Miteke's Legacy of Fire

Game Master miteke

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Geographical Maps - Kakishon

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Remember you all have some cash to spend. All of you get that platinum and some of you get a 10% boost to WBL in addition to a free equipment rebuild.

@Tarak, if you would like to take goodberry every day you can maintain a stockpile of 5 goodberries per level per spell slot reserved for the spell. You may 'regenerate' 5 berries per day per spell as long as there are fresh berries available. We will just do 5/day (average roll for the 2d4 you usually get) so we don't have to roll for every casting.

Male Ifrit Sorceror Elemental: Water () 5 / Oracle Flame (Seeker) 2 -6
Active Conditions:
Mage Armor +4AC, Shield +4AC
| HP: 17/47-30| AC: 14/16/13|Init: +7|Perc: +4|Fort: +4|Ref: +5|Will: +7|CMB: +4 CMD: 15|Acid: +6;1d3|Frost:1d3|Disrupt:1d6|Fire Ray:1d6+1|Q.Staff: +3;1d6|
Acro:+6| App:+2|Bluff:+9|Clim:+0|Diplo:+10|DD:+13|Disg:+4|E.A:+3|H.A:+4|Heal:-1|Inti :+10|K.Arc:+8|K.Pla/Reli:+7/6|Ling:+9|Ride:+3|SM:-1|Sleight:+10|Spell:+10|S tealth:+4|Sur:-1|UMD:+10|

Hmm 200 gp limit.
Not much to buy then.

Urah will save his cash.
That Wand of Shield and Infernal Healing is still useful to Urah at this time.

Yes, if you are buying in Kelmarane. You could grab a few potions or alchemical power components or such. They do not cost all that much.

Male Human Druid 7 | Init +2, Senses Perception +16 | AC 19, 14 Touch, 17 Flat footed (+4 armor, +1 Shield, +2 Dex, +2 Def,) | Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +12 | HP 17/48| Lightning Arc 6/7 | Beacon 0/1 | DL 1/1 IL 1/1| Med 1/1 | Active Conditions: Barkskin: AC 22
miteke wrote:

Remember you all have some cash to spend. All of you get that platinum and some of you get a 10% boost to WBL in addition to a free equipment rebuild.

@Tarak, if you would like to take goodberry every day you can maintain a stockpile of 5 goodberries per level per spell slot reserved for the spell. You may 'regenerate' 5 berries per day per spell as long as there are fresh berries available. We will just do 5/day (average roll for the 2d4 you usually get) so we don't have to roll for every casting.

Sounds good, my thought was just a single spell slot on it, and they last 5 days right now so he should have a stockpile of 25 on hand until we start eating them.

Male Gnoll Bloodrager 11 | HP 135/135 Rage:168 |AC 26/T15/FF23 (Rage AC) 19/T8/FF16 Due to enlarged rage and reckless abandon | F+12/R+8/W+7/10(rage) | CMB + 16/CMD 29 | init + 5 | Perc + 14 | intim. + 22 | Surv. + 14 | Rage: 24/27 HP+33 /AC-2/Will+3/fast healing 3 | Spells/lvl: 1st: 2/3, 2nd: 2/2, 3rd:2/2 | BoS 6/10
miteke wrote:


Your efforts provide a stipend in the form of 250gp per month. Since I do wealth by level I am going to give you a 10% bonus to your WBL effective immediately (along with the opportunity to reconstruct your inventory).

So will reevaluate inventory, hopefully pick up a wand he can use. So is the 10% bonus to WBL permanent or just this level?

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Acrobatics +17 (18), Disable Device 23 (24), Heal +10, Perception +22, Stealth +21 (22), Survival +3, Use Magic Device +11
Hobgoblin Kineticist 11 | Init +5 (6), Senses Perception (Darkvision) +22 | AC 35, 16 Touch, 31 Flat Footed| Fort +15 (17), Ref +15 (16), Will +9 | HP 128/128 (95/150) ( Non-lethal) | Burn 5 |Active Conditions: None

Over the year, Malgrim would ask Tarak or Urah to refill the wands.

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'Gnasher' Red Claw wrote:
miteke wrote:


Your efforts provide a stipend in the form of 250gp per month. Since I do wealth by level I am going to give you a 10% bonus to your WBL effective immediately (along with the opportunity to reconstruct your inventory).

So will reevaluate inventory, hopefully pick up a wand he can use. So is the 10% bonus to WBL permanent or just this level?

The WBL bonus is permanent.

Male Ifrit Sorceror Elemental: Water () 5 / Oracle Flame (Seeker) 2 -6
Active Conditions:
Mage Armor +4AC, Shield +4AC
| HP: 17/47-30| AC: 14/16/13|Init: +7|Perc: +4|Fort: +4|Ref: +5|Will: +7|CMB: +4 CMD: 15|Acid: +6;1d3|Frost:1d3|Disrupt:1d6|Fire Ray:1d6+1|Q.Staff: +3;1d6|
Acro:+6| App:+2|Bluff:+9|Clim:+0|Diplo:+10|DD:+13|Disg:+4|E.A:+3|H.A:+4|Heal:-1|Inti :+10|K.Arc:+8|K.Pla/Reli:+7/6|Ling:+9|Ride:+3|SM:-1|Sleight:+10|Spell:+10|S tealth:+4|Sur:-1|UMD:+10|
Malgrim Gryh wrote:
Over the year, Malgrim would ask Tarak or Urah to refill the wands.

Sure. Urah will do so.

Male Human Druid 7 | Init +2, Senses Perception +16 | AC 19, 14 Touch, 17 Flat footed (+4 armor, +1 Shield, +2 Dex, +2 Def,) | Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +12 | HP 17/48| Lightning Arc 6/7 | Beacon 0/1 | DL 1/1 IL 1/1| Med 1/1 | Active Conditions: Barkskin: AC 22

Over the course of this year is it reasonable to assume we eventually identified all of the stuff we found?

Yes, the amulet is an amulet of mighty fists, and the ring is a ring of protection +2.

Male Gnoll Bloodrager 11 | HP 135/135 Rage:168 |AC 26/T15/FF23 (Rage AC) 19/T8/FF16 Due to enlarged rage and reckless abandon | F+12/R+8/W+7/10(rage) | CMB + 16/CMD 29 | init + 5 | Perc + 14 | intim. + 22 | Surv. + 14 | Rage: 24/27 HP+33 /AC-2/Will+3/fast healing 3 | Spells/lvl: 1st: 2/3, 2nd: 2/2, 3rd:2/2 | BoS 6/10
miteke wrote:
Yes, the amulet is an amulet of mighty fists....

You don't say?

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I do, I do! Something both you and Tarak can use. Half price now :)

Male Ifrit Sorceror Elemental: Water () 5 / Oracle Flame (Seeker) 2 -6
Active Conditions:
Mage Armor +4AC, Shield +4AC
| HP: 17/47-30| AC: 14/16/13|Init: +7|Perc: +4|Fort: +4|Ref: +5|Will: +7|CMB: +4 CMD: 15|Acid: +6;1d3|Frost:1d3|Disrupt:1d6|Fire Ray:1d6+1|Q.Staff: +3;1d6|
Acro:+6| App:+2|Bluff:+9|Clim:+0|Diplo:+10|DD:+13|Disg:+4|E.A:+3|H.A:+4|Heal:-1|Inti :+10|K.Arc:+8|K.Pla/Reli:+7/6|Ling:+9|Ride:+3|SM:-1|Sleight:+10|Spell:+10|S tealth:+4|Sur:-1|UMD:+10|

Buy 1 get one free?

Male Gnoll Bloodrager 11 | HP 135/135 Rage:168 |AC 26/T15/FF23 (Rage AC) 19/T8/FF16 Due to enlarged rage and reckless abandon | F+12/R+8/W+7/10(rage) | CMB + 16/CMD 29 | init + 5 | Perc + 14 | intim. + 22 | Surv. + 14 | Rage: 24/27 HP+33 /AC-2/Will+3/fast healing 3 | Spells/lvl: 1st: 2/3, 2nd: 2/2, 3rd:2/2 | BoS 6/10

Miteke said that when we reset wealth at level up we could purchase items half price. He later said that instead of being only one item we could do it pathfinder society style and everyone could purchase one...

Right, but just remember that the half price items only include items that you have looted. So no fully half price AoMF +2. But you could get a AoMF +1 at manufacturing cost (1/2 normal) and then pay the enchantment cost to make it +2 meaning that you would have a 1000 gp deduction on the AoMF +2.

Male Human Druid 7 | Init +2, Senses Perception +16 | AC 19, 14 Touch, 17 Flat footed (+4 armor, +1 Shield, +2 Dex, +2 Def,) | Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +12 | HP 17/48| Lightning Arc 6/7 | Beacon 0/1 | DL 1/1 IL 1/1| Med 1/1 | Active Conditions: Barkskin: AC 22

Wasn’t there also some beads and a … headband? We found early in the temple we never identified?

The amulet is awful tempting, but NA is pretty needed for my beast form too. Guess I’ll stock up on barkskin scrolls.

Only Gnasher is reworking inventory, the rest have a spending cap of 200 gp, yes? I also missed if we got any bonus cash.

The items in that room were a Phylactery of Faithfulness, A headband of wisdom +2, a neckless of fireballs type III, and a lesser strand of prayer beads.

Male Gnoll Bloodrager 11 | HP 135/135 Rage:168 |AC 26/T15/FF23 (Rage AC) 19/T8/FF16 Due to enlarged rage and reckless abandon | F+12/R+8/W+7/10(rage) | CMB + 16/CMD 29 | init + 5 | Perc + 14 | intim. + 22 | Surv. + 14 | Rage: 24/27 HP+33 /AC-2/Will+3/fast healing 3 | Spells/lvl: 1st: 2/3, 2nd: 2/2, 3rd:2/2 | BoS 6/10

Until we level up we have one each of: a Phylactery of Faithfulness, A headband of wisdom +2, a neckless of fireballs type III, a lesser strand of prayer beads, an amulet of mighty fists, and a ring of protection +2. Which we can use. Then once we level up again, we may purchase them at half price from our higher level amount.

Even though Gnasher is able to re work his gear, he's going to purchase a wand. Tarak do you want to use the amulet of mighty fists, Gnasher has a magical amulet and two magical weapons.

Male Ifrit Sorceror Elemental: Water () 5 / Oracle Flame (Seeker) 2 -6
Active Conditions:
Mage Armor +4AC, Shield +4AC
| HP: 17/47-30| AC: 14/16/13|Init: +7|Perc: +4|Fort: +4|Ref: +5|Will: +7|CMB: +4 CMD: 15|Acid: +6;1d3|Frost:1d3|Disrupt:1d6|Fire Ray:1d6+1|Q.Staff: +3;1d6|
Acro:+6| App:+2|Bluff:+9|Clim:+0|Diplo:+10|DD:+13|Disg:+4|E.A:+3|H.A:+4|Heal:-1|Inti :+10|K.Arc:+8|K.Pla/Reli:+7/6|Ling:+9|Ride:+3|SM:-1|Sleight:+10|Spell:+10|S tealth:+4|Sur:-1|UMD:+10|

I'll stick to what I have in my inventory atm.
Fully charged wands are worth their weight in gold.

Male Gnoll Bloodrager 11 | HP 135/135 Rage:168 |AC 26/T15/FF23 (Rage AC) 19/T8/FF16 Due to enlarged rage and reckless abandon | F+12/R+8/W+7/10(rage) | CMB + 16/CMD 29 | init + 5 | Perc + 14 | intim. + 22 | Surv. + 14 | Rage: 24/27 HP+33 /AC-2/Will+3/fast healing 3 | Spells/lvl: 1st: 2/3, 2nd: 2/2, 3rd:2/2 | BoS 6/10

I thought maybe you'd want the neckless of fireballs, we may as well use it up, it's free this level, once we level up if we want any of the items we'll have to pay for them

Acrobatics +17 (18), Disable Device 23 (24), Heal +10, Perception +22, Stealth +21 (22), Survival +3, Use Magic Device +11
Hobgoblin Kineticist 11 | Init +5 (6), Senses Perception (Darkvision) +22 | AC 35, 16 Touch, 31 Flat Footed| Fort +15 (17), Ref +15 (16), Will +9 | HP 128/128 (95/150) ( Non-lethal) | Burn 5 |Active Conditions: None

I will be going on vacation from Saturday through Wednesday. I will try and check the boards in the evenings but I may be slow to post over the next few days. Feel free to bot me as needed.

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Male Ifrit Sorceror Elemental: Water () 5 / Oracle Flame (Seeker) 2 -6
Active Conditions:
Mage Armor +4AC, Shield +4AC
| HP: 17/47-30| AC: 14/16/13|Init: +7|Perc: +4|Fort: +4|Ref: +5|Will: +7|CMB: +4 CMD: 15|Acid: +6;1d3|Frost:1d3|Disrupt:1d6|Fire Ray:1d6+1|Q.Staff: +3;1d6|
Acro:+6| App:+2|Bluff:+9|Clim:+0|Diplo:+10|DD:+13|Disg:+4|E.A:+3|H.A:+4|Heal:-1|Inti :+10|K.Arc:+8|K.Pla/Reli:+7/6|Ling:+9|Ride:+3|SM:-1|Sleight:+10|Spell:+10|S tealth:+4|Sur:-1|UMD:+10|
'Gnasher' Red Claw wrote:
I thought maybe you'd want the neckless of fireballs, we may as well use it up, it's free this level, once we level up if we want any of the items we'll have to pay for them

Yes but I'm not the only one who could use it. :P

I imagine Tarak bombardment with that item.

Male Gnoll Bloodrager 11 | HP 135/135 Rage:168 |AC 26/T15/FF23 (Rage AC) 19/T8/FF16 Due to enlarged rage and reckless abandon | F+12/R+8/W+7/10(rage) | CMB + 16/CMD 29 | init + 5 | Perc + 14 | intim. + 22 | Surv. + 14 | Rage: 24/27 HP+33 /AC-2/Will+3/fast healing 3 | Spells/lvl: 1st: 2/3, 2nd: 2/2, 3rd:2/2 | BoS 6/10
Urah Pyr wrote:
'Gnasher' Red Claw wrote:
I thought maybe you'd want the neckless of fireballs, we may as well use it up, it's free this level, once we level up if we want any of the items we'll have to pay for them

Yes but I'm not the only one who could use it. :P

I imagine Tarak bombardment with that item.

Tarak Stromblessed wrote:
The amulet is awful tempting, but NA is pretty needed for my beast form too. Guess I’ll stock up on barkskin scrolls.

So Tarak, which is it? Trying to nail down who has what before we head out.

Everyone remember we get the single item 'for free' until our next level. We may as well use them up if we want to.

Urah Pyr wrote:

I'll stick to what I have in my inventory atm.

Fully charged wands are worth their weight in gold.

Are we still doing wands hold five charges that may be refilled daily?

Either way Gnasher will purchase a wand of infernal healing for his own use.

Yes, wands are built with charges per day.

Male Gnoll Bloodrager 11 | HP 135/135 Rage:168 |AC 26/T15/FF23 (Rage AC) 19/T8/FF16 Due to enlarged rage and reckless abandon | F+12/R+8/W+7/10(rage) | CMB + 16/CMD 29 | init + 5 | Perc + 14 | intim. + 22 | Surv. + 14 | Rage: 24/27 HP+33 /AC-2/Will+3/fast healing 3 | Spells/lvl: 1st: 2/3, 2nd: 2/2, 3rd:2/2 | BoS 6/10
miteke wrote:


The knowledge geography roll you made caps out at 10 and tells you that the trip to the pale mountain will be a tough one and finding anything in the mountains is not easy unless it is up on a mountainside in plain view. As for where Urah is, that is up to him.

I assume this was an answer to Gnasher :)

how long of a trip?

Take a look at the map labeled Pale Mountain Region. You are located at the place numbered 20. Make rolls to figure out how long it will take.

I have a lot of leeway in determining how long it takes and it will depend on the route you take and the rolls you make. Mountain travel is going to be through pretty rough terrain. Tarak could make it there in a day if he went aerial and alone :)

Note that at this point none of you really know what the mountains have in store for you (i.e. ignore those helpful notations the map came with).

Male Human Druid 7 | Init +2, Senses Perception +16 | AC 19, 14 Touch, 17 Flat footed (+4 armor, +1 Shield, +2 Dex, +2 Def,) | Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +12 | HP 17/48| Lightning Arc 6/7 | Beacon 0/1 | DL 1/1 IL 1/1| Med 1/1 | Active Conditions: Barkskin: AC 22

I'm sticking with my amulet of natural armor. You take the fists Gnasher, it'll be more useful for you that way.

I've been thinking a flying form away from bad guys is going to be more safe for Tarak if we aren't in a dungeon, at least at this level.

Male Gnoll Bloodrager 11 | HP 135/135 Rage:168 |AC 26/T15/FF23 (Rage AC) 19/T8/FF16 Due to enlarged rage and reckless abandon | F+12/R+8/W+7/10(rage) | CMB + 16/CMD 29 | init + 5 | Perc + 14 | intim. + 22 | Surv. + 14 | Rage: 24/27 HP+33 /AC-2/Will+3/fast healing 3 | Spells/lvl: 1st: 2/3, 2nd: 2/2, 3rd:2/2 | BoS 6/10

Ok, I'll take the amulet of mighty fists. I have an amulet of natural armor if anyone wants it. Does anyone want the + 2 ring? Gnasher has a + 1 ring he would trade with the amulet of natural armor if no one wants the + 2 ring.

Once we hit the next level, he will need to actually see what he can afford.

Also, Gnasher picked up the + 1 lawful outsider bane axe does anyone want to use it?

Male Ifrit Sorceror Elemental: Water () 5 / Oracle Flame (Seeker) 2 -6
Active Conditions:
Mage Armor +4AC, Shield +4AC
| HP: 17/47-30| AC: 14/16/13|Init: +7|Perc: +4|Fort: +4|Ref: +5|Will: +7|CMB: +4 CMD: 15|Acid: +6;1d3|Frost:1d3|Disrupt:1d6|Fire Ray:1d6+1|Q.Staff: +3;1d6|
Acro:+6| App:+2|Bluff:+9|Clim:+0|Diplo:+10|DD:+13|Disg:+4|E.A:+3|H.A:+4|Heal:-1|Inti :+10|K.Arc:+8|K.Pla/Reli:+7/6|Ling:+9|Ride:+3|SM:-1|Sleight:+10|Spell:+10|S tealth:+4|Sur:-1|UMD:+10|

being in melee combat, that ring would be better served on you frontlines.

Urah is fine being as far away from combat as possible.

The axe might be useful in time for the frontliners.

So at this point, you will want to explain anything special you are doing for the trip and the route you are taking. Then I will figure out how I will rough you up on the way :)

Oh, and you should let me know when you are ready to start.

Acrobatics +17 (18), Disable Device 23 (24), Heal +10, Perception +22, Stealth +21 (22), Survival +3, Use Magic Device +11
Hobgoblin Kineticist 11 | Init +5 (6), Senses Perception (Darkvision) +22 | AC 35, 16 Touch, 31 Flat Footed| Fort +15 (17), Ref +15 (16), Will +9 | HP 128/128 (95/150) ( Non-lethal) | Burn 5 |Active Conditions: None

Malgrim is watching for ambushes. And shooting any fresh game that happens by.

Male Gnoll Bloodrager 11 | HP 135/135 Rage:168 |AC 26/T15/FF23 (Rage AC) 19/T8/FF16 Due to enlarged rage and reckless abandon | F+12/R+8/W+7/10(rage) | CMB + 16/CMD 29 | init + 5 | Perc + 14 | intim. + 22 | Surv. + 14 | Rage: 24/27 HP+33 /AC-2/Will+3/fast healing 3 | Spells/lvl: 1st: 2/3, 2nd: 2/2, 3rd:2/2 | BoS 6/10

good to go any time, Do we need to calculate the weight of the packs urah packed or can we hand waive it?

Just buy a mule or something and you can hand wave it.

So you want to talk about the route you are taking?

Malgrim will be doing survival rolls to hunt during the travelling. Any other special requests?

Male Gnoll Bloodrager 11 | HP 135/135 Rage:168 |AC 26/T15/FF23 (Rage AC) 19/T8/FF16 Due to enlarged rage and reckless abandon | F+12/R+8/W+7/10(rage) | CMB + 16/CMD 29 | init + 5 | Perc + 14 | intim. + 22 | Surv. + 14 | Rage: 24/27 HP+33 /AC-2/Will+3/fast healing 3 | Spells/lvl: 1st: 2/3, 2nd: 2/2, 3rd:2/2 | BoS 6/10

I would assume Gnasher can carry his, but a mule is fine, can we make them camels and ride?

So where is Kelmarane on the map?

Gnasher has a + 8 on survival, what kind or rolls do we need to keep from getting lost?

edit: I just looked at the geographical map, it looks like Kelmarane is south east, what's the distance to the corner of the region map? It looks like we should follow the river to 21

Male Ifrit Sorceror Elemental: Water () 5 / Oracle Flame (Seeker) 2 -6
Active Conditions:
Mage Armor +4AC, Shield +4AC
| HP: 17/47-30| AC: 14/16/13|Init: +7|Perc: +4|Fort: +4|Ref: +5|Will: +7|CMB: +4 CMD: 15|Acid: +6;1d3|Frost:1d3|Disrupt:1d6|Fire Ray:1d6+1|Q.Staff: +3;1d6|
Acro:+6| App:+2|Bluff:+9|Clim:+0|Diplo:+10|DD:+13|Disg:+4|E.A:+3|H.A:+4|Heal:-1|Inti :+10|K.Arc:+8|K.Pla/Reli:+7/6|Ling:+9|Ride:+3|SM:-1|Sleight:+10|Spell:+10|S tealth:+4|Sur:-1|UMD:+10|

Urah will get a mule/camel

Things are heavy.....

Urah will offer to charge any other wands or such that have not being charged...

The river looked like the most sensible route to me too. Camels or horses are fine, though donkeys or mules may be more well suited to mountainous terrain.

Male Gnoll Bloodrager 11 | HP 135/135 Rage:168 |AC 26/T15/FF23 (Rage AC) 19/T8/FF16 Due to enlarged rage and reckless abandon | F+12/R+8/W+7/10(rage) | CMB + 16/CMD 29 | init + 5 | Perc + 14 | intim. + 22 | Surv. + 14 | Rage: 24/27 HP+33 /AC-2/Will+3/fast healing 3 | Spells/lvl: 1st: 2/3, 2nd: 2/2, 3rd:2/2 | BoS 6/10

So Camels and horses would be faster than mules. Gnasher is as fast as a mule. I'll wait to see what anyone wants to buy, if were doing camels Gnasher will purchase one, if were doing mules, gnasher will lighten the pack so he's still med. weight so he can keep up with them.

I apologize for not getting a post up in game, I'll get one first thing in the morning.

Keep in mind that there is no road and you are following a river. From personal experience a river typically has tons of undergrowth and bramble choking the path and mountains have lots of unexpected dropoffs and walls. This will be interesting.

Male Ifrit Sorceror Elemental: Water () 5 / Oracle Flame (Seeker) 2 -6
Active Conditions:
Mage Armor +4AC, Shield +4AC
| HP: 17/47-30| AC: 14/16/13|Init: +7|Perc: +4|Fort: +4|Ref: +5|Will: +7|CMB: +4 CMD: 15|Acid: +6;1d3|Frost:1d3|Disrupt:1d6|Fire Ray:1d6+1|Q.Staff: +3;1d6|
Acro:+6| App:+2|Bluff:+9|Clim:+0|Diplo:+10|DD:+13|Disg:+4|E.A:+3|H.A:+4|Heal:-1|Inti :+10|K.Arc:+8|K.Pla/Reli:+7/6|Ling:+9|Ride:+3|SM:-1|Sleight:+10|Spell:+10|S tealth:+4|Sur:-1|UMD:+10|

Damm it I'm gonna need me a bag of holding here. lol

Male Gnoll Bloodrager 11 | HP 135/135 Rage:168 |AC 26/T15/FF23 (Rage AC) 19/T8/FF16 Due to enlarged rage and reckless abandon | F+12/R+8/W+7/10(rage) | CMB + 16/CMD 29 | init + 5 | Perc + 14 | intim. + 22 | Surv. + 14 | Rage: 24/27 HP+33 /AC-2/Will+3/fast healing 3 | Spells/lvl: 1st: 2/3, 2nd: 2/2, 3rd:2/2 | BoS 6/10

So do we want to purchase animals or just walk?

Male Ifrit Sorceror Elemental: Water () 5 / Oracle Flame (Seeker) 2 -6
Active Conditions:
Mage Armor +4AC, Shield +4AC
| HP: 17/47-30| AC: 14/16/13|Init: +7|Perc: +4|Fort: +4|Ref: +5|Will: +7|CMB: +4 CMD: 15|Acid: +6;1d3|Frost:1d3|Disrupt:1d6|Fire Ray:1d6+1|Q.Staff: +3;1d6|
Acro:+6| App:+2|Bluff:+9|Clim:+0|Diplo:+10|DD:+13|Disg:+4|E.A:+3|H.A:+4|Heal:-1|Inti :+10|K.Arc:+8|K.Pla/Reli:+7/6|Ling:+9|Ride:+3|SM:-1|Sleight:+10|Spell:+10|S tealth:+4|Sur:-1|UMD:+10|

walk and we'll need rope.
lots of rope.

Male Human Druid 7 | Init +2, Senses Perception +16 | AC 19, 14 Touch, 17 Flat footed (+4 armor, +1 Shield, +2 Dex, +2 Def,) | Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +12 | HP 17/48| Lightning Arc 6/7 | Beacon 0/1 | DL 1/1 IL 1/1| Med 1/1 | Active Conditions: Barkskin: AC 22

Tarak can fly and scout ahead for 5 hours a day, but pack animals and mounts might not be a bad idea.

Male Gnoll Bloodrager 11 | HP 135/135 Rage:168 |AC 26/T15/FF23 (Rage AC) 19/T8/FF16 Due to enlarged rage and reckless abandon | F+12/R+8/W+7/10(rage) | CMB + 16/CMD 29 | init + 5 | Perc + 14 | intim. + 22 | Surv. + 14 | Rage: 24/27 HP+33 /AC-2/Will+3/fast healing 3 | Spells/lvl: 1st: 2/3, 2nd: 2/2, 3rd:2/2 | BoS 6/10

all right, one vote for walking, one for mounts, Malgrim do you have an opinion?

Acrobatics +17 (18), Disable Device 23 (24), Heal +10, Perception +22, Stealth +21 (22), Survival +3, Use Magic Device +11
Hobgoblin Kineticist 11 | Init +5 (6), Senses Perception (Darkvision) +22 | AC 35, 16 Touch, 31 Flat Footed| Fort +15 (17), Ref +15 (16), Will +9 | HP 128/128 (95/150) ( Non-lethal) | Burn 5 |Active Conditions: None

I say a single mule. If it dies or has to be left behind then its not a huge loss. You also have to figure out food and water for them. I am ok with slightly slower travel time and we can probably be stealthier without the mounts. But it sounds like we may need something at least initially to help with weight.

As a FYI I will try to go easy on the pack animal. One thing I always disliked is how tough the game is on normal animals. Of course if you happen to stray into a dragon's breath weapon, it will probably be toast.

Acrobatics +17 (18), Disable Device 23 (24), Heal +10, Perception +22, Stealth +21 (22), Survival +3, Use Magic Device +11
Hobgoblin Kineticist 11 | Init +5 (6), Senses Perception (Darkvision) +22 | AC 35, 16 Touch, 31 Flat Footed| Fort +15 (17), Ref +15 (16), Will +9 | HP 128/128 (95/150) ( Non-lethal) | Burn 5 |Active Conditions: None

That is good to know. I also just dislike the logistics of too many mounts. Unless your small and rolling around on a medium mount that can go along with the group into weird places.

Male Ifrit Sorceror Elemental: Water () 5 / Oracle Flame (Seeker) 2 -6
Active Conditions:
Mage Armor +4AC, Shield +4AC
| HP: 17/47-30| AC: 14/16/13|Init: +7|Perc: +4|Fort: +4|Ref: +5|Will: +7|CMB: +4 CMD: 15|Acid: +6;1d3|Frost:1d3|Disrupt:1d6|Fire Ray:1d6+1|Q.Staff: +3;1d6|
Acro:+6| App:+2|Bluff:+9|Clim:+0|Diplo:+10|DD:+13|Disg:+4|E.A:+3|H.A:+4|Heal:-1|Inti :+10|K.Arc:+8|K.Pla/Reli:+7/6|Ling:+9|Ride:+3|SM:-1|Sleight:+10|Spell:+10|S tealth:+4|Sur:-1|UMD:+10|
miteke wrote:
As a FYI I will try to go easy on the pack animal. One thing I always disliked is how tough the game is on normal animals. Of course if you happen to stray into a dragon's breath weapon, it will probably be toast.

Why would it be stray into a dragon's breath weapon except as a distraction.....

Sorry. Urah is like that.

Male Gnoll Bloodrager 11 | HP 135/135 Rage:168 |AC 26/T15/FF23 (Rage AC) 19/T8/FF16 Due to enlarged rage and reckless abandon | F+12/R+8/W+7/10(rage) | CMB + 16/CMD 29 | init + 5 | Perc + 14 | intim. + 22 | Surv. + 14 | Rage: 24/27 HP+33 /AC-2/Will+3/fast healing 3 | Spells/lvl: 1st: 2/3, 2nd: 2/2, 3rd:2/2 | BoS 6/10

Ok, so were buying one mule, does anyone want to have picked one up in the last year and just happen to show up with it, or do we want to purchase it before we leave.

miteke said following the river would be brambles and such, anyone have a better idea or are we good to go, I'm ready to kick this pig.

Male Gnoll Bloodrager 11 | HP 135/135 Rage:168 |AC 26/T15/FF23 (Rage AC) 19/T8/FF16 Due to enlarged rage and reckless abandon | F+12/R+8/W+7/10(rage) | CMB + 16/CMD 29 | init + 5 | Perc + 14 | intim. + 22 | Surv. + 14 | Rage: 24/27 HP+33 /AC-2/Will+3/fast healing 3 | Spells/lvl: 1st: 2/3, 2nd: 2/2, 3rd:2/2 | BoS 6/10

Hey miteke, since were discussing 'survival techniques' in game' I've generally had Gnasher eating the offal and leftovers of the things we hunt. Stuff that a hyena would eat, but not a person.

Are you ok with me RPing that as a supplement to his diet without 'rolling' for it to be safe, or should he stick to eating only 'real' humanoid food?

Like in this case he would eat the bones and offal from the duck and squirrel and frown at the apples.

A question for the group, do we want to take the time to hunt? If so, Gnasher will do so also.

PFSRD wrote:
Get along in the wild. Move up to half your overland speed while hunting and foraging (no food or water supplies needed). You can provide food and water for one other person for every 2 points by which your check result exceeds 10.

If Gnasher takes 10 on survival, he can provide enough food for the group, But we are moving at half speed to do it.

Male Human Druid 7 | Init +2, Senses Perception +16 | AC 19, 14 Touch, 17 Flat footed (+4 armor, +1 Shield, +2 Dex, +2 Def,) | Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +12 | HP 17/48| Lightning Arc 6/7 | Beacon 0/1 | DL 1/1 IL 1/1| Med 1/1 | Active Conditions: Barkskin: AC 22

Tarak can help hunt, I have a decent survival.

And I’m fine with you RPing a Gnoll with hyena habits

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