Quince Medvyed |

Donuts with the Duke
He agrees with Bearik, then adds, "Which would you like established first, Restov or Varnhold? The system does have some security measures in place only someone with an activated ring of the kingdom may access it without permission. We have built an information house nearby to each of the waypoints where anyone without a ring can get permission though only for the trip."
Quince nods and shrugs, "The people of Varnhold need help. They weren't suffering prior to the Lich kidnapping but they were not seeing the same prosperity that we have seen. I would build their first. So that we can have a swift response to needs. Unless you recommend otherwise."

Quince Medvyed |

Donuts with the Duke
With Quinces affirmation, he states, "Good we will start in Restov tomorrow, then in a week head to Varnhold."
oops looks like I got Ninja'd.
Quince nods, "Restov first? If that is what you think is needed." He chuckles sorry "When I said sounds good I was agreeing with your plans for the property. Which gate would I want first absent your council Varnhold."

Sulvanii |

He asks, "Shall we deploy the legion to Varnhold, only a few platoons have had a chance at action since you have been gone away Quince."

Quince Medvyed |

Its really up to you if her demeanor as you are playing her is preferring to stay that's cool. As a player I make the offer because originally Cleo was making sure that Elizabeth stayed home out of some duty. Quince wants her to be herself. So he isn't trying to drag her along. He wants her happy. Wherever she is happiest is where he wants her.

Quince Medvyed |

He asks, "Shall we deploy the legion to Varnhold, only a few platoons have had a chance at action since you have been gone away Quince."
I don't know what percentage of the nations military you are proposing here. My intention in posts above was to have each of the Wardens in kingdom roles send a few people to assess the needs and then we can start filling those needs either through relocating assests there. I would imagine that Saren would want some soldiers, Tristan whose role is defensive would send a few guards but more likely someone who knows what defenses to build, Kevros would want to send some Reeves right away to get a lay of the land in and around Varnhold. In other words I thought many of the posts above rp'd through this question and I am not sure what Sulvanii means exactly. This might be just that we have been back and forth a bunch.

Quince Medvyed |

Quince nods at Sulvanii's suggestion. "We will deploy as we discussed. Yes."

Sulvanii |

Quince nods at Sulvanii's suggestion. "We will deploy as we discussed. Yes."
He looks at you a bit confused. He then states, "I offered to send the legion, though your suggestion was to send a handful of each Warden to Varnhold. Which will you want? The legion is the entirety of our army. Ten platoons and a hundred soldiers in each platoon, so roughly 1,000 soldiers. Though the Nomen are neutral towards Varnhold. So likely one platoon would be adequate. Maybe Saren's favorite, the silver platoon?"

Lykàn Delĩss |

While Quince and the others are still in Varnhold.
"In truth , your words do make sense and I can see that the people of Varnhold will need a steady hand until another can be found to lead them well. I shall accept this task for now and look to settling the people down to these lands."
While the rest are having Donuts.
Will Save 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (12) + 10 = 22
True to his word, the elf begins the arduous task of getting the people of Varnhold settled in. Knowing full well what his limits were, he appoints former ballifs and mayors to get the people moving while he works hand in hand with those who work the lands. The Farmers, the Hunters and their like.
Food was something they needed to secure first while all available skilled labor be put to task to restoring homes and facilities. Any priests or mages of sufficient level, he asks for them to aid in producing food and aid to those in need.
With his own hands he picks a site and builds a small shrine to Erecura. With that done, he feels something. A blessing given by her. A small trial perhaps but he relishes it. His own quest was done. His Hunt was finished. He could put to rest his regrets in not saving his Son after his killers had being brought to Justice. Perhaps one day like the lands that the flames had razed and were now blooming in recovery so will his own heart.
For now he turns and gazes upon Varnhold. This Protector of the Lands had a another duty. To see that Varnhold prosper and live with Nature in harmony.
He knew his own reputation, his skills and what he had seen. Time to apply it to these lands.
He could wait while the rest handled business back in Elkheart.

Quince Medvyed |

He looks at you a bit confused. He then states, "I offered to send the legion, though your suggestion was to send a handful of each Warden to Varnhold. Which will you want? The legion is the entirety of our army. Ten platoons and a hundred soldiers in each platoon, so roughly 1,000 soldiers. Though the Nomen are neutral towards Varnhold. So likely one platoon would be adequate. Maybe Saren's favorite, the silver platoon?"
Quince chuckles, "By Erastil's furry spring antlers I am tired. Sorry I missed something. Legion, no that seems like overkill and would leave us undefended here. Make sure those on the assessment team have the details, rough size of the town and its people. Assume not many warriors in the town. They can bring what they want provisionally and after they get there and see what the real needs are can start making functional adjustments." He chuckles, "Legion. I think I thought you said contingent."
I have questions before we talk more about army stuff.

Kevros Droverson |

Kevros eyes grew large at the mention of sending a legion to Varnhold and then smiled as Quince mentioned he was tired ... he chuckled a bit and looks at Quince ... "You had me worried there my friend. While the legion needs practice, I do think it is too soon to dispatch a legion or even a centura and not be seen as an occupying tyrannical army. I will join Lykàn and bring some of my Reeves with us. Although, for now, Reeve Mungunk will remain here but I want him on stand by and our soldiers should be on standby just in case we do need rapid deployment of a greater presence in force. What is the current population of Varnhold, anyone know or have a guess so I can bring the correct amount of Reeves to restore and/or keep order? Brother Stalker should send some of his men or hire loyalist and see if there are any potential issues we should be aware of that are not currently apparent to us like we do most of the time when a new area comes under our influence."
Kevros pauses
Are we sure we want to use Roman troop sizes? ... lol. A centura is 80 to 100 men.

Quince Medvyed |

Donuts with the Duke
He agrees with Bearik, then adds, "Which would you like established first, Restov or Varnhold? The system does have some security measures in place only someone with an activated ring of the kingdom may access it without permission. We have built an information house nearby to each of the waypoints where anyone without a ring can get permission though only for the trip."
Quince thinks a moment. "So its a full network of locations, each location has one of the obelisks I saw outside. You use the scroll and part of the casting ritual picks which obelisk." He looks over one of the scrolls. "Its a lengthy ritual. Probably about 10 minutes to cast. How many of these scrolls do we have. That seems like a powerful spell. Expensive to make. I think these would sell for what 1,100 . . .1,200 at market." He taps the scroll to his chin and chuckles. "If we have enough of these for . . . looks like up to 5 people could go through. That effectively means even when we are ranging or exploring camping is unnecessary, we could be home every night. If we have enough of these. But that price."

Quince Medvyed |

Are we sure we want to use Roman troop sizes? ... lol. A centura is 80 to 100 men.
LOL I don't know the whole idea for me was say something in the RP that was fluff to show I was concerned about the people. Its evolved into math that I am sure Quince and other people who actually live in the world know, but that as a player typing at home in Florida has no idea.

Kevros Droverson |

Kevros adds to Quince being home every night ... "Or if possible, rapidly be in another area if needed. Of course, we will have to be careful with that if there is truly a transport limit? But being home every night would be nice. The down side is you all would miss Katrina's fine field cooking."[/b]

Bearik |

Sulvanii wrote:Quince thinks a moment. "So its a full network of locations, each location has one of the obelisks I saw outside. You use the scroll and part of the casting ritual picks which obelisk." He looks over one of the scrolls. "Its a lengthy ritual. Probably about 10 minutes to cast. How many of these scrolls do we have. That seems like a powerful spell. Expensive to make. I think these would sell for what 1,100 . . .1,200 at market." He taps the scroll to his chin and chuckles. "If we have enough of these for . . . looks like up to 5 people could go through. That effectively means even when we are ranging or exploring camping is unnecessary, we could be home every night. If we have enough of these. But that price."Donuts with the Duke
He agrees with Bearik, then adds, "Which would you like established first, Restov or Varnhold? The system does have some security measures in place only someone with an activated ring of the kingdom may access it without permission. We have built an information house nearby to each of the waypoints where anyone without a ring can get permission though only for the trip."
"Well there are two experimental magical devices. A box and a simple stone. The stone is much more stable as the box let's you take more people. Interested?"

Bearik |

Quince thinks a moment. "So its a full network of locations, each location has one of the obelisks I saw outside. You use the scroll and part of the casting ritual picks which obelisk." He looks over one of the scrolls. "Its a lengthy ritual. Probably about 10 minutes to cast. How many of these scrolls do we have. That seems like a powerful spell. Expensive to make. I think these would sell for what 1,100 . . .1,200 at market." He taps the scroll to his chin and chuckles. "If we have enough of these for . . . looks like up to 5 people could go through. That effectively means even when we are ranging or exploring camping is unnecessary, we could be home every night. If we have enough of these. But that price."
"Yes its a full network of locations. I have about a dozen scrolls left, yes they are worth about 1,200. Yes you can be home every night. These items both work once per day, so after 10 uses it will have paid for itself."

Quince Medvyed |

Quince nods, "Who else can scribe this scroll? I look forward to learning how to cast the spell if its something I can learn.
"Okay so there is a box and a stone too." He looks at Bearik trying to put it together, "What does they do?" He shrugs, "Do they cast Town Portal in place of the Scroll?

Bearik |

"As long as they have the spell, any arcane caster could create it."
At the mention of the items he raises his hands one holding a box and the other holding a swirling stone. "These do the same thing but they can only be activated once per day. Though they are magical wondrous items that are not consumed with use. There is a 1% chance that the box explodes when used. They are the first prototypes."

Quince Medvyed |

"So the stone is stable? But the box might blow up?" He nods "If the stone replaces the need for scrolls all the time then yeah that seems like a good call."

Bearik |

Bearik chuckles a bit and says, "With prototypes, anything could happen. The stone has a point one percent chance of doing something weird. It is much more stable than the box. So you want to try out the stone?" If Quince says yes he tosses it to him. Sulvanii uses mage hand to grab it and float it to Quince.

Quince Medvyed |

Quince smiles, "We have scrolls for now if you think the stone needs further testing. And the box sounds like it needs more testing but it will help more people travel at the same time."

Sulvanii |

After returning to Varnhold, he tracks down Dinenen and Lykan.
He offers each of them, "Here I have an upgrade for you. It is a Greenwatch Ring of Prot. +3, with sustenance, communication, Dungeon ring, and regeneration 1. This will help Quince and Elizabeth keep track of the Wardens."

Quince Medvyed |

"What I want is to be spoiled. As such I am spoiled here by my father and you. But I am happy when you pressure me. Oh I am so happy! It is just magnified when you are next to me. Your warm and tender touches."
I think based on this post and Elizabeth's post before it. She is talking me asking her to go. Which was an out of character question I posted elsewhere. I am sure that Quince would ask so its cool I just went to find where I asked and realized it might have been on Messenger.
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (18) + 14 = 32 Does she want to go. Or just want me to keep asking, but would rather stay home assuming I am back quickly. Is this a test. That I am supposed to know the answer to? Well 32. Do I have a hard answer.
After donuts with the Duke Quince makes a tray of some of Elizabeth's favorites and heads back into their room. He sets the tray down and just watches Elizabeth a moment. Finally he disrobes and slinks back into bed. When she stirs things he kisses her on the neck. "Good morning."
After they share another passionate respite together, he brings the tray to bed. "See all of your favorites. A little cold. I had to things to deliver the morning. I figured this one cold is better than the other one. He winks playfully."
"Sulvanii and your father . . . you know how they play off each other's accomplishments and one explains it like they did it but it was really the other one." He squint in fake rage, "They have come up with a new Spell that works with these Obelisks. Long story short. Even when ranging and exploring it is possible that we could be home most nights. I am sure there will still be times where it not possible, and we can run out of scrolls to cast the spell . . . at least till the perfect the stone that lets you cast the spell once per day. If you stay home. I could be back with you each night. If you come along we can still be home each night and I can watch that 9 tailed tush of yours all day."

Elizabeth Silvertail |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

She happily states, "Yes thank you! I can warm them up if I want." She then takes a bite from one of the tarts.
"Yeah..." she says drawing it out to see if there was something more to it.
"Exactly so I will get to see you each night!" She exclaims happily.

Lykàn Delĩss |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Sulvanli finds Lykan facing probably the greatest evil he has ever had to face.
The Elf's sour face lightens up as he places down a parchment detailing the number of goats they had and the distribution for them among the mountain place. He needed climbers to keep up with these goats!
"Welcome back Sulvani. I trust that Quince and the others are well and catching up. I appreciate this ring. It'll indeed make things easier for us. I apologise for not being a better host but as you can see, things are a little disorganized for now as we settle the people's basic needs first and ensure that even if winter hits hard, we are still self sufficient."
Sulvani will note that the elf's hands seems a mite hairy with rather large claws that reveal and hide themselves intermittently in place of his normal fingernails.

Quince Medvyed |

Kevros eyes grew large at the mention of sending a legion to Varnhold and then smiled as Quince mentioned he was tired ... he chuckled a bit and looks at Quince ... "You had me worried there my friend. While the legion needs practice, I do think it is too soon to dispatch a legion or even a centura and not be seen as an occupying tyrannical army. I will join Lykàn and bring some of my Reeves with us. Although, for now, Reeve Mungunk will remain here but I want him on stand by and our soldiers should be on standby just in case we do need rapid deployment of a greater presence in force. What is the current population of Varnhold, anyone know or have a guess so I can bring the correct amount of Reeves to restore and/or keep order? Brother Stalker should send some of his men or hire loyalist and see if there are any potential issues we should be aware of that are not currently apparent to us like we do most of the time when a new area comes under our influence."
Quince smiles, "You'll like it. My heart is in the forest but the mountains are beautiful." He rolls out a map and points, "There are quite a few outlying farms. The village itself." He frowns, "Just about 40 people were recovered from the lich. Many were lost. The buildings already there suggest many more lived in the village at one point or another. Let's get our eyes on it. Sulvanii is heading back via magic. There are quite a few people he will be mobilizing there."
Once back in Varnhold he smiles at Lykan's efforts. He smiles as Sulvanii gives out the rings, "You both have earned a place among the wardens if you want it." He motions to Kevros, "This is Kevros Droverson, Warden of the Sword, he set up and leads the Reeves. Kevros this is Lykan Deliss recently named Viceroy of Varnhold and Dinenen evangelist of Iori."
He motions to an older middle aged man, "This is Hobert. He is one of the folk of Varnhold he was on the town council prior to the Vanishing." He motions to a few other people that came in behind he, Kevros and Sulvanii. "Lykan, Hobert, this is Sherm Hillstock he brought his abacus and will be offering advice on finances and coordinating with Selena Greenwatch's Warden of Coin."
Sherm a middle aged chubby halfling stops puffing his pipe long enough to smile and add, "At your service."
Quince motions to the next person in line, "This is Barrister Malcus Godbolt." Quince chuckles "It is a very intimidating name. He was picked by Larina Morgan Greenwatch's Warden of the Gavel. He will make sure justice is fair and swift." The aging man fit and carries himself as once a warrior nods with firm hmm. Quince waits a moment and then realizes that's all Malcus is gonna say.
He moves to the next person an elven woman whose brown hair is in a tight bun, her eyes show the passage of time even if her features do not. She smiles politely as she is introduced. "This is Lindrila she has been a teacher for more than 400 years. She is currently taking some time here in Varnhold having been serving at the Scientia Academy in Elkheart. She has the ear of Cleo whom was with us in the first leg of the expedition our Warden of the Scroll. She will look to matters of education."
Quince smiles, "Hobert. Why don't you show these folks the town. I know that there are some vacant houses lets get them settled let them get a look at the records. They will likely have many questions for you."
Quince smiles and sits across from Lykan. "Let Sherm manage the . . . goats is it . . . the goat count. My grand father used to tell a story about General Hestor, he was a famed general from a campaign against Iboria." He waves his hand to get to the real point. "When he was young he fostered with a number of promising aristocratic military minds at the New Stetven College of War. There was a question that the students were asked prior to graduation. The question was answered wrong for decades." He holds up his hand motioning to the air as he details the question. "You arrive at a hilltop fort that you are give charge over. The surrounding hills are higher by about 10 feet. One of your tasks in taking charge is to erect a flag pole so that the banner of the fort can be seen from a distance of 7 miles." He pauses a moment, "Most students begin calculations on the height of the flagpole. What needs to be built. Earthworks that would dig up hills. Not Hestor. Without a beat lost Hestor he looked the test proctor and said, when I get to the fort I find the sargent at arms and tell him I need a flag pole here high enough that the banner of the fort can be seen at distance of 7 miles. The first to get the question right since it was put on the test." He smiles, "Hobert is the sargent at arms. He will do what he did for the city before we arrived. Look after its needs. If he has concerns he was just introduced to a whole new set of resources to meet those concerns. He will touch base with you regularly. Matters of large import he will look for your judgement on. You are here for when unforeseen things rear their head, and to ensure that system that you just met meets the needs of your people. Don't worry when Hobert or the others visit you they will want your approval or to spend more money then they thought or have some bad news."

Quince Medvyed |

Quince looks at Lykan and Dinenen, "Did I miss anything while I visited home?"
Quince heads out to where Katrina is working. "I was going to get the big cauldron going. You make even magic food taste better. It can feed any in need without your help but if you wish you can spice it up."
He sets up the cauldron by the well as he has for the last few days since the people have returned and gets it started. A short while later enough food for 36 people is ready to supplement whatever else is available. He moves to the Waterhorse Tavern he knows the owner was not recovered and that a few folks were looking to run the business until the village settles ownership. He nods to one of the ladies tidying up the place. "We are setting up for some food for those that might be short. I don't want that undercutting you. I set the cauldron just outside by the well. If folks could come in and get a chair and I have a full cauldron but no plates." He then sets 40 gold on the table. "That should cover the use of your space and your settings."
Quince sends a couple kids running to spread the word that extra food is on for any in need. As folks come out he speaks to them and speaks about what their needs are and sends to folks to speak to.

Quince Medvyed |

Quince finds Sulvanii, "We spoke about the Occulus and destroying it. Do we have everything we need. To summon an angel, blind the angel and heal the blindness. Katrina can blind and remove it if we find a willing angel."
Unless this was trivial enough for Sulvanii that it has already been done.

Katrina Dewtree |

She does bring her spices along to spruce up the meal. Though she doesn't bring much.
cooking: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (1) + 11 = 12

Sulvanii |

Quince finds Sulvanii, "We spoke about the Occulus and destroying it. Do we have everything we need. To summon an angel, blind the angel and heal the blindness. Katrina can blind and remove it if we find a willing angel."
Unless this was trivial enough for Sulvanii that it has already been done.
He calmy replies, "I did speak with Katrina and she believes she has all the spells necessary. Shall we go speak with her to do the deed?"

Quince Medvyed |

"If she has what she needs to be prepared ready. Then yes. I think that we should get it done."
Quince goes with Sulvanii to see Katrina gathering the other wardens with them. "Sulvanii spoke with you about destroying the Occulus. We can do it in the Fort courtyard, the temple, or even the field on the other side of that hill incase there is . . . unforeseen chaos."

Dinenen |

The monk is heavily distracted, and almost fails to acknowledge the presentation of the Greenwatch Ring or the coming and goings of the others. He's researching the details he can find on this ruin at Talon Peak, the logistical difficulties in getting building supplies there, and trying to find teams to coordinate the acquisition and transport of the required supplies.
He's also looking to find what is available about the ruin itself, about the layout and foundations, and discussing how to build on top of what's there to create the environment he's after. Plenty of storage for the library. Some hopefully naturally well-lit spaces for transcribing and reading. A large exercise yard. And all the other details required for people to live in a space. Things like personal rooms, a kitchen, toilets, a water supply, food storage, gardens, etc.
Then, of course, there are masons and carpenters. Not to keep Dinenen from needing to do the work, but to help him get the work right, as he has little expertise in either skill, and both have to be done properly for the structure to survive for long.
Part of this, of course, is estimating how much money will be required to do all of the above.
Once back in Varnhold he smiles at Lykan's efforts. He smiles as Sulvanii gives out the rings, "You both have earned a place among the wardens if you want it."
"My lord." Dinenen bows properly. "I have had a vision of me rebuilding the facility on Talon Peak. I'm not sure how this fits into your perspective of me taking a place amongst the Wardens. An Iroran monastery would serve as a protected library, a source of copied texts, a source of potential teachers, and a place for those who are willing to work at improving themselves. From what I have been able to work out, however, rebuilding the facility will be quite expensive."
He is as confident and calm as you have seen him. His words flow smoothly and slowly. But after he notes the concern of money, he stops making eye contact.
"I assume Sherm and Selena will handle the financial details if you approve the project. Perhaps Lindrila would be kind enough to help me lay out the structure, ensuring we provide adequate space for learning?"

Quince Medvyed |

Quince listens, he smiles warmly at the plans he even chuckles, "I like the idea. From what I can see of the maps it could well be a watchpost on the hills west of the mountains. I like the idea. I chuckle, because, I wondered if you were going to make your home with us. My father would judge men in women that worked for him and for his lands based on how quickly they made the station they took up their own. Did they decorate their room, did they put a piece of themselves into the position that was not required of the duties. You are settling in."
Hex N31 on the Nomen Heights Map
"You are not the first Irori monk I have known. Thankfully we were able to get your name out of you. No one of the signers of the first charter to hunt the bandits of the Greenbelt before we founded Greenwatch was a monk. He referred to himself as 'this one.' All the time. We finally for legal reasons learned his name was S'ala. He joined up with another group of monks lead by a man called himself Nightwing." He looks off in the distance at nothing really.
"Once Restov knows what has happened here and that the people of Varnhold want to join with the Greenwatch there will be some paperwork and ceremony followed by effort to build here. Once that is settled we can look to Talon Peak."

Dinenen |

Quince's story of S'ala gets Dinenen to make eye contact again. "Only one thing truly connects followers of The Master of Masters: their desire to improve. I do not understand how S'ala thought losing or hiding his identity would help him improve. Each of us follows a unique path, with only our own conviction helping us to understand if the path is heading towards the goal. I can see how a place teaching the ideals of The Perfect Man is a place to begin this journey, but once you are on your path following another's journey seems unlikely to help you progress on your own. I hope Nightwing, S'ala, and the others have found a path that works for them, but it makes no sense to me, at least for now."
As the Duke discuss the process of gaining control over the area, the Elven Aasimar grins.
"As I am effectively begging for financial support, I can hardly complain about your timeline. It seems to me, though, that the process you describe is all after-the-fact, as you already have both possession and the acceptance of the residents. They could deny the request, but would that change the truth?"

Quince Medvyed |

This is far from a minor accomplishment—not only do the surviving villagers of Varnhold swiftly pledge their loyalty to you, but the Nomen centaurs are impressed as well and vow to live peacefully with the human settlers in deference to the great work you have accomplished. All they ask is that they be left the Dunsward itself as their own territory.
This came up a couple pages back. We have not formally "claimed" the land until the next "Kingdom Turn" there is one Hex between Greenwatch and the lands that Varnhold had previously claimed. So in the next turn we will claim the Hex and Annex Varnhold. So the people expressed desire. Hence Quince was willing to appoint Lykan to a position (provisionally until it is formalized). As well as bring in personnel.
Quince nods, "In the first day or so the people where home the survivors of the town council announced their willingness to join with Greenwatch."

Quince Medvyed |

With the wardens gathered to deal with the Oculus Katrina looks to Quince and nods. "Sulvanii spoke with me about spells to prepare. The Temple has a space in which I can cast spells to likely contain any evil . . . fall out. To whatever point such matters can be contained. With magic there is always something more that can happen. But I can prepare a magic circle a step to cut the Oculus off from whatever force might be looking through it." She leads them to a space in the Temple in Varnhold and points to some things to move out of the way.
Sulvanii stops at the door. "I will remain out here. Efreeti and Angels are not often friends. Use the scroll as instructed."
She begins the casting of a spell marking a circle of protection around the skull. With the skull in the center of the magic circle warded against evil she nods to Quince.
Quince pulls out the scroll that Sulvanii had procured for him and began a separate ritual. After a moment a pair of glorious almost blinding wings appear that spread out behind a 7 foot tall humanoid body that appeared obscured by darkness, perhaps the shine of the wings made all else seem dark. In its hand was a great fiery mace. Quince spoke in celestial, "I am Quince Medvyed, I have called you here to help us destroy an artifact of great evil. This artifact is the work of demons. To destroy it must be smashed by one who is holy. However. You must be blinded. I have a priestess here. Katrina Droverson who can cast the spell to take and then restore your sight when the deed is done.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (19) + 21 = 40
A voice deep like thunderous waters yet gentle issues from the angelic being. [b]"That is a tall request. To put myself at your mercy." The angel crosses into the circle. "I sense the evil you speak of, work of the horsemen of the apocalypse."
Quince nods, "That is what we have learned as well. It was used to kill many hurt even more. Such an artifact should be destroyed."
The angel nods. "I am ready." The great celestial moves near to the skull and sizes up the strike with its mace.
Katrina steps forward as well praying for the power to blind the angel. She steps back.
The angel raises its mace and brings it down with a fiery smash. The blue crystal of the oculus shatters in fine pieces. The red glow that was in it flares out to the edges of the magic circle meant to contain evil, but then in a spit second folds back in on itself in a swirl, like a noodle slurped up.
Katrina again casting wastes no time to restore the angel's sight.
"Thank you." The angel nods.
"Thank you." Quince returns, "Knowing this item will not harm folk of these or any lands again is a great comfort. You have blessed us."
The angle turns about the room its dark form lost in the shadow of its wings regarding each gathered. "Farewell." The angle turns and in turning impossibly vanishes.
Quince smiles and lets out a long tense sigh. "It is done. Thank you all. For being here incase . . . all hell broke loose. But also for your time to find and restore these people." He moves to a broom and sweeps the pieces of the crystal up and puts the broken pieces in a small bag.

GM Wolf |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

The call has gone out once more for stalwart protectors to rally to Greenwatch. The posters have been in many bars from Restov to Absalon. The Wardens of Greenwatch are putting on a ball to welcome anyone who would like to join on their next adventure. There is still many places to explore in these Stolen Lands and the fledgling kingdom is growing.
The Wardens have pulled out all the stops for this festival. It is the summer solstice after all. All sorts of entertainers, musicians, and performers put on shows on the streets of Elkheart but most of them reside within the castle walls, in the main courtyard.
It is said that there are Sword Lords from Brevory that are interested in the growth of this fair kingdom and have come to pay their respects. Looking around you might see the three that came.
A mysterious figure within the Swordlords, Jamandi Aldori is both beautiful and deadly. Her characteristic red cloak seems to flow on its own volition, always caught in some invisible breeze. Even with her hood pulled up, this woman’s gaze is striking, and her conviction and resolution is both obvious and slightly terrifying.
House Orlovsky officially sent the second son, Jason Orlovsky, and the third daughter, Amber Vale Orlovsky to the festival to celebrate with the Wardens and the House of Medvyed.
Most of the ruling members of House Medvyed have come to this festival at personal invitation of one of their heirs, Quince. Lord Gurev Medvyed and his wife have brought the family to this joyous occasion.
Each of the other noble families of Brevory have sent emmisarries but no one of note.

Katrina Dewtree |

From dawn until the nightly festivities, she can be seen among the people. She is in an elegant emerald dress. She blesses freely and makes sure that where ever she goes everyone has a smile.

Selena the Elfen Feline |

She hasn't stop dancing all day long! Going from one square to the next looking for a new sound as she goes.

GM Wolf |

The Nomen centaurs are even in attendance. The princess and a half a dozen others are visiting for the festivities.
Swordlord Jamandi Aldori brought forth a war chest for Greenwatch, for their progress with the Nomen centaurs and other accomplishments, 10,000 gp and 5 BP worth of materials for a new tower's construction. She winks and points at Dinenen with that stated.

Lamaar |

A lean and agile man with black, braided hair and a beard walks forward.
He looks at other adventurers and addresses Katrina and Selena who coincidentally are near each other.
”It is a great moment to be here, right? I am Lamaar! I see that you are not chatting, yet! I’m ready for the missions that await here in Greenwatch! What do you think?!“
He has a morningstar at his hip and a longbow on his back.
He wears a mithral chainshirt that looks like it has not seen much battle.
Resting on top of his chest is an amulet showing the holy symbol of Erastil.

Vesi "Feyspeaker" Medvyed |

Disguise, disguise kit, different race: 1d20 + 10 + 2 - 2 ⇒ (13) + 10 + 2 - 2 = 23
With a good chunk of their extended family in attendance, Vesi couldn't show their true self in public, although the undine would love nothing more than to hug their parents and siblings.
I wonder if they are mad with me... muses the druid as they lean against a doorway to the castle's kitchens and watch the guests and the festivities.
To a casual observer, they look like an ordinary kitchen assistant, a plump human woman with her hair tucked under a floppy bonnet pulled over her ears, bare arms dusted with flour up to the elbows, and a slightly smudged white apron over a simple green cotton dress.
Vesi was burning with curiosity about how their cousin had managed to build up this enchanting place in such a short time, and they absolutely planned to track him down later and have a chat, but for now they were enjoying the spectacle. Of particular interest were the centaurs, as Vesi had not had the opportunity before to meet their kind. Gathering up their courage, the seemingly humble cook approaches one.
"Is the food to your liking, my lord? Would you like anything special prepared?"
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (4) + 23 = 27

Quince Medvyed |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Well crap I didn’t read that you were in disguise. I missed that before I posted. I will have to think of something.
Quince takes a bit out of a fresh muffin. "Oh that's hot," he blurts absently.
He then turns to the person and answers, "We have food for days. More if we wanted to conjure it. I am much more interested in causing a stir cousin." Before them is a young man with long blond hair. His ears have a slight point to them that suggest some elf in his blood. He has kind bright amber eyes. He is handsome and strong with sharp features. His demeanor is kind but with a weight of authority. His clothing are green and white traced with swirling needlework. A top his brow is a crown chased with knotwork animals, a fox and a bear that end up holding a symbol of Erastil.
He greets Vesi with a warm hug. Then without complaint pats the flour hand prints off his own shoulder. "In Elkheart there is no need hide in the kitchen. We had a faire dragon and a grix that were around here weeks, and a sprite even served as our magister for a bit." He shrugs. "Turns out they are as flighty as their reputation suggests. Oh the duke and duchess are fox people, which I learned are called Kitsune." He shifts before their eyes from the blond man they has known most their lift to a reddish gold half-fox humanoid. He holds both their hands looking over their garb. "Come YOU were invited to a ball not to bake for one. A matter perhaps that got lost when the message was relayed to you."
He leads them on a trip up stairs across rooms all the while pointing at little things of interest around the castle. Finally he leads her to a set of doors and opens them up into a cozy suite with a sitting area, a desk by the window, and luxurious looking bed. Across the bed are several dresses and outfits ranging from elegant to sturdy. More than most of the outfits edge feminine but it is clear an effort was made to find masculine, and options as well. All of the outfits have black accents. "If I had found you when the entourage arrived you would have learned this was your room. The rest of your effects will be brought up." Quince turns his attention to the doorway, he introduces a halfling woman, "This is Penelope she is a fast stitch if I have a bad eye sizes. Though I leaned loose on the cuts figuring a belt or sash would . . . well you know. Get dressed. I have already made an appearance but I have been gone awhile. Hurry this will be fun."
Diplomacy if you need an positive persuading: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (2) + 21 = 23
Penelope nods and smiles, "Greetings milady. Let's get you sorted. The duke said . . . ." The halfling woman moves outfits around allowing you to get a good look at each describing the materials, cuts of each, clearly the pride of her own work. She brings up several accessories that either highlight or downplay curves trying to understand what might suit your tastes. As she talks about the options and let's you try things on your things arrive from where they were elsewhere. In the end she helps you dress in whatever you pick if you let her.
I will leave it to you to describe this one. But you have been asked to get ready for the ball and been given the stuff to do so. There are lots of Medvyed reds and Greenbelt greens among the options but whatever variety you want though most choices have black details or accessories.
When Penelope finishes she moves to the door and opens it up and let's Quince back in. He smiles warmly and says, "You look great." While you have never known Quince to be patronizing or phony he would likely say that no matter your pick had been. "One more thing." He pulls out a small silver figurine of a raven and hands it to Vesi. "I know that some pets. As much as you love them set you to sneezing. I was assured that this one wouldn't. I think they even brought in a few folks known to be allergic to cats and birds to test." He waves his hand like its irrelevant. "This is for you. Speak the word Averilie." He motions for you to try. The small figure has a feel of magic. When you speak the word. Its silver finish splits revealing silky blue-black feathers. Perched in your hand is a raven. "She will perch on your shoulder . . . its why everything has the black accents. I am told that it can take this for full day once a week. It can send messages as well." He nods finishing with, "For you."
Figurine of Wondrous Power: Silver Raven
"Alright well ready or not. Here we go." Quince offers his arm to Vesi and again leads her this time out toward the courtyard where many of the guests and excitement are to be found. Just as they reach the point where they will emerge from the castle a beautiful woman approaches smiling brightly. She is dressed in a red dress with gold brocade and the fringe of her cape is a white fur. Two long loose braids come down on either side of her neck. She moves swiftly to you both.
"There you are." The woman leans in and kisses the duke and puts a hand on Vesi's shoulder. "You must be Vesi! Quince has told me about you."
Quince smiles, "This is Duchess Elizabeth Silvertail Medvyed, my wife." He beams a moment as one in the deepest love does.
The woman takes Vesi's arm (away from Quince if you let him lead you this far) and the two of them bring you out into the courtyard.
They mill about keeping you in their orbit as the meet folks chat and enjoy the festivities.

Quince Medvyed |

As the milling about and fun continues Quince leans over to Vesi, "Oh here are some folks you want to meet."
Quince smiles at Katrina and Selena, "Good to see you both. Katrina, Selena, this is Vesi Medvyed my cousin. Vesi this is Katrina Droverson Warden of the Faith of Greenwatch and this is Selena Warden of Coin." He looks up at Lamaar, "And I am Quince Medvyed." He holds out a hand in greeting. He motions to a lovely blond woman who stands beside Vesi, "This is Duchess Elizabeth Silvertail Medvyed, my wife." He looks about the court yard his eyes flash with a smile at a performer a few yards away juggling some odds and ends. "I hope you are enjoying the day."

Lamaar |

Lamaar grips the Duke’s hand.
“A pleasure meeting you Quince. A fellow follower of Erastil I am. Eager to make a difference in the world. But I’ve got to applaud you on what you’ve achieved here. I … I only know if this place from my late mother’s stories and she only talked about wilderness?!“ he says a little nervous.

Quince Medvyed |

Quince chuckles, "Deadeye's blessing on you. It was wilderness and the wilderness is not far off. We have worked to work with the wilderness. Your mother lived in these lands? I hope she would welcome these changes." He motions to Katrina, "Our high priestess has worked hard to see these lands thrive for those who work it. I hope you had a chance to see the cathedral. And the tree houses." His eyes are a bit playful, "Really a whole section houses up in the trees. I read a bout an elven ruin, Omesta. Gnomes moved in but they ignored the ruins. Built homes up in the trees. When the elves returned. . . ." he shrugged, "What could they say. The gnomes weren't trespassing. Technically. Maybe one day I will get to visit."
Quince nods and grows a touch serious, "Providence, a touch more magic than I imagined at the start of this, and resilient folk have brought us this far. In truth we are a boom town. Well 3 boom towns and many farms and foresters between them. Looking at a 4th city to be joining us soon. Varnhold to the east, in the Nomen Heights. Has asked to join our . . . duchy would be the proper Brevic term for our size. Those folks, Varnhold they went through it. Captured by a lich. Ancient Cyclops lich, used an artifact to kidnap the whole village. Held them all in . . . soul jars. Magic prisons, those that were left and who want to stay are rebuilding now." Quince motions to Selena and Katrina, "In fact Selena killed . . .er re-killed the lich. Katrina was with her if not for her the others of our team would have been paralyzed well until the lich dealt with them." He looks up at Lamaar, "Well we have need of good folk eager to make a difference. You say follower of Erastil well certainly the clergy is active. Many who know the wild well work with Katrina's husband, Kevros." He looks around the courtyard, "Where is Kevros?" He looks back, "He is the Warden of the Sword, Brevoy lands would call him the Marshal. You have likely seen the reeves about. Ranger types, not unlike yourself. Varnhold and the surrounding region will be getting a lot of help from us in the coming weeks. We will be exploring some of the lands between our lands here and the vicinity around Varnhold to ensure we can safely bring them into the fold. Beautiful mountains, and hill country. I will be hitting the saddle myself for that."
Our next bit of action is exploring some of the hexes here, particularly N22 and points north or south depending on what we decide so that once explored we can claim them for the kingdom and link the Varnhold lands with Greenwatch, leading to us annexing them.

Selena the Elfen Feline |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

”It is a great moment to be here, right? I am Lamaar! I see that you are not chatting, yet! I’m ready for the missions that await here in Greenwatch! What do you think?!“
She continues to dance either ignoring or oblivious to the words. To get her attention you would need to cut in.

Vesi "Feyspeaker" Medvyed |

"Come YOU were invited to a ball not to bake for one. A matter perhaps that got lost when the message was relayed to you."
Vesi bursts into laughter at that, a bubbling sound that fills the space. "Oh no, I am found out. To tell you the truth, cousin, I am here incognito from the rest of our family, because... well, it's a long story. But I throw myself at your mercy and put myself under your protection." The glittering eyes belie the seriousness of the words, and the Medvyed scion lets themselves be guided through the castle, exclaiming in excitement at the sights.
"Thank you, cousin, your hospitality is astounding. My own room! And these outfits... I have no words." Vesi takes their time rifling through the clothes in an attempt to select an outfit to their liking - and washing off the disguise while they were at it.
From underneath the unassuming guise of the kitchen helper emerges a blue-skinned undine, the ears pointed and finned, their hands and feet webbed. Their indigo-black hair almost brushes the floor, falling in twisting waves down their back. A scatter of dark blue freckles are strewn across their cheeks, and on the back of the forearms.
"Lovely to meet you, Penelope! All this is your work? Amazing!" Vesi chats with the halfling woman, complimenting her skill and taste. In the end, the undine selects a pale turquoise shirt, light and airy, with a V-neck and subtle embroidery around the collar. Over that and dark green loose trousers, they don a long, flowing open robe with wide sleeves, silver and black thread embroidery thick around the collar, hems and cuffs, as well as down the open front.
"And for accessories, what do you think? Ohhhh, the coral and green jade comb, what a great choice!"
As they reunite with Quince, the undine beams under the compliment, and seems delighted with the gift of the raven figurine. "Thank you, cousin, you are truly generous. And very thoughtful. To tell you the truth, I didn't know what kind of reception I would have here, but the reality has surpassed my wildest dreams." Vesi runs a finger along the raven's glossy feathers, visibly touched.
As they are introduced to various people at Quince's court, Vesi shows an artless charm and genuine curiosity and enthusiasm. "Your Grace! I am happy to finally meet you, your home is enchanting! And so are you, I am looking forward to hear of your life here on the frontier." They greet Katrina and Selena, as well as the black-haired man with Erastil's symbol on his breast.
"I hope you left some wilderness for me, cousin!" As Quince tells the story of Varnhold, Vesi grows somber. "Those poor people, I am glad that you managed to save them. And, I meant to ask you... centaurs? I am dying to talk to one of them!"

Katrina Dewtree |

”It is a great moment to be here, right? I am Lamaar! I see that you are not chatting, yet! I’m ready for the missions that await here in Greenwatch! What do you think?!“
She walks over to the man. With a knowing glint in her eyes and merriment evident on her face, she talks back loudly to be heard, "Right! Nice to meet you Lamaar, as you surely know I am Katrina Droverson, high priest of Erastil. Chatting in what sense? You could go accomplish a bounty, though you should enjoy the festival first and come to the castle in the morning."

GM Wolf |

Vesi was burning with curiosity about how their cousin had managed to build up this enchanting place in such a short time, and they absolutely planned to track him down later and have a chat, but for now they were enjoying the spectacle. Of particular interest were the centaurs, as Vesi had not had the opportunity before to meet their kind. Gathering up their courage, the seemingly humble cook approaches one.
"Is the food to your liking, my lord? Would you like anything special prepared?"
The centaurs look down upon the maid and then realize she is talking to them. They begin to heartily laugh. The first one to recover states, "Don't be insulted, you just called us lord, the closest thing to a lord in our tribe would be the princess or queen." He points to a girl centaur socializing with nobility and the Wardens in attendance. "But to answer your question. Yes we have always enjoyed the food you share. Turkey legs with that mustard if you can scramble it together." The three centaurs are smiling and enjoying themselves.