Kingmaker: Varnhold Vanishing (Inactive)

Game Master BloodWolven


The Greenwatch Wardens


Combat Map

Tomb Map

Varnhold Map.


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Male Kitsune
Vital Stats/Skills:
HP: 67/88 (92/92), - AC: 34/T: 14/FF: 24 – Perception +15 - Initiative: +6 - F: +17 / R: +13/ W: +17 (15) - CMB: +14 (16) - CMD: 30, Speed: 40, Acrobatics +15
Oracle (Curse: Tongues)
Diplomacy +22 (24 Fey), Handle Animal +15, Kn. Geography +12, Kn. History +11, Kn. Religion +11, Prof. Cartographer +10, Ride +19, Sense Motive +14, Spellcraft +16, Survival +12

Oh a school of some kind will be one of the first things we build here. Quince has been pretty pro education in the fluff and all three of our cities have learning institutions.

Male Kitsune
Vital Stats/Skills:
HP: 67/88 (92/92), - AC: 34/T: 14/FF: 24 – Perception +15 - Initiative: +6 - F: +17 / R: +13/ W: +17 (15) - CMB: +14 (16) - CMD: 30, Speed: 40, Acrobatics +15
Oracle (Curse: Tongues)
Diplomacy +22 (24 Fey), Handle Animal +15, Kn. Geography +12, Kn. History +11, Kn. Religion +11, Prof. Cartographer +10, Ride +19, Sense Motive +14, Spellcraft +16, Survival +12

NPC Hit Point Rolls

6: 1d10 ⇒ 6
7: 1d10 ⇒ 9

Male Elf CN Gestalt Druid (Nature Fang) / Shifter (Mooncaller) 7| 30ft speed | HP: 62/62| AC: 26/21/22|Init: +5|Perc: +14|Fort: +13|Ref: +15|Will: +16|CMB: +9 CMD: 22|C.LB +1:+11;1d8+3|Q.Staff: +9;1d6+3|Claws: +11;1d6+4|
Acro:+14| App:+3|Bluff:+0|Clim:+6|Diplo:+0|Disg:+0|E.A:+4|Fly:+8|H.A:+5|Heal:+10|Inti :+0|K.Nat:+13|K.Geo+13|K.Pla:+6|K/Loc:+4|Ling:+10|Ride:+4|SM:+6|Sleight:+10 |Spell:+13|Stealth:+14|Sur:+14|UMD:+0|

If the Cloak of Resistance +5 is still on offer, I'll take it.
If the Ring of Protection +2 is also unclaimed, I'll take it in replacement of my current ring +1

GM Wolf wrote:

I was planning on keeping this Kingmaker campaign as normal as possible.

Night death were you thinking of bring Koldur and merge the two campaigns?! No, no, no. You are more than welcome to make a new character and join us here as well.

*Edit... posted before double checking if Lykan is Nightdeath

Ho Ho Ho! It is I but Koldur and Lykan's campaign are in way different timelines. If we merge them, might not make sense and you also have active players on that side as well.

Shifter's Headband +4 not in profile I think. Was from 1st Wish from Sulivan.
Amulet of Mighty Fist is now from Sulivan's 2nd wish. (2nd Encounter for Lykan with him)
Hair color change really doesn't bother Lykan if it's only that. I get wild shape later.

And Of course I love Portable holes. Makes a great last ditch weapon if needed.

Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays! Gifts! We must have gifts! A special item will be among the treasure. You could offer up suggestions here in discussion, keep it under 5k. Also Everyone gets a wish!

Male Kitsune
Vital Stats/Skills:
HP: 67/88 (92/92), - AC: 34/T: 14/FF: 24 – Perception +15 - Initiative: +6 - F: +17 / R: +13/ W: +17 (15) - CMB: +14 (16) - CMD: 30, Speed: 40, Acrobatics +15
Oracle (Curse: Tongues)
Diplomacy +22 (24 Fey), Handle Animal +15, Kn. Geography +12, Kn. History +11, Kn. Religion +11, Prof. Cartographer +10, Ride +19, Sense Motive +14, Spellcraft +16, Survival +12

Merry Christmas everybody!!!

The Cloak is yours Lykan. I checked gameplay. Quince gave everyone one when we first got to Varnhold.

You took a cloak. I just think it never made it to your profile.

We still have fresh explorer outfits that no one took too. Don't worry I'm not bitter;)

Apparently I need to make this disclaimer about the wish in all my games:
This is a standard wish, please read the spell to better understand what you can get.

Sure you could go for another major wish but you will likely be cursed...Cursed....

Yes if you ask for something outlandish that is not stated in the rules you will be cursed.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Elf CN Gestalt Druid (Nature Fang) / Shifter (Mooncaller) 7| 30ft speed | HP: 62/62| AC: 26/21/22|Init: +5|Perc: +14|Fort: +13|Ref: +15|Will: +16|CMB: +9 CMD: 22|C.LB +1:+11;1d8+3|Q.Staff: +9;1d6+3|Claws: +11;1d6+4|
Acro:+14| App:+3|Bluff:+0|Clim:+6|Diplo:+0|Disg:+0|E.A:+4|Fly:+8|H.A:+5|Heal:+10|Inti :+0|K.Nat:+13|K.Geo+13|K.Pla:+6|K/Loc:+4|Ling:+10|Ride:+4|SM:+6|Sleight:+10 |Spell:+13|Stealth:+14|Sur:+14|UMD:+0|

Ok then.

Needed to add to my profile.

Explorer Outfit
Cloak of resistance +5
Shifter's Headband +4
Amulet of Mighty Fist +2
Ring of Protection +2 (from stash if approved.)

Wish: Druid's Vestment -3750gp

M Aasimar (Elf)
Vital Stats:
HP 56/56 | AC25, T25, F19, CMD33+ | F+11, R+14. W+12 | Init+4 | CMB +8/10+ | Speed 50' | Per+15
Unchained Monk 5/Evangelist of Irori 2
Acrobatics+14~, Bluff+1, Climb+7-, Diplomacy+13, Escape Artist+4-, Knowledge (Religion)+11, Linguistics+13, Perception+15, Perform (sing)+13, Sense Motive+17, Stealth+4-, Swim+7-

What's the group think for Dinenen's next Wish?

1) is a brainless upgrade.
2) is just kinda cool.
3) is a generic good thing.
4) is simply dedicating an opportunity to gather something else related to Irori.
5) is stacking the deck for Gestalting to Paladin.

Long-term, I could combine #2 with either money or an additional wish to cover the ongoing need new reading material for his obedience. A truly private library, if you will.

I'm also very entertained by the idea of "locking" the library by having somebody else put, say, a folded portable hole in the non-extra-dimensional space of the bag.

1) Replace Headband of Inspired Wisdom +2 with +4.
2) Bag of Concealment
3) Stone of Good Luck
4) The Master's Name
5) Ornament of Healing Light

Male Elf CN Gestalt Druid (Nature Fang) / Shifter (Mooncaller) 7| 30ft speed | HP: 62/62| AC: 26/21/22|Init: +5|Perc: +14|Fort: +13|Ref: +15|Will: +16|CMB: +9 CMD: 22|C.LB +1:+11;1d8+3|Q.Staff: +9;1d6+3|Claws: +11;1d6+4|
Acro:+14| App:+3|Bluff:+0|Clim:+6|Diplo:+0|Disg:+0|E.A:+4|Fly:+8|H.A:+5|Heal:+10|Inti :+0|K.Nat:+13|K.Geo+13|K.Pla:+6|K/Loc:+4|Ling:+10|Ride:+4|SM:+6|Sleight:+10 |Spell:+13|Stealth:+14|Sur:+14|UMD:+0|
Lykàn Delĩss wrote:

Ok then.

Needed to add to my profile.

Explorer Outfit
Cloak of resistance +5
Shifter's Headband +4
Amulet of Mighty Fist +2
Ring of Protection +2 (from stash if approved.)

Wish: Druid's Vestment -3750gp

I also apparently need to read better.

That is an item reward and not a wish.

Since Lykan is close to nature and all, I was gonna say I wish to Wield the power of Nature's allies and smh I saw myself with the power of random Lycanthropy. One night a Ferocious bear. The other night a bunny. Has mean kick but still a bunny. lol

That would work Lykan, we would roll to see if you keep your mind: Will save DC 15 to 20. Then roll to see what kind of were creature you would become: 1d30: cheetah, jaguar, bunny, crocodile, chicken, bull, fox, wolf, lion, bear, boar, etc.

Looks good for both of you.

Male Kitsune
Vital Stats/Skills:
HP: 67/88 (92/92), - AC: 34/T: 14/FF: 24 – Perception +15 - Initiative: +6 - F: +17 / R: +13/ W: +17 (15) - CMB: +14 (16) - CMD: 30, Speed: 40, Acrobatics +15
Oracle (Curse: Tongues)
Diplomacy +22 (24 Fey), Handle Animal +15, Kn. Geography +12, Kn. History +11, Kn. Religion +11, Prof. Cartographer +10, Ride +19, Sense Motive +14, Spellcraft +16, Survival +12


Are you not the kind of druid that Wildshapes Lykan?

Also I think Selena can turn you into a Werejaguar. If you ask.

HP: 46/25, AC: 29 _ T: 20 _ FF: 19, Perception +13, Sense Motive +9, Initiative: +5 _ Fort +2 _ Ref +8 _ Will +7 (+9 vs. Ench) CMB +5, CMD 20, Speed: 30 _ Perform (Dance) +7
Acrobatics +12, Appraise +8, Bluff +8, Climb +10, Diplomacy +7, Disable D +12, Animal +7, Heal +6, Escape +9, K(local, Nobility) +8, Linguistics +8, Ride +9, Spell +8, Sleight +9, Stealth +16, Surv +5, Swim +10, Use Magic+8

That is true I could bite him!

Though he would most likely not be in control through the transformation as it would be an affliction.

Male Elf CN Gestalt Druid (Nature Fang) / Shifter (Mooncaller) 7| 30ft speed | HP: 62/62| AC: 26/21/22|Init: +5|Perc: +14|Fort: +13|Ref: +15|Will: +16|CMB: +9 CMD: 22|C.LB +1:+11;1d8+3|Q.Staff: +9;1d6+3|Claws: +11;1d6+4|
Acro:+14| App:+3|Bluff:+0|Clim:+6|Diplo:+0|Disg:+0|E.A:+4|Fly:+8|H.A:+5|Heal:+10|Inti :+0|K.Nat:+13|K.Geo+13|K.Pla:+6|K/Loc:+4|Ling:+10|Ride:+4|SM:+6|Sleight:+10 |Spell:+13|Stealth:+14|Sur:+14|UMD:+0|
Quince Medvyed wrote:


Are you not the kind of druid that Wildshapes Lykan?

Also I think Selena can turn you into a Werejaguar. If you ask.

Getting closer to my nature.

After all my classes are Nature Fang and Moonclaller.
Quite apt if you ask me, and more random wildshape is nice.

Male Kitsune
Vital Stats/Skills:
HP: 67/88 (92/92), - AC: 34/T: 14/FF: 24 – Perception +15 - Initiative: +6 - F: +17 / R: +13/ W: +17 (15) - CMB: +14 (16) - CMD: 30, Speed: 40, Acrobatics +15
Oracle (Curse: Tongues)
Diplomacy +22 (24 Fey), Handle Animal +15, Kn. Geography +12, Kn. History +11, Kn. Religion +11, Prof. Cartographer +10, Ride +19, Sense Motive +14, Spellcraft +16, Survival +12

GM Looking back over our adventure. Early on Bearik had given us each scrolls of "Town Portal." We never used them and at the time he and Sulvanii talked about a gate between the Cities.

Has that progressed. I assume we still have the scrolls. I believe Bearik said they could be used to make Varnhold a return point if we wanted.

What is the status of this. Does this mean that there is an existing magical network of transport between the cities already in the Greenwatch?

I ask for several reasons. One its a vital resource for travel time. But even now while we are relatively safe and have room for some down time. Being able to jump between cities means that selling items is easy, and buying items from the cities all of which are churning out magic items themselves. Have items to purchase.

Not that we are hurting for gear with treasure and wishes but this is another resource.

When you get home you will see the portal system, a 50 foot clear but rainbow colored crystal obelisk. The scrolls still work.

Yes all of the cities have a waypoint, The lizardflolk town, the kobold mining factility, Tyzelwyrm, New Hope, and Elkheart.

If you asked Sulvanii he might be able to produce a waypoint for you. It will likely take a few days. Unless you use all his wishes. You should also ask him to make one in Restov,

Male Kitsune
Vital Stats/Skills:
HP: 67/88 (92/92), - AC: 34/T: 14/FF: 24 – Perception +15 - Initiative: +6 - F: +17 / R: +13/ W: +17 (15) - CMB: +14 (16) - CMD: 30, Speed: 40, Acrobatics +15
Oracle (Curse: Tongues)
Diplomacy +22 (24 Fey), Handle Animal +15, Kn. Geography +12, Kn. History +11, Kn. Religion +11, Prof. Cartographer +10, Ride +19, Sense Motive +14, Spellcraft +16, Survival +12

Fort Promise is the city that is at Oleg’s.

Restov would need money and some property to house it.

Male Kitsune
Vital Stats/Skills:
HP: 67/88 (92/92), - AC: 34/T: 14/FF: 24 – Perception +15 - Initiative: +6 - F: +17 / R: +13/ W: +17 (15) - CMB: +14 (16) - CMD: 30, Speed: 40, Acrobatics +15
Oracle (Curse: Tongues)
Diplomacy +22 (24 Fey), Handle Animal +15, Kn. Geography +12, Kn. History +11, Kn. Religion +11, Prof. Cartographer +10, Ride +19, Sense Motive +14, Spellcraft +16, Survival +12

Looking at what we found, what people are asking/wishing for. There is still a lot of unclaimed treasure. Whatever players don't want. We can sell and split. I took some stuff off this list because there are things to talk about in character.

Portable hole 20,000gp

Ring of protection +2 8,000gp

A pair of Ring of Friend Shield

Ring of protection +2 8,000gp

Cloak of resistance +1- 1,000gp

Gloves of swimming and climbing- 6,250gp

Pouch holding two packets of dust of dryness- 850gp each Quince took one.

+1 Cold Iron Magical Beast Bane Flail- 8,000gp

Opal that summons Jezebel

Silver Raven Figurine of Wondrous Power- 3,800gp

Ring of Freedom of Movement- Platinum and Ruby- 40,000gp

Naturally out of character PCs should take some

Male Kitsune
Vital Stats/Skills:
HP: 67/88 (92/92), - AC: 34/T: 14/FF: 24 – Perception +15 - Initiative: +6 - F: +17 / R: +13/ W: +17 (15) - CMB: +14 (16) - CMD: 30, Speed: 40, Acrobatics +15
Oracle (Curse: Tongues)
Diplomacy +22 (24 Fey), Handle Animal +15, Kn. Geography +12, Kn. History +11, Kn. Religion +11, Prof. Cartographer +10, Ride +19, Sense Motive +14, Spellcraft +16, Survival +12

We should probably spread these around amongst ourselves as well.

6 potions of cure moderate
5 potions of lesser restoration Quince took one

Male Kitsune
Vital Stats/Skills:
HP: 67/88 (92/92), - AC: 34/T: 14/FF: 24 – Perception +15 - Initiative: +6 - F: +17 / R: +13/ W: +17 (15) - CMB: +14 (16) - CMD: 30, Speed: 40, Acrobatics +15
Oracle (Curse: Tongues)
Diplomacy +22 (24 Fey), Handle Animal +15, Kn. Geography +12, Kn. History +11, Kn. Religion +11, Prof. Cartographer +10, Ride +19, Sense Motive +14, Spellcraft +16, Survival +12

Now that we confirmed that the +3 great sword belonged to Megar Varn.

Let’s put the sword in the diplomatic package for his family.

Bear I’m can send a messenger with the story that we know and return the sword.

IF as you say they seek compensation we can offer them the mud rights.

M Aasimar (Elf)
Vital Stats:
HP 56/56 | AC25, T25, F19, CMD33+ | F+11, R+14. W+12 | Init+4 | CMB +8/10+ | Speed 50' | Per+15
Unchained Monk 5/Evangelist of Irori 2
Acrobatics+14~, Bluff+1, Climb+7-, Diplomacy+13, Escape Artist+4-, Knowledge (Religion)+11, Linguistics+13, Perception+15, Perform (sing)+13, Sense Motive+17, Stealth+4-, Swim+7-

I claimed the Ring of Freedom of Movement, unless there were two?

Male Elf CN Gestalt Druid (Nature Fang) / Shifter (Mooncaller) 7| 30ft speed | HP: 62/62| AC: 26/21/22|Init: +5|Perc: +14|Fort: +13|Ref: +15|Will: +16|CMB: +9 CMD: 22|C.LB +1:+11;1d8+3|Q.Staff: +9;1d6+3|Claws: +11;1d6+4|
Acro:+14| App:+3|Bluff:+0|Clim:+6|Diplo:+0|Disg:+0|E.A:+4|Fly:+8|H.A:+5|Heal:+10|Inti :+0|K.Nat:+13|K.Geo+13|K.Pla:+6|K/Loc:+4|Ling:+10|Ride:+4|SM:+6|Sleight:+10 |Spell:+13|Stealth:+14|Sur:+14|UMD:+0|

Ring of Protection +2. I can always wait for another ring of freedom of movement.

Male Kitsune
Vital Stats/Skills:
HP: 67/88 (92/92), - AC: 34/T: 14/FF: 24 – Perception +15 - Initiative: +6 - F: +17 / R: +13/ W: +17 (15) - CMB: +14 (16) - CMD: 30, Speed: 40, Acrobatics +15
Oracle (Curse: Tongues)
Diplomacy +22 (24 Fey), Handle Animal +15, Kn. Geography +12, Kn. History +11, Kn. Religion +11, Prof. Cartographer +10, Ride +19, Sense Motive +14, Spellcraft +16, Survival +12
Dinenen wrote:
I claimed the Ring of Freedom of Movement, unless there were two?

LOL. I honestly thought you had. I couldn't find it again. Cool.

Male Kitsune
Vital Stats/Skills:
HP: 67/88 (92/92), - AC: 34/T: 14/FF: 24 – Perception +15 - Initiative: +6 - F: +17 / R: +13/ W: +17 (15) - CMB: +14 (16) - CMD: 30, Speed: 40, Acrobatics +15
Oracle (Curse: Tongues)
Diplomacy +22 (24 Fey), Handle Animal +15, Kn. Geography +12, Kn. History +11, Kn. Religion +11, Prof. Cartographer +10, Ride +19, Sense Motive +14, Spellcraft +16, Survival +12
Lykàn Delĩss wrote:
Ring of Protection +2. I can always wait for another ring of freedom of movement.

Yes. Believe it or not this is a different. Ring of Protection +2 if someone has a slot open. There is a cursed one that changes your hair color too. LOL.

Just to be clear. No one wants the Opal to summon Jezebel or the Raven Figurine of Wonderous Power or anything else on the list.

M Aasimar (Elf)
Vital Stats:
HP 56/56 | AC25, T25, F19, CMD33+ | F+11, R+14. W+12 | Init+4 | CMB +8/10+ | Speed 50' | Per+15
Unchained Monk 5/Evangelist of Irori 2
Acrobatics+14~, Bluff+1, Climb+7-, Diplomacy+13, Escape Artist+4-, Knowledge (Religion)+11, Linguistics+13, Perception+15, Perform (sing)+13, Sense Motive+17, Stealth+4-, Swim+7-

I think the "summon aid" items kinda violate the principle of testing and expanding his own capabilities.

I would be shocked if the Opal isn't kept, though.

Few of the items have direct applicability. <shrug> Specialty character is what I chose, though.

Male Kitsune
Vital Stats/Skills:
HP: 67/88 (92/92), - AC: 34/T: 14/FF: 24 – Perception +15 - Initiative: +6 - F: +17 / R: +13/ W: +17 (15) - CMB: +14 (16) - CMD: 30, Speed: 40, Acrobatics +15
Oracle (Curse: Tongues)
Diplomacy +22 (24 Fey), Handle Animal +15, Kn. Geography +12, Kn. History +11, Kn. Religion +11, Prof. Cartographer +10, Ride +19, Sense Motive +14, Spellcraft +16, Survival +12

I have to tip my hat to GM Wolf on this one. I had all but forgotten about Erecura. When I looked her up again I was . . . "Queen of Dis, in Hell no way can you build a shrine" but then I looked back at game play and we learned that she is Lawful Neutral. Her tenants of punishing those who despoil nature fit Lykan. And thriving where you don't belong naturally.

Male Kitsune
Vital Stats/Skills:
HP: 67/88 (92/92), - AC: 34/T: 14/FF: 24 – Perception +15 - Initiative: +6 - F: +17 / R: +13/ W: +17 (15) - CMB: +14 (16) - CMD: 30, Speed: 40, Acrobatics +15
Oracle (Curse: Tongues)
Diplomacy +22 (24 Fey), Handle Animal +15, Kn. Geography +12, Kn. History +11, Kn. Religion +11, Prof. Cartographer +10, Ride +19, Sense Motive +14, Spellcraft +16, Survival +12
Quince Medvyed wrote:
If we are going to set out for N22 we can turn north and explore the hexes southwest of the South Rostland Road N22, N15, N16, N8, and N9. N1 and N2 are there as well but I am not sure if they are part of Brevoy. Assuming they all of those hexes are open to be claimed 3 of those are grasslands which is the cheapest to develop and start farming.

Was everyone cool with this route for our next (first in the new campaign) exploration trip.

Nomen Heights

Male Kitsune
Vital Stats/Skills:
HP: 67/88 (92/92), - AC: 34/T: 14/FF: 24 – Perception +15 - Initiative: +6 - F: +17 / R: +13/ W: +17 (15) - CMB: +14 (16) - CMD: 30, Speed: 40, Acrobatics +15
Oracle (Curse: Tongues)
Diplomacy +22 (24 Fey), Handle Animal +15, Kn. Geography +12, Kn. History +11, Kn. Religion +11, Prof. Cartographer +10, Ride +19, Sense Motive +14, Spellcraft +16, Survival +12
GM Wolf wrote:

When you get home you will see the portal system, a 50 foot clear but rainbow colored crystal obelisk. The scrolls still work.

Yes all of the cities have a waypoint, The lizardflolk town, the kobold mining factility, Tyzelwyrm, New Hope, and Elkheart.

If you asked Sulvanii he might be able to produce a waypoint for you. It will likely take a few days. Unless you use all his wishes. You should also ask him to make one in Restov,

I assume the scrolls work for one person at a time?

Do you need a scroll for each trip? Meaning if you wanted to pop from Varnhold to Elkheart to Ft. Promise to Tatzlford and back you would need 4 scrolls? Or was the portal system a constant thing that did not require the scrolls of Town Portal? With the Town portal scrolls being an emergency fleeing opportunity.

Quince Medvyed wrote:
GM Wolf wrote:

When you get home you will see the portal system, a 50 foot clear but rainbow colored crystal obelisk. The scrolls still work.

Yes all of the cities have a waypoint, The lizardflolk town, the kobold mining factility, Tyzelwyrm, New Hope, and Elkheart.

If you asked Sulvanii he might be able to produce a waypoint for you. It will likely take a few days. Unless you use all his wishes. You should also ask him to make one in Restov,

I assume the scrolls work for one person at a time?

Do you need a scroll for each trip? Meaning if you wanted to pop from Varnhold to Elkheart to Ft. Promise to Tatzlford and back you would need 4 scrolls? Or was the portal system a constant thing that did not require the scrolls of Town Portal? With the Town portal scrolls being an emergency fleeing opportunity.

Excellent questions but you don't know.

What are the historians, scribes, and history takers called again? There should be one with two guards with every Warden.

Male Kitsune
Vital Stats/Skills:
HP: 67/88 (92/92), - AC: 34/T: 14/FF: 24 – Perception +15 - Initiative: +6 - F: +17 / R: +13/ W: +17 (15) - CMB: +14 (16) - CMD: 30, Speed: 40, Acrobatics +15
Oracle (Curse: Tongues)
Diplomacy +22 (24 Fey), Handle Animal +15, Kn. Geography +12, Kn. History +11, Kn. Religion +11, Prof. Cartographer +10, Ride +19, Sense Motive +14, Spellcraft +16, Survival +12
GM Wolf wrote:
What are the historians, scribes, and history takers called again? There should be one with two guards with every Warden.

LOL I have no idea if we came up with a name for them. I would imagine that Selena has treasury agents. I could totally see us saying, "Get an abacus on that." Though that would be a slang term. Cleo was Headmistress of the Academy before she was Magister I don't know if we formalized a name for them. Or if she just sent professors and researchers on tasks.

I am confused. There has been a flurry of activity. Is this for the people going to Varnhold to start assessing things and such? That's fine.

She focused more upon teaching and having her professors teach.

Umm talk with the NPCs I don't know what you are confused about.

Male Kitsune
Vital Stats/Skills:
HP: 67/88 (92/92), - AC: 34/T: 14/FF: 24 – Perception +15 - Initiative: +6 - F: +17 / R: +13/ W: +17 (15) - CMB: +14 (16) - CMD: 30, Speed: 40, Acrobatics +15
Oracle (Curse: Tongues)
Diplomacy +22 (24 Fey), Handle Animal +15, Kn. Geography +12, Kn. History +11, Kn. Religion +11, Prof. Cartographer +10, Ride +19, Sense Motive +14, Spellcraft +16, Survival +12
GM Wolf wrote:
She focused more upon teaching and having her professors teach.

Right because prior to the year time jump prior to the Varnhold chapter she was the Headmistress of the Academy and not the Magister. I assumed that once she moved into the role of Magister her efforts were split between the cities and those duties overall.

GM Wolf wrote:
Umm talk with the NPCs I don't know what you are confused about.

I am confused by this "There should be one with two guards with every Warden."

When are you saying we should always have two guards with us. In Elkheart, when we set out to explore, is this about the teams of people to assess Varnhold's needs.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Half-Elven Male Adult Fighter Archer 8|Life Oracle (Warsighted) 8 | HP:106/106 | AC:27 | T:17 | FF:23 | Low-Light Vision | Perception:(+20) | Initiative:+10 | F:+14 | R:+13 | W:+13 | CMB:+9 | CMD:36 | Speed:30 | V.Channel:8/8 | MF:7/7 | Spells:@/8/8/7/4
Climb:+5 | Craft (weap):+4 | Diplo:+7 | H.Animal:+8 | Know.(nature, religion):+8 | Prof (soldier):+6 | Ride:+8 | S.Motive:+7 | S.Craft:+8 | Stealth:+7 | Surv:+7 | Swim:+5(+4 Str,+6 Dex,+2 Int,+2 Wis,+3 Cha)

Kevros, Warden of the Sword, is starting to catch up ... LOL

Player wise, get caught up. More questions to follow.

Anything I need to do character wise?

And VERY HAPPY to be back!

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Male Kitsune
Vital Stats/Skills:
HP: 67/88 (92/92), - AC: 34/T: 14/FF: 24 – Perception +15 - Initiative: +6 - F: +17 / R: +13/ W: +17 (15) - CMB: +14 (16) - CMD: 30, Speed: 40, Acrobatics +15
Oracle (Curse: Tongues)
Diplomacy +22 (24 Fey), Handle Animal +15, Kn. Geography +12, Kn. History +11, Kn. Religion +11, Prof. Cartographer +10, Ride +19, Sense Motive +14, Spellcraft +16, Survival +12

Now that we rescued the people of Varnhold. They want to join the Greenwatch.

We have had a couple days in Varnhold getting the rescued folk settled. Quince and Sulvanii have been going back and forth about basically assessing what the needs of Varnhold and the surrounding region are. Before you were confirmed returning it was Kevros will send some Reeves to check things out do the assessment.

Now that you are with us. I would imagine you are going to come yourself to do the assessment (which was rp fluff for the purpose of showing that we are attentive to the needs of the people).

The last few posts between Quince and Sulvanii I would imagine if you wanted to be there you could be. If you want to start interacting.

Otherwise when that meeting is done. Which it might already be. We will be back in Varnhold and likely to set out exploring.

The first goal exploring is Hex N22 on the Noment Heights map. Which is the single hex separating the Varnhold controlled lands from Greenwatch. After which we were going to swing north through the other hexes north of N22, south of the road and west of the mountains as those are more grasslands and that is cheaper for developing farmland.

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Quince Medvyed wrote:

I am confused by this "There should be one with two guards with every Warden."

When are you saying we should always have two guards with us. In Elkheart, when we set out to explore, is this about the teams of people to assess Varnhold's needs.

In Elkheart and in Greenwatch each Warden is required to have at least two guards, two soldiers, and a historian at their side. After the event of Cleo's death the council decided security needed to be increased.

Tristan has been working on making elite royal guards that would replace the military defense of each Warden.

This has nothing to do with the teams of people to assess Varnhold's needs. Just a reminder as Quince returns his troupe find him quickly and become his shadows. You know the five of them pretty well, they are one of two teams that protect you.

Male Elf CN Gestalt Druid (Nature Fang) / Shifter (Mooncaller) 7| 30ft speed | HP: 62/62| AC: 26/21/22|Init: +5|Perc: +14|Fort: +13|Ref: +15|Will: +16|CMB: +9 CMD: 22|C.LB +1:+11;1d8+3|Q.Staff: +9;1d6+3|Claws: +11;1d6+4|
Acro:+14| App:+3|Bluff:+0|Clim:+6|Diplo:+0|Disg:+0|E.A:+4|Fly:+8|H.A:+5|Heal:+10|Inti :+0|K.Nat:+13|K.Geo+13|K.Pla:+6|K/Loc:+4|Ling:+10|Ride:+4|SM:+6|Sleight:+10 |Spell:+13|Stealth:+14|Sur:+14|UMD:+0|

lol this means we actually had a small entourage following us as we adventured.

Male Kitsune
Vital Stats/Skills:
HP: 67/88 (92/92), - AC: 34/T: 14/FF: 24 – Perception +15 - Initiative: +6 - F: +17 / R: +13/ W: +17 (15) - CMB: +14 (16) - CMD: 30, Speed: 40, Acrobatics +15
Oracle (Curse: Tongues)
Diplomacy +22 (24 Fey), Handle Animal +15, Kn. Geography +12, Kn. History +11, Kn. Religion +11, Prof. Cartographer +10, Ride +19, Sense Motive +14, Spellcraft +16, Survival +12
Lykàn Delĩss wrote:
lol this means we actually had a small entourage following us as we adventured.

That’s why I was trying to understand context. The extra security is for at home in the capital.

Male Kitsune
Vital Stats/Skills:
HP: 67/88 (92/92), - AC: 34/T: 14/FF: 24 – Perception +15 - Initiative: +6 - F: +17 / R: +13/ W: +17 (15) - CMB: +14 (16) - CMD: 30, Speed: 40, Acrobatics +15
Oracle (Curse: Tongues)
Diplomacy +22 (24 Fey), Handle Animal +15, Kn. Geography +12, Kn. History +11, Kn. Religion +11, Prof. Cartographer +10, Ride +19, Sense Motive +14, Spellcraft +16, Survival +12

So army. We have never talked hard numbers before.

I am cool with 1000 as you just said.

There is a tab on the kingdom sheet management sheet about raising military units when you are not building new cities. I don't know how Tristan's player ran that if he rolled those amounts. I know that when we did the fast forward a year I did not. So technically there is a hard number that the kingdom rules could generate.

In my head Tristan whose Kingdom Role was Warden is aimed at defense. Which is why he runs the Elkheart Guard, which expanded to the other cities as they came to be. These were units dedicated professionals for city defense with some that could ride out as needed. Because this was mostly a background fact I don't know how many it would be.

Kevros is the Marshal his soldiers were outriders that looked to the protection and defense of the areas outside of the city. He called them Reeves. These again are professionals with daily duties.

Saren as general would likely have a group of full time commissioned officers and trainers but given the size of the kingdom 6740 on the Kingdom Sheet my assumption is that most of our soldiers are citizen militia who when the call goes up grab their gear and answer the call.

I am not saying it has to be like this its just the impression I got from what we set up and talked about previously. Granted the fine details we didn't get to because they were happening in the background.

If you want. I will see if I can figure out what Tristan did for military units and calculate what could have been raised during the year of down time. That should give us a number. We can stick with 1000 or with the whatever the Kingdom Sheet suggests if its bigger. If its way off we can adjust.

Half-Elven Male Adult Fighter Archer 8|Life Oracle (Warsighted) 8 | HP:106/106 | AC:27 | T:17 | FF:23 | Low-Light Vision | Perception:(+20) | Initiative:+10 | F:+14 | R:+13 | W:+13 | CMB:+9 | CMD:36 | Speed:30 | V.Channel:8/8 | MF:7/7 | Spells:@/8/8/7/4
Climb:+5 | Craft (weap):+4 | Diplo:+7 | H.Animal:+8 | Know.(nature, religion):+8 | Prof (soldier):+6 | Ride:+8 | S.Motive:+7 | S.Craft:+8 | Stealth:+7 | Surv:+7 | Swim:+5(+4 Str,+6 Dex,+2 Int,+2 Wis,+3 Cha)

I think for new areas of influence, Kev's Reeves can be law enforcement until Tristian can form the city guard. Saren is for taking regions or hold regions or apply more stick if the City Guard/Reeves can not handle the situation or they need back up because they are not large enough.

Male Kitsune
Vital Stats/Skills:
HP: 67/88 (92/92), - AC: 34/T: 14/FF: 24 – Perception +15 - Initiative: +6 - F: +17 / R: +13/ W: +17 (15) - CMB: +14 (16) - CMD: 30, Speed: 40, Acrobatics +15
Oracle (Curse: Tongues)
Diplomacy +22 (24 Fey), Handle Animal +15, Kn. Geography +12, Kn. History +11, Kn. Religion +11, Prof. Cartographer +10, Ride +19, Sense Motive +14, Spellcraft +16, Survival +12

Right Tristan has the Guard. He has formed them. They are the defensive city units.

You head up the Reeves which are rural sherrifs and outriders.

Saren heads up the army. I am open to what other players want or what the GM has already imagined. In my head I figured this was a group of commissioned officers who trained and managed a reserve militia. Large standing armies are expensive.

We just never talked hard numbers prior to this. They have been functioning for almost 2 years at this point and supported the Duchy of more than 6 thousand spread over 3 cities and the surrounding countryside.

If someone attacks a city or starts a riot the professional guard are the defense.

If things go on at Farmer Maggots field the Reeves investigate and deal with it.

If there is a threat of war or a force of large number causing problems the Muster is raised and Saren leads them to battle.

Male Elf CN Gestalt Druid (Nature Fang) / Shifter (Mooncaller) 7| 30ft speed | HP: 62/62| AC: 26/21/22|Init: +5|Perc: +14|Fort: +13|Ref: +15|Will: +16|CMB: +9 CMD: 22|C.LB +1:+11;1d8+3|Q.Staff: +9;1d6+3|Claws: +11;1d6+4|
Acro:+14| App:+3|Bluff:+0|Clim:+6|Diplo:+0|Disg:+0|E.A:+4|Fly:+8|H.A:+5|Heal:+10|Inti :+0|K.Nat:+13|K.Geo+13|K.Pla:+6|K/Loc:+4|Ling:+10|Ride:+4|SM:+6|Sleight:+10 |Spell:+13|Stealth:+14|Sur:+14|UMD:+0|


Then Let Lykan form up the Wardens.

These will be the elite rangers/warriors that will wander the land and report back any spot of trouble to the nearest town/city/ Reeves/Guard. They can be on the look out for monster outbreaks, natural disasters and frontline first aiders. Small Mobile Elites that can at times act as undercover spies if needed. Preferably Rangers, Druids and other suitable spellcasters or skill sets.

Male Kitsune
Vital Stats/Skills:
HP: 67/88 (92/92), - AC: 34/T: 14/FF: 24 – Perception +15 - Initiative: +6 - F: +17 / R: +13/ W: +17 (15) - CMB: +14 (16) - CMD: 30, Speed: 40, Acrobatics +15
Oracle (Curse: Tongues)
Diplomacy +22 (24 Fey), Handle Animal +15, Kn. Geography +12, Kn. History +11, Kn. Religion +11, Prof. Cartographer +10, Ride +19, Sense Motive +14, Spellcraft +16, Survival +12
Lykàn Delĩss wrote:



Then Let Lykan form up the Wardens.

These will be the elite rangers/warriors that will wander the land and report back any spot of trouble to the nearest town/city/ Reeves/Guard. They can be on the look out for monster outbreaks, natural disasters and frontline first aiders. Small Mobile Elites that can at times act as undercover spies if needed. Preferably Rangers, Druids and other suitable spellcasters or skill sets.

I love it!!!! I really want to integrate newer players into running the kingdom.

Massive Wall of Text About Existing System:
The ruling council are all Wardens. Quince is the Lord Commander of the Warden Council. Each of the "Pathfinder Kingdom Rules TM Roles" Is a Warden of Such and Such yes we picked the name Wardens for us as a group before we realized that it was also a formal Kingdom Role but it was just so cool sounding.

The basic description of the Guard and Reeve is in the slideshow.

The Guard are defensive units under the NPC Tristan who is the "Pathfinder Kingdom Rules TM Role- 'Warden'" which in the flavorful manner we labeled him the "Warden of the Shield." They are the town guard and would respond to attacks on cities, man the towers, and such. As we move into control of Varnhold some will be coming to assist in the defense of the town.

The Reeves are partly the kind of force you are describing. They are under the control of Kevros who is the "Pathfinder Kingdom Rules TM Role- 'Marshal'" which in the flavorful manner we labeled him the "Warden of the Sword." Kevros has returned as a player so he is no longer an NPC. He will be joining us in Varnhold along with a group of the Reeves to patrol the outlands and such. Most of them are rangery.

Stalker is the "Pathfinder Kingdom Rules TM Role- 'Spymaster'" which in the flavorful manner we labeled him the "Warden of the Secrets." He runs a network of spies, informants and so on.

Saren is "Pathfinder Kingdom Rules TM Role- 'General'" which in the flavorful manner we labeled him the "Warden of the Host." He leads the regular army units a group of commissioned officers which are responsible for training, and maintaining citizen militia when the need to respond to things comes up.

Quince named you Viceroy for a couple reasons.
1- His player wanted to get at least one of you a title.
2- It was an opening we had on hand.
3- Absent an official from the Larina "Warden of the Gavel's" office there was no representative to serve as an agent of the "Pathfinder Kingdom Rules TM Role- 'Executioner/Royal Enforcer'." You were hunting these guys and then needed executing.

Other than a statement about oversees a city. It doesn't have a big description and such. Viceroy would coordinate/oversee all the various military, legal and administrative needs.

Naturally the city has some of that infrastructure in place but all of the other Wardens- People who fill the Various Kingdom roles are sending personnel for each of their respective areas of authority.

In the Google Slide show if you click on the group picture on the desk it leads you to the group picture and each person in the picture is a clickable link. And describes what role they have.

So in addition to the military units spoken of above which are sending personnel.

"Pathfinder Kingdom Rules TM Role- 'Treasurer'"- Selena which we call the Warden of Coin will send people to help manage the finances.

"Pathfinder Kingdom Rules TM Role- 'Royal Enforcer'"- Larina which we call the Warden of the Gavel will send people to help manage the legal system and deliver "the Duke's Justice."

"Pathfinder Kingdom Rules TM Role- 'Grand Diplomat'"- Bearik which we call the Warden of Fellowship will send a diplomatic envoy.

"Pathfinder Kingdom Rules TM Role- 'Royal Enforcer'"- Larina which we call the Warden of the Gavel will send people to help manage the legal system and deliver "the Duke's Justice."

"Pathfinder Kingdom Rules TM Role- 'High Priest'"- Katrina which we call the Warden of the Faith will send people to attend the people's spiritual needs.

"Pathfinder Kingdom Rules TM Role- 'Magister'"- Cleo which we call the Warden of the Scroll will be involved in setting up education and like our other cities we will eventually put up one of the three different types of learning institutions in Varnhold.

"Pathfinder Kingdom Rules TM Role- 'Councilor'"- Sulvanii which is just that will be in touch with you and he has various officials that would offer advice.

So as Viceroy you work with the city to make sure all of these folks are keeping the city well looked after.

All that said there is nothing to stop Lykan from putting together a unit better suited to the hills, mountains, and plains of the Nomen Heights. This could even be the militia from Varnhold. They would have some overlap with the Reeves. But so do the US Marshalls and the FBI and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms.

"Varnhold Outriders" maybe. "outriders" has a less orderly feel to it, like Lykan himself.

Lykàn Delĩss wrote:
lol this means we actually had a small entourage following us as we adventured.

No, Quince left the Greenwatch and his bodyguards were Cleo and Jorne.

Quince Medvyed wrote:
Lykàn Delĩss wrote:
lol this means we actually had a small entourage following us as we adventured.
That’s why I was trying to understand context. The extra security is for at home in the capital.


Quince Medvyed wrote:

So army. We have never talked hard numbers before.

I am cool with 1000 as you just said.

There is a tab on the kingdom sheet management sheet about raising military units when you are not building new cities. I don't know how Tristan's player ran that if he rolled those amounts. I know that when we did the fast forward a year I did not. So technically there is a hard number that the kingdom rules could generate.

In my head Tristan whose Kingdom Role was Warden is aimed at defense. Which is why he runs the Elkheart Guard, which expanded to the other cities as they came to be. These were units dedicated professionals for city defense with some that could ride out as needed. Because this was mostly a background fact I don't know how many it would be.

Kevros is the Marshal his soldiers were outriders that looked to the protection and defense of the areas outside of the city. He called them Reeves. These again are professionals with daily duties.

Saren as general would likely have a group of full time commissioned officers and trainers but given the size of the kingdom 6740 on the Kingdom Sheet my assumption is that most of our soldiers are citizen militia who when the call goes up grab their gear and answer the call.

I am not saying it has to be like this its just the impression I got from what we set up and talked about previously. Granted the fine details we didn't get to because they were happening in the background.

If you want. I will see if I can figure out what Tristan did for military units and calculate what could have been raised during the year of down time. That should give us a number. We can stick with 1000 or with the whatever the Kingdom Sheet suggests if its bigger. If its way off we can adjust.

Knowing Saren and Bearik, they kept recruiting. I did not have any kingdom building aspect affect it. As with a few wishes there is minimal impact on the nation.

Sounds good I leave it in your hands.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Kitsune
Vital Stats/Skills:
HP: 67/88 (92/92), - AC: 34/T: 14/FF: 24 – Perception +15 - Initiative: +6 - F: +17 / R: +13/ W: +17 (15) - CMB: +14 (16) - CMD: 30, Speed: 40, Acrobatics +15
Oracle (Curse: Tongues)
Diplomacy +22 (24 Fey), Handle Animal +15, Kn. Geography +12, Kn. History +11, Kn. Religion +11, Prof. Cartographer +10, Ride +19, Sense Motive +14, Spellcraft +16, Survival +12

I need it formally recorded that:

"by Erastil's furry Spring antlers"

is the best line I have come up with in awhile.

Male Kitsune
Vital Stats/Skills:
HP: 67/88 (92/92), - AC: 34/T: 14/FF: 24 – Perception +15 - Initiative: +6 - F: +17 / R: +13/ W: +17 (15) - CMB: +14 (16) - CMD: 30, Speed: 40, Acrobatics +15
Oracle (Curse: Tongues)
Diplomacy +22 (24 Fey), Handle Animal +15, Kn. Geography +12, Kn. History +11, Kn. Religion +11, Prof. Cartographer +10, Ride +19, Sense Motive +14, Spellcraft +16, Survival +12
GM Wolf wrote:

Knowing Saren and Bearik, they kept recruiting. I did not have any kingdom building aspect affect it. As with a few wishes there is minimal impact on the nation.

Sounds good I leave it in your hands.

That works. For me I was going to say that we have a surplus of Build Points in the treasury. 1 BP is basically 4k gold. That could pay for thing.

The upkeep of things implies that there are "soldiers" in the barracks, watch towers, and garrisons. It just never says how many soldiers they are.

In the Mass Combat rules a soldier is a single Unit. So because they don't say how many soldiers/units that the buildings support there is nothing to gauge how many soldiers there are.

Also this I think is funny. There is no rules for "creating" an army. All the stats are for sustaining an army on the move. So when we go to war and march out. Then based on the army cost it would be xBP a week to keep them feed and sustained.

Unless we do something involving Mass Combat its all just fluff. Chapter 5 is where there is "a war." We talk about fighting a war with the trolls but that was part of the narrative framework of the year of downtime between Chapter 2 and the start of Chapter 3.

Now for fun sake. I hope we don't create a single 1000 member army (which is Gargantuan army 2nd biggest). A single army has all alike units. It would be far more fun to have smaller armies that work in concert.

The Elkheart Guard
Greenwatch Reeves
The Greenwatch Muster (Militia)
Varnhold Outriders
Elk Cavalry
Sootscale Kobold Skirmishers
Lizardfolk Shock Troops
Nomen Centaur Archers

Sounds fun and interesting. In truth it will all be just fluff. The war you fight will focus on your exploits through the war.... But we will get to that soon enough.

Male Elf CN Gestalt Druid (Nature Fang) / Shifter (Mooncaller) 7| 30ft speed | HP: 62/62| AC: 26/21/22|Init: +5|Perc: +14|Fort: +13|Ref: +15|Will: +16|CMB: +9 CMD: 22|C.LB +1:+11;1d8+3|Q.Staff: +9;1d6+3|Claws: +11;1d6+4|
Acro:+14| App:+3|Bluff:+0|Clim:+6|Diplo:+0|Disg:+0|E.A:+4|Fly:+8|H.A:+5|Heal:+10|Inti :+0|K.Nat:+13|K.Geo+13|K.Pla:+6|K/Loc:+4|Ling:+10|Ride:+4|SM:+6|Sleight:+10 |Spell:+13|Stealth:+14|Sur:+14|UMD:+0|

Outriders sounds even better.

They'll fit in as a bunch of skirmishers. A wide range of skills as wells. Not unlike the Reeves and Stalkers already in place.
Their focus though would be towards the comfort of the people of the lands and dangers that threaten them from the frontier or outlying small hamlets and such that do not get the benefit of a Bailiff or such.

Given what I understand the terrain of Varnhold itself, I guess that they'll be a more rugged type.

Half-Elven Male Adult Fighter Archer 8|Life Oracle (Warsighted) 8 | HP:106/106 | AC:27 | T:17 | FF:23 | Low-Light Vision | Perception:(+20) | Initiative:+10 | F:+14 | R:+13 | W:+13 | CMB:+9 | CMD:36 | Speed:30 | V.Channel:8/8 | MF:7/7 | Spells:@/8/8/7/4
Climb:+5 | Craft (weap):+4 | Diplo:+7 | H.Animal:+8 | Know.(nature, religion):+8 | Prof (soldier):+6 | Ride:+8 | S.Motive:+7 | S.Craft:+8 | Stealth:+7 | Surv:+7 | Swim:+5(+4 Str,+6 Dex,+2 Int,+2 Wis,+3 Cha)
Quince Medvyed wrote:

Also this I think is funny. There is no rules for "creating" an army. All the stats are for sustaining an army on the move. So when we go to war and march out. Then based on the army cost it would be xBP a week to keep them feed and sustained.

Now for fun sake. I hope we don't create a single 1000 member army (which is Gargantuan army 2nd biggest). A single army has all alike units. It would be far more fun to have smaller armies that work in concert.

The Elkheart Guard
Greenwatch Reeves
The Greenwatch Muster (Militia)
Varnhold Outriders
Elk Cavalry
Sootscale Kobold Skirmishers
Lizardfolk Shock Troops
Nomen Centaur Archers

1. I think that is for the GM and us to come up with the rules in creating the army.

2. We can eventually have 1000 size units. Our smaller unit operations will most likely be contained to just the Wardens and maybe a few men like when we captured Elkheart, Oleg's, and other small areas.

3. I like the names, shouldn't Varnhold Outriders be ...

Varnhold Outriders (Guard)?

or two separate units ...

Varnhold Outriders (elite)
Vannhold Guard (Tristan's Guard in Varnhold)?

Before I get into too much trouble game wise, I am going to work my character today wish (the surprise after my post in Game) and Hero Lab wise.

Male Kitsune
Vital Stats/Skills:
HP: 67/88 (92/92), - AC: 34/T: 14/FF: 24 – Perception +15 - Initiative: +6 - F: +17 / R: +13/ W: +17 (15) - CMB: +14 (16) - CMD: 30, Speed: 40, Acrobatics +15
Oracle (Curse: Tongues)
Diplomacy +22 (24 Fey), Handle Animal +15, Kn. Geography +12, Kn. History +11, Kn. Religion +11, Prof. Cartographer +10, Ride +19, Sense Motive +14, Spellcraft +16, Survival +12

We can name them as we want.

I mean yeah the guard once stationed in Varnhold will likely be the Varnhold Guard.

The Varnhold Outrides could be the militia unit from Varnhold. They could be their own unique group of mountain and hill folk rangers.

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