Miteke's Legacy of Fire

Game Master miteke

General References
Player's Guide - Knowledge Skill Success Topics - House Rules - PC bonus traits and feats

World and Local Maps
Geographical Maps - Kakishon

Current References
Party Info - NPCs and Handouts

Current Maps
Lower Level - First Level

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Male Human Druid 7 | Init +2, Senses Perception +16 | AC 19, 14 Touch, 17 Flat footed (+4 armor, +1 Shield, +2 Dex, +2 Def,) | Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +12 | HP 17/48| Lightning Arc 6/7 | Beacon 0/1 | DL 1/1 IL 1/1| Med 1/1 | Active Conditions: Barkskin: AC 22

Tarak looks at the big worm and does what comes naturally in that moment, gets small.

After a moment of focus his edges blur in a familiar way but instead of an eagle, a small whirlwind spins in his place.

Wild Shape into a small air elemental. Small size, +2 size bonus to DEX and +2 Natural armor: AC total will end up 18 after the bonuses and losing armor

'Gnasher' Red Claw wrote:
miteke wrote:
Gnasher (-37 HP, 1 action only)
So are we acting in the suprise round?

Exactly. You all made good perception rolls and the tremors were enough to allow you to act. It beat everyone initiative so it acted first. You cannot get a free a 5' step in a surprise round as it is a Miscellaneous Action and you only get one standard or one move action and free actions.

The worm is big, and has a tough hide, but Gnasher powers through it and draws green blood and heals back a bit of his damage, as if he draws vitality from the wounds he inflicts.

Combat Card Round 1
Ongoing effects not mentioned below:
Bold may go.

Malgrim Gryh (-0 HP, 1 action only)
Urah Pyr (-0 HP, 1 action only)

End of round 1 (surprise round)
Round 2

Death Worm (-24 HP)

Malgrim Gryh (-0 HP, 1 action only)
Gnasher (-35 HP, 1 action only)
Tarak (-0 HP, 1 action only)
Urah Pyr (-0 HP, 1 action only)


End of round 2

Acrobatics +21 (22), Disable Device 27 (28), Heal +10, Perception +23, Stealth +25 (26), Survival +3, Use Magic Device +11
Hobgoblin Kineticist 12 | Init +6 (7), Senses Perception (Darkvision) +23 | AC 36, 17 Touch, 32 Flat Footed|DR 10/Adamantine | Fort +18 (20), Ref +18 (19), Will +11 | HP 151/151 (91/175) ( Non-lethal) | Burn 7/10|Active Conditions: None

Malgrim steps forward and draws the water from the Oasis to himself before sending a massive blast at the creature.

Gather Power, Empower, Blast. 5 ft step first to be within 30 ft.

Water Blast w/Elemental Overflow , PBS : 1d20 + 9 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 9 + 1 + 2 = 23

Damage, B, Water Blast w/Elemental Overflow , PBS: 3d6 + 10 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (2, 5, 5) + 10 + 4 + 1 = 27

If an AC 23 hits, then I do 40 Bludgeoning Damage to the creature.

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After some research the consensus seems to be that you can take that 5' step in a surprise round. Surprises me (pun intended).

You are up!

Acrobatics +21 (22), Disable Device 27 (28), Heal +10, Perception +23, Stealth +25 (26), Survival +3, Use Magic Device +11
Hobgoblin Kineticist 12 | Init +6 (7), Senses Perception (Darkvision) +23 | AC 36, 17 Touch, 32 Flat Footed|DR 10/Adamantine | Fort +18 (20), Ref +18 (19), Will +11 | HP 151/151 (91/175) ( Non-lethal) | Burn 7/10|Active Conditions: None

I am sorry, I missed it was a surprise round. I could not gather power so I would not have empowered. I only would hit for 27 damage if this is a surprise round.

Male Human Druid 7 | Init +2, Senses Perception +16 | AC 19, 14 Touch, 17 Flat footed (+4 armor, +1 Shield, +2 Dex, +2 Def,) | Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +12 | HP 17/48| Lightning Arc 6/7 | Beacon 0/1 | DL 1/1 IL 1/1| Med 1/1 | Active Conditions: Barkskin: AC 22

unless you gathered in the surprise, and again next round and unleashed an empowered composite or something… :)

27 is not shabby.

Malgrim whips off a hurried bolt of water that digs its way into the creatures normally dry hide.

Combat Card Round 1
Ongoing effects not mentioned below:
Bold may go.

Urah Pyr (-0 HP, 1 action only)

End of round 1 (surprise round)
Round 2

Death Worm (-51 HP)

Malgrim Gryh (-0 HP, 1 action only)
Gnasher (-35 HP, 1 action only)
Tarak (-0 HP, 1 action only)
Urah Pyr (-0 HP, 1 action only)


End of round 2

Male Ifrit Sorceror Elemental: Water () 5 / Oracle Flame (Seeker) 2 -6
Active Conditions:
Mage Armor +4AC, Shield +4AC
| HP: 17/47-30| AC: 14/16/13|Init: +7|Perc: +4|Fort: +4|Ref: +5|Will: +7|CMB: +4 CMD: 15|Acid: +6;1d3|Frost:1d3|Disrupt:1d6|Fire Ray:1d6+1|Q.Staff: +3;1d6|
Acro:+6| App:+2|Bluff:+9|Clim:+0|Diplo:+10|DD:+13|Disg:+4|E.A:+3|H.A:+4|Heal:-1|Inti :+10|K.Arc:+8|K.Pla/Reli:+7/6|Ling:+9|Ride:+3|SM:-1|Sleight:+10|Spell:+10|S tealth:+4|Sur:-1|UMD:+10|

Urh tries a magically conjured snowball hurled into the worm, as he moves forward to get into range. The spell hovering on his lips to be completed.

Snowball ranged touch with point blank 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 115d6 ⇒ (5, 4, 6, 2, 3) = 20 cold damage on his turn. For now just move...

Urah slinks forward, mentally preparing himself to do combat, nearly jumping out of his skin as the enormous work raises itself out of the ground and then spits a stream if acid that fries Gnasher and Freddy and narrowly misses Urah. Urah's spell goes off but it is nearly consumed by the acid before it gets to the worm. Bad timing I guess. Freddy collapses to the ground.

acid damage: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 4, 6, 3) = 14
Freddy reflex: 1d20 ⇒ 19

to hit crossbow: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13
to hit crossbow: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4
to hit crossbow: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8
to hit crossbow: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23
to hit crossbow: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4

Garavel shouts orders and the other guards launch a volley of crossbow bolts at the worm, only one of which manages to penetrate the thick hide.
damage crossbow: 1d10 ⇒ 6

Filliped does what he does best and shouts magical encouragements of his own.

Combat Card Round 2
Ongoing effects not mentioned below: Inspire Courage +1
Bold may go.

Malgrim Gryh (-0 HP)
Gnasher (-35 HP, DC 22 reflex for 14/7)
Tarak (-0 HP)

End of round 2

Death Worm (-51 HP)

Urah Pyr (-0 HP)


Male Gnoll Bloodrager 12 | HP 146/146 Rage:182 |AC 26/T15/FF23 (Rage AC) 19/T8/FF16 Due to enlarged rage and reckless abandon | F+15/R+9/W+8/11(rage) | CMB + 18/CMD 31 | init + 5 | Perc + 15 | intim. + 23 | Surv. + 15 | Rage: 29/29 HP+36 /AC-4/Will+3/fast healing 3 | Spells/lvl: 1st: 3/3, 2nd: 3/3, 3rd:2/2 | BoS 10/10

reflex DC: 22: 1d20 ⇒ 16 Uses up the extra 14 HP from rage

Snarling as he's struck by the worms acid, Gnasher lifts his bardiche and chops, not once but twice, attempting to cleave the creature before it can injure anyone else.
2nd rd rage enlarged/rage attack: + 1 bardiche, PA
attack: 1d20 + 14 - 2 ⇒ (9) + 14 - 2 = 21 for damage: 2d8 + 7 + 2 + 1 + 6 ⇒ (1, 1) + 7 + 2 + 1 + 6 = 18
attack: 1d20 + 9 - 2 ⇒ (2) + 9 - 2 = 9 for damage: 2d8 + 7 + 2 + 1 + 6 ⇒ (1, 2) + 7 + 2 + 1 + 6 = 19

Acrobatics +21 (22), Disable Device 27 (28), Heal +10, Perception +23, Stealth +25 (26), Survival +3, Use Magic Device +11
Hobgoblin Kineticist 12 | Init +6 (7), Senses Perception (Darkvision) +23 | AC 36, 17 Touch, 32 Flat Footed|DR 10/Adamantine | Fort +18 (20), Ref +18 (19), Will +11 | HP 151/151 (91/175) ( Non-lethal) | Burn 7/10|Active Conditions: None

Malgrim shifts forward and to the side to ensure the cleanest shot possible before he gathers the power of moisture in the air around him and sends an empowered blast at the creature.

5 ft step SE. Gather Power for real this time, Empower and Fire away!

Water Blast w/Elemental Overflow , PBS : 1d20 + 9 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 9 + 1 + 2 = 14

Damage, B, Water Blast w/Elemental Overflow , PBS: 3d6 + 10 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (6, 6, 4) + 10 + 4 + 1 = 31

Well, sadly 14 probably misses, but if it somehow hits I do 46 damage to the worm.

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The acid tears past Gnasher and he looks untouched thatnks to his rage. In fact he even heals a little bit!

Gnasher lands one on the worm but Malgrim struggles. I think the worm actually enjoyed the bath.

I assume you did not add the inspire courage bonus and added 1 to your damage. Let me know if I assumed wrong (though 1 point of damage is probably not going to tip the scales).

Combat Card Round 2
Ongoing effects not mentioned below: Inspire Courage +1
Bold may go.

Tarak (-0 HP)

End of round 2

Death Worm (-76 HP)

Urah Pyr (-0 HP)
Gnasher (-33 HP, 0/14 temp HP)
Malgrim Gryh (-0 HP)


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Male Human Druid 7 | Init +2, Senses Perception +16 | AC 19, 14 Touch, 17 Flat footed (+4 armor, +1 Shield, +2 Dex, +2 Def,) | Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +12 | HP 17/48| Lightning Arc 6/7 | Beacon 0/1 | DL 1/1 IL 1/1| Med 1/1 | Active Conditions: Barkskin: AC 22

In elemental form, Tarak zips away from the giant worm before turning and unleashing a blast of lighning.

Move, probably get AOO, pop beacon and cast lighting bolt

Lightning Bolt, DC 18 REF for half: 9d6 ⇒ (6, 2, 2, 4, 6, 2, 6, 3, 6) = 37

By Beacon, I assume you mean Beacon of Faith to boost damage dice. You are nowhere near the worm and do not have to worry about an AoO.

Tarak summons some inner reserves of faith and sirects it outward in the form of a lethal bolt of lightning. It not so much avoids the lightning as provides a barrier in the form of a wave of sand with a jerk of its body. Still, it takes a fair bit of damage, but considering the size of the thing, it is going to take a lot more like that.

reflex: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25

Having expended its favorite attack, the worm now resorts to tooth and, well, more tooth.

to hit Gnasher: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (1) + 18 = 19
damage: 2d6 + 23 ⇒ (4, 3) + 23 = 30 + acid: 1d8 ⇒ 5

Gnasher gets a good look, up close and personal, but is easily able to step out of the way serving the worm up a mouthful of sand. Not that it minds sand, of course, but oh so boring and it howls its disappointment. And once again Gnasher ends up more healthy than a few seconds ago as his wounds supernaturally knit themselves up.

The guards all reload and send another wave of bolts at the creature. Again, only one of them does anything useful.

to hit crossbow, inspire: 1d20 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 3 + 1 = 18
to hit crossbow, inspire: 1d20 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 3 + 1 = 5
to hit crossbow, inspire: 1d20 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 3 + 1 = 16
to hit crossbow, inspire: 1d20 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 3 + 1 = 24
to hit crossbow, inspire: 1d20 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 3 + 1 = 6
damage, inspire: 1d10 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9

Filliped continues his encouragement, but that is about all. Giant worms are not his forte.

Garavel pulls out his sword and makes his way towards the worm, forming a line next to Gnasher.

Combat Card Round 3
Ongoing effects not mentioned below: Inspire Courage +1
Bold may go.

Urah Pyr (-0 HP)
Gnasher (-31 HP, 0/14 temp HP)
Malgrim Gryh (-0 HP)
Tarak (-0 HP)

End of round 3

Death Worm (-103 HP)


Male Human Druid 7 | Init +2, Senses Perception +16 | AC 19, 14 Touch, 17 Flat footed (+4 armor, +1 Shield, +2 Dex, +2 Def,) | Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +12 | HP 17/48| Lightning Arc 6/7 | Beacon 0/1 | DL 1/1 IL 1/1| Med 1/1 | Active Conditions: Barkskin: AC 22

Yes, beacon of faith. Sorry I was in a hurry and my brain worked faster than my fingers

Tarak floats a little higher, then sends another spell, this time a ball of elemental cold, at the beast.

Cast intensified snow ball
Ranged Touch, inspire: 1d20 + 7 - 4 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 7 - 4 + 1 = 11
Im guessing it counts as in combat, hopefully it’s got bad touch ac
Cold damage: 7d6 ⇒ (4, 4, 1, 1, 6, 4, 2) = 22

hope I don’t regret not popping my luck, but it’s big and a 10 touch AC seems likely
edit: oh, inspire courage. I’ll add that in

Male Ifrit Sorceror Elemental: Water () 5 / Oracle Flame (Seeker) 2 -6
Active Conditions:
Mage Armor +4AC, Shield +4AC
| HP: 17/47-30| AC: 14/16/13|Init: +7|Perc: +4|Fort: +4|Ref: +5|Will: +7|CMB: +4 CMD: 15|Acid: +6;1d3|Frost:1d3|Disrupt:1d6|Fire Ray:1d6+1|Q.Staff: +3;1d6|
Acro:+6| App:+2|Bluff:+9|Clim:+0|Diplo:+10|DD:+13|Disg:+4|E.A:+3|H.A:+4|Heal:-1|Inti :+10|K.Arc:+8|K.Pla/Reli:+7/6|Ling:+9|Ride:+3|SM:-1|Sleight:+10|Spell:+10|S tealth:+4|Sur:-1|UMD:+10|

Urah frowns as his spell seems to have being extinguished by the acid. He instead prepares another spell. Stepping forward to touch Gnasher with his hand and hoping not to get eaten instead.

Walks forward to cast Shield of faith on Gnasher.

Male Gnoll Bloodrager 12 | HP 146/146 Rage:182 |AC 26/T15/FF23 (Rage AC) 19/T8/FF16 Due to enlarged rage and reckless abandon | F+15/R+9/W+8/11(rage) | CMB + 18/CMD 31 | init + 5 | Perc + 15 | intim. + 23 | Surv. + 15 | Rage: 29/29 HP+36 /AC-4/Will+3/fast healing 3 | Spells/lvl: 1st: 3/3, 2nd: 3/3, 3rd:2/2 | BoS 10/10

Dodging the worm's toothy maw, Gnasher roars, "Gnasher not worm food yet!" As he lifts his bardiche chopping once, then a second time.

inspire courage +1 3rd rd rage enlarged/rage attack: + 1 bardiche, PA
attack: 1d20 + 14 - 2 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 14 - 2 + 1 = 22 for damage: 2d8 + 7 + 2 + 1 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (4, 2) + 7 + 2 + 1 + 6 + 1 = 23
attack: 1d20 + 9 - 2 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 9 - 2 + 1 = 26 for damage: 2d8 + 7 + 2 + 1 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (5, 5) + 7 + 2 + 1 + 6 + 1 = 27

Almost as if the shield of faith is an omen of good luck instead of a barrier, Tarak and Gnasher both land punishing blows on the worm and the half of its body that is revealed sinks into the sand. Like a snake it lays there twitching for quite a while. With each convulsion the body slips deeper into the sand until it looks more like the top of a boulder than a menacing aberration.

Acrobatics +21 (22), Disable Device 27 (28), Heal +10, Perception +23, Stealth +25 (26), Survival +3, Use Magic Device +11
Hobgoblin Kineticist 12 | Init +6 (7), Senses Perception (Darkvision) +23 | AC 36, 17 Touch, 32 Flat Footed|DR 10/Adamantine | Fort +18 (20), Ref +18 (19), Will +11 | HP 151/151 (91/175) ( Non-lethal) | Burn 7/10|Active Conditions: None

"Well, with that here there probably aren't any other big predators around." Malgrim says as he looks around.

Male Gnoll Bloodrager 12 | HP 146/146 Rage:182 |AC 26/T15/FF23 (Rage AC) 19/T8/FF16 Due to enlarged rage and reckless abandon | F+15/R+9/W+8/11(rage) | CMB + 18/CMD 31 | init + 5 | Perc + 15 | intim. + 23 | Surv. + 15 | Rage: 29/29 HP+36 /AC-4/Will+3/fast healing 3 | Spells/lvl: 1st: 3/3, 2nd: 3/3, 3rd:2/2 | BoS 10/10

Releasing the rage, Gnasher shakes himself, then examines the rough worm bite, mumbling to himself. "Gnasher not know worm has teeth,"

Hearing Malgrim's observation about big predators, Gnasher points towards the sphinx shaped cave. "Tribe should see if anything live in cave."

Without really waiting for anyone to respond, he starts to head that way, pausing at the mouth long enough to look in he cave,

taking 10(20) on perception, any knowledge needed to learn more about the sphinx cave?

There is nothing in the cave other than abandoned camping stuff. Those familiar with the oases inform you that it is old and well used, but not dangerous, at least not before. Gnasher's explorations confirm that the place is safe and would make a nice camp site.

Male Gnoll Bloodrager 12 | HP 146/146 Rage:182 |AC 26/T15/FF23 (Rage AC) 19/T8/FF16 Due to enlarged rage and reckless abandon | F+15/R+9/W+8/11(rage) | CMB + 18/CMD 31 | init + 5 | Perc + 15 | intim. + 23 | Surv. + 15 | Rage: 29/29 HP+36 /AC-4/Will+3/fast healing 3 | Spells/lvl: 1st: 3/3, 2nd: 3/3, 3rd:2/2 | BoS 10/10

I was hoping someone would post before I did. I try not to post immediately before and after someone unless they are speaking directly to my character and we need the response to move on.

Finding the cave devoid of any threats, Gnasher asks, "Tribe camp here?"

The group settles in for the evening, setting watches and keeping wary. The night passes uneventfully and you all set off on your way towards Katepesh and the mysterious oasis you have decided to investigate.

Acrobatics +21 (22), Disable Device 27 (28), Heal +10, Perception +23, Stealth +25 (26), Survival +3, Use Magic Device +11
Hobgoblin Kineticist 12 | Init +6 (7), Senses Perception (Darkvision) +23 | AC 36, 17 Touch, 32 Flat Footed|DR 10/Adamantine | Fort +18 (20), Ref +18 (19), Will +11 | HP 151/151 (91/175) ( Non-lethal) | Burn 7/10|Active Conditions: None

"Should I go ahead and scout out the oasis?" Malgrim asks as they set out towards the oasis.

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So I'm home and back in front of my usual setup so...

Perc(Tarak): 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (9) + 16 = 25
Perc(Gnasher): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (16) + 10 = 26
Perc(Urah): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8
Perc(Malgrim): 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (13) + 18 = 31

During the trip Freddy is a bit of a changed man. Having taken a face full of acid, which left him unconscious and headed for the boneyard, he has been a bit quiet of late. His fingers constantly stray towards the small scars that could not be erased even by the potent healing magics used on him. He boldly brags about the scars but everyone can tell they have left him a little ... thoughtful.

Garavel is happy with the outcome and congratulates everyone. Before setting off on the trip he removes a few teeth from the creature hoping they will fetch a price from an alchemist of novelty store and recommends that the others do so too. Lured by the promise of wealth everyone joins in on the denuding. The merchant trailing you all even joins in on the fun.

As you approach the cursed oasis but are still half a day or so out, you notice a flying creature. Those of you with enough skill (Tarak, Gnasher, and Malgrim) make out that the creature is a large quadruped, perhaps a sphinx, with a large bearded human-like face. Since none of you are versed in large flying creatures with human-like faces, you remain clueless as to what the creature may be, but it is obviously keeping an eye on you.

Male Gnoll Bloodrager 12 | HP 146/146 Rage:182 |AC 26/T15/FF23 (Rage AC) 19/T8/FF16 Due to enlarged rage and reckless abandon | F+15/R+9/W+8/11(rage) | CMB + 18/CMD 31 | init + 5 | Perc + 15 | intim. + 23 | Surv. + 15 | Rage: 29/29 HP+36 /AC-4/Will+3/fast healing 3 | Spells/lvl: 1st: 3/3, 2nd: 3/3, 3rd:2/2 | BoS 10/10

Nice character description in those first two paragraphs.

Watching the guards extract the teeth of the giant worm, Gnasher considered how he'd take trophy's of his kills for a necklace. At some point in time, he'd stopped. Was it back when they found the temple? He couldn't even remember. Had killing become so mundane that it was just what he did, with no sense of victory or accomplishment. Shaking his head it didn't matter, he was part of a tribe and that tribe was part of a town. They were respected and valued, that was more than most could ask for, let alone an orphaned gnoll like himself.

As Gnasher waxed philosophical, he noticed a four legged creature with a bearded face flying off in the distance. Turning from the saddle of his camel towards Urah, pointing his camel prod towards the beast. "Firestarter know what that is?"

Male Human Druid 7 | Init +2, Senses Perception +16 | AC 19, 14 Touch, 17 Flat footed (+4 armor, +1 Shield, +2 Dex, +2 Def,) | Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +12 | HP 17/48| Lightning Arc 6/7 | Beacon 0/1 | DL 1/1 IL 1/1| Med 1/1 | Active Conditions: Barkskin: AC 22

Tarak keeps closer with his scouting with the flying thing observing them, but continues to scout the groups progress while flying as an air elemental, also keeping a eye on their trailing merchant as well, fully expecting him to actually be their enemy in disguise.

Acrobatics +21 (22), Disable Device 27 (28), Heal +10, Perception +23, Stealth +25 (26), Survival +3, Use Magic Device +11
Hobgoblin Kineticist 12 | Init +6 (7), Senses Perception (Darkvision) +23 | AC 36, 17 Touch, 32 Flat Footed|DR 10/Adamantine | Fort +18 (20), Ref +18 (19), Will +11 | HP 151/151 (91/175) ( Non-lethal) | Burn 7/10|Active Conditions: None

"Whatever it is, I doubt its friendly and it seems to have noticed us." Malgrim says.

Male Ifrit Sorceror Elemental: Water () 5 / Oracle Flame (Seeker) 2 -6
Active Conditions:
Mage Armor +4AC, Shield +4AC
| HP: 17/47-30| AC: 14/16/13|Init: +7|Perc: +4|Fort: +4|Ref: +5|Will: +7|CMB: +4 CMD: 15|Acid: +6;1d3|Frost:1d3|Disrupt:1d6|Fire Ray:1d6+1|Q.Staff: +3;1d6|
Acro:+6| App:+2|Bluff:+9|Clim:+0|Diplo:+10|DD:+13|Disg:+4|E.A:+3|H.A:+4|Heal:-1|Inti :+10|K.Arc:+8|K.Pla/Reli:+7/6|Ling:+9|Ride:+3|SM:-1|Sleight:+10|Spell:+10|S tealth:+4|Sur:-1|UMD:+10|

Urah squints as the scariest among them points out something that concerns even him. He had better take a look.

Knowledge (Arcana) 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15

"I really hope it's at least not in the mood to eat us...."] he mutters.

Unfortunately, Urah's guess is as good as anyone else's as to whether the thing will want to eat them enough. It certainly seems large enough.

Waaking forward to the oasis now?

Male Gnoll Bloodrager 12 | HP 146/146 Rage:182 |AC 26/T15/FF23 (Rage AC) 19/T8/FF16 Due to enlarged rage and reckless abandon | F+15/R+9/W+8/11(rage) | CMB + 18/CMD 31 | init + 5 | Perc + 15 | intim. + 23 | Surv. + 15 | Rage: 29/29 HP+36 /AC-4/Will+3/fast healing 3 | Spells/lvl: 1st: 3/3, 2nd: 3/3, 3rd:2/2 | BoS 10/10

Nodding at Malgrim's and Urah's observation, Gnasher, looking on the bright side. "Maybe tribe has already figured out what has troubled the oasis."

Clicking his tongue in a very human sound he taps his camel with his camel prod and encourages the beast to continue towards the oasis.

Acrobatics +21 (22), Disable Device 27 (28), Heal +10, Perception +23, Stealth +25 (26), Survival +3, Use Magic Device +11
Hobgoblin Kineticist 12 | Init +6 (7), Senses Perception (Darkvision) +23 | AC 36, 17 Touch, 32 Flat Footed|DR 10/Adamantine | Fort +18 (20), Ref +18 (19), Will +11 | HP 151/151 (91/175) ( Non-lethal) | Burn 7/10|Active Conditions: None

Malgrim rides along as well and keeps an eye out for any more of the strange creatures that might be trying to ambush them.

Perception: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (12) + 18 = 30

As you approach closer to the oasis, with a flicker of gold and wind a great beast lands, dust and sand swirling around his mighty paws as powerful wings bring him safely to the barren earth. His form is that of a massive lion, a hunting hawk, and a burning angel all in one, and his regal countenance, at once stern and awesome, gazes across the sands and pierces each of you. True and ancient power radiates from his dark and fathomless eyes, and his voice is like a peal of thunder on distant mountains, a low roar made into speech.

"Foolhardy travelers, turn the back and depart at once. The Lion of Five Heavens is guardian over this place. Swiftly, make thy departure - only death can be found here."

Male Gnoll Bloodrager 12 | HP 146/146 Rage:182 |AC 26/T15/FF23 (Rage AC) 19/T8/FF16 Due to enlarged rage and reckless abandon | F+15/R+9/W+8/11(rage) | CMB + 18/CMD 31 | init + 5 | Perc + 15 | intim. + 23 | Surv. + 15 | Rage: 29/29 HP+36 /AC-4/Will+3/fast healing 3 | Spells/lvl: 1st: 3/3, 2nd: 3/3, 3rd:2/2 | BoS 10/10

Seeing the great creature land, Gnasher immediately realizes it is not some sort of gnoll. Mentally shrugging, he has no innate reason to hate it. As the thing speaks Gnashers realizes this magical beast must be the 'lion of Five Heavens' and is probably the cause of death it speaks of.

Furrowing his brow, Gnasher points to the Oasis, stating the obvious. "Lion of Five Heavens Guardian of Oasis. Tribe do Oasis no harm, why prevent Oasis from purpose, succoring travelers?"

Solemnly the massive head shakes a negative as it sways back and forth.

"The paladin tried - and failed, and the evil grew stronger. I cannot risk having you enter only to feed the evil that lurks within. Turn back."

Acrobatics +21 (22), Disable Device 27 (28), Heal +10, Perception +23, Stealth +25 (26), Survival +3, Use Magic Device +11
Hobgoblin Kineticist 12 | Init +6 (7), Senses Perception (Darkvision) +23 | AC 36, 17 Touch, 32 Flat Footed|DR 10/Adamantine | Fort +18 (20), Ref +18 (19), Will +11 | HP 151/151 (91/175) ( Non-lethal) | Burn 7/10|Active Conditions: None

"A paladin? When did this happen? Do you know if the paladin still lives?" Malgrim asks the creature.

"She attempted to cleanse the oasis, went in and now haunts the ruins, along with various other corrupted creatures. The undead in this place may be destroyed, but I've found it does not matter as they just come back. So unless you have some way of defeating the denizens AND cleansing the place of evil, you will only feed the evil."

Male Gnoll Bloodrager 12 | HP 146/146 Rage:182 |AC 26/T15/FF23 (Rage AC) 19/T8/FF16 Due to enlarged rage and reckless abandon | F+15/R+9/W+8/11(rage) | CMB + 18/CMD 31 | init + 5 | Perc + 15 | intim. + 23 | Surv. + 15 | Rage: 29/29 HP+36 /AC-4/Will+3/fast healing 3 | Spells/lvl: 1st: 3/3, 2nd: 3/3, 3rd:2/2 | BoS 10/10

Shaking his head, Gnasher didn't know anything about cleansing the place of evil, but he did know that they could succeed where one person did not. He shifts his bardiche slightly, "Paladin mistake going alone. Should have sent tribe instead of individual."

He gestures towards the others, "Tribe rescued Kenabres from gnolls and Jinn. Tribe killed Carrion King in his fortress. Tribe found ancient temple defeated guardians and other Jinn searching for this."

Reaching into his belt he pulls out the tube with the scroll. Opening the scroll, he shows it to the creature. "Tribe going to Katapesh to learn what it is."

He nods towards the oasis as he puts the scroll back in its case. "Tribe powerful enough to go to oasis and live. Tribe find out what evil exists. Maybe cleanse, maybe not. Either way tribe live to tell Lion of Five Heavens what evil lay there."

He shrugs, "If Lion of five Heaven willing to let tribe help"

I don't really consider this meeting any of the prerequisites for a diplomacy roll, Maybe someone else wants to roll one? If you think Gnasher should his modifier is + 2, feel free to roll it.

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At the very least a diplomacy aid roll would help. Anyone else want to try and influence him or otherwise make him friendly?

Acrobatics +21 (22), Disable Device 27 (28), Heal +10, Perception +23, Stealth +25 (26), Survival +3, Use Magic Device +11
Hobgoblin Kineticist 12 | Init +6 (7), Senses Perception (Darkvision) +23 | AC 36, 17 Touch, 32 Flat Footed|DR 10/Adamantine | Fort +18 (20), Ref +18 (19), Will +11 | HP 151/151 (91/175) ( Non-lethal) | Burn 7/10|Active Conditions: None

"Something must be creating the undead. If we can find it, then we can stop it." Malgrim says.

Malgrim is awed by Gnasher's diplomatic skill. I will roll to assist the group effort.

Assist Diplomacy: 1d20 ⇒ 8

And that's a no on helping.

Male Human Druid 7 | Init +2, Senses Perception +16 | AC 19, 14 Touch, 17 Flat footed (+4 armor, +1 Shield, +2 Dex, +2 Def,) | Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +12 | HP 17/48| Lightning Arc 6/7 | Beacon 0/1 | DL 1/1 IL 1/1| Med 1/1 | Active Conditions: Barkskin: AC 22

Tarak lands and resumes human form during the discussions, ”Aye, as our Gnoll as said, we be getting good at defeating evil and settin’ things right. If the undead be coming back, something be making them I’d say. Sink the necromancer or whatever and the problem be solved.”

Aid Diplomacy: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (20) - 1 = 19

Close. To improve his attitude will take a 20 + target's cha modiifier. Urah and Gnasher, I'll need some roles if you want to try and persuade him.

Male Gnoll Bloodrager 12 | HP 146/146 Rage:182 |AC 26/T15/FF23 (Rage AC) 19/T8/FF16 Due to enlarged rage and reckless abandon | F+15/R+9/W+8/11(rage) | CMB + 18/CMD 31 | init + 5 | Perc + 15 | intim. + 23 | Surv. + 15 | Rage: 29/29 HP+36 /AC-4/Will+3/fast healing 3 | Spells/lvl: 1st: 3/3, 2nd: 3/3, 3rd:2/2 | BoS 10/10

So can we keep Tarak's roll as the diplomacy roll if he rolls higher that Urah?
Aid another: Diplomacy: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 = 18

Looking toward Urah, Gansher hopes their oracle has something convincing to say.

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Yes, you all roll and we figure out what is an aid and what is not from there.

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Male Ifrit Sorceror Elemental: Water () 5 / Oracle Flame (Seeker) 2 -6
Active Conditions:
Mage Armor +4AC, Shield +4AC
| HP: 17/47-30| AC: 14/16/13|Init: +7|Perc: +4|Fort: +4|Ref: +5|Will: +7|CMB: +4 CMD: 15|Acid: +6;1d3|Frost:1d3|Disrupt:1d6|Fire Ray:1d6+1|Q.Staff: +3;1d6|
Acro:+6| App:+2|Bluff:+9|Clim:+0|Diplo:+10|DD:+13|Disg:+4|E.A:+3|H.A:+4|Heal:-1|Inti :+10|K.Arc:+8|K.Pla/Reli:+7/6|Ling:+9|Ride:+3|SM:-1|Sleight:+10|Spell:+10|S tealth:+4|Sur:-1|UMD:+10|

"Oh Guardian. Lion of the Five Heavens. Saluations to you." Urah begins.

"As my gnoll companion has stated, we have faced evils and brought them down. You say a Paladin attempted but failed and thus you do not want any other to risk their lives. A true and compassionate Guardian you are but we are not so heartless to turn out backs on something that could prove a danger to other travellers who arrive at this Oasis. Let us help. We could at least attempt to put the Brave Paladin at rest or find out more on what spawns this evil. If we can destroy the source, we would. Else at least we can provide more information on what is in there." He lays their case before the mighty creature hoping it wouldn't take offence and eat him.

Diplomacy 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 10 = 27

Urah's silvered tongue does the trick, accompanied by a chorus of affirmation by the guards behind you and the other hero's words. The Lion of Five Heavens is convinced to allow you to proceed and has hope for the first time in years.

"I do hope you are as capable as you say. You may make the attempt. Perhaps you might fail, or perhaps you might fail but at least come back without feeding the evil. Then again, you may succeed. What do you know about what you are facing?"

Apparently he is not 100% convinced this will work, but at least he is willing to let you try.

You could ask questions about him or the location before entering.

Acrobatics +21 (22), Disable Device 27 (28), Heal +10, Perception +23, Stealth +25 (26), Survival +3, Use Magic Device +11
Hobgoblin Kineticist 12 | Init +6 (7), Senses Perception (Darkvision) +23 | AC 36, 17 Touch, 32 Flat Footed|DR 10/Adamantine | Fort +18 (20), Ref +18 (19), Will +11 | HP 151/151 (91/175) ( Non-lethal) | Burn 7/10|Active Conditions: None

"There are many types of undead. Do you know what type of undead the paladin has turned into? Are they ghosts or more solid like zombies?" Malgrim asks.

He heaves a might shrug and replies, "I do not know much about things like that. I do know it is ghost like and can walk through walls or the floor. I have had a run in with the old men that were corrupted. When I have gotten too close they have come out of the well and attacked. They are not too difficult to kill, but they just keep coming back and I do not know how to destroy them permanently. And there are all kinds of corrupted animals like giant centipedes, apes, and large cats. Somehow being in the area has corrupted them though and they are deformed and hideous. Whatever happens do not stay long."

Male Gnoll Bloodrager 12 | HP 146/146 Rage:182 |AC 26/T15/FF23 (Rage AC) 19/T8/FF16 Due to enlarged rage and reckless abandon | F+15/R+9/W+8/11(rage) | CMB + 18/CMD 31 | init + 5 | Perc + 15 | intim. + 23 | Surv. + 15 | Rage: 29/29 HP+36 /AC-4/Will+3/fast healing 3 | Spells/lvl: 1st: 3/3, 2nd: 3/3, 3rd:2/2 | BoS 10/10

Nodding as the creature answered, Gnasher realized he did not know much about such thing either. Knowing his friends relied on spells more than he, Gnasher looked at the others and asked, "Should tribe attack now, or prepare different spells and attack tomorrow?"

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Acrobatics +21 (22), Disable Device 27 (28), Heal +10, Perception +23, Stealth +25 (26), Survival +3, Use Magic Device +11
Hobgoblin Kineticist 12 | Init +6 (7), Senses Perception (Darkvision) +23 | AC 36, 17 Touch, 32 Flat Footed|DR 10/Adamantine | Fort +18 (20), Ref +18 (19), Will +11 | HP 151/151 (91/175) ( Non-lethal) | Burn 7/10|Active Conditions: None

Malgrim looks over towards Tarak and says, "Do you have other spells that might be better against ghosts? If so waiting makes sense. Otherwise, I think we just go now."

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