Herkymr the Silly |

In answer to Ohime, the creature speaks again The task is to bring me a stone from the remaining two circles. The riddle is what can you hold in your right hand but never in your left? And the sacrifice is that which you hold and use that is most dear to you. An item if you will. You must choose and choose quickly for your time is running out. Your enemy has scouts out.

Sorogar Twintusk |

Sorogar answers the riddle near-instantly. "The answer to the riddle is 'your left hand'." She states confidently. "Your right hand can hold the left one, but the left one cannot truly hold itself."

Ohimè S’adel |

"Ooo oo! She's right! Yes yes. The riddle muahaha." Ohime laughs almost deviously in a dorky way at the victory Sorogar has almost certainly attained over this irritated being and his sighs.

Brek of Unknown House |

Brek is panting as he attempts to catch his breath but he waits to hear the outcome of Sorogar's choice and answer.

Herkymr the Silly |

6/7 complete last one is a summoning
As you move to the next circle, you notice something odd, one of the stones is missing but the rest are intact.

Brek of Unknown House |

Arcana 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21
"Hmm a stone is missing from this ring." Brek points out.

Ohimè S’adel |

"That means it can get out, which hasn't stopped the others from attacking us anyway, but it would mean it could probably get away away from what it is bound to do. We could...ahh..." She looks around for it. "Maybe find it somewhere nearby?" "Now that these other circles are deactivated and unsummoned, we probably could just put one of these stones over here. Hmm" She thinks if this would be possible and decides to sing to help them have some clarity of thought.
Feel free to add +4 (because her birdy isn't singing) to that roll Brek
Perception: 1d20 + 14 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 14 + 4 = 38 See 'snake eyes' aren't bad!
Knowledge Planes: 1d20 + 6 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 6 + 4 = 29

Krokkin |

At hearing that the circle is broken and the Prey may be loose, Krokkin spins on the spot searching behind the group for the prey. He raises his gaze to the sky as well knowing the folly of believing that all prey would be on the same level he is on.
At the same time, he breaths in deeply and slowly thru his nostrils search for both familiar scents of prey hunted in the past and new scents that signal an unknown enemy nearby.
The raging tide in his head has surged knowing that his prey might be escaping and the thumping of his heart distracts him as he tries to listen and look.
Perception: 1d20 + 12 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 12 + 4 = 18

Herkymr the Silly |

Ohime sees a blurred movement but before she can shout a warning, Krokkin is hit above the kidneys with a powerful blow. damage: 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5
krokkin fort save 20: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (16) + 10 = 26
He staggers forward shaking of the stunning assault.
Ohime-surprise round

Ohimè S’adel |

Ohime sees the blurred movement. "This must be a scout...or what was in the circle was just lying in wait for us to approach it?"
For the next 3 rounds, you all have +4 to skills, so feel free to roll them.
She clears her mind and casts a spell to bring whatever this is into the light.
Casting Glitterdust with a DC of 15 or blinded for 7 rounds. Regardless, it is getting outlined in glitter and is easily visible, getting a -40 to stealth. Not to mention it being in plain sight not hiding now.
Using previously rolled perception and skills, what is it? Defenses, weaknesses?
"We are under attack!"

Herkymr the Silly |

Ohime is it a reflex save also need a dc 18 SR roll to affect the creature.
reflex: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23
The glitter magic settles down on a creature that is about twice your size. It appears to be some sort of a cat creature. You recognize it as a hellcat. The exact look of the cat is blurry even with glitterdust on it. The glitterdust is all that makes it outlined.
It leaps on Krokkin landing and running it hide legs down his spine.
bite: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (9) + 13 = 22 hit
claw: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (12) + 13 = 25 hit
claw: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (2) + 13 = 15 flat footed hit
grab: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (10) - 1 = 9 Failed
damage bite: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9
damage claw: 1d6 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10
damage claw: 1d6 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8

Ohimè S’adel |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

There is no Spell Resistance that applies for Glitterdust. It is a Will Negates (Blindness Only) spell. Like I said, no matter what, it's outlined.

Sorogar Twintusk |

Seeing the previously invisible creature now outlined in front of her, Sorogar narrows her eyes and reaches out to touch Krokkin. "Not in this life, foul phantom!"
Incredible healer #2, Sorogar + Krokkin, Ohime's skill song +4: 1d20 + 33 ⇒ (8) + 33 = 41
Beats DC 30, so it heals Sorogar and Krokkin for 41+7+4 = 52 hp. I have to remember that Ohime's song actually boosts Sorogar's healing output. That's a pretty cool interaction actually :)
@Everyone if you are damaged, let me know. A lot of stuff has happened in the last few circles. But essentially, every time you take Damage, 5 of that damage is healed by Sorogar at the start of your turn and the damage is transferred to her instead. I think that everyone should be at full hp unless Brek and Ohime had more than 15 damage each previous to this thing appearing.

Ohimè S’adel |

Ohimè S’adel wrote:There is no Spell Resistance that applies for Glitterdust. It is a Will Negates (Blindness Only) spell. Like I said, no matter what, it's outlined.Ah I thought SR was any spell cast against them. ok either way.
Nope, it's any spell that says "Yes" under the SR portion on a spell. For example, acid arrow you will not roll SR, but magic missile or scorching ray you do.

Sorogar Twintusk |

Yeah, like Ohime said, whether spell resistance applies is unique to every spell and is included in the description. Some spells like Glitterdust here are famous for being 'back-up spells' for casters to use against enemies with high spell resistance.

Herkymr the Silly |

So you know what your looking at.
knowledge of hellcat= very intelligent, sometimes serve devils as mounts or hunters but not a devil itself, ranged telepathy, invisible in bright light, resistant fire, SR 18
weakness of hellcat= Very vindictive and proud, dr/good

Krokkin |

Howling in pain Krokkin turns around to face his attacker. The pain of the stars in his eyes seems to explode outward and attach itself to his assailant. A tiny corner of his brain marvels at how he was able to make his pain tangible and attach it to his enemy.
Finally a worthy prey! he roars, My turn he screams gutturally as he launches into a blur of his own attacks. The torrent of rage he is riding causes him to not even register Sorgars touch or healing as he leaps forward.
Great Sword attacks (raged, Hasted)
Attack1: 1d20 + 16 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 16 + 6 = 36
damage1: 2d6 + 11 + 5 ⇒ (4, 3) + 11 + 5 = 23
Attack2: 1d20 + 11 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 11 + 6 = 32
damage2: 2d6 + 11 + 5 ⇒ (5, 2) + 11 + 5 = 23
Hasted Attack: 1d20 + 16 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 16 + 6 = 33
damage1: 2d6 + 11 + 5 ⇒ (2, 6) + 11 + 5 = 24
Not 100% sure on the bonuses, I thought that we are still hasted but I am not sure and then there is the +4 to skills, so I am trying to go with what I think it currently is, adjust as needed.

Ohimè S’adel |

You are hasted, getting a +1 from that, but you're not getting the +5 to attack and damage currently from me.

Brek of Unknown House |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Brek pulls out a wand.
Wand of Charm Monster.
Will Save DC 16
SR 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20
DC obtained: 10+Minimum spell level )4) +minimum ability score 14 (2) = 16
Caster level: minimum caster level of 7.
With a flourish he bids the wand to use its power on the creature..

Sorogar Twintusk |

Sorogar blinks as the creature suddenly seems to stop attacking. Then she glances at Brek's charm monster wand and she grins. "Very well done! He or she should be able to help us defend this place against the demons. Though I wonder if this alone would also be enough to disable the circle?" she wonders.

Krokkin |

So even less time? Great...Those fey were the worst heralds ever. We went from weeks to days to hours.
[dice=Will Save]1d20+8
[dice=Will Save Birdy]1d20+8"We need to focus on the succubus. If we break her will, she will maybe lose control over her followers, remember! Next we know, they'll be right on top of us..."
In retaliation, she backs away from the circle and begins to sing for the aid of her companions. Her little birdy also begins to sing.
Move Action: Start song, birdy starts song too.
Movement: 5ft step backThen with a swift wave of her hand and a chant, she hastens her allies.
Casting haste.
+1 AC, attack, and reflex saves. 1 extra full attack. So with Ohime's song, each of you on attack rolls are getting a +6 to attack and a +5 to damage and +5 vs fear-effects.
This is the post where I got that information from. I was not sure how long this lasts since we are moving from circle to circle.

Brek of Unknown House |

"I'm not sure if I'm able to speak to it but I can try." Brek responds as he turns back to the creature.
"Can you tell us how to disable this circle? Or would you like to hunt a succubus?"
Diplomacy 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (11) + 14 = 25

Ohimè S’adel |

"Is this one of the spies of the succubus already here?" she asks as a tail end to Brek's question. She is curious about how it has stopped attacking and readies another glitterdust spell in case it is going to start again.
"I think this is a Hellcat. They are resistant to fire and have magical defense against spells. Very smart too. I think they have telepathy. Sometimes they help devils as mounts. I wonder why it was trapped here and if was the same ones who did the others who are now freed by us?" With a shrug, she adds, "I'm not sure if it can understand you, Brek."

Brek of Unknown House |

Linguistics 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 12
"Well it spoke to me in my mind and I certainty don't understand what it was trying to say." Brek explains.
"Perhaps you can speak to one of my companions here, they may understand you for I don't." Brek turns to the cat.

Herkymr the Silly |

The hellcat, turns its head to Ohime obviously disgusted at not being able to talk with Brek.
I have no interest in a succubus for it is by one's such trickery that bound me here.

Ohimè S’adel |

As the creature begins speaking to her mind in an affronting language, she cringes.
Used one potion of Comprehend Languages
"Wait wait wait...One second."
The alchemist will pull out a potion and will ingest it, giving her mind the ability to comprehend languages being spoken to it.
"Okay, now speak, please."
She then translates to the party what she is hearing.
"It says that it was bound here to this circle. It is no longer bound and we are not the reason for that. It owes us no loyalty. He or she then says it has no interest in the succubus, as its tricker is similar to what bound it here initially."
Sympathetically, Ohime shakes her head and in a kind, sweet voice, comments.
"Dear magnificent being of the race of what we commonly call hellcats, we don't seek to imprison those trapped here. If you have been lingering in this region, you know and have seen us set those within free. It was our will to do the same for you. We are not your enemies today unless you make us so. We know not how you came to be bound here, but no creature in my mind should be tormented in such ways. If you are free, why do you linger here? Is there something you need or something that keeps you wishing to stay here and not return home?"

Herkymr the Silly |

I stay because I have no place to go. I cannot return home for there is no portal for me to return through. If I could I would return and exact my revenge on the trickster that penned me here. Can you return me? If you can I will return like for like and give you something that can help you in the upcoming roe. If you cannot then I will go my way and we shall part in peace. The cat thinks to Ohime.

Ohimè S’adel |

Ohime, once again, translates for the group (you can just assume this)."Perhaps? There are two servants of the gods here. Perhaps they can help?" she responds, looking toward the grig and satyr, then her party members. "What do you guys think?"

Herkymr the Silly |

I believe that one of the circles was a portal. I would guess from what we have seen that it is the last one. I can help open it and close it but cannot stop what may try to come through when it is opened. The risk is yours. The grig answers. Also how do you know this isn't some ploy to bring others through?

Sorogar Twintusk |

Sorogar listens to the hellcat and sheathes her sword when it appears a peaceful solution is in order. "Ohime speaks the truth. I can help you return to your home. It is a somewhat difficult spell, but within my capacity to use. It is important however that you do not try to resist the effect, as I can only try this once today. What it will do is force you to return to your home plane. If you can aid us in any way before I send you, you would have my thanks. Demons are tyring to take over this world, and their party includes a succubus which you seem to hate."
She waits to hear if the creature consents and offers the promised gift, then prepares and casts "Dismissal" on the hellcat. "I call upon the winds of the Skyfather. Whisk this creature away to the realm it calls come."
That's one fourth level divine spell used. Semi-related, It seems I never levelled Sorogar up to level 8 after I posted the summary in discussion. Hmmm... oops? Must have forgotten :') But yeah, with 4th level spellslots, she should be able to send it away with Dismissal if it elects to fail the willsave. I'll go and update the profile now.

Brek of Unknown House |

"All that's left is one thing only." Brek states...

Sorogar Twintusk |

"So, we open the portal from the last circle and defeat what comes out of it, and that would completely seal off the entrance to our world from the abyss, now that all other circles have been disabled? If so, there are two options: We try and open it to defeat what comes out right now. That might solve the problem here permanently, but we'll be weaker when the demon group shows up. Or we could wait for the demon group to try and take out that first while we are at full strength, but that would risk leaving this circle intact during the fight."
She silently looks at the fey and the party members to respectively seek confirmation and their preference.

Brek of Unknown House |

"Or disrupt their ritual and ambush them while they're in the middle of it." Brek suggests.

Ohimè S’adel |

"I say we try." Ohime will pick up the stones and distribute them to Sorogar and Krokkin, then one to Brek. If any of them need help knowing how to activate it, she will show them. Then, she affirms her position by stating, "If we finish before they get here, we can rest up. If we get here and they activate it while in battle with us, we may have two forces on our hands. Let's just get this over with. As long as we can permanently do away with it, then let's try."
When they are ready, she will start her song, re-haste, and then nod for them to activate the portal. She will be 25ft away.

Brek of Unknown House |

Brek accepts the stone and then looks at Krokkin.
"Hey......Brother...." he starts in a real shady manner as he palms his wand. The same one he used on the Hellcat.
"You may not like it but remember I said My spells to your steel? This is unconventional but it might help protect you from falling under the sway of the Sucuubus."
Lol if Krokkin Agrees, Brek will use the wand of Charm monster on Krokkin. To protect him from the succubus's charm.

Krokkin |

As Brek tries to talk to the creature Krokkin begins to let the rage slip as his disappointment in the halted battle grows. he sags with the familiar exhaustion and takes a seat right where he is.
You were worthy prey, he states softly as the creature disappears.
His strength returns to him as the conversation continues. In answer to Ohime's last question Krokkin responds.
You asked a question earlier that concerns me. You asked if spies of the Succubus are already here. We have been moving headlong forward with the portals but not taking a moment to check our surroundings. If we assume that what we are working on what is only ahead of us we will be surprised from behind.
He turns to the Grig and Satyr and growls. Speak the truth, are there any other creatures hidden from our eyes that mean to do us harm?
He scans the area again looking for sign.
To Breks comment Krokkin responds, As agreed, your spells to my skill. I am of no use to you if my mind is not my own.
imtimidation of Grig and Satyr: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23
perception: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (1) + 12 = 13

Brek of Unknown House |

Brek upon getting permission from Krokkin uses the wand on him. His only instruction as it was...
"To be yourself." he said as he keeps the wand away.
"Portal?" he asks, ready to activate it once more but also to complete the circle, he puts a stone to replace the missing one....

Herkymr the Silly |

Your perceptions pick up nothing but the Satyr looks uncomfortably around avoiding your eyes and the grig.
I don't believe that there are anyone here yet. The scouts said they were hours out still last I heard. the cricket man says. I am being called away by my overseers to another task. This task has some bearing on what is to come. I will leave you in the hands of my friend the satyr. I give this as assistance, He says.
Wand of hold person dc will 13 --2 uses

Krokkin |

Why do you not answer Satyr? Look me in the eye and answer! Krokkin challenges.
He glares intimidatingly at the Satyr his tail flicking in agitation, as he walks a few steps closer to the creature.
I can smell your fear, what are you hiding. Tell me now or when I do find out I will make sure that my retribution is slow. You know how we feline folk sometimes like to play with our prey.
Krokkin growls again baring his teeth in a wicked smile.
smell perception: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (19) + 12 = 31
intimidate: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16
Bluff: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 1 = 18

Ohimè S’adel |

To Krokkin, she listen to the Grig explain, curious herself at the clear uncomfortableness of the Satyr. She recalls him dabbling in allegiance with the White Wolf. What else has he done?
Ohime will take the wand from the Grig and will nod about him leaving. Then, playing the "good cop" to Krokkin's "I'm-actually-going-to slowly-rip-your-head-off cop", Ohime interjects herself next to the Satyr. Her alluring figure circles him and in kindness, she gently urges him by running a hand along his shoulders:
"You have been on the wrong side in your heart. You want to be on the right side. Open to righteousness."
Diplomacy (Improve Attitude): 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (16) + 19 = 35 (Well, if that won't get two degrees friendlier I don't know what will)
In answer to Brek, she shakes her head "no" for the moment while they deal with this.

Herkymr the Silly |

Ummm Ummm I I I am the one that called the demons. I was hoping they would destroy the portals because that is what was promised me. However, I have since learned the error of that. I have been threatened by force if necessary if I don't help them. So I thought that I could have the portals destroyed before they arrived thus getting me out of it and stopping them. The Satyr begins to cry as he tells his story.

Krokkin |

How, many, demons? Krokkin asks menacingly, pausing in between each word to drive the question home. At this point his hair is starting bristle as well as the angry flicking tail.