nightdeath's page

***** Pathfinder Society GM. 5,775 posts (21,955 including aliases). 1 review. No lists. No wishlists. 62 Organized Play characters. 22 aliases.

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Male Elf CN Gestalt Druid (Nature Fang) / Shifter (Mooncaller) 7| 30ft speed | HP: 62/62| AC: 26/21/22|Init: +5|Perc: +14|Fort: +13|Ref: +15|Will: +16|CMB: +9 CMD: 22|C.LB +1:+11;1d8+3|Q.Staff: +9;1d6+3|Claws: +11;1d6+4|
Acro:+14| App:+3|Bluff:+0|Clim:+6|Diplo:+0|Disg:+0|E.A:+4|Fly:+8|H.A:+5|Heal:+10|Inti :+0|K.Nat:+13|K.Geo+13|K.Pla:+6|K/Loc:+4|Ling:+10|Ride:+4|SM:+6|Sleight:+10 |Spell:+13|Stealth:+14|Sur:+14|UMD:+0|

Also I'm currently in a losing fight with my back injury flaring up again so am on pain meds and can sometimes be found facedown on my keyboard.

So.....just to let you know in case there's a string of letters posted..

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Male Ifrit Sorceror Elemental: Water () 5 / Oracle Flame (Seeker) 2 -6
Active Conditions:
Mage Armor +4AC, Shield +4AC
| HP: 17/47-30| AC: 14/16/13|Init: +7|Perc: +4|Fort: +4|Ref: +5|Will: +7|CMB: +4 CMD: 15|Acid: +6;1d3|Frost:1d3|Disrupt:1d6|Fire Ray:1d6+1|Q.Staff: +3;1d6|
Acro:+6| App:+2|Bluff:+9|Clim:+0|Diplo:+10|DD:+13|Disg:+4|E.A:+3|H.A:+4|Heal:-1|Inti :+10|K.Arc:+8|K.Pla/Reli:+7/6|Ling:+9|Ride:+3|SM:-1|Sleight:+10|Spell:+10|S tealth:+4|Sur:-1|UMD:+10|

"Oh Guardian. Lion of the Five Heavens. Saluations to you." Urah begins.

"As my gnoll companion has stated, we have faced evils and brought them down. You say a Paladin attempted but failed and thus you do not want any other to risk their lives. A true and compassionate Guardian you are but we are not so heartless to turn out backs on something that could prove a danger to other travellers who arrive at this Oasis. Let us help. We could at least attempt to put the Brave Paladin at rest or find out more on what spawns this evil. If we can destroy the source, we would. Else at least we can provide more information on what is in there." He lays their case before the mighty creature hoping it wouldn't take offence and eat him.

Diplomacy 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 10 = 27

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Male Elf CN Gestalt Druid (Nature Fang) / Shifter (Mooncaller) 7| 30ft speed | HP: 62/62| AC: 26/21/22|Init: +5|Perc: +14|Fort: +13|Ref: +15|Will: +16|CMB: +9 CMD: 22|C.LB +1:+11;1d8+3|Q.Staff: +9;1d6+3|Claws: +11;1d6+4|
Acro:+14| App:+3|Bluff:+0|Clim:+6|Diplo:+0|Disg:+0|E.A:+4|Fly:+8|H.A:+5|Heal:+10|Inti :+0|K.Nat:+13|K.Geo+13|K.Pla:+6|K/Loc:+4|Ling:+10|Ride:+4|SM:+6|Sleight:+10 |Spell:+13|Stealth:+14|Sur:+14|UMD:+0|

I take it the chaos of the battle force Lykan to use abilites he rarely use so now on the ground there's a kungfu bear fighting the enemy.

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Male Elf CN Gestalt Druid (Nature Fang) / Shifter (Mooncaller) 7| 30ft speed | HP: 62/62| AC: 26/21/22|Init: +5|Perc: +14|Fort: +13|Ref: +15|Will: +16|CMB: +9 CMD: 22|C.LB +1:+11;1d8+3|Q.Staff: +9;1d6+3|Claws: +11;1d6+4|
Acro:+14| App:+3|Bluff:+0|Clim:+6|Diplo:+0|Disg:+0|E.A:+4|Fly:+8|H.A:+5|Heal:+10|Inti :+0|K.Nat:+13|K.Geo+13|K.Pla:+6|K/Loc:+4|Ling:+10|Ride:+4|SM:+6|Sleight:+10 |Spell:+13|Stealth:+14|Sur:+14|UMD:+0|

When the moment of disorientation passes, THe elf bites back a curse as he realizes that there's a rift right in their own back lines. Grabbing a few quivers.

The elf Bites back a curse as he finally lets the othe side of him take over as he leaps straight into combat!
His shape blurring as his form shifts into one more suited for such close form of combat, he lands with an astounding crash and swipes his mighty paws across!!!

From the pile of crushed enemy soliders, Stands a large Bear with a Fox Head!!! It might have being amusing if not for the fact that a single blow sends several soldiers flying and they're starting to realize that this particular bear is more then your average trained bear as it executes a drop kick on a gaping enemy.

Wild Shaped into Bear with all my current enhancements. lol
Ever see a bear with Barkskin, cat's grace and fighting like a martial artist?

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Male Ifrit Sorceror Elemental: Water () 5 / Oracle Flame (Seeker) 2 -6
Active Conditions:
Mage Armor +4AC, Shield +4AC
| HP: 17/47-30| AC: 14/16/13|Init: +7|Perc: +4|Fort: +4|Ref: +5|Will: +7|CMB: +4 CMD: 15|Acid: +6;1d3|Frost:1d3|Disrupt:1d6|Fire Ray:1d6+1|Q.Staff: +3;1d6|
Acro:+6| App:+2|Bluff:+9|Clim:+0|Diplo:+10|DD:+13|Disg:+4|E.A:+3|H.A:+4|Heal:-1|Inti :+10|K.Arc:+8|K.Pla/Reli:+7/6|Ling:+9|Ride:+3|SM:-1|Sleight:+10|Spell:+10|S tealth:+4|Sur:-1|UMD:+10|

I have finally cleared all work related stuff and have time to read through and post!!!

Beers for everyone especially myself.

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Male Dwarf Fighter (Sensate) 7| 25ft speed | HP: 66/73 | AC: 23/14/18|Init: +8| Perc: +11| Fort: +8| Ref: +5| Will: +4| CMB: +11| CMD: 24| Moon's Edge: +14/+8;1d10+7| D. Maulaxe: +12/+6;1d6+5| Longbow: +10/+4;1d8| 2-weapon: +13/+10/+5 |
Acro+9| App+2| H.A+4| Heal+2| Inti+2|K.Eng/Dun+5| K.Dun+4|Ling+4|Ride+4| SM+8| Sur+8| Swim+5|

I have finally cleared all work related stuff and have time to read through and post!!!

Beers for everyone especially myself.

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Male Elf CN Gestalt Druid (Nature Fang) / Shifter (Mooncaller) 7| 30ft speed | HP: 62/62| AC: 26/21/22|Init: +5|Perc: +14|Fort: +13|Ref: +15|Will: +16|CMB: +9 CMD: 22|C.LB +1:+11;1d8+3|Q.Staff: +9;1d6+3|Claws: +11;1d6+4|
Acro:+14| App:+3|Bluff:+0|Clim:+6|Diplo:+0|Disg:+0|E.A:+4|Fly:+8|H.A:+5|Heal:+10|Inti :+0|K.Nat:+13|K.Geo+13|K.Pla:+6|K/Loc:+4|Ling:+10|Ride:+4|SM:+6|Sleight:+10 |Spell:+13|Stealth:+14|Sur:+14|UMD:+0|

I have finally cleared all work related stuff and have time to read through and post!!!

Beers for everyone especially myself.

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Male Dwarf Fighter (Sensate) 7| 25ft speed | HP: 66/73 | AC: 23/14/18|Init: +8| Perc: +11| Fort: +8| Ref: +5| Will: +4| CMB: +11| CMD: 24| Moon's Edge: +14/+8;1d10+7| D. Maulaxe: +12/+6;1d6+5| Longbow: +10/+4;1d8| 2-weapon: +13/+10/+5 |
Acro+9| App+2| H.A+4| Heal+2| Inti+2|K.Eng/Dun+5| K.Dun+4|Ling+4|Ride+4| SM+8| Sur+8| Swim+5|

Koldur begins, his voice soft yet commanding, reaching into every corner of the room. His words clear and leaves no room for mistakes.

"From the beginning, a group of us foiled an ambush from vampires and a horde of their spawn. Sable, my oldest and dearest friend sword master and sword smith both. Brother Henric charmer, woodsmen of faith, Skirt chaser. D, resolute yet impeccable in manners and etiquette.
Xara Ozolins, mistress of summons and a voice of soft reason. Oscar Cray the III, Noble warrior despite his bloodline always sought to do what was right. Razaniel, Holy Brawler, rough but pure. Trust him to watch your back. We took to the roads fleeing and relieved a siege caused by yet more undead from a dwarven fortress. This was the beginning but we were not to be alone."
he pauses as he smiles.

"We were joined by more stalwarts as some of our numbers fell or forced to head back due to circumstances. Dorgar, Edelsmirge, Alembic, Baradim, Helferick Darkhelm, Halseen Surtova, Hadran, The Fallen,Ingvarr Battlecaller, Hundor, Hykan the Traveller, Ingvarr Battlecaller, Jasrella Domas, Jevar T'soryn, Johanna "The Cat" Sinclair, Lothorian Sativa, Lord Christian D'Elagante, Nemana Suranti, Meir the Dragon, Rai Thydel, Reknar, Reknar Heldergast, Seraphina Medvyed, Sylvester Asimov, Vitaliano da Riva, Toki Wolfrider, Olivira and Zod" He names each of the heroes that he has travelled with. Some present, some on duty, some who had fallen and others whose fates remain unknown.

"Bandits, Nobles, Warriors, Slaves, Rogues, Monks, Bards, Druids, Clerics, Outcasts, Hermits, Farmers, Hunters, Common free folk, wizards, Warlocks and even those of the other races. We came together to build a kingdom. Some of us remain within the kingdom, doing what they beleived in. Some of us took up seats including myself in a council built on respect, trust and the belief to build a kingdom that all could call home. Some of have fallen in our continued endeavors to fulfil that dream. Some of us have walked another path and we do not know all of their fates." he looks at Flouncy, Beorn, Loarin and Olivra.

"Heroes one and all. Pioneers and defenders of the people. I have served under 2 kings and have watched a Princess grow to become a Queen. I have slayed enemies. I have defended those unable to defend themselves. I have venerated the gods as best as I can," he pauses and grins.
" the best of my abilities."

Raising his arms as he speaks. His eyes clearly no longer capable of sight yet clear in their unwavering gaze.
"I have watched the communities and families as best as Erastil would dictate. I have adhered to Honor and Justice in the name of Iomedae. I have seen and admired the Creation of Torag. Bring light into the hearts of people where I could like Sarenrae. Despite having no talent in the arts, I still appreciate the beauty they bring like Shelyn. I enjoy festivals for they are what brings the people happiness in times that are hard with the blessing of Cayden Cailean. Observing and enforcing the laws is my way of praising Abadar for keeping the kingdom safe and ordered. Irori, though I do not follow the exact path, my devotion to my axes are no less as devout as your followers to your creed. Gozreh, I have tasted and endured your wrath, fury and blessings upon my own body as I travelled the kingdom like Desna would have. In every battle, I have fought to my full ability and in this Gorum would have watched every move I have made in them. Nethys have shown me the creation and destruction that can be wrought by Magic and my own axe has being enhanced by his grace. In time Pharasma, I would be claimed by you but let me smite down the undead abominations that still harass this lands." he lowers his hands.

"Let the gods so named judge me and my actions. Let the Council hear my renewed oath that I'll strive and fight to my dying breath to build a kingdom where all who seeks to live their lives in safety are able to do so. I have no talent for Magics. I have no skill for the arts of subterfuge. What I do ask is to seek aid and lend me your guidance and powers so that I may continue to do what I do best to the fullest of my ability. I am Koldur of the Axe and these are my words."

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Male Dwarf Fighter (Sensate) 7| 25ft speed | HP: 66/73 | AC: 23/14/18|Init: +8| Perc: +11| Fort: +8| Ref: +5| Will: +4| CMB: +11| CMD: 24| Moon's Edge: +14/+8;1d10+7| D. Maulaxe: +12/+6;1d6+5| Longbow: +10/+4;1d8| 2-weapon: +13/+10/+5 |
Acro+9| App+2| H.A+4| Heal+2| Inti+2|K.Eng/Dun+5| K.Dun+4|Ling+4|Ride+4| SM+8| Sur+8| Swim+5|
Flouncy Magoo wrote:

I've been making Flouncy into a gestalt version of himself. Not done yet, but holy cow!

The skills, alone. Then you add the magic. Rogue/Wizard beats the crap out of arcane trickster! XD

Yes it does. No restriction on SA, skills and magic progression.

Best of both worlds indeed.

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Male Dwarf Fighter (Sensate) 7| 25ft speed | HP: 66/73 | AC: 23/14/18|Init: +8| Perc: +11| Fort: +8| Ref: +5| Will: +4| CMB: +11| CMD: 24| Moon's Edge: +14/+8;1d10+7| D. Maulaxe: +12/+6;1d6+5| Longbow: +10/+4;1d8| 2-weapon: +13/+10/+5 |
Acro+9| App+2| H.A+4| Heal+2| Inti+2|K.Eng/Dun+5| K.Dun+4|Ling+4|Ride+4| SM+8| Sur+8| Swim+5|

"Yes we do and my offer includes that an offer of lodging and meals. An offer that might carry heavy responsibility and might not be to your tastes. I would like to recruit you to join our fledging kingdom. You could bring about some needed change to the temples and ensure that the people are not short changed." Koldur says seriously not liking how the last temple had shown him.

"The people is what makes up the kingdom and having them strong and able to access healing and services freely and at a fair price is what the kingdom is striving for."

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Male Dwarf Fighter (Sensate) 7| 25ft speed | HP: 66/73 | AC: 23/14/18|Init: +8| Perc: +11| Fort: +8| Ref: +5| Will: +4| CMB: +11| CMD: 24| Moon's Edge: +14/+8;1d10+7| D. Maulaxe: +12/+6;1d6+5| Longbow: +10/+4;1d8| 2-weapon: +13/+10/+5 |
Acro+9| App+2| H.A+4| Heal+2| Inti+2|K.Eng/Dun+5| K.Dun+4|Ling+4|Ride+4| SM+8| Sur+8| Swim+5|

Yes I did fall down the stairs but to be honest I was running high on adrenaline and made a near perfect hero's landing on my feet. I did slam my hand on the steps somewhat to counter balance myself but I think that action was what did it for me. My finger likely bore the brunt of it.

The pain wasn't so bad.

What's bad is......
It's so g+~ d!*m itchy and I can't scratch it beneath the all the bandages and splints.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------

I'm not sure what's a good class to gestalt with and still keep to being a martial other then barbarian.

Paladin might be a good fit but spells removes it from equation.

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Male Ifrit Sorceror Elemental: Water () 5 / Oracle Flame (Seeker) 2 -6
Active Conditions:
Mage Armor +4AC, Shield +4AC
| HP: 17/47-30| AC: 14/16/13|Init: +7|Perc: +4|Fort: +4|Ref: +5|Will: +7|CMB: +4 CMD: 15|Acid: +6;1d3|Frost:1d3|Disrupt:1d6|Fire Ray:1d6+1|Q.Staff: +3;1d6|
Acro:+6| App:+2|Bluff:+9|Clim:+0|Diplo:+10|DD:+13|Disg:+4|E.A:+3|H.A:+4|Heal:-1|Inti :+10|K.Arc:+8|K.Pla/Reli:+7/6|Ling:+9|Ride:+3|SM:-1|Sleight:+10|Spell:+10|S tealth:+4|Sur:-1|UMD:+10|

Oh dead. I mean Dear.
Will save vs DC 14 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11 shaken. so shaken he's stirred.
Knowledge (Religion) 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11

Urah flees away from the screams!!!!
His screams mixing with the otherworldly screams.

Sovereign Court

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The PCU calls you.

Pathfinder CORE universe that is.

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Male Elf CN Gestalt Druid (Nature Fang) / Shifter (Mooncaller) 7| 30ft speed | HP: 62/62| AC: 26/21/22|Init: +5|Perc: +14|Fort: +13|Ref: +15|Will: +16|CMB: +9 CMD: 22|C.LB +1:+11;1d8+3|Q.Staff: +9;1d6+3|Claws: +11;1d6+4|
Acro:+14| App:+3|Bluff:+0|Clim:+6|Diplo:+0|Disg:+0|E.A:+4|Fly:+8|H.A:+5|Heal:+10|Inti :+0|K.Nat:+13|K.Geo+13|K.Pla:+6|K/Loc:+4|Ling:+10|Ride:+4|SM:+6|Sleight:+10 |Spell:+13|Stealth:+14|Sur:+14|UMD:+0|

Back. Catching up with the thread.

Oh how it has bloomed.

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Male Elf CN Gestalt Druid (Nature Fang) / Shifter (Mooncaller) 7| 30ft speed | HP: 62/62| AC: 26/21/22|Init: +5|Perc: +14|Fort: +13|Ref: +15|Will: +16|CMB: +9 CMD: 22|C.LB +1:+11;1d8+3|Q.Staff: +9;1d6+3|Claws: +11;1d6+4|
Acro:+14| App:+3|Bluff:+0|Clim:+6|Diplo:+0|Disg:+0|E.A:+4|Fly:+8|H.A:+5|Heal:+10|Inti :+0|K.Nat:+13|K.Geo+13|K.Pla:+6|K/Loc:+4|Ling:+10|Ride:+4|SM:+6|Sleight:+10 |Spell:+13|Stealth:+14|Sur:+14|UMD:+0|

Thanks Quince.
That will come in helpful

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Male Elf CN Gestalt Druid (Nature Fang) / Shifter (Mooncaller) 7| 30ft speed | HP: 62/62| AC: 26/21/22|Init: +5|Perc: +14|Fort: +13|Ref: +15|Will: +16|CMB: +9 CMD: 22|C.LB +1:+11;1d8+3|Q.Staff: +9;1d6+3|Claws: +11;1d6+4|
Acro:+14| App:+3|Bluff:+0|Clim:+6|Diplo:+0|Disg:+0|E.A:+4|Fly:+8|H.A:+5|Heal:+10|Inti :+0|K.Nat:+13|K.Geo+13|K.Pla:+6|K/Loc:+4|Ling:+10|Ride:+4|SM:+6|Sleight:+10 |Spell:+13|Stealth:+14|Sur:+14|UMD:+0|

Sulvanli finds Lykan facing probably the greatest evil he has ever had to face.


The Elf's sour face lightens up as he places down a parchment detailing the number of goats they had and the distribution for them among the mountain place. He needed climbers to keep up with these goats!

"Welcome back Sulvani. I trust that Quince and the others are well and catching up. I appreciate this ring. It'll indeed make things easier for us. I apologise for not being a better host but as you can see, things are a little disorganized for now as we settle the people's basic needs first and ensure that even if winter hits hard, we are still self sufficient."

Sulvani will note that the elf's hands seems a mite hairy with rather large claws that reveal and hide themselves intermittently in place of his normal fingernails.

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Male Dwarf Fighter (Sensate) 7| 25ft speed | HP: 66/73 | AC: 23/14/18|Init: +8| Perc: +11| Fort: +8| Ref: +5| Will: +4| CMB: +11| CMD: 24| Moon's Edge: +14/+8;1d10+7| D. Maulaxe: +12/+6;1d6+5| Longbow: +10/+4;1d8| 2-weapon: +13/+10/+5 |
Acro+9| App+2| H.A+4| Heal+2| Inti+2|K.Eng/Dun+5| K.Dun+4|Ling+4|Ride+4| SM+8| Sur+8| Swim+5|

Koldur now has no problems with gaze attack and spells. lol.

Will make taking the Blind fight feats a little more fun and gives character development since Koldur was initially one of the oldest Adventurer in the group if not the oldest.

Got to show that Age is catching up but this dwarf ain't letting it bring him down.

How many years has Koldur being in this campaign anyway? I didn't count.

(Edit. Since 2013. Damm that's long.)

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Male Elf CN Gestalt Druid (Nature Fang) / Shifter (Mooncaller) 7| 30ft speed | HP: 62/62| AC: 26/21/22|Init: +5|Perc: +14|Fort: +13|Ref: +15|Will: +16|CMB: +9 CMD: 22|C.LB +1:+11;1d8+3|Q.Staff: +9;1d6+3|Claws: +11;1d6+4|
Acro:+14| App:+3|Bluff:+0|Clim:+6|Diplo:+0|Disg:+0|E.A:+4|Fly:+8|H.A:+5|Heal:+10|Inti :+0|K.Nat:+13|K.Geo+13|K.Pla:+6|K/Loc:+4|Ling:+10|Ride:+4|SM:+6|Sleight:+10 |Spell:+13|Stealth:+14|Sur:+14|UMD:+0|

Ok then.

Needed to add to my profile.

Explorer Outfit
Cloak of resistance +5
Shifter's Headband +4
Amulet of Mighty Fist +2
Ring of Protection +2 (from stash if approved.)

Wish: Druid's Vestment -3750gp

Grand Lodge

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(CORE) Female Half Elf Barbarian 2 | HP: 23/23| AC: 16/12/14|Init: +6| Perc: +12| Fort: +6| Ref: +2| Will: +2| CMB: +5| CMD: 17| E.C. Blade: +5;1d10+4| Longbow: +3;1d8|
Acro:+4|App:+0|Bluff:-1|Climb:+0|Dip:-1|DD:-1|Dis:-1|E.A:-1|H.A:-1|Heal:+2| Inti:-1| K.(Nat):+6|Linguis:+0|Ride:-1|Sleight:-1|SM:+2|Spell:+0|Stealth:-1|Sur:+6|S wim:+4|UMD:-1|
Rage 6/8/day


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Male Dwarf Fighter (Sensate) 7| 25ft speed | HP: 66/73 | AC: 23/14/18|Init: +8| Perc: +11| Fort: +8| Ref: +5| Will: +4| CMB: +11| CMD: 24| Moon's Edge: +14/+8;1d10+7| D. Maulaxe: +12/+6;1d6+5| Longbow: +10/+4;1d8| 2-weapon: +13/+10/+5 |
Acro+9| App+2| H.A+4| Heal+2| Inti+2|K.Eng/Dun+5| K.Dun+4|Ling+4|Ride+4| SM+8| Sur+8| Swim+5|

lol Rolling a 1 nets you a total of 39. Awesome.

Koldur loses sight of Flouncy and isn't sure where the halfling went. The his voice came floating by and still no halfling in sight.

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Male Ifrit Sorceror Elemental: Water () 5 / Oracle Flame (Seeker) 2 -6
Active Conditions:
Mage Armor +4AC, Shield +4AC
| HP: 17/47-30| AC: 14/16/13|Init: +7|Perc: +4|Fort: +4|Ref: +5|Will: +7|CMB: +4 CMD: 15|Acid: +6;1d3|Frost:1d3|Disrupt:1d6|Fire Ray:1d6+1|Q.Staff: +3;1d6|
Acro:+6| App:+2|Bluff:+9|Clim:+0|Diplo:+10|DD:+13|Disg:+4|E.A:+3|H.A:+4|Heal:-1|Inti :+10|K.Arc:+8|K.Pla/Reli:+7/6|Ling:+9|Ride:+3|SM:-1|Sleight:+10|Spell:+10|S tealth:+4|Sur:-1|UMD:+10|

Yeah momentum is the key here. I'm enjoying this game with stellar posts from Gnasher and GM. It helps to keep the game moving

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Male Elf CN Gestalt Druid (Nature Fang) / Shifter (Mooncaller) 7| 30ft speed | HP: 62/62| AC: 26/21/22|Init: +5|Perc: +14|Fort: +13|Ref: +15|Will: +16|CMB: +9 CMD: 22|C.LB +1:+11;1d8+3|Q.Staff: +9;1d6+3|Claws: +11;1d6+4|
Acro:+14| App:+3|Bluff:+0|Clim:+6|Diplo:+0|Disg:+0|E.A:+4|Fly:+8|H.A:+5|Heal:+10|Inti :+0|K.Nat:+13|K.Geo+13|K.Pla:+6|K/Loc:+4|Ling:+10|Ride:+4|SM:+6|Sleight:+10 |Spell:+13|Stealth:+14|Sur:+14|UMD:+0|

Round 11-12

Lykàn discovers the adverse nature of an itch as he gets one down his back and being unable to do anything about it.
Paralysis and an Itch.

A seriously unpleasant sensation.

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Male Ifrit Sorceror Elemental: Water () 5 / Oracle Flame (Seeker) 2 -6
Active Conditions:
Mage Armor +4AC, Shield +4AC
| HP: 17/47-30| AC: 14/16/13|Init: +7|Perc: +4|Fort: +4|Ref: +5|Will: +7|CMB: +4 CMD: 15|Acid: +6;1d3|Frost:1d3|Disrupt:1d6|Fire Ray:1d6+1|Q.Staff: +3;1d6|
Acro:+6| App:+2|Bluff:+9|Clim:+0|Diplo:+10|DD:+13|Disg:+4|E.A:+3|H.A:+4|Heal:-1|Inti :+10|K.Arc:+8|K.Pla/Reli:+7/6|Ling:+9|Ride:+3|SM:-1|Sleight:+10|Spell:+10|S tealth:+4|Sur:-1|UMD:+10|

Tarak's snowball might hit if he was blinded.....

so fail that glitter dust save!!!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Male Elf Graveknight Gesalt AntiPaladin(Fearmonger) / Magus (Armored Battlemage) 7 | HP: 113 (+7)/113 (+7) | SR 20| AC: 31/17/26| DR 10/Magic |Init: +11| Perc: +22| Fort: +8| Ref: +15| Will: +18| CMB: +16| CMD: 31| ECB: +23/+18;1d10+13| TE:+25/+20;1d10+16 | AL.Bow: +13/+8;1d8+9|
Acro:+3|App:+6|Bluff:+6|Clim:+8|Diplo:+6|Disg:+10|E.A:+0|Fly:+4|H.A:+10|Hea l:+5|Inti:+24|K.Dun:+11|K.Eng:+8|K.Pla/Arc/Reli:+17|Ling:+8|Ride:+12|SM:+9| Sleight:+6|Spell:+17|Steal:+10|Sur:+5|UMD:+10|Pro(Chef):+15|L.(Reci):+13|

Some how there's dragons.

An explosion in town.

Our Guest NPC snacking on cookies while blowing up the said above town.

We are scattered and no likely direction. So being lost is something I can understand.

No I don't know where the dragons came from since it just appeared from some place else with no particular mention of them much until they arrive.

What I do know is right now, someone is attempting pull our NPC Axlendraiz into an illusion and get her into explosion mode. Some of our Party are attempting to solve it but it doesn't seem to involve all or most of us, just those who happened to be there.

Heck I'm just riding around pulling montages and giving my best impression of.............

Next Time in Dragonballz Overlord Remake!

Sovereign Court

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Then you guys unleash enough doom and gloom upon your foes before being a squishy matters.


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Male Ifrit Sorceror Elemental: Water () 5 / Oracle Flame (Seeker) 2 -6
Active Conditions:
Mage Armor +4AC, Shield +4AC
| HP: 17/47-30| AC: 14/16/13|Init: +7|Perc: +4|Fort: +4|Ref: +5|Will: +7|CMB: +4 CMD: 15|Acid: +6;1d3|Frost:1d3|Disrupt:1d6|Fire Ray:1d6+1|Q.Staff: +3;1d6|
Acro:+6| App:+2|Bluff:+9|Clim:+0|Diplo:+10|DD:+13|Disg:+4|E.A:+3|H.A:+4|Heal:-1|Inti :+10|K.Arc:+8|K.Pla/Reli:+7/6|Ling:+9|Ride:+3|SM:-1|Sleight:+10|Spell:+10|S tealth:+4|Sur:-1|UMD:+10|


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Ifrit Sorceror Elemental: Water () 5 / Oracle Flame (Seeker) 2 -6
Active Conditions:
Mage Armor +4AC, Shield +4AC
| HP: 17/47-30| AC: 14/16/13|Init: +7|Perc: +4|Fort: +4|Ref: +5|Will: +7|CMB: +4 CMD: 15|Acid: +6;1d3|Frost:1d3|Disrupt:1d6|Fire Ray:1d6+1|Q.Staff: +3;1d6|
Acro:+6| App:+2|Bluff:+9|Clim:+0|Diplo:+10|DD:+13|Disg:+4|E.A:+3|H.A:+4|Heal:-1|Inti :+10|K.Arc:+8|K.Pla/Reli:+7/6|Ling:+9|Ride:+3|SM:-1|Sleight:+10|Spell:+10|S tealth:+4|Sur:-1|UMD:+10|

""New friends? Those?" Urah grumbles about the so called new friends Gnasher is offering Urah to be friendly with.

"I'll follow along but they growl at me the wrong way, I'm running away." he shrugs as he follows the big gnoll.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Ifrit Sorceror Elemental: Water () 5 / Oracle Flame (Seeker) 2 -6
Active Conditions:
Mage Armor +4AC, Shield +4AC
| HP: 17/47-30| AC: 14/16/13|Init: +7|Perc: +4|Fort: +4|Ref: +5|Will: +7|CMB: +4 CMD: 15|Acid: +6;1d3|Frost:1d3|Disrupt:1d6|Fire Ray:1d6+1|Q.Staff: +3;1d6|
Acro:+6| App:+2|Bluff:+9|Clim:+0|Diplo:+10|DD:+13|Disg:+4|E.A:+3|H.A:+4|Heal:-1|Inti :+10|K.Arc:+8|K.Pla/Reli:+7/6|Ling:+9|Ride:+3|SM:-1|Sleight:+10|Spell:+10|S tealth:+4|Sur:-1|UMD:+10|

Urah hastily accepts the proffered wands and potions.
Gnasher's questions confuses him.

"Talk? Talk to who?" he pauses.

"If you mean the trogs, they might turn on us next if they think they can get away with it, in my little opinion."

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Ifrit Sorceror Elemental: Water () 5 / Oracle Flame (Seeker) 2 -6
Active Conditions:
Mage Armor +4AC, Shield +4AC
| HP: 17/47-30| AC: 14/16/13|Init: +7|Perc: +4|Fort: +4|Ref: +5|Will: +7|CMB: +4 CMD: 15|Acid: +6;1d3|Frost:1d3|Disrupt:1d6|Fire Ray:1d6+1|Q.Staff: +3;1d6|
Acro:+6| App:+2|Bluff:+9|Clim:+0|Diplo:+10|DD:+13|Disg:+4|E.A:+3|H.A:+4|Heal:-1|Inti :+10|K.Arc:+8|K.Pla/Reli:+7/6|Ling:+9|Ride:+3|SM:-1|Sleight:+10|Spell:+10|S tealth:+4|Sur:-1|UMD:+10|
miteke wrote:
Just need Urah to do his awesome, fantastic, gnoll reducing attack.

Urah gives you a bug eyed stare.


Then scuttles behind cover.

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Male Elf Graveknight Gesalt AntiPaladin(Fearmonger) / Magus (Armored Battlemage) 7 | HP: 113 (+7)/113 (+7) | SR 20| AC: 31/17/26| DR 10/Magic |Init: +11| Perc: +22| Fort: +8| Ref: +15| Will: +18| CMB: +16| CMD: 31| ECB: +23/+18;1d10+13| TE:+25/+20;1d10+16 | AL.Bow: +13/+8;1d8+9|
Acro:+3|App:+6|Bluff:+6|Clim:+8|Diplo:+6|Disg:+10|E.A:+0|Fly:+4|H.A:+10|Hea l:+5|Inti:+24|K.Dun:+11|K.Eng:+8|K.Pla/Arc/Reli:+17|Ling:+8|Ride:+12|SM:+9| Sleight:+6|Spell:+17|Steal:+10|Sur:+5|UMD:+10|Pro(Chef):+15|L.(Reci):+13|


Deniable Plausibility tickles me

and The Marauders are just a continuation of the above.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Elf Graveknight Gesalt AntiPaladin(Fearmonger) / Magus (Armored Battlemage) 7 | HP: 113 (+7)/113 (+7) | SR 20| AC: 31/17/26| DR 10/Magic |Init: +11| Perc: +22| Fort: +8| Ref: +15| Will: +18| CMB: +16| CMD: 31| ECB: +23/+18;1d10+13| TE:+25/+20;1d10+16 | AL.Bow: +13/+8;1d8+9|
Acro:+3|App:+6|Bluff:+6|Clim:+8|Diplo:+6|Disg:+10|E.A:+0|Fly:+4|H.A:+10|Hea l:+5|Inti:+24|K.Dun:+11|K.Eng:+8|K.Pla/Arc/Reli:+17|Ling:+8|Ride:+12|SM:+9| Sleight:+6|Spell:+17|Steal:+10|Sur:+5|UMD:+10|Pro(Chef):+15|L.(Reci):+13|

Welcome Tank.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Male Elf Graveknight Gesalt AntiPaladin(Fearmonger) / Magus (Armored Battlemage) 7 | HP: 113 (+7)/113 (+7) | SR 20| AC: 31/17/26| DR 10/Magic |Init: +11| Perc: +22| Fort: +8| Ref: +15| Will: +18| CMB: +16| CMD: 31| ECB: +23/+18;1d10+13| TE:+25/+20;1d10+16 | AL.Bow: +13/+8;1d8+9|
Acro:+3|App:+6|Bluff:+6|Clim:+8|Diplo:+6|Disg:+10|E.A:+0|Fly:+4|H.A:+10|Hea l:+5|Inti:+24|K.Dun:+11|K.Eng:+8|K.Pla/Arc/Reli:+17|Ling:+8|Ride:+12|SM:+9| Sleight:+6|Spell:+17|Steal:+10|Sur:+5|UMD:+10|Pro(Chef):+15|L.(Reci):+13|

Just poped by to say.....

Those builds by now are Not Gunslingers.

They're a Rail Cannon and a Gundam Beam Spam respectively.

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Male Dwarf Cleric 5 (Divine Paragon) / Evangelist 2 |HP: 74/74|AC: 16/12/14|Init:+1|Perc:+11|Fort:+9|Ref:+5|Will:+9|CMB:+7|CMD:18|L.XB +1:+5;1d8|Warhammer:+7;1d8+4|Dagger:+5;1d4+3|
Acro:+4|App:+6|Bluff:+0|Clim:+1|Diplo:+5|Disg:+0|E.A:-1|H.A:+0|Heal:+7|Inti :+0|K.Reli:+12|K.Eng:+5|K.Pla/His:+7|K.Nob/Arc:+3|Ling:+6|Ride:-1|SM:+12|Sp ell:+5|Stea:-1|Sur:+8|UMD:+0|

I as a player know of the Pathfinder Society. Drasven does not know them well enough other then that they are an organization.

Drasven spends time to clean the house thoroughly from top to bottom, often using Detect magic to check for any suspicious items that should not belong in the house. If they were going to use this as a place to stay, at least they should make it liveable.

He wonders how the rest are doing though.......He straightens up. Armed with a cloth bandana covering his nose, and various cleaning implements upon his back as he goes to war.

A war against the dirt of the house.

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Male Elf Graveknight Gesalt AntiPaladin(Fearmonger) / Magus (Armored Battlemage) 7 | HP: 113 (+7)/113 (+7) | SR 20| AC: 31/17/26| DR 10/Magic |Init: +11| Perc: +22| Fort: +8| Ref: +15| Will: +18| CMB: +16| CMD: 31| ECB: +23/+18;1d10+13| TE:+25/+20;1d10+16 | AL.Bow: +13/+8;1d8+9|
Acro:+3|App:+6|Bluff:+6|Clim:+8|Diplo:+6|Disg:+10|E.A:+0|Fly:+4|H.A:+10|Hea l:+5|Inti:+24|K.Dun:+11|K.Eng:+8|K.Pla/Arc/Reli:+17|Ling:+8|Ride:+12|SM:+9| Sleight:+6|Spell:+17|Steal:+10|Sur:+5|UMD:+10|Pro(Chef):+15|L.(Reci):+13|

I claim Chef/groundskeeper/etc

My domain shall be the kitchen!

I have gained immunity to cold, electricity and fire while dealing additional Fire damage as is wont for my Undead Chef.

His Four underlings as a joke are his left hand/right hand, left leg and right leg companions.

All Skeletons with the corresponding classes.
Rogue, Ranger, Wizard, Oracle. Don't expect to see them much as they're meant for comic relief.

Currently AC 19 without feats, gear or anything
Fort 6, Ref 13 will 16
Defensive Abilities: A graveknight gains channel resistance +4; DR 10/magic; and immunity to cold, electricity, and any additional energy type noted by its ruinous revivification special quality. A graveknight also gains spell resistance equal to its augmented CR + 11.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Elf Graveknight Gesalt AntiPaladin(Fearmonger) / Magus (Armored Battlemage) 7 | HP: 113 (+7)/113 (+7) | SR 20| AC: 31/17/26| DR 10/Magic |Init: +11| Perc: +22| Fort: +8| Ref: +15| Will: +18| CMB: +16| CMD: 31| ECB: +23/+18;1d10+13| TE:+25/+20;1d10+16 | AL.Bow: +13/+8;1d8+9|
Acro:+3|App:+6|Bluff:+6|Clim:+8|Diplo:+6|Disg:+10|E.A:+0|Fly:+4|H.A:+10|Hea l:+5|Inti:+24|K.Dun:+11|K.Eng:+8|K.Pla/Arc/Reli:+17|Ling:+8|Ride:+12|SM:+9| Sleight:+6|Spell:+17|Steal:+10|Sur:+5|UMD:+10|Pro(Chef):+15|L.(Reci):+13|

Five skeletons walks in.
One seems medium and elvish like while the others seems to be a mix of a kobold, goblin, halfling and a gnome.

They strike a pose!

"Form Legs and arms!" the goblin and kobold seems to break apart and form two vaguely leg like bones.

"Form Arms and Torso!" The halfling and Gnome does the same to form arms and parts of a torso. More Halfling then gnome forms the torso though.

"And I'll form the head!" The Medium sized Figure jumps out and has all four limbs connected to him in place of his own arms and legs whil other bone parts smashes into his own face to reform greater parts of the torso and finally a larger skull.

Pieces of Armor and weapons fly in attaching themselves to the figure.

He strikes a pose.
still medium sized.............

"I am Ginza!!!!"

Sovereign Court

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Jacen Benedictt wrote:

The Aerial Half-Celestial Arcanist is possibly even cooler than being a Bralani; a little more humanocentric, but he's VERY outsider-ish.

Wow - might almost be time to resurrect Jacen ...
What did we say was the build limit? 7HD? 9?

We're using the below provided by one of the players.

Philo Pharynx wrote:

Based on what characters we've seen, here's what I suggest for the rules

7 hit dice. You can have two of the following: (monster hd, template (1-2 cr), gestalt levels)

If that is the case, then you could go with:

* A normal race, two templates, 7 levels of a single class
* Monster with X HD, no templates, (7-x) levels of gestalt
* Monster with X HD, one template, (7-x) levels a single class

It would technically allow the following options, but those might be questionable:

* A normal race, one template, 7 levels of gestalt
* Monster with 7 HD, one template, no class

We're not really going by CR. There's no official mod for gestalt, and monster CR can be higher or lower than HD. It's a mess. It'll end up between 7 and 11 by the calculations, but that doesn't take synergies into consideration.

I think we might want to compare AC, saves, spell DC's and attacks. If any of us are too off the average, it'll make challenging the party tough.

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Male Ifrit Sorceror Elemental: Water () 5 / Oracle Flame (Seeker) 2 -6
Active Conditions:
Mage Armor +4AC, Shield +4AC
| HP: 17/47-30| AC: 14/16/13|Init: +7|Perc: +4|Fort: +4|Ref: +5|Will: +7|CMB: +4 CMD: 15|Acid: +6;1d3|Frost:1d3|Disrupt:1d6|Fire Ray:1d6+1|Q.Staff: +3;1d6|
Acro:+6| App:+2|Bluff:+9|Clim:+0|Diplo:+10|DD:+13|Disg:+4|E.A:+3|H.A:+4|Heal:-1|Inti :+10|K.Arc:+8|K.Pla/Reli:+7/6|Ling:+9|Ride:+3|SM:-1|Sleight:+10|Spell:+10|S tealth:+4|Sur:-1|UMD:+10|

Urah can grumble about the day's event being quiet and boring hereby earning himself the Jinx of the party.

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Male Dwarf Fighter (Sensate) 7| 25ft speed | HP: 66/73 | AC: 23/14/18|Init: +8| Perc: +11| Fort: +8| Ref: +5| Will: +4| CMB: +11| CMD: 24| Moon's Edge: +14/+8;1d10+7| D. Maulaxe: +12/+6;1d6+5| Longbow: +10/+4;1d8| 2-weapon: +13/+10/+5 |
Acro+9| App+2| H.A+4| Heal+2| Inti+2|K.Eng/Dun+5| K.Dun+4|Ling+4|Ride+4| SM+8| Sur+8| Swim+5|

Thanks for playing with us on this long journey.

I wish you all the best and may we meet again on the boards once more.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Elf CN Gestalt Druid (Nature Fang) / Shifter (Mooncaller) 7| 30ft speed | HP: 62/62| AC: 26/21/22|Init: +5|Perc: +14|Fort: +13|Ref: +15|Will: +16|CMB: +9 CMD: 22|C.LB +1:+11;1d8+3|Q.Staff: +9;1d6+3|Claws: +11;1d6+4|
Acro:+14| App:+3|Bluff:+0|Clim:+6|Diplo:+0|Disg:+0|E.A:+4|Fly:+8|H.A:+5|Heal:+10|Inti :+0|K.Nat:+13|K.Geo+13|K.Pla:+6|K/Loc:+4|Ling:+10|Ride:+4|SM:+6|Sleight:+10 |Spell:+13|Stealth:+14|Sur:+14|UMD:+0|

I'm about to be initiated.

I'm a sub story in the background as the Main Protagonists proceeds to lay mayhem upon our foes....

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Ifrit Sorceror Elemental: Water () 5 / Oracle Flame (Seeker) 2 -6
Active Conditions:
Mage Armor +4AC, Shield +4AC
| HP: 17/47-30| AC: 14/16/13|Init: +7|Perc: +4|Fort: +4|Ref: +5|Will: +7|CMB: +4 CMD: 15|Acid: +6;1d3|Frost:1d3|Disrupt:1d6|Fire Ray:1d6+1|Q.Staff: +3;1d6|
Acro:+6| App:+2|Bluff:+9|Clim:+0|Diplo:+10|DD:+13|Disg:+4|E.A:+3|H.A:+4|Heal:-1|Inti :+10|K.Arc:+8|K.Pla/Reli:+7/6|Ling:+9|Ride:+3|SM:-1|Sleight:+10|Spell:+10|S tealth:+4|Sur:-1|UMD:+10|
'Gnasher' Red Claw wrote:
I thought maybe you'd want the neckless of fireballs, we may as well use it up, it's free this level, once we level up if we want any of the items we'll have to pay for them

Yes but I'm not the only one who could use it. :P

I imagine Tarak bombardment with that item.

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Male Human Gesalt Paladin (Faithful Wanderer)/Fighter (Unbreakable) 1 | HP: 13/13| AC: 17(18)/12/15(16)|Init: +2| Perc: +7| Fort: +4| Ref: +2| Will: +2| CMB: +4| CMD: 16| Falchion: +4;2d4+4| Morningstar: +4;1d8+3| Longbow +3;1d8|
Acro:-1|App:+2|Bluff:+3|Clim:+-1| Diplo:+3|Disguise:+3|E.A:-1|H.A:+3|Heal:+0|Inti:+7|K.Pla/Reli:+6|Ling:+2|Ri de:-2|SM:+0|Sleight:=2|Spell:+2|Stealth:+2|Sur:+4|Swim:-1|UMD:+3|

Windsworn checks if their equipment was with them, surely the elven wizard wouldn't be so crass as to rob them of their meagre gear would he?

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Some of us have yet to have broken past 300 steel........

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Male Ifrit Sorceror Elemental: Water () 5 / Oracle Flame (Seeker) 2 -6
Active Conditions:
Mage Armor +4AC, Shield +4AC
| HP: 17/47-30| AC: 14/16/13|Init: +7|Perc: +4|Fort: +4|Ref: +5|Will: +7|CMB: +4 CMD: 15|Acid: +6;1d3|Frost:1d3|Disrupt:1d6|Fire Ray:1d6+1|Q.Staff: +3;1d6|
Acro:+6| App:+2|Bluff:+9|Clim:+0|Diplo:+10|DD:+13|Disg:+4|E.A:+3|H.A:+4|Heal:-1|Inti :+10|K.Arc:+8|K.Pla/Reli:+7/6|Ling:+9|Ride:+3|SM:-1|Sleight:+10|Spell:+10|S tealth:+4|Sur:-1|UMD:+10|

ermm so AoE will get both of you lol.

And [insert name] comes running in with a steel chair!!!!!

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Male Human Gesalt Paladin (Faithful Wanderer)/Fighter (Unbreakable) 1 | HP: 13/13| AC: 17(18)/12/15(16)|Init: +2| Perc: +7| Fort: +4| Ref: +2| Will: +2| CMB: +4| CMD: 16| Falchion: +4;2d4+4| Morningstar: +4;1d8+3| Longbow +3;1d8|
Acro:-1|App:+2|Bluff:+3|Clim:+-1| Diplo:+3|Disguise:+3|E.A:-1|H.A:+3|Heal:+0|Inti:+7|K.Pla/Reli:+6|Ling:+2|Ri de:-2|SM:+0|Sleight:=2|Spell:+2|Stealth:+2|Sur:+4|Swim:-1|UMD:+3|

I'll drop them the link. lol and yes no Minotaurs will be in the Large signage.

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Male Human Sorcerer () 10 | HP: 85/85| AC: 14/13/11|Init: +6| Perc: +12| Fort: +7| Ref: +8| Will: +11| CMB: +5| CMD: 16| Ray:+7;1d3| Dagger: +4;1d4| +2 Keen mage's crossbow:+9;1d8|
Acro:+5|App:+15|Bluff:+10|Clim:+0| Diplo:+19|Disguise:+4|E.A:+2|Fly:+7|H.A:+14|Heal:+2|Inti:+10|K.Arc:+15|K.Lo c:+10|K.Pla:+3|K.Reli:+3|Ling:+11|Ride:+2|SM:+2|Sleight:+2|Spell:+21|Stealt h:+4|Sur:+2|Swim:+0|UMD:+15|

Brek pulls out a wand.

Wand of Charm Monster.
Will Save DC 16
SR 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20
DC obtained: 10+Minimum spell level )4) +minimum ability score 14 (2) = 16
Caster level: minimum caster level of 7.

With a flourish he bids the wand to use its power on the creature..

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Male Ifrit Sorceror Elemental: Water () 5 / Oracle Flame (Seeker) 2 -6
Active Conditions:
Mage Armor +4AC, Shield +4AC
| HP: 17/47-30| AC: 14/16/13|Init: +7|Perc: +4|Fort: +4|Ref: +5|Will: +7|CMB: +4 CMD: 15|Acid: +6;1d3|Frost:1d3|Disrupt:1d6|Fire Ray:1d6+1|Q.Staff: +3;1d6|
Acro:+6| App:+2|Bluff:+9|Clim:+0|Diplo:+10|DD:+13|Disg:+4|E.A:+3|H.A:+4|Heal:-1|Inti :+10|K.Arc:+8|K.Pla/Reli:+7/6|Ling:+9|Ride:+3|SM:-1|Sleight:+10|Spell:+10|S tealth:+4|Sur:-1|UMD:+10|

Urah shrugs and swaggers.
"Obviously someone who understands money." he proclaims proudly.

No Urah doesn't worship any diety.

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Male Human Gesalt Paladin (Faithful Wanderer)/Fighter (Unbreakable) 1 | HP: 13/13| AC: 17(18)/12/15(16)|Init: +2| Perc: +7| Fort: +4| Ref: +2| Will: +2| CMB: +4| CMD: 16| Falchion: +4;2d4+4| Morningstar: +4;1d8+3| Longbow +3;1d8|
Acro:-1|App:+2|Bluff:+3|Clim:+-1| Diplo:+3|Disguise:+3|E.A:-1|H.A:+3|Heal:+0|Inti:+7|K.Pla/Reli:+6|Ling:+2|Ri de:-2|SM:+0|Sleight:=2|Spell:+2|Stealth:+2|Sur:+4|Swim:-1|UMD:+3|

RL hit with with a warhammer using flurry of blows.
Need some time to get back.

Sovereign Court

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Chronicle Sheets GM Busy At Work........

Hey Otha, another player PMed me and helped me resolve the issue.

Something to do with data traffic being mixed. Resetting my router did the trick.
Thank you for the response and offer.

Dark Archive

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Male Nagaji Fighter (Aquanaut) 1 / Oracle of Battle () 1 | HP: 21/21| AC: 16/10/15|Init: +1| Perc: +2| Fort: +5| Ref: +2| Will: +3| CMB: +4| CMD: 15| L.Spear+4;1d8+4|Spear+2;1d8+3/4|
Acro:-1| App:+0|Bluff:+1|Clim:+4| Diplo:+7|Disguise:+3|E.A:-2| H.A:+5| Heal:+4| Inti:+3|K.Pla:+4|K.Reli:+4|Ling:+0|Ride:-2|SM:+0|Sleight:-2|Spell:+0|Stealt h:-2| Sur:+6| Swim:+4| UMD:+3|

"Even without sight, Justice will show me the Light as I smite down all that worship's evil's might." Dimlock steps forward and brandishes his blade.

Readied Attack 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 91d8 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Nagaji Fighter (Aquanaut) 1 / Oracle of Battle () 1 | HP: 21/21| AC: 16/10/15|Init: +1| Perc: +2| Fort: +5| Ref: +2| Will: +3| CMB: +4| CMD: 15| L.Spear+4;1d8+4|Spear+2;1d8+3/4|
Acro:-1| App:+0|Bluff:+1|Clim:+4| Diplo:+7|Disguise:+3|E.A:-2| H.A:+5| Heal:+4| Inti:+3|K.Pla:+4|K.Reli:+4|Ling:+0|Ride:-2|SM:+0|Sleight:-2|Spell:+0|Stealt h:-2| Sur:+6| Swim:+4| UMD:+3|

Be the hero. Take them all out by yourself with none of us the wiser.

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