Amadea |

East coast of Canada, about an hour later than New York (GMT -03). So it was about 1 am for me when you posted. I'm on night shift tonight though, so I'm here in real time.

Jacen Benedictt |

GM meant the characters actions broke them out of sync with each other, no? Based on activity, it is about 7pm for Domi, Jacen, Bob, and Kat, but 23:59 or so for Amadea & Domy.

Amadea |

Amadea wrote:I am wondering if something akin to a Hero Point system might help, where the GM says you feel an overwhelming urge to X, and you'll get an RP point if you go with it.I am very interested in this idea! Though I would love to have suggestions and help as needed.
Trying to remember the system I was thinking of that inspired this idea; it was a game where there were basically Narative Plot-Points. I think it was the Fate system, which i remember from the Dresden rpg. The GM would award points for players that played up their character flaws, a random complication (while you are surveilling the target, your mortal enemy walks out of a shop across the street), or any time he needed them to go along with a contrivance in the plot (basically a lantern hanging mechanic for when the GM wants you to go along with the plot rails - basically an aknowledgement that you might choose to do something else here, but it would really help me out with the story if you just went with it). Players could then cash in the points for their own plot contrivances; such as just as the fight is about to go down, a city guard patrol walks by and shines a bullseye lantern on everyone. Or, we really need a good Artificer, and for a point, I was just talking to an artificer at that royal gala last night...

Ginza |

Ginza is CE but that's because as a wallet warrior, sometimes his actions are pretty much to fulfil his own ego.
I think by the time I'm finished with Ginza's background, Our GM will have;
History to play around with.
Long Lost Items, etc

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HPs: 5d8 ⇒ (5, 1, 8, 4, 2) = 20

Ginza |

Ginza's Backstory for Everyone's perusal.
Ginz Fragini was the scion of Fragini Entertainment, one of the largest and leading Business Enterprises which started their roots in Entertainment.
With capable visionaries at their helm, they branched out into Engineering, Retail, Technologies which includes A.I and Immersion Technologies as well as the vast consumerism of the F&B production.
As a 3rd generation Scion of such a prestigious family, Ginz was not far off from the tree. He himself was a genius at the age of 13 having experienced the various disciplines in Art, Music, Horse-riding, Martial Arts and Technology. It was no secret that Ginz was also an Avid player of a Full-Dive Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game or DMMORPG called YGGDRASIL which gained fame rapidly and became highly popular for its type despite the presence of other games.
Ginz asked for a position to work on the game itself while still looking to play it. Though he had access to the game code and many of its intricacies, his position and relative youth persuaded the top management to put him in a role best suited to him as they believed.
A Moderator.
A position he rarely used.
Ginz did not resent that the Board of Directors treated him as beneath their notice but worked hard at both developing the technology involved in the game as well as making a name for himself in game as Ginza. A play on his real name.
His impressive work did not go unnoticed as it helped the game grow tremendously gaining an edge against it's rivals.
As one who had ready access to real life cash, Ginza's casual expenditure of his own personal funds into his Game Character would have sent any normal player into an apoplexy should it be revealed that despite his throwing of real life money into his game account, his own personal networth was valued at over 2.5 Billion, with a turnover or 7.5 million annually.
As the game progressed, Ginza's name was easily among the top players in the leaderboards. Acknowledged within the game as perhaps the greatest Wallet Warrior if not one of the biggest Whales, It was known that getting Ginza as a friend meant you might be lucky enough to catch a glimpse of his money items being used on foe or allies. All Player guilds wanted Ginza in their Guild for the simple reason that he was a Super Whale.
It was a crushing blow for the Guilds as only one Guild received Ginza's Patronage.
It was a swift rise as that particular guild bought the biggest Guild land possible, best guild house, best retainers...One generally gets the idea. All possible with Ginza's Financial Strength.
Obtained 1st Solo Clear for Serra Swamp Dungeon (4-man party)
Obtained 1st Solo Clear for Rime Mountains Dungeon (4-man party)
Obtained 1st Solo Clear for Sand Plain Dungeon (4-man party)
Obtained 1st Solo Clear for Ant Dungeon (4-man party)
Obtained 1st Solo Clear for Dark Forest Dungeon (4-man party)
Obtained 1st Solo Clear for Varoc Valley (8-man party)
Obtained 1st Solo Clear for Varoc Mountains (8-man party)
Obtained 1st Solo Clear for Varoc Ravine (8-man party)
Obtained 1st Solo Clear for Varoc Caves (8-man party)
Discoverer of Tomb of Blades
Obtained 1st Solo Clear for Tomb of Blades (24-man party)
Discoverer of Lich Shire
Obtained 1st Solo Clear for Lich Shire (24-man party)
Discoverer of Britten Empire
Discoverer of The Hidden Vale of Flowers
Discoverer of The Hidden Lutien Kingdom
Discoverer of The Hidden Tomb of Kings
Discoverer of The Gourmet Hunters
Unlocked New Faction (Gourmet Hunters)
Obtained Unique Hidden Class Anti Paladin[1]
Obtained Hidden Ability Gestalt
Obtained Unique Treasure Torment's Edge [1] (Elven Curve Blade)
Obtained Unique Treasure Armoire of Souls [1] (Purchased item from Game Shop)
Obtained Unique Treasure Immortal Bones (Ginza's Body)
Obtained Unique Treasure Amulet of Soren [1] (Amulet [yet to be determined])
Obtained Legendary Retainer Soul Husk (Purchased Retainer (Sorcerer) that can also be used as an alt)
Obtained Legendary Retainer Krush Husk (Purchased Retainer (Fighter) that can also be used as an alt)
Obtained Legendary Retainer Crosshair Husk (Purchased Retainer (Ranger) that can also be used as an alt)
Obtained Legendary Retainer Burglar Husk (Purchased Retainer (Rogue) that can also be used as an alt)
Obtained Legendary Treasure Transparent Cloak (Magical Cloak)
Obtained Title: Arcane Blademaster
Given to one who has married Bladed weapons with magic separately.
Obtained Title: Arena Star
Given to one who has obtained 15,000 victories in the Arena.
Obtained Title: Budding Chef
Given to one who has discovered 50 recipes
Obtained Title: Outstanding Chef
Given to one who has discovered 500 recipes
Obtained Title: Gourmet Chef
Given to one who has discovered 5,000 recipes
Obtained Title: Secrets of Cooking
Given to one who has created 15 recipes.
Obtained Title: Fortune's Favorite
Given to one who has spent more then 1,000,0000 on in game purchases
Obtained Title: War Ender
Given to one who has ended the War between Rival Empires.
Obtained during the Britten Empire and Sand Dynasty Event.
Obtained Title: Slaughter Star
Given to one who has taken 500,000 lives in a single action.
Obtained Title: Star of Death
Given to one who has taken 1,000,000 lives in a single action.
Obtained Title: Herald of Death
Given to one who has taken 2,000,000 lives in a single action.
Obtained Title: Black Calamity (Unique)
Acknowledged by all Empires, Organizations and Guilds as a Dangerous Individual.
Obtained by Destroying the Sarian Civilization.
Ginza started the game as a normal warrior abject with Gear never seen on other normal players. This made grinding a breeze and with his Shop items worth a Few thousand dollars allowed him to achieve First clears easily.
The low leveled Super Whale Ginza was easily sought after for making parties due to being a solid and guaranteed carry for most Raids and Dungeons requiring a party.
At Mid levels, Ginza with even more purchased gear from the shop at the highest quality achieved various first clears and the enviable Solo Clears. His achievements were mostly talked down to him purchasing clears through his Credit card and started gaining him the reputation as a Wallet Warrior or Whale as the community Terminology went.
It was likely said because of his overpowered equipment, he was able to discover high level areas most players couldn't go and activate various quests and the eventual discovery of a new NPC Organization.
Various Doubters and Trolls issued many challenges to Ginza, be it fixed, scaled of handicapper matches. Expecting easy victories over a whale with a modicum of skill, his detractors soon found out otherwise. His win rate sky rocketed as Ginza proved that even without his purchased shop gears, he was a force to be reckoned with. Eventually Ginza gained yet more recognition as a skilled player in his own right.
With his skills backed by money, Ginza unlocked a whole new game area. The Britten Empire and its corresponding Hidden Quests, The Hidden Vale of Flowers, The Hidden Lutien Kingdom and The Hidden Tomb of Kings.
Due to the lack of suitable players who had yet to unlock these hidden quests, the curious Ginza went ahead and entered the dungeons by himself. After a grueling 8 hours marathon, Ginza successfully cleared all 3 in a day and received the First Clear Awards. This was announced via the system and the community realized that the game also had hidden rewards, quests and areas to be found after Ginza explained on world chat what he had done.
Due to his unwitting actions, Ginza had also Triggered an event for the Hidden Lutien Kingdom and despite not being the first to clear it, he was still among the first few to have done so. This revealed to the world that there were other players that were either just as skilled or rich as Ginza. Soon enough the system announcements started triggering as more players discovered hidden features and receiving awards for it. This prompted the Developers to drop an announcement that the game had several other features yet to be uncovered such as titles, new classes and races.
Some call it a marketing ploy but it wasn't soon enough as various players discovered the new races and that some rewards were marked as Unique meaning that there were either very limited in number or the [1] in parentheses indicated that there was only one of it's kind.
Players soon reported with great excitement about their discoveries which prompted Ginza to see if he could discover such a quest if he could.
Little did he know that his desire to uncover a hidden quest would have triggered a Unique Quest Chain that would have unforeseen consequences....
Ginza in his search for a unique quest came upon a dilapidated shrine within which housed cryptic notes on a sepulcher of an ancient queen. Delighted on his discovery, Ginza researched high and low and was disappointed to see that a quest was not triggered. Undeterred, Ginza guessed correctly that this might be a quest that might appear on the Journal being a Hidden Quest instead and thus Ginza continued on his search for the Sepulcher of the Ancient Queen.
It took Ginza nearly a month and during that time, he had made several other shop purchases which included 4 Dungeon Bosses which were described as the Player Tier Walls. This means that the bosses were deliberately made tougher then other dungeon bosses of the same level to provide a higher challenge for players. Defeating them meant that you were ready for the next higher tier.
Ginza of course had no problem defeating them and when the Game released them as Purchases for $100,000 each, it was no surprise that Ginza easily purchased them.
Ginza finally overcame the final Dungeon boss allowing him to solve the quest he had believed was a Hidden quest. This lead him to his prize the Sepulcher of the Ancient Queen. He found that within it was a strange symbol, the Sword Torment's Edge and Soren's Amulet. He kept the Sepulcher which looked like a normal treasure chest and the treasures within it.
System Announcement proclaimed his achievement for all to see and his quest log gave him the sweet confirmation that his efforts weren't in vain.
He had Completed a Hidden Unique Chain Quest.
Various Other players on learning of this quest had attempted it but failed proving it all but true that Ginza and only Ginza had completed it. There could be no other duplicate.
At this time, the game system proclaimed that a new event had occurred and various players gathered from all over to participate.
This was a turning point for Ginza, It would have severe repercussions on him but no one could have foreseen it. Not least the Developers themselves.
The Event was declared to last almost a month but Due to Ginza's unwitting use of an ancient artifact, he had ended it much sooner with disastrous consequences.
The Location of the event was the Sarian Flats and was the culmination of in game events leading to a multi-server wide participation as a war will occur involving the Theocracy Sarians of the Sand Dynasty and The Monarchy of the Powerful Martial Britten Empire. Players would be able to choose sides to influence the war and it was bound to involve Player vs Player, (PVP).
Who would have known that during the first engagement of the war was also the final engagement. With all the buildup excitement, both NPCs and Players had gathered on what was the building stage of this event, The Sarian Flats where a race of ingenious Intelligent Flame-based reptilian race lived.
As the trumpets blared and the armies on both sides advanced towards each other, Ginza on a pure instance of boredom opened the Sepulcher.
At this time, the strange symbol Erupted in a blinding light and the entire Sarian Flats was covered in blinding light that erased everything and everyone.
Ginza had unwittingly activated another Unique Hidden quest. The Trigger condition unfortunately was to have more then 100 lives in the area which was to be sacrificed to the Ancient Queen. Ginza by opening it not only annihilated himself but everything on the Sarian Flats.
The world was silent but for a moment before the System Announcement went wild as it revealed dozens of titles and rewards for Ginza for completing this particular Hidden Unique quest.
The title that brought about the most attention was.
Black Calamity
The Controversy of such an outcome gave rise to a huge outcry and even though the Developers did a Press conference to address the issue, pointing out that the dynamics of the game was such that not even they were aware of such a possibility and were apologetic about it.
One thing was certain.
The event that was scheduled to last a month ended in a week.
The Player who did what was supposed to be impossible was Ginza.
This of course prompted Ginza to make yet another Purchase in order to avoid public scorn but it turned out to be in vain as the community let this controversy fade away after a month treating it as one of the game's everchanging dynamics. They did Make Ginza a meme though as they discovered that Ginza didn't escape unscathed from that event having gained completely a new class and race.
When news broke out that Ginza had joined a guild, several guilds assuming that Ginza was just being used as a bus for this guild declared a joint Guild war on this upstart guild with all the best resources.
They found that contrary to the news they had believed in, Ginza's Guildmates proved to be every bit as fearsome or more then he was as they revealed themselves to the world.
The allied guild war ended in one hour and henceforth no other guild had dared to makes moves against them ever again during their existence.

GM Wolf |

GM meant the characters actions broke them out of sync with each other, no? Based on activity, it is about 7pm for Domi, Jacen, Bob, and Kat, but 23:59 or so for Amadea & Domy.
As Bob and Kat continue to explore they move up to 23:59 as well.
I am fine with broken timeliness but please give me grace should some wires get crossed in my head.

GM Wolf |

Awesome Ginza!!!
You all have made wonderful back stories!
Okay folks now it is time to vote: what will the guild name be? You each get two votes and you must vote for two different names. The one with the most votes wins!
● The Eviscerators of Fate
● Deniable Plausibility
● Cutting Edge (common nicknames:Bleeding Edge and Razor's Edge)
● The Marauders
The Eviscerators of Fate
The Testicle Eviscerators
The Revengers
The Just Us League
Redneck Torture Zombies
Lady E and the Battle Studs
Aggressive Fashion Statements
Endless Sky
The Pinions
Let me know if I missed any.
Bob and Kat what are you doing with the castle?

Lady Ekaterina |

Voting for
Deniably Plausibility
Cutting edge
Which is lame because proposed them

Dominique Silverstone |

I have to choose only 2!!!
Cutting Edge (with this awesome nickname:Bleeding Edge)
The Eviscerators of Fate
Endless Sky
Okay so I will vote for:
The Invincible Fatemakers
Cutting Edge
I could see how Endless Sky fits with both of them! XD

Domayoku |

The Eviscerators of Fate
The Marauders
So have Domayoku and Amadea made their way down to visit the natives?

Ginza |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Deniable Plausibility tickles me
and The Marauders are just a continuation of the above.

Amadea |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I like the Marauders and Endless Sky.
I kept reading Deniable Plausibility as Plausible Deniability, which I thought was boring. Deniable Plausibility is a good pun.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I prefer Deniable Plausibility.

Jacen Benedictt |

K, so I will go half of the lame route and vote for Endless Sky, because I love it and I proposed it.
I will also vote for The Marauders, mostly, because I have this thing in my head where Michelle Pfeiferr is saying, "wait ... The Marauders, or just ... Marauders"

GM Wolf |

Lol! @Jacen
Lady Ekaterina wrote:** spoiler omitted **...This is a really good point, because Jason probably knows this and tells you that they are going to meet the Count of Amberville in the morning. I take it no one came to Amberville?
What was the point? Jason?
Jacen the communication between you and: Domayoku and Amadea. Did not occur.Jacen can communicate with Lady Ekaterina and by proxy Bob.
Unless you guys have something up your sleeve.

Jacen Benedictt |

Lol! @Jacen
Jacen Benedictt wrote:Lady Ekaterina wrote:** spoiler omitted **...This is a really good point, because Jason probably knows this and tells you that they are going to meet the Count of Amberville in the morning. I take it no one came to Amberville?What was the point? Jason?
Jacen the communication between you and: Domayoku and Amadea. Did not occur.
Jacen can communicate with Lady Ekaterina and by proxy Bob.
Unless you guys have something up your sleeve.
The only thing up my sleeve is intention ... I am pretty sure I meant, on Wed, Apr 13, 2022 @ 08:24 am, when I said "Bob & Eka, please relay to the team" that I meant please always do that if I mentally address someone who isn't networked with us.
I didn't type that, so if they didn't get that from what I said, and weren't in a window of chronomancy that their presence would overlap with the other team members, well, then it's like I never meant for it to happen ;)

Domayoku |

Well, with nothing going on at the Guildhall, Domayoku will talk to Amadea and see if we can rejoin the rest of the guild in the North.

Ginza |

I think the time line got their wires crossed trying to find a common point.
We might need to look for the one called Dr Strange.......

Lady Ekaterina |

Did I miss something, I try to read only what people Ekaterina is aware off are doing.

Jacen Benedictt |

Did I miss something, I try to read only what people Ekaterina is aware off are doing.
Well I had a post that I wrote thanking the Bishop and accepting his hospitality; that disappeared. Now my character is dying I think ...

Jacen Benedictt |

I think the time line got their wires crossed trying to find a common point.
We might need to look for the one called Dr Strange.......
O M G --- the bishop is actually Wanda Maximoff!!!
That is what happened!I posted too slowly so she changed reality!!!
I knew this all made sense somehow

Ginza |

You know. Ginza could help with Alexandria being immune to fire but I'm back at guild house/keep/hall waiting for all the gather.
Or until my skeletons get news back to them.
Right now With everybody separated by both space and time. I figured Keeping Ginza in one place will help gel things together.

Amadea |

I'm working on a few of my minions, and kind of coming up with a list of specialties and roles that would be great for someone to be able to include in their roster.
So far I am stating up Amakura: A Duegar with a specialty in magic item creation. He'll have Scribe Scroll, Craft Wonderous, Craft Wand, and Craft Wand, as well as Cooperative Crafting. He'll be available to help with the time required to make anything, and has special abilities that allow him to craft items in 1/2 to 1/3 the usual time.
For a guardian for the keep, I am thinking of Henge, a colossal-sized Giganean Earth Elemental. I am thinking that he might also be the bridge that allows foot traffic to access the keep (probably with the quadrupedal template), so if he decides to try to keep you out, not only do you have to try and destroy him, if you do, there will be no bridge crossing the gap.
Next, I'm trying to figure out a personal assistant of some sort, such as a spirit bound to an item or piece of jewelry that can be worn or carried, and acts as a second set of eyes, and aid who can use UMD and potentially use aid other or buff spells in combat.
I'd like a scout or spy of some sort, whether that be a traditional scout, an invisible insubstantial ghost type, or a scryer/seer depends on what kind of builds I can come up with. Having a loyal and unstoppable supernatural Assassin might be handy for the guild as well, but I think that build would be distinct from this scout.
Other roles: These are just some ideas for other support characters. Even if everyone tried to incorporate at least one general purpose role into their minions, it could go a long way to helping the overall guild.
As Wolf suggested, having a dedicated Healer wouldn't hurt us either, particularly if he was focused on less common issues, such as mundane Healing, cure disease, remove curse, and so on. As a supplemental to this idea, a Necromantic healer might be called for, though that is probably particular to Ginza, and would probably be one of his minions. As a side gig, he could be responsible to creating and maintaining a group of skeletons or zombies for keep defense.
A Beastmaster: Whether just a Hagrid-type whose job it is to care for all our mounts and animals, but could also be someone that breeds and trains our supernatural attack dogs.
Craftsmen: Seeing as we live in a keep, and we can no longer just program/code our base, stonemasons and carpenters might be a good idea, as well as miners and trapbuilders. I'll try to give Amakura some points in this, but it is not his main focus so we'll have to see.
Accountant/Administrator: Never underestimate the value of a good money guy. Profession: Banker, Profession: Steward or Seneschal, Diplomacy, Sense Motive, etc.
General: We'll probably need someone to lead our armies, a guy maxed out in Strategy, Tactics, and leadership type skills might help us a lot.
Spymaster: Someone that can go out into neighbouring towns, and recruit one or two folk to send regular updates with local news. The contacts don't even need to know they are spies; they are just getting paid a few bucks to keep a merchant updated on local trends. Get 50 or a hundred folks doing the same, and he can have a finger on the pulse of all the surrounding communities.

Just call me Bob |

Here's a rundown of my minions. Stats here
The Rumor is a diminutive incorporeal spy with a couple uses of invisibility when mere stealth or hiding objects is not enough. Not very useful in combat, but very sneaky and perceptive.
Inkarnate enhances defenders within the base. It is a set of animate tattoos that slither onto somebody. It can use AoO's to aid another on defense and can split damage like shield other. Inkarnate has fast healing 5 to reduce the effect of this. It can also D-door at will within the base.
Hetfield is a musician who performs very intense music. He also happens to be an enormous pile of sand that can put people to sleep.
Doug the Rug is a janitor. Nothing like a big carpet of ooze to clean the floors and walls. Of course he can also restrain and drain the blood of invaders.

Ginza |

Ginza do you do anything for Jacen?
Does anyone's subordinates have healing powers or healing knowledge?!
If it wasn't clear: you are welcome to RP your subordinates too!
I have no idea what's up with Jacen. Being Undead comes with being not very sensitive to other's needs. Must be the lack of nerves I guess.
I have the following;
Soul Husk (Purchased Retainer (Sorcerer) that can also be used as an alt)
Krush Husk (Purchased Retainer (Fighter) that can also be used as an alt)
Crosshair Husk (Purchased Retainer (Ranger) that can also be used as an alt)
Burglar Husk (Purchased Retainer (Rogue) that can also be used as an alt)
No Healer and despite their 'classes' and such.
They're all part of the chefs group. :P
I figured Being a whale in game, Ginza would use legendary bosses as minions for something as mundane as cooking.
At the moment with everybody up and about, I guess Ginza staying in the keep acts as a temporarily command relay center. I mean... Everybody with advanced communication powers are out. lol.

Lady Ekaterina |

Overcompensator is her Violence based half Balor alt.
Akademik Zakharov is her "FOR SCIENCE" honcho, als known as "YOU CANNOT CUT DOWN ON SCIENCE FUNDING!" probably wizard
Lizzy is her makeup assistant, cha based witch
Pär Lindemann is modelled after a mixture of Sabatons and Rammsteins Frontmen and is a Bard.
RUSADA is a healing and doping based alchemist.

Jacen Benedictt |

Ginza do you do anything for Jacen?
Does anyone's subordinates have healing powers or healing knowledge?!
If it wasn't clear: you are welcome to RP your subordinates too!
LOL um, actually the healing was kinda mostly Jacen.
I remember thinking that when we were first doing chargen.
So maybe we just need to know what state of mind or dreaming he is in so that we can determine if his subconscious would allow him to connect to Elysium and heal himself?

Lady Ekaterina |

Having been informed of a medical emergency, RUSADA a gnomish cleric of Haagenti the Demon Lord of "Self improvement".
Will attempt various doping and steroid based remedies as soon as I have his character sheet done.

Amadea |

Here's a rundown of my minions. Stats here
The Rumor is a diminutive incorporeal spy with a couple uses of invisibility when mere stealth or hiding objects is not enough. Not very useful in combat, but very sneaky and perceptive.
Inkarnate enhances defenders within the base. It is a set of animate tattoos that slither onto somebody. It can use AoO's to aid another on defense and can split damage like shield other. Inkarnate has fast healing 5 to reduce the effect of this. It can also D-door at will within the base.
Hetfield is a musician who performs very intense music. He also happens to be an enormous pile of sand that can put people to sleep.
Doug the Rug is a janitor. Nothing like a big carpet of ooze to clean the floors and walls. Of course he can also restrain and drain the blood of invaders.
Incarnate is awesome, and ironically so capable of doing what I wanted for my personal assistant concept that I want to steal it. Would you mind if I built something similar for one of my minions?
Alternatively, if you have any suggestions for how to build my original idea, I'd love the feedback. I have been trying to find a way to get the same capabilities from a ghost or wearable construct, but can't seem to find one that would work mechanically (wearable constructs lose their actions while worn, defeating the purpose). What I envisioned was a spirit tied to an object I could carry, that could manifest or interact when needed. A second set of eyes, the occasional buff, and umd. I am sure I recall some sort of creature or template that toes a spirit to an item, but can't seem to find it.

Ginza |

Perhaps an Intelligent item instead?

Ginza |

Hold that thought....

Ginza |

Here's some templates.
While they don't have HD or CR.
They do have hitpoints which isn't much and hardness.
I would look towards constructs as your main creature type for now and put templates as needed to achieve your desired design.

Amadea |

That was what I concluded so far as well. I'm writing up a new construct idea for approval, as it would be a custom creation. I am thinking of a Clockwork Jewelry Construct, modeled on the Clockwork Familiar. This would be a construct that appears to be a large piece of jewelry (like a decorative bracer, gorget, or headdress) that acts like a familiar/assistant while you wear it, but becomes a little mobile spy if you should put it down.

Ginza |

A mechanical eye so as to speak.

Just call me Bob |

Oh, I don't mind if you use the Tattoo Guardian as the base construct. they start off mindless, so you'll want to use a template to get them a brain. Inkarnate originally was in a dungeon that we conquered and raided. I could easily see a scribe version of him.
Other ideas:
A Raktavarna rakshasa becomes an object. Most are weapons, but I could see jewelry or something. As a secretary/assistant, it comes with comprehend languages at will.
A Cassisian angel is a winged helmet. They have a minor protective aura that specifically protects somebody nearby, so there's an implication that they can be worn. They have truespeech and perfect memory, so would make good secretaries.
A Calligraphy Wyrm is a diminutive dragon that becomes a pen. It's listed that they commonly become assistants.
Any tiny or smaller creature can occupy the same space as another. So that includes lots of options. There are lots of itty-bitty fey to start with.
Swarms occupy the same space as another, though many are mindless. You'd likely need a template to give them minds.

Amadea |

Sweet, thanks. I will check out some of those options to see if they might suit. I had looked at the Tattoo Guardian a while back and though about how cool it looked, lamenting that they were mindless. For some reason, the templates giving them sentience never occurred to me at the time (Enlightened, Lifespark, Soulbound).

Ginza |

I took the easy way out.
I just went all skeleton undead and Voltron.

Amadea |

I found an interesting exploit in my wanderings. It wouldn't work for me, but it might work for someone else, so I thought I'd throw it out there.
Constructs can get a modification called "Construct Armor" that allows them to be worn as armour for +1 CR. It counts as half-plate, so doesn't work for me due to a high dex bonus. However, it says all attacks on the wearer damage the construct first. The Clockwork Familiar gets DR 5/Adamantine. At CR 3 you have 2 hd or cr to play with to pump up its HP or get Fast Healing, etc, which could turn just about anyone into a very hard to hurt tank.
Edit: Adamatine Cobra is DR 10/- and CR 3. Just sayin'.