Kevros Droverson |

We can name them as we want.
I mean yeah the guard once stationed in Varnhold will likely be the Varnhold Guard.
The Varnhold Outrides could be the militia unit from Varnhold. They could be their own unique group of mountain and hill folk rangers.
Technically speaking, those are the Reeves.

Quince Medvyed |

Militia makes the most sense given that I am sure Kevros will be sending Reeves. That would be an easy way to set them apart.
Militaries often have distinct units even if similar. The largest military units we would have is likely the militia. Sure we have guards, reeves, and officers that work with Saren but the bulk of our forces at least so far I would imagine would be reserve and called upon in need.
Lykan was proposing a group of rangers around Varnhold, which was the reason I suggested that their expertise be in the terrain around Varnhold. The first areas we were in with the Reeves were lots of forest and some grasslands. Around Varnhold is mountains.
Let's have Some fun with it!
If the Varnhold Militia is the Varnhold Outriders.
Then we would also have the:
Tatzlford Riverunners- Tatzlford is practically in the swamp to the west of Greenwatch.
Fort Promise Irregulars- ?

Quince Medvyed |

Bearik and Sulvanii were talking about building one of the Obelisk Gates in Restov.
On our Kingdom Sheet there is a note from Tristan's days running it. That we had another country want to have an embassy and then later a treaty. These resulted in one time BP bumps.
Given that it was the Swordlords that gave us the charters and asked us to look into Varnhold we at the moment should have pretty good relations with them. It would make the most sense for the request for Embassy and the treaty be from them.
On the Elkheart City page we have a Noble Villa. Embassies are said to be Noble Villas they build one in your city and you build one in theirs. Its likely that Tristan added this one when we got the request for embassy.
That means if we wanted to go with Brevoy being the one that made the request then we could have already built an Embassy to have an obelisk at.

Quince Medvyed |

Fun story.
General Hestor was made up.
It was General Patton that went to West Point. Which is where that little anecdote about delegation came from. Though I think for him it was an island and the base's flagpole was below sea level and they wanted it seen by passing ships. But apparently he was the first one to answer that little question correct on the exit exams.

Quince Medvyed |

GM Wolf are Silver Raven Figurines of Wonderous Power hypoallergenic?

Quince Medvyed |

Good to know!!!

Quince Medvyed |

Sulvanii has been giving out these rings.
I did a version for my profile so that I had all the info. Thought this might help.
The ring has the attributes of a Ring of Protection +3. Further enchantment allows it to act as a Ring of Sustenence. Having learned from the advantage of Trolls the rings feature
Regeneration at the rate of 1 hit point per round. The rings allow communication over the distance of a mile just as Communique Rings. Lastly they function as aDungeon Ring they cannot be removed unless allowed by the Duke or Duchess of Greenwatch.
Lastly a safeguard has been placed on the rings that no one who wears a ring can attack anyone else with a ring as per the spell Sanctuary.
Here is an easier version to cut and paste just replace the { with [ so the coding works.
{spoiler=Greenwatch Rings] The Efreeti council of Greenwatch, Sulvanii is always thinking. Through incredible magics has blessed the magic rings that he has gifted to the Wardens and their trusted agents. The rings allow entry into secure locations around Greenwatch as well as access to the teleportation Obelisks that have been built in Greenwatch's cities and crucial sites. The rings combine the magical effects of lessor magic rings:
The ring has the attributes of a {url=https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/rings/ring-of-protection/]Ring of Protection +3[/url]. Further enchantment allows it to act as a {url=https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/rings/ring-of-sustenance/]Ring of Sustenence[/url]. Having learned from the advantage of Trolls the rings feature
{url=https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/rings/ring-of-regeneration/]Regen eration[/url] at the rate of 1 hit point per round. The rings allow communication over the distance of a mile just as {url=https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/rings/communique-rings/]Communiqu e Rings[/url]. Lastly they function as a {url=https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/rings/dungeon-ring/]Dungeon Ring[/url] they cannot be removed unless allowed by the Duke or Duchess of Greenwatch.
Lastly a safeguard has been placed on the rings that no one who wears a ring can attack anyone else with a ring as per the spell {url=https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/s/sanctuary/]Sanctuary[/url].[/Spoiler]

Lykàn Delĩss |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Thanks Quince.
That will come in helpful

Dinenen |

I get that the Dungeon Ring aspect isn't intended to be used the way Dungeon Rings are used, but . . ..
Seems far more authoritarian and controlling than I get the impression Quince wants to be.

Quince Medvyed |

I was comparing the Greenwatch Map and the Nomen Heights Map. There is a strip of hexes that are on both maps. I wish I had caught this when I made the map originally. The map of the entire stolen lands is hundreds of Hexes. A larger map loses some of the location info that can be communicated. What a great problem to have.
To fix. I marked the hexes that we own on both maps with reference to the hex number on the other map. Hence the ones traced in blue along the left edge of the Nomen Heights map. I also put a note in both map legends that parenthesis on the legend indicate Hex names on other maps. And that Hexes from the Greenwatch map are marked with a G and #.
When we were solely on the Greenbelt map we only numbered those Hexes.
The other cuts of lands like the Nomen Heights and the other sections to the west of Greenwatch are numbered S# for the Slough and U# for the Uplands.

Quince Medvyed |

I get that the Dungeon Ring aspect isn't intended to be used the way Dungeon Rings are used, but . . ..
Seems far more authoritarian and controlling than I get the impression Quince wants to be.
LOL Quince wasn't aware of all of the features until recently GM Wolf told me all the spells Sulvanii put on it until like 2 days ago. They were mentioned in passing at the start of the Varnhold chapter and I wasn't sure what they did and don't most of us already have 2 magic rings. It dropped off my radar till GM Wolf talked about them in connection with the Obelisks When I read everything that the Dungeon Rings could do that was my thinking as well.
The rings provide access to things that the GM wants to roll out. There are Obelisks that function as gates between the cities. The rings can't be taken off so unauthorized people can's use the Obelisks for travel.
The knows where everyone is at all times would give Quince pause as well.

Quince Medvyed |

Would a +1 Luck Bonus on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks. Help us or do you guys already have Luck bonuses via other items. Asking considering my wish.

Quince Medvyed |

Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays! Gifts! We must have gifts! A special item will be among the treasure. You could offer up suggestions here in discussion, keep it under 5k. Also Everyone gets a wish!
Treasure item: Page of Spell Knowledge- Mirror Image (Bloodrager) Is this assumed to already be found or may end up in future treasure caches?
Wish: "Sulvanii you have seen to making sure my throne is enchanted you have fashioned my morning . . . well my scepter. Before you make me a crown, I was able to research one whose enchantment I liked." He shows Sulvanii the write up of the crown in a Taldoran history book. "Something like this. Not a big fan of the name 'Conquest' especially when it promotes the protection of those loyal to you in prayer. But that is what they named it." He sighs. "Here is what I would wish for." He straightens up as if giving a more formal address, "I wish for a crown, without detriment to it, myself or anyone else, a simple knotwork band with a symbol of Erastil in the center. With the power of a 'Crown of Conquest' to shower my allies in the protection of prayer, to work against my foes."
That's the fluff for a Wish for a Crown of Conquest. The intimidate bonus is meh but I figured the Prayer Effect was pretty great.

Lykàn Delĩss |

I love Prayer. One of the best spells I find no matter the level. imo.
@Wolf. Do you want me to do my own list of which were animal I'll be at per week based on the % dice?

Quince Medvyed |

I liked that it was a luck bonus which avoids a lot of the common types of bonuses. With the crown I also liked that it was a buff that didn't need to take a round to get into play.

Kevros Droverson |

Update - having a bit of Covid fatigue resurgence but it is not worsening. I am hoping to continue getting back fully into the game soon.

Quince Medvyed |

Hope you feel better soon.

Quince Medvyed |

I made a weird mistake. It really doesn't matter but its one of those things that a word has a mechanics function and I didn't want it to get confusing.
Krazok was named Viceroy of the Lizardfolk years ago in real life. Viceroy is a kingdom role that applies to Vassal holdings which applies to the lizardfolk. There is no such title or kingdom role in the rules for cities that are part of your kingdom. When we first started the city of Ft. Promise we named Svetlanna the Viceroy, she was Oleg's wife. So when I needed a random title to justify Lykan taking out the bad hunters that's the title I picked.
We can come up with a different title at some point or just keep it but I wanted to bring it up to avoid future confusion.
In either case its a title that appoints someone to care for people in that location.

Quince Medvyed |

Status of Treasure
Oculus of Abaddon Destroyed
Vordakai's Phylactery (worth 3,500 gp if sold as an art object) We could sell this or destroy it?
Caravan to Restov
Any of this is up for grabs. Kevros the others have seen this list a few times but didn't seem interested. Quince has set arrangements for folks from Varnhold with support from our guards to take these items to market along with notice/news that Varnhold was rescued and is recovering. Additions to these plans are welcome.
A complete set of Ustalavic silverware worth 75gp
Messenger’s parcel containing 5 green spinals worth 100gp each.
Various art objects altogether worth an additional 19,500gp
Ring of protection +2- 8,000gp
Ring of protection +2- 8,000gp
Ring of protection +2- hair color change curse w/o the curse- 8,000gp
A set of Rings of Friend Shield- 50,000gp
Cloak of resistance +1- 1,000gp
Gloves of swimming and climbing- 6,250gp
+1 Cold Iron Magical Beast Bane Flail- 8,000gp
Masterwork breastplate- 350gp
+1 longsword- 2,000gp
4 masterwork spears- 302gp each= 1,208gp
+1 dagger- 2,000gp
Ring of protection +2 hair color change curse w/o the curse= 8,000gp
Black leather bag with gold trim- Within you find coins, gems, and other objects of precious metals. There is an assortment of golden bands on his arms, legs, fingers, and neck. The items total up to 2,500 gp
Total: 116,983gp Sell Price: 58,491gp
10% to pay for the Caravan= 5,849gp
90% to split= 52,642gp
Varnhold is about to get a lot of support when the next Kingdom Turn happens. I considered reducing how much we had to split and sharing it with the people but we are doing that pretty actively in character now. What do you guys think?
Cash on hand to Split
1,140 pp
9,251 gp
103,045 sp
83 cp
How do we want to split this? Out of Characters there were 3 players. In character we also had St. John as well as the Wardens Sulvanii sent to help with the lich.
The preserved knowledge of ancient Casmaron is contained in dozens of stone tablets weighing nearly 1,000 pounds in all—but the tablets are worth 10,000 gp to a scholar of this ancient land.
600 gp minted in the ancient cyclops empire and bearing the image of an all-seeing eye on the obverse and a clenched fist on the reverse.
Vordakai’s spellbooks have crumbled, enough fragments remain
here to please any wizard.
9th - wish
8th - Gate
7th - Limited Wish, Reverse Gravity
6th - Guards and Wards,
5th—dominate person, waves of fatigue
4th—bestow curse, dimension door, phantasmal killer
3rd—dispel magic, displacement, suggestion, tongues, vampiric touch
2nd—blindness/deafness (DC 17), detect thoughts, false life, ghoul touch (DC 17), resist energy
1st—charm person (DC 17), chill touch, comprehend languages,
grease, mage armor, ray of enfeeblement, shield
0 (at will)—arcane mark, bleed (DC 15), detect magic, read
magic, touch of fatigue (DC 15)
Spellbook from Zombie Wizard:
4th—fire shield
3rd—fireball (DC 15), fly
2nd—acid arrow, glitterdust (DC 14), mirror image, scorching ray
1st—burning hands (DC 13), mage armor, magic missile (2), shield
At the moment no PCs would benefit from these. It would likely make sense to send them back to the Academy so they can be disseminated among the learning institutions. But we are about to have a group of players join us. So it might be beneficial for these to hang around. Perhaps the research in them is useful and being read before they get sent back.
+3 Greatsword stamped with the Issian coat-of-arms- 18,000gp - Megar Varn's sword.
If the family presses for compensation for our annexing Varnhold. Offer them the rights to the mud along the Lake Silverstep. It can easily moved down the Gudrin River to Tuskwater Lake and to Elkheart.
Cloak of resistance +3- 9,000gp, Cursed Sulvanii has offered to lift curse in a couple weeks for 1/5th the price= 1,800gp. Subtracting money for this from Treasure.
Headband of mental prowess (+2 Int, +2 Cha, grants ranks in Knowledge [planes])- 10,000gp, Cursed Sulvanii has offered to lift curse in a few weeks for 1/5th the price= 2,000gp.
6 potions of cure moderate
5 potions of lesser restoration Quince took one
Portable hole 20,000gp
Opal that summons Jezebel
Ring of Freedom of Movement- Platinum and Ruby- 40,000gp Dinenen
Silver Raven Figurine of Wondrous Power- 3,800gp
Pouch holding 2 packets of dust of dryness- 850gp each- Quince took one
89 gp minted in the ancient cyclops empire and bearing the image of an all-seeing eye on the obverse and a clenched fist on the reverse. Quince has a plan for this that will come out as we annex Varnhold.

Quince Medvyed |

I spoke with GM Wolf and he has had a very busy week at work this week.

Dinenen |

There is no magic in the phylactery, sell it!!!
Nay. Destroy the item crafted to be used for evil.

Quince Medvyed |

After Varnhold was safe. Quince arranged for some of our soldiers, diplomats, and business people from Varnhold to take the treasure we recovered to Restov to sell. And announce our success finding the Varnhold survivors and that the survivors want to join our Duchy.
10% of the money went to pay for the caravan expenses, a bonus for the soldiers, and a hefty payout for Varnhold= 5,849gp
The rest was added to what we have to split.
Lykan, Quince, & Dinenen each get:
One of the features to our Rings allows us to use the teleport feature of the Obelisks that Sulvanii has built in the 3 existing cities of Greenwatch. This means that we can use our Town Portal Scrolls (you all have one). Return to Elkheart where a day of shopping can take you to the 3 cities of Greenwatch. We can grab fresh Town Portal scrolls and be back in Varnhold.
So that money above. Spend it in good health.
Shield of Faith CL1 50gp
Reduce Person CL1 50gp
Resist Energy Acid CL3 300gp
Cure Moderate Wounds CL 3 300gp
Arcane: Hold Portal CL1 25gp
Divine: Bane CL1 25gp
Arcane: Flare Burst CL1 25gp
Awaken CL9 3,125gp
Shout CL7 700gp
Wondrous Items
Wand: Purify Food& Drink CL1 375gp
Heavy Wooden Shield +1 1,157gp
Banded Mail +1 1,400gp
Magic Fang CL1 50gp
Magic Fang CL1 50gp
Light CL1 25gp
Arcane: Resist Energy CL3 150gp
Divine: Cure Light Wounds CL1 25gp
Divine: Commune CL9 1,625gp
Wondrous Items
Necklace of Fireballs Type II - 2,700 gp
Belt of Mighty Constitution +2 - 4,000 gp
Purify Food & Drink CL 1 50gp
Arcane: Light CL1 13gp
Divine: Chain of Perdition CL5 375gp
Arcane: Eagle's Splendor CL 3 150gp
Arcane: Greater Magic Weapon CL 5 750gp
Wondrous Items
Phylactery of Faithfulness 1,000gp
Catching Cape 200gp
Blinkback Belt 5000gp
Arcane : Major Image CL5 375gp
Rod of Metamagic, Ectoplasmic (lesser) 3,000gp
Wand of Mage Armor CL1 750gp
Arcane: Web CL3 150gp
Arcane: Magic Mouth CL3 160gp
Divine: Delay Poison CL3 50gp
Academy 1 s/w- Medium
Academy 2 s/w- Medium
Wondrous Items
Bead of Force 3,000gp
All Tools Belt 1,800gp
Sipping Jacket 5,000gp
Belt of Mighty Constitution +2 4,000gp

GM Wolf |

GM Wolf wrote:Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays! Gifts! We must have gifts! A special item will be among the treasure. You could offer up suggestions here in discussion, keep it under 5k. Also Everyone gets a wish!Treasure item: Page of Spell Knowledge- Mirror Image (Bloodrager) Is this assumed to already be found or may end up in future treasure caches?
Wish: "Sulvanii you have seen to making sure my throne is enchanted you have fashioned my morning . . . well my scepter. Before you make me a crown, I was able to research one whose enchantment I liked." He shows Sulvanii the write up of the crown in a Taldoran history book. "Something like this. Not a big fan of the name 'Conquest' especially when it promotes the protection of those loyal to you in prayer. But that is what they named it." He sighs. "Here is what I would wish for." He straightens up as if giving a more formal address, "I wish for a crown, without detriment to it, myself or anyone else, a simple knotwork band with a symbol of Erastil in the center. With the power of a 'Crown of Conquest' to shower my allies in the protection of prayer, to work against my foes."
That's the fluff for a Wish for a Crown of Conquest. The intimidate bonus is meh but I figured the Prayer Effect was pretty great.
Wish granted.
I made a weird mistake. It really doesn't matter but its one of those things that a word has a mechanics function and I didn't want it to get confusing.
Krazok was named Viceroy of the Lizardfolk years ago in real life. Viceroy is a kingdom role that applies to Vassal holdings which applies to the lizardfolk. There is no such title or kingdom role in the rules for cities that are part of your kingdom. When we first started the city of Ft. Promise we named Svetlanna the Viceroy, she was Oleg's wife. So when I needed a random title to justify Lykan taking out the bad hunters that's the title I picked.
We can come up with a different title at some point or just keep it but I wanted to bring it up to avoid future confusion.
In either case its a title that appoints someone to care for people in that location.
Yeah I like Viceroy, but we can change it if we come up with something better.

Quince Medvyed |

Woohoo got my new crown.
You all feel prayed for.

Sulvanii |

Sulvanii wrote:There is no magic in the phylactery, sell it!!!Nay. Destroy the item crafted to be used for evil.
He shrugs and says, "Do as you wish!"

Quince Medvyed |

Kevros don't be shy. If you want to buy any of the items on the shopping trip. Quince has you covered.

Quince Medvyed |

Looking at your profile I noticed you have a couple feats that you will get to switch out.
GM Wolf has us using the Elephant In the Room Rules which turns Deadly Aim into a choice any archer could do with their attack action. I think it does away with Point Blank Shot as well and rolls it into one of the feats you already have.
Take a look at the link then enjoy the overwhelming task of trying to pick a new feat from the thousands.

Lykàn Delĩss |

Got to handle a spot of RL over the weekends.
Be back after that.

Quince Medvyed |

Understood. Take care. I hope everything is okay.

Quince Medvyed |

@Vesi sorry I missed your disguise rolll. My intention was to be push you in character not out of character.
We can assume that someone among our relatives ratted you out or your disguise is one you have used before.

Quince Medvyed |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

LOL I have been waiting for more than a weak on the Silver Raven to give to Vesi. I asked the DM if Figurines of Wonderous Powers were hypoallergenic.

Quince Medvyed |

@Vesi like Lamaar it looks like you have a few feats that the Elephant in the Room Rules update or eliminate. Which means you can pick some others.

Vesi "Feyspeaker" Medvyed |

Thanks, I already had Elephant in the Room rules enabled, I didn't take any of those feats. :)
Vesi's feats are Augment Summoning, Skill Focus (Diplomacy), Spell Focus (Conjuration) and Superior Summoning.
And no worries on the disguise thing, we'll roll with it. The reason Vesi is in disguise is not because of their race, but because they did something that went against their family's wishes.
I figure Vesi's allergy is not to silver, but to animal fur (so birds and reptiles should be a-ok).

Quince Medvyed |

Yeah I saw that your profile lists mammals. But we only found a raven lol if we found goats or lions you'd be getting those as a present. So I wasn't thinking you were allergic to silver but to some animals. Birds tend to have dander as well so Quince just assumed that birds would also make you sneeze. So he wanted to get you a pet that wouldn't.
As for the feats.
This is a better link Elephant in the Room
You have Combat Expertise, Agile Maneuvers, Power Attack and Deadly Aim listed by feats in your profile. It maybe you have them listed there as options and not as feats "taken." But if those are 4 feat slots you could put something else in. I would had for you to miss out. I did the same I wanted to add Power Attack and GM was like 'you don't need that' its already and action.' I was lost.
Combat Expertise
Gone. Now simply a combat option for any class with
at least +1 BAB.
Agile Maneuvers
Gone. A character adds their dexterity to the CMB if
they’re wielding a finesse weapon and their strength
Power Attack
Gone. Now simply a combat option for any class with
at least +1 BAB.
Deadly Aim
Gone. Now simply a combat option for any class with
at least +1 BAB.

Vesi "Feyspeaker" Medvyed |

I use Herolab for all my characters, they do have an option for EitR rules and it lists all those changes under Feats. I did not take any feats that are covered by EitR, so I'm not missing out on anything. :)
Also, I spent half an hour googling an image for Vesi's outfit, but this is the closest I could find for the robe.

Dinenen |

The most recent version of EitR brought PBS back, but made it a dead-end option with Precise Shot as a pre-req.

Quince Medvyed |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

New folks. I don't know if you have cash left. But these are items that are currently up in the local Elkheart shops, and with a little talking to a friend who is a current warden could easily get you to visit the other villages to pick up a few items.
Shield of Faith CL1 50gp
Reduce Person CL1 50gp
Resist Energy Acid CL3 300gp
Cure Moderate Wounds CL 3 300gp
Arcane: Hold Portal CL1 25gp
Divine: Bane CL1 25gp
Arcane: Flare Burst CL1 25gp
Awaken CL9 3,125gp
Shout CL7 700gp
Wondrous Items
Wand: Purify Food& Drink CL1 375gp
Heavy Wooden Shield +1 1,157gp
Banded Mail +1 1,400gp
Magic Fang CL1 50gp
Magic Fang CL1 50gp
Light CL1 25gp
Arcane: Resist Energy CL3 150gp
Divine: Cure Light Wounds CL1 25gp
Divine: Commune CL9 1,625gp
Wondrous Items
Necklace of Fireballs Type II - 2,700 gp
Belt of Mighty Constitution +2 - 4,000 gp
Purify Food & Drink CL 1 50gp
Arcane: Light CL1 13gp
Divine: Chain of Perdition CL5 375gp
Arcane: Eagle's Splendor CL 3 150gp
Arcane: Greater Magic Weapon CL 5 750gp
Wondrous Items
Phylactery of Faithfulness 1,000gp
Catching Cape 200gp
Blinkback Belt 5000gp
Arcane : Major Image CL5 375gp
Rod of Metamagic, Ectoplasmic (lesser) 3,000gp
Wand of Mage Armor CL1 750gp
Arcane: Web CL3 150gp
Arcane: Magic Mouth CL3 160gp
Divine: Delay Poison CL3 50gp
Academy 1 s/w- Medium
Academy 2 s/w- Medium
Wondrous Items
Bead of Force 3,000gp
All Tools Belt 1,800gp
Sipping Jacket 5,000gp
Belt of Mighty Constitution +2 4,000gp

Kendryl |

I use Herolab for all my characters, they do have an option for EitR rules and it lists all those changes under Feats. I did not take any feats that are covered by EitR, so I'm not missing out on anything. :)
Also, I spent half an hour googling an image for Vesi's outfit, but this is the closest I could find for the robe.
I may end up going FULL-Namor for Kendryl's look, especially given how fetching the new Namor is

Kendryl |

Vesi "Feyspeaker" Medvyed wrote:I may end up going FULL-Namor for Kendryl's look, especially given how fetching the new Namor isI use Herolab for all my characters, they do have an option for EitR rules and it lists all those changes under Feats. I did not take any feats that are covered by EitR, so I'm not missing out on anything. :)
Also, I spent half an hour googling an image for Vesi's outfit, but this is the closest I could find for the robe.
That said, Kendryl will NOT be staying "on" the duchess ... he will leave that firmly with the duke and wait to be asked for anything they may need.

Quince Medvyed |

Kendryl wrote:That said, Kendryl will NOT be staying "on" the duchess ... he will leave that firmly with the duke and wait to be asked for anything they may need.LOL
I am sure he meant duchy.

Quince Medvyed |

Are the people who have posted these bounties in Varnhold or are they in other cities? If we wanted to speak with them or collect the bounties.

Dinenen |

IMAGE of a pan of sweet cross buns.
They are a little more than 2" across in this picture.
After the reference to a loaf, I figured I should clarify . . ..

Quince Medvyed |

Tamerak is found
Tamerak Elenark is the contact for the "Forgotten History" Bounty. He wanted Clues about Iborian culture and cyclopes. Tomin was the missing noble in the "Missing Brother" Bounty.
What does he think about what we have found.

Lykàn Delĩss |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Back. Catching up with the thread.
Oh how it has bloomed.