the best of days.
Of course, owning a relatively secure property with easy access to mortal dwellings had its own merits, which Joey suspects wad the first thing that caught the interest of his sire. The embrace was quite a shock to Joey for all the usual reasons, as well as a few that were uniquely frustrating towards the failed writer. After all, he was sitting on an inspiration for what might have been his greatest story yet and the Masquerade demanded that he could do absolutely nothing with it.
Between the shock of the embrace and this denial, his already weakened muse hit a breaking point. Turning to focus on utilitarian things, Joey focused what he could: property management. Keep up the domain. Attract tenants, living and dead. Make friends. Curry favor. Allow the sire to act as the surrogate parent that he misses so much. Help out every neonate he can so they remember who helped them when they make it big. Once he’s got himself truly settled in, he can worry about making sense of this strange curse.
And he certainly will get to the bottom of it eventually. As much as he’s ashamed of admitting it, directly witnessing examples of strange mystical vampire stuff is beginning to rekindle his love the craft.

If nothing else, his clan can be....:

Maybe his early writing earned him a fan in his sire...

Disciplines: Auspex 2, Celerity 1

Dark Archive

Hey there. This looks pretty interesting. I'd have to refamiliarize myself with some of the rules (haven't played since Vampire: The Requiem was the hot topic) but I'd love to throw something together.

I have an odd idea for a character creation concept. How would you feel about me making a human with stats and a backstory, and then letting you determine their sire based on which character is most likely to embrace them, and picking my clan stuff based on that?

Dark Archive

1) Player name: Nate Wright
2) Character name: Lash
3) SFS#-Character#: 129030 - 711
4) Character Class: Vanguard 3
5) Faction: Exo Guardians
6) Preferred Starship Frame?: Pegasus
7) Preferred Starship Role?: Gunner
8) Character Ancestry and Size?: Medium Tiefling
9) Perception and Initiative bonus: Perception 0, Initiative 8
A) Spending a Replay? It's a repeatable!
B) Anything else you wish to add?: I am one of the co-authors of the scenario ;)

Dark Archive

Oh, oh jeez. I just noticed that I was let in.

I noticed at a silly time. I'll try to have a post up within 24 hours from now.

Dark Archive

Awww, just noticed this. I presume it's too late to join, lol

Dark Archive

If you don't mind the interjection, I'd say the campaign may be better served as "close orbit" instead of full on "core" rules. Stuff like the APG and the Ultimate books help shape the game and its identity as a unique thing beyond a simple DnD homebrew. Plus, the majority of the most powerful options rear their ugly heads in the core rulebook's 9th level casters.

I'd argue that a party with an alchemist, an inquisitor, and even a summoner would be less volatile than one with a druid, cleric, and wizard. Archetypes and Traits are also pretty central to what makes Pathfinder feel like Pathfinder, and what makes your character feel more than just a cosmetic re-flavoring to a generic [Class] build.

All of that said, I'd still be interested in playing, and the core restrictions could be used as a character writing challenge. I'm wondering, what kind of alignment restrictions are you leaning towards? Would you be open to something of a moral foil within the party, so long as we agreed to never directly go against or antagonize the other PCs?

Dark Archive

Hello! I would like to apply with Meiosa, my transhumanist alchemist. Meiosa experiments on her own body in an endless quest to improve herself and evolve beyond humanity in order to better combat the demon threat. And what better way to do so than to learn from dissecting the remains of her abyssal enemies? And perhaps a few transplants...

Meiosa was a young apprentice, traveling with her mentor and offering medical aid to the crusaders in Mendev. However, their caravan was set upon by cultists. Its supplies ransacked and the majority of her companions killed, the remainder were used in some sort of foul ritual.

She doesn't remember the entirety of what happened, but she does remember the feeling that came after it. A sense of power, a sense of emptiness. A hole to be filled. Thankfully, she was rescued and had a chance to take over for her deceased master. In the following years, her studies became an obsession. Something about what happened to her back then. Now, the good doctor finds herself drawn onto the front lines, feeling a great and powerful need to combat the demonic hoards directly. And an equally powerful urge to pull them apart and see what makes them tick.

After all, how can the crusade hope to defeat their enemy if they know nothing about them? And if she is to push her body to the limits, she will have to find ways to expand upon those limits and move beyond them. And if her experiments are a smashing success? Perhaps her work can benefit the whole of the crusade.

Why Kenabres:
It's simple. A suitable city, close to the front. Well supplied, well manned, the perfect place to establish a practice to aid the good people. And the perfect place to conduct her studies on the physical properties of abyssal monsters.

A note on Alignment and Theming:
This character hovers around the neutral areas, slightly chaotic due to her more reckless attempts to improve her own physical capabilities. It may even delve into experimentation with transplants and body modification.

However, I as a player and Meiosa as a character are committed to helping the party and aiding in the crusade. I detest going against the party's wishes with an "it's what my character would do" as a thinly veiled excuse.

While things like violence and body horror may be themes of the character, I am perfectly willing to tone it down if the other players and GM wish it. I like being a little edgy, but at worst it'll delve into doing the right thing for the wrong reasons.

Crunch Summary:
Doctor Meiosa is a human beastmorph alchemist that will (probably) take the vivisectionist archetype. She will have a high strength, and focus exclusively on discoveries that lead to overt physical mutations. Her party role is that of a frontline skirmisher with a side of support once she learns how to share her extracts with the rest of the party.

Her campaign trait Stolen Fury, representing the lingering effects of the ritual that are likely tied to her insatiable desire to change her body.

Her mythic-granted prestige class will be master chymist to represent the lingering effects of her continual and reckless body modifications. The resulting personality will also be loyal to the party and the crusade, but may approach problems in their own unique way.

Oh, and here's some art of her as well.

Dark Archive

Well, I'd certainly be interested in this.

Critzible wrote:
OG Summoner. Just no Synethisist Summoner.

They do get pretty wizardly, between 9th level summon monster and the APG summ's spell discounts, so it is worth keeping an eye out. But hell, I may even submit one myself.

Question. If we worked out an adjustment to its more problematic aspects, would you consider a Synthesist Summoner? Mainly by disallowing the HP cheese and readjusting ability scores to work more like wild shape. That way you don't have immortal summoners with 8/8/8 physical stats in base form.

Dark Archive

I would love to take a shot at this! I'll get to work on a character concept.

One question. I have already played through the CRPG version of Wrath. Would that disqualify me? For what it's worth, I have a lot of experience in Pathfinder Society 'playing dumb' as a character in scenarios I've already run.

In addition, my run through that campaign was exceptionally degenerate, so I'm sure this will still be a very new experience for me.

Dark Archive

Dotting for interest! I'll whip up a character in the next few days.

Are Unchained variations of core classes allowed?

Dark Archive

I forgot to add my background skills. If you'll allow me a slight amendment to my entry, I'd like to include Iomedae Lore and Army Lore.

Rosc wrote:

This character has a physical appearance, which is summarized in this section

Also forgot that. How embarrassing. How about...

This short-haired man wears a sword at his hip and a holy symbol on his belt. His equipment seems meticulously clean and freshly polished.

Dark Archive

Hello! My name is Nate Wright. I’ve been playing Pathfinder in one form or another for over a decade. I have experience with Pathfinder Society as well as home campaigns. I maintain a blog where I muse about mechanics and flavor while providing free Pantfhinder/Starfinder content. I also have experience in other Play by Post games, with my most recent example being here as Xallis Livara.

I’m hoping to join this game and have a good time with people online. While I’ve played the PC version of Kingmaker in the past, I know that it can vary between campaigns and parties, and I've also got lots of experience playing 'blind' through scenarios that I've already played or GM'd.

This character is an alchemist with a melee fighter bent, with a little bit of paladin flavor sprinkled in.


Demius had always admired the Aldori Swordlords, from the earliest days of his adolescence to his entry into manhood. However, his family lacked the funds and the standing to get him a proper education in the art. Thankfully, for all he lacked in the nobles’ sphere of influence, he was blessed with a keen mind and a strong arm.

Being that he came from a deeply religious family, he was sent to the church of Iomedae to receive training in the blade. There, his ambitions were slowly steered away from personal glory and showmanship, and more towards using his abilities to fight for the innocent. During his time, he also received training as a healer, learning several methods of tending to the wounded in both mundane and alchemical means.

However, the boy’s ambitions for greatness never quite dulled. While he was driven towards righteousness, he still held the vision of perfection in swordsmanship. And with his newfound knowledge of alchemy, he sought to find a way to develop an elixir that could bestow such skill and prowess onto any deserving soul. After all, is it truly fair that a good man might find himself unable to defend himself in the face of wickedness? A paladin can’t be everywhere at once, and evil never rests.

And so, upon hearing of the opportunity of this expedition, Demius took to the calling without hesitation. Here is where he would test his own skill, his own mettle, and his own concoctions. Here is where he might provide aid to those in the wilds who may need it most. And here is where he might find the key to creating the perfect soldier.

Reasons for Demius to adventure
- Put his personal training and alchemical elixirs to the test
- Ensure the expedition is not without the light of Iomedae
- Study the biology of strange beasts to better enhance his own formulae
- Develop a way to produce elite soldiers to defend the good people of Golarion

Character Sheet:

This character has a physical appearance, which is summarized in this section

Demius Magnar
Human Clone Master Alchemist 1
LG Medium Humanoid (Human)
Deity Iomedae
Init +6; Perception +4
AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +2 Dex)
hp 11 (1d8+3)
Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +1
Speed 20 ft.
Melee longsword +3 (1d8+2 19-20), longspear +2 (1d8+3, x3), dagger +3 (1d4+2, 19-20)
Ranged bomb +2 (1d4+2 fire 3/day), light crossbow +2 (1d8, 19-20)
Class spells known/prepared (CL 1th; concentration +3)
1st - cure light wounds, shield
Str 15, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 8
Base Atk +0; CMB +3; CMD 15
Feats Weapon Proficiency (Longsword), (B)Improved Initiative
Traits (Ca)Sword Scion, (Fa)Indomitable Faith
Skills Heal +4, Knowledge (Nature) +6, Craft (Alchemy) +6, Perception +4, Spellcraft +6, Use Magic Device +3
Languages Common, Dwarven, Orc
Combat Gear hide armor, longsword, longspear, light crossbow with 10 bolts, dagger
Other Gear 50 feet of rope, alchemist kit (alchemy crafting kit, a backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, a flint and steel, ink, an inkpen, an iron pot, a mess kit, soap, 10 torches, 5 days trail rations, and waterskin) 6gp
Special Abilities
Bombs 3/day, 1s4+2 damage and 3 splash (Reflex DC 12 to half)
Mutagen +4 Strength, +2 natural armor, -2 Intelligence for 10 minutes

PrimarySpellbook “Soldier in a Bottle: A Guidebook to Alchemical Enhancements”
(4/100 pages)
1st: cure light wounds, enlarge person, shield, heightened awareness

Dark Archive

I would absolutely love to play through this AP. Dotting for interest. Maybe an kineticist, or a summoner.

GM Wulfson wrote:

@ LDDragon- As long as you can keep player knowledge and character knowledge separate I have no problem with you applying.

I was just about to ask if it was okay that I played through the Owlcat Kingmaker game but I guess that clears it up!

Dark Archive

Bluh. Rough week just stayed rough. Ah well, it is what it is.

Good luck to everyone!

Dark Archive

Hey there. I'm about 60% done with the character submission, but a tiny emergency has got me occupied. Would I be able to get an extension of about three or four hours on the deadline?

If not, here's the breakdown of his character sheet and 4/6 of the player questions

background fit for a business card:

Elf raised among humans, affected by the frequent death of friends and loved ones. Copes by leaning 200% into performing, treats combat itself as the grandest stage possible.

Fell in with the cult of Urgathoa, loved the bombastic nature and the emphasis on indulgence, but finds undeath itself disgusting and sees Urgathoa as more of a muse than a goddess. His very vocal opinions eventually got him labeled as a heretic, a label be bears with a dramatic pride. Currently in Sandpoint to indulge in the theater as well as engage in religious debate with the members of the new combi-church.

Player Questionnaire:

1. What time zone are you in? Central time
2. How long have you been playing TTRPGs? Since around the early 2000’s when I got my first taste with DnD 3rd edition. I’ve sinced tried games like Pathfinder, Vampire: The Masquerade, and Changeling: The Lost.
3. What's your favorite part about playing TTRPGs? Getting to roll up to the table with a weird character or a cool monster design and show it off to everyone else. Besides that, taking said weirdo on a journey with bombastic moments, engaging story beats, and plenty of opportunities for self expression.
4. What do you expect from this game? A chance to play with a character concept I’ve been bouncing around for a while, getting him involved with the world and seeing what kinds of fun situations can crop up from interacting with the party. That, and the occasional epic moment on the battlefield. Pathfinder is certainly a game of bombastic combat, after all!
5. What do you expect out of your fellow players?
6. What do you expect out of me?

Character Sheet:

This character has a physical appearance, which is summarized in this section

Daranil Aldaris
Male Wizard (Necromancer) 1
N Medium Humanoid (Elf)
Init +2; Perception +2
AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10 (+2 Dex)
hp 8 (1d6+2)
Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +2 (+1 against divine spells, +2 racial bonus vs enchantment spells and effects)
Speed 30 ft.
Melee +0 weapon +0 (0d0+0)
Ranged +0 weapon +0 (0d0+0)
Class spells known/prepared (CL 1st; concentration +5)
1st - spell, spell
0th - detect magic, dancing lights, arcane mark
Str 9, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 18, Wis 10, Cha 14
Base Atk 0; CMB -1; CMD 11
Feats (B)Scribe Scroll, (B)Command Undead
Traits (Ca)Student of the Faith, (Re)History of Heresy, (Ra) Dilettante Artist
Skills Knowledge (Arcana) +8, Knowledge (Religion) +8, Knowledge (History) +8, Diplomacy +4, Linguistics +8, Spellcraft +8, Artistry (forensics) +8, Perform (acting) +7, Survival +3
Languages Common, Elven, Draconic, Sylvan, Gnome, Goblin, Varisian
Combat Gear item, item, item
Other Gear item, item, wizard kit (backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, a flint and steel, ink, an inkpen, an iron pot, a mess kit, soap, a spell component pouch, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), and a waterskin), 49 gp
Special Abilities
Elven Immunities Elves are immune to magic sleep effects and gain a +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells and effects.
Keen Senses Elves receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception checks.
Elven Magic Elves receive a +2 racial bonus on caster level checks made to overcome spell resistance. In addition, elves receive a +2 racial bonus on Spellcraft skill checks made to identify the properties of magic items.
Weapon Familiarity Elves are proficient with longbows (including composite longbows), longswords, rapiers, and shortbows (including composite shortbows), and treat any weapon with the word “elven” in its name as a martial weapon.
Low-Light Vision Elves can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.
Arcane Bond Daranil has a moth familiar named Herald that grants him a +3 to Survival checks.
Arcane School Necromancy
Opposition Schools Abjuration and Enchantment

Spell Books:

PrimarySpellbook “A Virtuoso’s Guidebook to an Unforgettable Performance”
0: (all wizard cantrips)
1st: mage armor, burning hands, silent image, vanish, cause fear, enlarge person, ray of enfeeblement

Dark Archive

Okay, starting to get some ideas. I'm thinking of making a spiritualist.

Just so I know the limits, what's the general vibe that you'd prefer? Would it be too much of a shift if I went whole hog designing a monstrous Fear phantom? Does the very prospect of a Lust phantom at a table with pick-ups make you reflexively cringe?

Also, how do you feel about the phantom possibly being one of the recent murders? I obviously don't know much about the plot details, but perhaps I we could work something out. Even give the phantom muddled memories so we could (re)discover the details in real time.

Dark Archive

GM Peachbottom wrote:
If you have a character doing melee damage, you can't go wrong with power attack.

It's funny, really. In Society games I was always worried about my eidolons stealing too much spotlight or getting me odd looks. But Navia may very well end up the party's tank in the long haul. Not sure if I should get her power attack or start leaning on summons.

Maybe I'll see how things look at 3rd.

In any case, is it possible that future sessions may allow us downtime to retrain feats?

Dark Archive

Well, mark me down as interested!

One question, more for clarification than anything. All things guns are banned, but would you allow the gunslinger's Bolt Ace archetype? Pretty much ditches all of the gun stuff for a low-tech use of shooting mechanics.

Dark Archive

Here’s my entry. I hope it isn’t too late!


Trazgar was born among the orcs of Belkzen to a human mother and an orcish father. The former was a traveling adventurer who left not long after his birth and his father and the later was a tracker for his clan. Said clan, the Gorefists, were a smaller clan beset on all sides by rival orcs and were constantly seeking to prove themselves.

Trazgar quickly learned of the importance of strength, but held even greater value in his naturally deep and bellowing voice, which he often used when trying to intimidate potential threats. His penchant for screaming got him in a shouting match with the herald of a rival clan, one that lasted for so long it nearly blew out his vocal chords. Sadly, Trazgar ultimately lost the match and suffered a great blow to his pride.

Seeking to find a name for himself, he left his homeland for the neighboring land of Nirmathas. It was there that he hoped to find work as a bodyguard or mercenary against the various threats that troubled the poorly defended villages. All the better when he was captured by an Ironfang patrol. The harrowing experience gave nearly everything he needed: scars to prove his toughness, a great escape story to boast about, and a new hated foe to direct his violence and shouting.

After finding his freedom, the half-orc took on the moniker “Tuffgutz” as a way to advertise his prowess. He also dedicated himself to constructing great war banner, one that was tall enough for a foe to see coming from great distances and strike fear into any enemy who gazed upon it. The first decorations were three holy symbols: A symbol of Lamashtu left to him by his mother, a symbol of Gorum gifted to him by his father as a farewell gift, and a symbol of Cayden Cailean from an inquisitor that died during his rescue. Calling them the ”Rowdy Ruckus Pantheon,” Tuffgutz set out to honor their names in battle against the Ironfang.

Reasons for (Character) to adventure
- Find allies to build a warband capable of battling the great dangers of the land
- Collect war trophies to build the biggest, most frightening banner ever!

Character Sheet:

This character has a physical appearance, which is summarized in this section

Trazgar ”Tuffgutz” Gorefist
Male Standard Bearer Cavalier 1
CN Medium Humanoid (Human, Orc)
Init +1; Perception +0
AC 17, touch 11, flat-footed 16 (+6 armor, +1 Dex)
hp 13 (1d10+3)
Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +0
Speed 30 ft.
Melee “The Gorefist” oversized spiked gauntlet +3 (1d6+4), greataxe +5 (1d12+6)
Ranged javelins +2 (1d6+4)
Str 18, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 12
Base Atk +1; CMB +5; CMD 15
Feats Power Attack, (b)Precise Strike
Traits (Ca)Ironfang Survivor, (Co)Armor Expert
Skills Diplomacy +5, Knowledge (religion) +1, Intimidate +7, Climb +8, Artisan (war banners) +4, Perform (oratory) +5
Languages Common, Orcish
Combat Gear “The Gorefist” (oversized spiked gauntlet), greataxe, 5 javelins, breastplate, potion of cure light wounds, alchemist’s fire, wooden holy symbol of gorum, wooden unholy symbol of lamashtu, wooden holy symbol of cayden cailean
Other Gear fighter’s kit (backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, a flint and steel, an iron pot, a mess kit, rope, soap, 10 torches, 5 days of trail rations, and a waterskin), 8 gold.
Special Abilities
Intimidating Half-orcs receive a +2 racial bonus on Intimidate checks due to their fearsome nature.
Darkvision Half-orcs can see in the dark up to 60 feet.
Cliffside Charger Half-orcs with this racial trait can move through natural difficult terrain at their normal speed; magically altered terrain affects them normally. In addition, you gain a +10-foot racial bonus to speed while charging. This replaces orc ferocity and weapon familiarity.
Challenge Once per day, a cavalier can challenge a foe to combat. As a swift action, the cavalier chooses one target within sight to challenge. The cavalier’s melee attacks deal extra damage whenever the attacks are made against the target of his challenge. This extra damage is equal to the cavalier’s level. The cavalier can use this ability once per day at 1st level, plus one additional time per day for every three levels beyond 1st, to a maximum of seven times per day at 19th level.
Challenging a foe requires much of the cavalier’s concentration. The cavalier takes a –2 penalty to his Armor Class, except against attacks made by the target of his challenge.
The challenge remains in effect until the target is dead or unconscious or until the combat ends. Each cavalier’s challenge also includes another effect which is listed in the section describing the cavalier’s order.
Order Order of the Cockatrice.
Banner At 1st level, a cavalier’s banner becomes a symbol of inspiration to his allies and companions. As long as the cavalier’s banner is clearly visible, all allies within 60 feet receive a +2 morale bonus on saving throws against fear and a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls made as part of a charge. At 5th level, and every five levels thereafter, these bonuses increase by +1. The banner must be at least Small or larger and must be carried or displayed by the cavalier or his mount to function.
Tactician At 1st level, a cavalier receives a teamwork feat as a bonus feat. He must meet the prerequisites for this feat. As a standard action, the cavalier can grant this feat to all allies within 30 feet who can see and hear him. Allies retain the use of this bonus feat for 3 rounds plus 1 round for every two levels the cavalier possesses. Allies do not need to meet the prerequisites of these bonus feats. The cavalier can use this ability once per day at 1st level, plus one additional time per day at 5th level and for every 5 levels thereafter.

Mechanics in a nutshell:

Tuffgutz Gorefist is an unmounted melee cavalier with a mixture of beefy damage, support auras, and intimidation based debuffing. Future levels will include Dazzling Display, a few levels of Bard, and a full run of the Battle Herald prestige class to really lean into the image of a musclebound warrior barreling into terrified enemies while leading an epic charge!

And to top it off, here's a voice inspiration too :D

Dark Archive

GM Mahuffma wrote:
I see what you mean. Yeah, shifter counts.

Cool. I'll try to have something by 11 pm central, give or take.

Dark Archive

Last second bard here. Inventory is a placeholder and the skills are just listed as the ones I trained but it should give you an idea. Melee support bard who's going to go into the Bodyguard feat to protect allies and dip mysterious stranger gunslinger for a stylish backup ranged attack.


Riavaan Spiritsong has a head for stories, a heart for song, and a stomach for rum. Growing up in a seaside village, she fell in love with romanticized tales of pirates in the shackles and their grand adventures. She eventually set out to star in her on real-life story of high seas adventures, but met spectacular failure at every turn.

Her latest endeavor and her third attempt at landing a crew brought her to Alkenstar, where she hoped to find a suitable (read: affordable) cannoneer. The city’s mixture of prosperous wealth and corrupt upper class stoked a fire in her heart that burned hotter than the holes in her pockets. It was here that she attempted to establish herself as a real and fearsome pirate, despite what might be the worst possible choice of terrain this side of Osiron.

In a brilliant flash of luck, one of drunken boasts was mistaken for a credible threat by the local guards, and the aspiring pirate has earned her first real bounty. With a newfound vigor and the beginning if a reputation, she hopes to finally find herself a crew and become the pirate queen she always wanted to be!

Reasons for (Character) to adventure
- Prove she’s truly worth the crimes that she was accused of.
- Achieve immortality in song and story.
- Have a good time along the way!

Character Sheet:

This dashing woman has a rapier at her side and an outfit that fits the style of a Shackles pirate.

Riavaan Spiritsong
Female Bard 1
N Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init +4; Perception +4
AC 16, touch 14, flat-footed 12 (+2 armor, +0 natural, +0 shield, +4 Dex, +0 deflection)
hp 11 (1d8+3)
Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +2
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Rapier +4 (1d6+1) 18-20/x2
Ranged Light Crossbow +4 (1d8) 19-20
Bard spells known/prepared (CL 1st; concentration +3)
1st - Grease, Cure Light Wounds
Cantrips - detect magic, dancing lights, prestidigitation, know direction
Str 12, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 14
Base Atk +0; CMB +1; CMD 15
Feats Lingering Performance, Combat Reflexes
Traits (Co)Helpful, (Ma)Magical Knack (Bard)
Trained Skills Acrobatics, Climb, Linguistics, Perception, Profession (Sailor), Spellcraft, Stealth, Use Magic Device, Perform (Oratory), Perform (Singing)
Languages Common, Elven, Draconic
Combat Gear Rapier, Leather Armor, Light Crossbow with 10 bolts
Other Gear Bard’s Kit

Theme song

Dark Archive

GM Violant wrote:
@Rosc I'll just warn you now: Oozemorph might be a bit rough.

Oh I am well aware. I have Pathfinder Society experience with it.

Should get a sheet posted a little later today.

Dark Archive

Hey there! Got a trip to the clinic eating up some time but I'll try to get something up soon.

GM Mahuffma wrote:
Violant wrote:
Can you quickly tell me what counts as Base Class and Featured Race? I have a few ideas bouncing around in my head.

Base classes

featured races

Here are a couple links to each. Basically no outlandish stuff. If you want outlandish, and can convince me of how it fits and why, I might consider it.

Just to double check, does Shifter count as a base class? The linked list of classes doesn't show it, but the sidebar just over yonder lists it.

Dark Archive

Dotting for interest. Bouncing between two character ideas: Either a wastelands mutant Shifter (Oozemorph or Adaptive Shifter) or a self proclaimed pirate queen (Bard with a dip of Mysterious Stranger Gunslinger) who gets drunk and tells tall tales.

Decisions, decisions....

Dark Archive

Critzible wrote:

Well part of what Ill be introducing is a system to gain Race Points/Evolution Points to spend on your person. It has Side Effects

These Stones come from Sea Mines, Gill Men Mine.

Ohh, I love the idea that my character could seek out unusual transformations. If that's the case then I can skip synthesis entirely.

Maybe some kind of shifter? I suppose it depends on how we're doing stats. Point buy? Rolling?

Dark Archive

Critzible wrote:
Philo Pharynx wrote:
would you allow a synthesist summoner. Basically somebody who can turn into a sea monster.
Probably wouldnt allow a synthisist Summoner. Though I would look at it and see. Becuase it may be interesting with the idea I have

Synth summoner is brought in line pretty easily.

Rosc's Backseat Game Design:
1) The summoner has a single HP pool, instead of sharing one with his eidolon
2) Unchained spell list and the unchained version of the Pounce evolution
3) If that isn't enough, bring the form in line with Wild Shape. Synth form still uses the summoner's base stats, maybe with a +2 in the eidoilon's highest physical stat. Plus whatever it gets from natural scaling and evolutions, of course.

Once you remove the few ways to cheese the archetype, it becomes an even trade where you cut your action economy in half but the summoner himself keeps the evolutions. I'd argue it's a downgrade in overall power, but still very much strong enough to hold its own.

Dark Archive

I'm certainly interested. I've had a few ideas kicking around for a pirate character.

Question. I know you're not having the capitol-O Occult classes, but how would you feel about a kineticist? They play less like weirdboy psychics and more like sorcerers that trade damage potential for staying power.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Well, common wisdom is to roll before I settle on a concept, but let me make the Big Ask while I generate the numbers

Stat 1:: 4d6 - 1 ⇒ (6, 2, 3, 1) - 1 = 11
Stat 2:: 4d6 - 1 ⇒ (1, 5, 5, 5) - 1 = 15
Stat 3:: 4d6 - 1 ⇒ (1, 2, 6, 1) - 1 = 9
Stat 4:: 4d6 - 1 ⇒ (2, 4, 1, 3) - 1 = 9
Stat 5:: 4d6 - 1 ⇒ (2, 2, 4, 3) - 1 = 10
Stat 6:: 4d6 - 4 ⇒ (5, 4, 6, 5) - 4 = 16

The Big Ask:

I would like to play an APG Summoner with the Synthesis artchetype. It isn't as overwhelming as people initially assume (cutting your actions in half hurts) but there are a couple rebalances I'd like to propose.

1) The eidoon form uses your normal hit points. That way there's no more silly HP juggling.
2) The eidolon form uses your own stats, so no more cheesy summoner with 8/8/12 str/dex/con. With maybe a simple +2 in its highest physical stat as well as whatever you get from evolutions. This brings it in line with the druid's Wild Shape, which is a more stable baseline.

The advantageous spell list is worth examining, but I'd say it would work to the party's benefit with quicker access to buff and utility spells. Also works well when taking magic item crafting feats.

The actual character concept is an aspiring tailor who got caught up in the shattered world business and met The Clothier, an extraplanar creature who wishes to mend the fabric of reality. The build would be a melee support that uses the Bodyguard feat and spells to keep allies safer.

Bonus favor:

This imposing figure of patchwork cloth slouches over, still towering over most humanoids. Its lanky body is covered in a flowing overcoat that looks like several styles of clothing fused together. A spinning wheel protrudes from its back, slowly pulling strands from its body and feeding them back in. One hand deftly holds a pair of oversized scissors while the other wears a glove whith fingers that end in sharpened sewing needles. Two eyes of white cloth with button irises focus on you as it approaches.

Dark Archive

Congrats to everybody that got in!

But hey, if you ever need a filler in the future, feel free to keep Mieosa in your Rolodex and hit me up when the time comes.

Dark Archive

Congrats on getting in!

Dark Archive

Sorry for the delay. Hilidays, a holiday related work rush, and general complications with Unchained have set me back. I'll have my character ready this evening after my late shift.

Mechanics are mostly sorted, I just need to write up the backstory questions and settle on their names.

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