Overlord Re-make... This is our story! (Inactive)

Game Master BloodWolven

You asked for it and I have developed the map!

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You have logged in once more. It has been quite a while for many of you. But the guildmaster has sent his request to meet once more before the server's shut down.

Male Human (advanced) Godling

A large barrel-chested humanoid with red-tinged skin appears in the guild greeting hall. Domayoku, Errant Demon King, arrives at the behest of his Guild Master.

Dark Archive

[dice=Bite+Rage-PA]d20+20-2[/dice][dice=Bite+Rage+PA Damage]d8+8+4[/dice][dice=Gore+Rage-PA]d20+20-2[/dice] [dice=Gore+Rage+PA Damage]d8+8+4[/dice][dice=Claw+Rage-PA]d20+20-2[/dice] [dice=Claw+Rage+PA Damage]d6+8+4[/dice]
HP 115/11 |AC 29, Touch 21, FF 29 | Perception +17 (LL, DV 90 ft, Scent) | Sense Motive +2 | Initiative +11 | Fort +18, Ref +16, Will +8 |CMB +11, CMD 31 | Speed: 70 Ft, Climb 20 ft | Regeneration 3 (Acid/Fire) |Rage: 16/16
Acrobatics +20, Knowledge: Engineering +7, Knowledge: History +7, Knowledge: Nature +12, Knowledge: Nobility +7, Linguistics +12, Perception +17, Ride +19, Survival +11

Hello, this is Kazko. I will get his background posted by tomorrow I think.

I built him to handle traps and hold the front line.

I see the game play is up. Do you want us to start posting there?

We will start gameplay once everyone has finished their characters. I opened up discussion for any questions and to make connections again with guild members.

HP: 196/186 |FH: 13|AC: 46_ T: 32_ FF: 38|Perc: +12, Init: +7 | Fort: +12|Ref: +12|Will: +18|CMB: +14, CMD: 31, Speed 70 ft., 140 ft. fly

Present as always the butler welcomes each of the members in the guild's greeting hall.

Bob ambles in, seemingly comfortable in his new skin. ::I wonder if the real versions of us are still out there? Or is this a case of that butterfly that dreamed it was Zhuangzi?:: His little buddy Sprout rides his shoulder, moving over to the sunbeam. ::I suppose this world will have ϪӝѬʓʢϞԬ₺ᴥᵹ₾ who dreamed he was a human.::

I've got a good ways into my background, though I'm now changing it to add the monk stuff. Question: can our CR 3 mounts be sapient? It doesn't make much sense to bother with getting a horse that's already dead. I'm not going to bother if I can't get something smart enough to drop Bob off and skedaddle.

I've only got some vague concepts for the retinue. We're going to have a lot of them, so I'll wait for others.

Happy to be here

Since it seems like the group is not getting into roleplaying their character yet, should we move it to gameplay instead? After the first 50 posts the transition will occur! Here we go down the rabbit hole!

Sorry what do you mean by sapient? Please give me some examples.

So who should be the guildmaster, I have not had much talk on this subject.

During gameplay you will begin explaining the structure of the guild hall. What does the keep area look like? First come first served!

I envision the keep opens to the greeting hall. There are parlors and guest rooms that connect to the greeting hall including a fully staffed kitchen.

Then we have the next 3 or 4 levels below...on the ground floor with magma pools for trenches. With sheer cliffs that lead down to the sea.

What does the surrounding area look like?

The keep is not just built into a cliff... It's on a pillar of stone separated from the edge of the land. There is a gatehouse with plenty of good firing angles onto the narrow rope bridge.

GM Wolf wrote:
Sorry what do you mean by sapient? Please give me some examples.

I meant intelligence over 3. Smart enough that I don't have to worry about it being dead when we come out of a dungeon. I'm not sure what I want yet. But they will definitely not be intended for combat. By cutting and running, they might last a few months.

Or would you consider other options?

LOLOLOLOLOLOL @ rope bridge
Um ...
Maybe we should have a vote for Guildmaster?

I can totally go in a different direction, and can make a character who can teleport, but I do kind of have my heart set on civilization. But again, let's talk it through. Aretuza works for the Brotherhood in the Witcher mostly because the mages don't have to work to get there and can conjure ... everything.

My thoughts were a little less Tarzan and a little more Eberron.
Sharn to be exact.

For me, the rough and tumble life outside the Tower earns guildmembers the wind down they can find within. I am partial to the layout of TOWER1 mostly because there are actually more rooms for guildmembers, and the multi-level area for the guildmaster would be sweet!

Just my thoughts :)

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Male Elf Graveknight Gesalt AntiPaladin(Fearmonger) / Magus (Armored Battlemage) 7 | HP: 113 (+7)/113 (+7) | SR 20| AC: 31/17/26| DR 10/Magic |Init: +11| Perc: +22| Fort: +8| Ref: +15| Will: +18| CMB: +16| CMD: 31| ECB: +23/+18;1d10+13| TE:+25/+20;1d10+16 | AL.Bow: +13/+8;1d8+9|
Acro:+3|App:+6|Bluff:+6|Clim:+8|Diplo:+6|Disg:+10|E.A:+0|Fly:+4|H.A:+10|Hea l:+5|Inti:+24|K.Dun:+11|K.Eng:+8|K.Pla/Arc/Reli:+17|Ling:+8|Ride:+12|SM:+9| Sleight:+6|Spell:+17|Steal:+10|Sur:+5|UMD:+10|Pro(Chef):+15|L.(Reci):+13|

Five skeletons walks in.
One seems medium and elvish like while the others seems to be a mix of a kobold, goblin, halfling and a gnome.

They strike a pose!

"Form Legs and arms!" the goblin and kobold seems to break apart and form two vaguely leg like bones.

"Form Arms and Torso!" The halfling and Gnome does the same to form arms and parts of a torso. More Halfling then gnome forms the torso though.

"And I'll form the head!" The Medium sized Figure jumps out and has all four limbs connected to him in place of his own arms and legs whil other bone parts smashes into his own face to reform greater parts of the torso and finally a larger skull.

Pieces of Armor and weapons fly in attaching themselves to the figure.

He strikes a pose.
still medium sized.............

"I am Ginza!!!!"

Non-Binary (M) Aiuvarin Psychic 3 || HP=18 | AC=16 |F +4, R +6, W +6 | PERC +4 LLV || SPEED=30 | EXP=Detect Magic | CONDITIONS=None ||

Jacen goes to turn on Netflix so that he can watch Ginza: Legendary Defender!

SR:18 Stats HP 75/75 Fort:8 Ref:9 Will:6/15 AC 28/29, FF 21, Touch 26/27 CMD34/35 Init+6/+8(underground) Current eff MoG, Heroism, TtW, See invis, performance[/ooc] Resources L1 spells 6/7 L2 spells 2/5 L3 spells 3/4 SLAs: Charm Mon. 2/3, Detect thoughts 0/1, Darkness 3/3 Spell Kenning 0/1 Lore Master 1/1 Half Succubus Gestalt Urban Skald Gunslinger

Power talk:

If I dont do the double CHA to AC double dip, and only dip for scaled fist, my AC drops by around 5-7 or so.
Anything that makes her lose her Monk bonus to AC, such as reducing her not very impressive STR enough so that she becomes medium loaded, makes her super squishy, so, waves of exhaustion, Sirrocco, anything that creates STR damage, fatigue, exhaustion etc.
The monk bonus works vs Flat footed, but not if immobilized

Ditching the Oracle dip and moving to a less munchkinned version of

Urban Skald 7/Scaled Fist 2/Mysterious stranger 5

Leaves me with:
Base AC of 10 + 1 (nat armor from template) + 10(CHA bonus to AC) + 4ish (Dex to AC)=26. Just noticed, I actually have neither mage armor nor shield in my Skald spell list. Given her charisma she can likely just use a wand for both, of course, that makes both of them very easily dispellable.

Philo Pharynx wrote:
GM Wolf wrote:
Sorry what do you mean by sapient? Please give me some examples.

I meant intelligence over 3. Smart enough that I don't have to worry about it being dead when we come out of a dungeon. I'm not sure what I want yet. But they will definitely not be intended for combat. By cutting and running, they might last a few months.

Or would you consider other options?

Sure that would be fine, you just need to find a mount that you want that is CR 3 or less.

Okay let me change the question: Who wants to be the guildmaster, then if we have more than 2 applicants we can make a vote.
Thanks Lady Ekaterina! Dom is in the same boat with the extra protection being very dismissable.
I think Tower 1 would be great as what is above ground! I want the lower levels to be more dungeoneske. If you don't know the path you could end up in a maze of some kind. Then large rooms for floor level protectors to use.

SR:18 Stats HP 75/75 Fort:8 Ref:9 Will:6/15 AC 28/29, FF 21, Touch 26/27 CMD34/35 Init+6/+8(underground) Current eff MoG, Heroism, TtW, See invis, performance[/ooc] Resources L1 spells 6/7 L2 spells 2/5 L3 spells 3/4 SLAs: Charm Mon. 2/3, Detect thoughts 0/1, Darkness 3/3 Spell Kenning 0/1 Lore Master 1/1 Half Succubus Gestalt Urban Skald Gunslinger

Feat tree is mostly done.

Decided on Dual weapon fighting with Revolvers, with grappling as a backup option.

Looking forward to work on background, this should be fun!

Non-Binary (M) Aiuvarin Psychic 3 || HP=18 | AC=16 |F +4, R +6, W +6 | PERC +4 LLV || SPEED=30 | EXP=Detect Magic | CONDITIONS=None ||

I do kinda have a vision of Jacen & Jarvis ... I mean Jacen & Dom flying out of the mansion together.

Jacen would be very honoured to lead the guild forward as its guildmaster.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
HP: 196/186 |FH: 13|AC: 46_ T: 32_ FF: 38|Perc: +12, Init: +7 | Fort: +12|Ref: +12|Will: +18|CMB: +14, CMD: 31, Speed 70 ft., 140 ft. fly

We have one applicant so far for Guildmaster: Jacen... also known as Kerwynn.

We could both also hold one or more other party members!!! It will be glorious. Also Kerwynn has lots of flying and I think HR Lady does too!

I still want to find me a dragon mount!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Elf Graveknight Gesalt AntiPaladin(Fearmonger) / Magus (Armored Battlemage) 7 | HP: 113 (+7)/113 (+7) | SR 20| AC: 31/17/26| DR 10/Magic |Init: +11| Perc: +22| Fort: +8| Ref: +15| Will: +18| CMB: +16| CMD: 31| ECB: +23/+18;1d10+13| TE:+25/+20;1d10+16 | AL.Bow: +13/+8;1d8+9|
Acro:+3|App:+6|Bluff:+6|Clim:+8|Diplo:+6|Disg:+10|E.A:+0|Fly:+4|H.A:+10|Hea l:+5|Inti:+24|K.Dun:+11|K.Eng:+8|K.Pla/Arc/Reli:+17|Ling:+8|Ride:+12|SM:+9| Sleight:+6|Spell:+17|Steal:+10|Sur:+5|UMD:+10|Pro(Chef):+15|L.(Reci):+13|

I claim Chef/groundskeeper/etc

My domain shall be the kitchen!

I have gained immunity to cold, electricity and fire while dealing additional Fire damage as is wont for my Undead Chef.

His Four underlings as a joke are his left hand/right hand, left leg and right leg companions.

All Skeletons with the corresponding classes.
Rogue, Ranger, Wizard, Oracle. Don't expect to see them much as they're meant for comic relief.

Currently AC 19 without feats, gear or anything
Fort 6, Ref 13 will 16
Defensive Abilities: A graveknight gains channel resistance +4; DR 10/magic; and immunity to cold, electricity, and any additional energy type noted by its ruinous revivification special quality. A graveknight also gains spell resistance equal to its augmented CR + 11.

Your background story can also include raids, dungeons, and other places you guys explored in game.

SR:18 Stats HP 75/75 Fort:8 Ref:9 Will:6/15 AC 28/29, FF 21, Touch 26/27 CMD34/35 Init+6/+8(underground) Current eff MoG, Heroism, TtW, See invis, performance[/ooc] Resources L1 spells 6/7 L2 spells 2/5 L3 spells 3/4 SLAs: Charm Mon. 2/3, Detect thoughts 0/1, Darkness 3/3 Spell Kenning 0/1 Lore Master 1/1 Half Succubus Gestalt Urban Skald Gunslinger

Yes, I do indeed fly, Half Succubus is a pretty useful package, and I can likely setup situations to turn most valuable employees into half fiends! I can assure you that the process does not involve having to personal kill 100s of innocents and sacrifice them to Nocticula, our excellent legal team has managed to ace a most favorable deal with our Lady in Shadows Beams the half Succubus

I only had to pledge loyalty to her when I become Demon Lord of Marketing, pretty good deal I think.

As part of her ascension, Nocticula discovered she is stuck in Paizo space and wants to spread her influence into Anime-Space

I like to allow space for my character to develop organically, as such I generally starts with traits/tropes and then add to them.
Lady Ekaterina is:
Highly conscious of her appearence
Somewhat legalistic
Extremely extroverted
Strongly favors capturing over killing

As soon as I figured out a midly dystopian way to write it, Lady Ekaterina will give everyone a tour of the only mildly dystopian "Acquired Sentient resources optimization facilities", because Dungeon sounds so 1980s.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
HP: 196/186 |FH: 13|AC: 46_ T: 32_ FF: 38|Perc: +12, Init: +7 | Fort: +12|Ref: +12|Will: +18|CMB: +14, CMD: 31, Speed 70 ft., 140 ft. fly

We have a great many other things to decide upon as well:
What will be upon our guild flag?
What is the name of our guild?
What colors do we wish on the flag: Primary color and a secondary maybe a third one too.
What did our guild strive for in the game? Trophies, conquest, records kept, etc.

LOL, I like it Lady Ekaterina! She should get along with Dom lovingingly or they will fight like cats and dogs because they are too similar... we will see.

HP: 91/91 |FH: 1|AC: 32_ T: 29_ FF: 24|Perc: +27, Init: +6 | Fort: +15|Ref: +13|Will: +15|CMB: +11, CMD: 36, Speed 30 ft.

Apparently ϪӝѬʓʢϞԬ₺ᴥᵹ₾ is not a valid alias on the forums. C'mon folks, Unicode is a thing.

All hail Guild Leader Kerwynn!

Ginza, you can have the kitchen, but you'll have to fight me for groundskeeper. Do we need to have a garden-off? Because I'm swinging a 20 there.

For our guild flag, I'm thinking or a dragon rampant gules in full, per saltire purpure. How does that work for everybody? I think it's quite striking. Image

SR:18 Stats HP 75/75 Fort:8 Ref:9 Will:6/15 AC 28/29, FF 21, Touch 26/27 CMD34/35 Init+6/+8(underground) Current eff MoG, Heroism, TtW, See invis, performance[/ooc] Resources L1 spells 6/7 L2 spells 2/5 L3 spells 3/4 SLAs: Charm Mon. 2/3, Detect thoughts 0/1, Darkness 3/3 Spell Kenning 0/1 Lore Master 1/1 Half Succubus Gestalt Urban Skald Gunslinger

Acquired Sentient resources optimization facilities:

Oh, I am so glad you could come dead colleagues!
The Half Succubus beams at her colleages.
To fully utilize acquired sentient resource, they need to first be restrained, then converted, and then have their abilities brought up to par. We of course have to deal with some logistical issues, as various different acquired sentient provide roadblocks on various different steps!. Let us begin in the holding area!
She leads you to the lowest part of the "dungeon" which is actually filled with relatively pleaseant melodies and bathed in a magical pastell light.

With the assistance of the highly valuable Mrs. Kumo. The Half Succubus points at a large Aranea spider, we have managed to simultaneously reduce breakout events, increase prisoner health and also reduce prisoner hostility!

Yes Yes! Chirps the spider
I have made discovery! I can combine Crysalis spell with restraints! Things become healed while tied up, very effective! The Spider Chirps Can I have more cofee? At the half Succubus.
Yes, of course, help yourself She answers before saying
Even better, restrains used are 100% biodegradable which greatly increases our sustainability rating!

The party sees numerous Cocoons in the holding cells.

We have also made us of employee suggestions to improve security! For example: this here She points to a large chest with the label "Prisoner equipment box" and also to a key with the label "Prisoner equipment box key" and whipser conspirationally the key is a trap that sets off a general silent alarm, as well as glueing anyone who takes it to the wall, and the Box is Mrs. Otchinkova one of our most valuably mimic employees! As she shows of pictures of surprised looking adventurers. We generate considerable revenue and commercial leads by selling and posting the suprised adventurers videos on several multiplanar platforms! This area thus nearly pays for itself!

I am claiming the dungeon, the education facilities and the gym.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
HP: 91/91 |FH: 1|AC: 32_ T: 29_ FF: 24|Perc: +27, Init: +6 | Fort: +15|Ref: +13|Will: +15|CMB: +11, CMD: 36, Speed 30 ft.


Bob's player is Robert Jackson. He is a mildly autistic software engineer working for an application company. He wouldn't be able to play the game very much except for great multitasking skills and a number of automated macros that let him split his attention without standing around paralyzed. He would sometimes get some ribbing as "Robot Bob" when he was distracted and let them take over too much.

Some of his macros weren't technically in line with the TOS, but he worked hard to keep them under the radar. It helped that he wasn't using them as an aimbot to get MEGAKILLZ! in PVP. Many times they were focused on healing and maneuvering. He only programmed the possibility for a few attacks - ones that didn't take up limited resources.

He ran his macros on a separate machine that acted as a virtual monitor and controls. He kept the responses in line with human reactions and added plenty of randomness in responses to keep it fair and undetectable. The added overhead of parsing the onscreen visuals instead of using an API helped with this. He kept up with this by using the same UI mods he used for his own play, even though exotic settings would make it easier for the computer.

In game, he was a completist. He'd often stay in dungeons long after they had conquered them, checking every part for secrets and easter eggs. He wrote guides for people about all the hidden things he found. Some of them were major, but a lot of them were simply images or callbacks. Still he kept his "obsessive nit-picker" trophy front and center on his homepage.

Even when he wasn't Robot Bob, he didn't feel the need to politic within the guild. He was happy to let the more opinionated members set policy and choose which raids and wars they went on. Kerwynn worked as guild leader and Ekaterina kept the schedule . His build wasn't as focused on specific drops, but he was usually up for helping people grind for the things that they needed.

Outside of work and the game, martial arts were his serious hobby. He had gotten into Taekwondo as a kid after being bullied. His Sensei kept a very ordered dojo, so he didn't have to worry as much about the social aspects. Hyperfocus was useful here, overcoming his natural inattention to the physical world. He kept it up as both physical maintenance and preparation for the worst.

Bob is his desire to unplug and connect with the natural world. Of course as a city boy, how much he would actually enjoy spending time in the real natural world is questionable. The lack of temperature control and the bugs would definitely get to him, but it's still a dream of his.

It's also not a coincidence that Bob's telepathic powers make it much easier to communicate with people. In game this was being able to see a flag when people were using deception skills and abilities. But it didn't help with chat or voice with no skills.

Bob enjoyed the support role. In big raids, it was too stressful to be counted on to be DPS or keep aggro. But healing he could do. He would add a little delay to the macros so he was usually responding, but they would catch him if he got lost in the weeds. Failing to keep your allies vertical was a mortal sin.

At their headquarters, Bob was responsible for the unspeakable garden. This is a twisting cavern filled with plants, vermin, oozes and magical traps. Each is carnivorous, toxic, psychic, parasitic, or otherwise unpleasant. Most of these plants live in swamps or underground, so they don't need a lot of light. Dancing lights, sunsoil, phosphorescent moss and a string of will-o'-wisps provide what is needed.

While the garden is deadly, there's a safe path through for people who know the secret signs and a few passwords. Besides the mazelike path there are also illusions to send the unwary into danger. Often the safe path will loop around so that a pursuer will see a shortcut to the person. Those usually have some of the deadlier hazards.

Some of the plants are edible. Somebody properly trained can harvest a surprising amount of food from the garden. But the garden also needs to be fed. They do keep some livestock- birds and goats and rats. This is enough to feed the garden and a little more. Between the garden, the livestock and a little magic, they can keep everybody living alive through a siege.

Since the change, Bob's mind is completely different. The first level of changes is easy to understand. He doesn't have the primal drives and instincts of a mammal. Hunger, fear, anger, sexual desire. All of the things that get a human's blood flowing don't mean much when you don't have a heart, stomach or testicles.

But on a deeper level, humans’ minds are shaped by their language. Until they put a concept into words, they can't truly understand it. If their language doesn't have the right words, they have to circle around and can never quite pin it down. But now he was working with raw concepts in a way that no human could ever do.

This also changed communication from a chore to a joy. He no longer had to fight his own mind to express what he wanted. He simply thought it and the other person's mind organized it into the restrictive boxes of language. When they communicated back to him, it came with all the sociocultural associations connected to their words.
This is expressed through charisma, wisdom, and social skills.

On top of this, he had completely new ways of interacting with the world. Sensing spirits and feeling the vibrations of psionic energy. Simply senses he had no equivalent of. It's a bit of a rush to have powers at your fingertips. Except he didn't have fingertips anymore. His tendrils seemed as dexterous as hands, but in a different way. When he didn't think about it they worked fine, but when he focused too much on it, it's weird. Still he would have loved having this reach in the real world.

Translating Taekwondo to his new body was similar. Simply letting it happen worked much better than thinking about it. He didn't have any levels of monk on this character, but that didn't stop him from translating this from the real world.

Eating is now pretty weird. It's less like what he's used to and more "Putting a mass of food inside myself to slowly rot, liquefy, and be absorbed." Taste doesn't mean as much, and fortunately it seems that being inside kept the smell from getting too bad. Fortunately being a fungus meant a lower metabolic rate. But deep down, this felt natural. Bob wasn't a foodie before, often choosing food that's quick and easy over taste. A dinner of ramen and a protein bar wasn't uncommon. This was very convenient.

Male Elf Graveknight Gesalt AntiPaladin(Fearmonger) / Magus (Armored Battlemage) 7 | HP: 113 (+7)/113 (+7) | SR 20| AC: 31/17/26| DR 10/Magic |Init: +11| Perc: +22| Fort: +8| Ref: +15| Will: +18| CMB: +16| CMD: 31| ECB: +23/+18;1d10+13| TE:+25/+20;1d10+16 | AL.Bow: +13/+8;1d8+9|
Acro:+3|App:+6|Bluff:+6|Clim:+8|Diplo:+6|Disg:+10|E.A:+0|Fly:+4|H.A:+10|Hea l:+5|Inti:+24|K.Dun:+11|K.Eng:+8|K.Pla/Arc/Reli:+17|Ling:+8|Ride:+12|SM:+9| Sleight:+6|Spell:+17|Steal:+10|Sur:+5|UMD:+10|Pro(Chef):+15|L.(Reci):+13|
Just call me Bob wrote:

Apparently ϪӝѬʓʢϞԬ₺ᴥᵹ₾ is not a valid alias on the forums. C'mon folks, Unicode is a thing.

All hail Guild Leader Kerwynn!

Ginza, you can have the kitchen, but you'll have to fight me for groundskeeper. Do we need to have a garden-off? Because I'm swinging a 20 there.

For our guild flag, I'm thinking or a dragon rampant gules in full, per saltire purpure. How does that work for everybody? I think it's quite striking. Image

As long as I have unfettered access to the exploding beans, killer tomatoes, Assassin Vines, Bullet grapes, etc for cooking in my kitchen. You can be groundskeeper.

Ginza wrote:
Just call me Bob wrote:

Apparently ϪӝѬʓʢϞԬ₺ᴥᵹ₾ is not a valid alias on the forums. C'mon folks, Unicode is a thing.

All hail Guild Leader Kerwynn!

Ginza, you can have the kitchen, but you'll have to fight me for groundskeeper. Do we need to have a garden-off? Because I'm swinging a 20 there.

For our guild flag, I'm thinking or a dragon rampant gules in full, per saltire purpure. How does that work for everybody? I think it's quite striking. Image

As long as I have unfettered access to the exploding beans, killer tomatoes, Assassin Vines, Bullet grapes, etc for cooking in my kitchen. You can be groundskeeper.


GM Wolf wrote:
Sure that would be fine, you just need to find a mount that you want that is CR 3 or less.

Anything at that CR range that is smart enough not to die from the environment is weak enough to be one-shotted easily. I've spent far too long trying to making this actually provide some benefit. I give up.

Now that I'm an item crafter, I want to run a custom item by you.

Per the magic item creation rules, this would be 2400.

Expeditious retreat 3/day for 1 minute, use activated. Takes up cillia (foot) slot.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

You could increase the CR by 1 of the mount by spending roughly 1,000. CR 5 mount would cost 3,000 gp. CR 6 mount would cost 6,000.

Yeah I am good with that item.

Male Elf Graveknight Gesalt AntiPaladin(Fearmonger) / Magus (Armored Battlemage) 7 | HP: 113 (+7)/113 (+7) | SR 20| AC: 31/17/26| DR 10/Magic |Init: +11| Perc: +22| Fort: +8| Ref: +15| Will: +18| CMB: +16| CMD: 31| ECB: +23/+18;1d10+13| TE:+25/+20;1d10+16 | AL.Bow: +13/+8;1d8+9|
Acro:+3|App:+6|Bluff:+6|Clim:+8|Diplo:+6|Disg:+10|E.A:+0|Fly:+4|H.A:+10|Hea l:+5|Inti:+24|K.Dun:+11|K.Eng:+8|K.Pla/Arc/Reli:+17|Ling:+8|Ride:+12|SM:+9| Sleight:+6|Spell:+17|Steal:+10|Sur:+5|UMD:+10|Pro(Chef):+15|L.(Reci):+13|

I summon my own mount.

Also give me some time to finalize this char. It's being a busy week for me as I meet deadline reports.

3 players have reported in to gameplay.

Ginza your post was great and a good amount of comic relief, repost it onto Gameplay.

Also still waiting on Domayoku, Lady Ekaterina, and Jacen.

Wednesday April 6, midnight is when the servers will be shut down. So please come and interact with your fellow players until then!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
GM Wolf wrote:

3 players have reported in to gameplay.

Ginza your post was great and a good amount of comic relief, repost it onto Gameplay.

Also still waiting on Domayoku, Lady Ekaterina, and Jacen.

Wednesday April 6, midnight is when the servers will be shut down. So please come and interact with your fellow players until then!

I shouldn't read the forums before the caffeine kicks in. I spent a moment panicking about Paizo shutting down the forums before it hit me.

SR:18 Stats HP 75/75 Fort:8 Ref:9 Will:6/15 AC 28/29, FF 21, Touch 26/27 CMD34/35 Init+6/+8(underground) Current eff MoG, Heroism, TtW, See invis, performance[/ooc] Resources L1 spells 6/7 L2 spells 2/5 L3 spells 3/4 SLAs: Charm Mon. 2/3, Detect thoughts 0/1, Darkness 3/3 Spell Kenning 0/1 Lore Master 1/1 Half Succubus Gestalt Urban Skald Gunslinger

Quick question, magic item gold cost limit?

GM Wolf wrote:

You could increase the CR by 1 of the mount by spending roughly 1,000. CR 5 mount would cost 3,000 gp. CR 6 mount would cost 6,000.

Great, I've added Vayuvata to my stats and a pic.

Male Elf Graveknight Gesalt AntiPaladin(Fearmonger) / Magus (Armored Battlemage) 7 | HP: 113 (+7)/113 (+7) | SR 20| AC: 31/17/26| DR 10/Magic |Init: +11| Perc: +22| Fort: +8| Ref: +15| Will: +18| CMB: +16| CMD: 31| ECB: +23/+18;1d10+13| TE:+25/+20;1d10+16 | AL.Bow: +13/+8;1d8+9|
Acro:+3|App:+6|Bluff:+6|Clim:+8|Diplo:+6|Disg:+10|E.A:+0|Fly:+4|H.A:+10|Hea l:+5|Inti:+24|K.Dun:+11|K.Eng:+8|K.Pla/Arc/Reli:+17|Ling:+8|Ride:+12|SM:+9| Sleight:+6|Spell:+17|Steal:+10|Sur:+5|UMD:+10|Pro(Chef):+15|L.(Reci):+13|

No Tax Feats.
2 traits.
Suggested: 5th level characters. Roll for all hit points but 1st level which is max.
Gestalt characters!

Race options depends on what we decide as a guild. Ain's guildmembers all had to be a monster race.

background skills
20,000 gp to spend on your equipment, you cannot spend more than half on one item. You can recover at most 5,000 gp in creating items of your own.

Everyone will need to pick a craft or profession you can develop to the extreme!

For each 3 paragraphs of background you gain additional perks: 1 - extra trait, 2 - extra feat, 3 - extra +2 to an ability score, 4 - gain a mount CR 3 or below, 5 - gain a crafting feat, 6 - gain a wish, 7 - gain a magical ring no more than 8,000 gp (You must write the description, abilities, and background of the ring in your crunch as well), 8 - gain a familiar or animal companion, 9 - gain a super power, 10 - gain another 'Special' from another class, it cannot be a Special above 5th level.
I am fine if you want to conspire with other players to decide what you want to play... ;)

notes to myself:

I am a scion of a multibillionare colomegrate spanning multi industries from finance to entertainment which includes the game as well. A legendary Player not just for his skills but for being Wallet warrior. A whale among whale. Has owned everything which comes as as DLC at least once...even those he couldn't use.
Has stumbled on a hidden job that transformed his Elven Bladeemaster into a Grave knight. One of the game world's strongest hidden class.
Every guild wants him not for his talent but for his money and only one guild got him.

Ever seen a guild purchases the biggest guild base, residence, fortifications and crafting workshops in a day? Make it within ten minutes. The Power of a Wallet Warrior cannot be denied.....

Dark Archive

[dice=Bite+Rage-PA]d20+20-2[/dice][dice=Bite+Rage+PA Damage]d8+8+4[/dice][dice=Gore+Rage-PA]d20+20-2[/dice] [dice=Gore+Rage+PA Damage]d8+8+4[/dice][dice=Claw+Rage-PA]d20+20-2[/dice] [dice=Claw+Rage+PA Damage]d6+8+4[/dice]
HP 115/11 |AC 29, Touch 21, FF 29 | Perception +17 (LL, DV 90 ft, Scent) | Sense Motive +2 | Initiative +11 | Fort +18, Ref +16, Will +8 |CMB +11, CMD 31 | Speed: 70 Ft, Climb 20 ft | Regeneration 3 (Acid/Fire) |Rage: 16/16
Acrobatics +20, Knowledge: Engineering +7, Knowledge: History +7, Knowledge: Nature +12, Knowledge: Nobility +7, Linguistics +12, Perception +17, Ride +19, Survival +11

Kazko will claim the trophy room, library area, or other collectibles we have picked up and want to display.

Male Elf Graveknight Gesalt AntiPaladin(Fearmonger) / Magus (Armored Battlemage) 7 | HP: 113 (+7)/113 (+7) | SR 20| AC: 31/17/26| DR 10/Magic |Init: +11| Perc: +22| Fort: +8| Ref: +15| Will: +18| CMB: +16| CMD: 31| ECB: +23/+18;1d10+13| TE:+25/+20;1d10+16 | AL.Bow: +13/+8;1d8+9|
Acro:+3|App:+6|Bluff:+6|Clim:+8|Diplo:+6|Disg:+10|E.A:+0|Fly:+4|H.A:+10|Hea l:+5|Inti:+24|K.Dun:+11|K.Eng:+8|K.Pla/Arc/Reli:+17|Ling:+8|Ride:+12|SM:+9| Sleight:+6|Spell:+17|Steal:+10|Sur:+5|UMD:+10|Pro(Chef):+15|L.(Reci):+13|

Ginza is slowly coming into being.

I'll fill in the other stuff as I go along. Sorry RL is sucking up quite a bit of time here.

He would be in MMORPG style a DPS/Tank.

SR:18 Stats HP 75/75 Fort:8 Ref:9 Will:6/15 AC 28/29, FF 21, Touch 26/27 CMD34/35 Init+6/+8(underground) Current eff MoG, Heroism, TtW, See invis, performance[/ooc] Resources L1 spells 6/7 L2 spells 2/5 L3 spells 3/4 SLAs: Charm Mon. 2/3, Detect thoughts 0/1, Darkness 3/3 Spell Kenning 0/1 Lore Master 1/1 Half Succubus Gestalt Urban Skald Gunslinger

Real life background:

Growing up in Arkhangelsk, Ekaterinas dreams of joining the Ballet where unfortunetly dashed because her real life self grew to a rather ballet-impractical height of 1m94, even though she looked like a Ballerina otherwise. She instead joined Gazprom, and was instrumental for bamboozling several Chinese and Indian firms into not paying all that much attention to the fine prints, and perhaps undue amounts of attention to her.

Alas, the Corona crisis greatly reduced opportunities for in person meetings, and she was shunted off to a HR position.
Where she became midly alcholic, which resulted in her becoming Senior HR agent of a nearly fully automated Oil Drilling platform in the polar sea.Due to the specific complexities of Russian Firing and Hiring laws, she could only fire herself.

Undeterred by this, she discovered that the Oil Drilling platforms mainframe had surprisingly good internet connectivity, a lot of computative power, and promptly turned half of it, into a Bitcoin mining enterprise controlled by her, for which she got promoted by Gazprom because before that, 66% of the mainframe were used as a Bitcoin mining enterprise by very remotely CIA connected Hackers, so she was responsible for 16% increase in production!

Growing increasingly bored, she spends a fair bit of time using the mainframe to play online games such as Yggdrasil, there is one other employee who also does similar things, and who is responsible for most of the platforms day to day operations but leaves frequently to party really effing hard in St. Petersburg.

Between her Salary, Hazard pay and her Bitcoin mining, she is pretty well off. She contract a coastal nearby Yakut village to supply her with Reindeer Sushi, which she sought to turn into a Instagramm presence, but then Instagramm got banned.

Got seriously into martial arts when a larger repair crew paid a visit, but never got to actually use it in real life.
Acquired some more internet fame when a profanity filled reply to greenpeace activists got caught on camera.

This resulted in her getting sued by people claiming to be Monty Python, for cribbing wholesale from the French Taunting scene,
which resulted in a Gazprom counter suit claiming that Monty Python was stealing from the Zaporizhian Cossacks, which resulted in her getting sued by Ukraine because Ukraine claims the Cossacks as part of their heritage.

Eventually met John Cleese, and found out that he was completely unaware of these proceedings. Their budding friendship was unfortunately interrupted because she got personally sanctioned as a "high ranking member of Gazprom" and is forbidden to travel to the west.

Has been told by actual Gazprom higher ups that America decided to sanction 20 Gazprom people, so Gazprom put 20 nobodies like her into "executive" positions, and "Congratulations, we will never fire you because I really enjoy the weather here at Cote D'azur".

Random Online activities:

-Does have a mischevious streak a mile wide as can be attested by all those afflicted by the "Old Wooden Spoons become Vorpal when item quality is degraded further" bug. Orchestrated the great Spoonbomb massacre of the guild war, by putting a lot of wooden spoons into a barrel, and dropping the barrel, while invisible on enemy formations. Denies all responsibility to this day.

-Found a bug that caused objects coated with a specfic blue to become clippable. Used this to Alter Shape into a painter and steal a bunch of things. Nearly lost cohesion when a cunning wind mage blew the special blue colour on her.

-Nobody believes her when she tells people about her real life characteristics, so she doesnt.

-Managed to win the contest for "most fire damage inflicted on a boss without use of fire magic" by Anti gravity fielding said boss into the sun. Later respecced to Gunslinger because Magic is just too glitchy.

-Has strong opinions on overly sexualized armor.

-Abstained from invading the MMORPGs hell equivalent because she feared more sanctions.

Lady Ekaterina wrote:
Has strong opinions on overly sexualized armor.

Given that you are playing a succubus, you should probably clarify those positions.

SR:18 Stats HP 75/75 Fort:8 Ref:9 Will:6/15 AC 28/29, FF 21, Touch 26/27 CMD34/35 Init+6/+8(underground) Current eff MoG, Heroism, TtW, See invis, performance[/ooc] Resources L1 spells 6/7 L2 spells 2/5 L3 spells 3/4 SLAs: Charm Mon. 2/3, Detect thoughts 0/1, Darkness 3/3 Spell Kenning 0/1 Lore Master 1/1 Half Succubus Gestalt Urban Skald Gunslinger

It is just soo impractical. The actual armor value of these things may as well not exist, boob armor in particular would direct blows from the boobs to more vital parts, and when I did do "Terrorist drills" in real life, well, modern combat armor for males can quite easily be worn by women.
We also had this "historical medieval martial arts" team event and no, unless you have like, cybernetically enchanced megabreasts you do not, as a matter of fact, need special adjustments to armor because you have t+%&.
But yeah, I know, it sells... but my historical accuracy immersion!

Also, you do not seduce on a battlefield, but either before it or after it. There is a clear tradeoff between suitability for seduction and offered protection, and a prudent Lady makes sure she wears the right gear for the right task! Or you are me and munchkin into a class that has extra boni for not wearing armor! Oh, and I am a half Succubus, inspite of all of my bitcoin mining, the money wasnt there for full succubus status!

Dark Archive

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[dice=Bite+Rage-PA]d20+20-2[/dice][dice=Bite+Rage+PA Damage]d8+8+4[/dice][dice=Gore+Rage-PA]d20+20-2[/dice] [dice=Gore+Rage+PA Damage]d8+8+4[/dice][dice=Claw+Rage-PA]d20+20-2[/dice] [dice=Claw+Rage+PA Damage]d6+8+4[/dice]
HP 115/11 |AC 29, Touch 21, FF 29 | Perception +17 (LL, DV 90 ft, Scent) | Sense Motive +2 | Initiative +11 | Fort +18, Ref +16, Will +8 |CMB +11, CMD 31 | Speed: 70 Ft, Climb 20 ft | Regeneration 3 (Acid/Fire) |Rage: 16/16
Acrobatics +20, Knowledge: Engineering +7, Knowledge: History +7, Knowledge: Nature +12, Knowledge: Nobility +7, Linguistics +12, Perception +17, Ride +19, Survival +11

Kazko proceeds to write a full essay explaining that boob armor gains all of its protection from distraction bonues. Male characters are busy ogling while female characters are busy ranting thus no one can hit you.

Healing summary

Okay, this post is about healing and how our special abilities interact. Let me know if I miss anything.

Bob has a feature called Collective. It has a 520' range, so if you go further you lose out on this. It gives everybody telepathy, always good for silent coordination. It also means I can redirect healing (hp or ability score healing) from one willing person to another. You don't have to allow this transfer if you don't want. I'm also able to keep track of how hurt people are. This healing retains specific qualities like positive or negative energy - important in the case of Ginza.

I can transfer the fast healing around the group, so out of combat we're going to bounce back really fast. To Bob, this means that damage doesn't matter much until you're close to going down. The priority cases are people facing heavy hitters and people who are hurt badly. Obviously case one usually overlaps case two. This is where we spend resources. Outside of this, we just spread the fast healing around.

Resourceless healing
We have 17 points of free healing each round. Only 14 of these work on Ginza.
* 12 from Dominique
* 1 from Bob
* 1 from Sprout
* 3 from Kazko (Acid or fire stop this, and undead cannot apply regeneration)

Bob can make a touch attack that does 14 points of damage 1/rd and applies it as healing. Since the target I steal from has to have a Con score, I'm assuming that this doesn't work on Ginza.

Dedicated healing resources
Note: Ginza's aura interferes with most of this. I hope he'll turn it off or move away as needed.
Bob has Channeling 8/day for 3d6 with selective channeling. Since Ginza doesn't get this, it's potentially 18d6 to spread around per channel. In practice it'll be less because people will be spread out.
Bob gets Cure Moderate Wounds 1/day per person. 2d8+5 six times. Once again, only the living need apply.
Bob has a pool of transfer wounds, but Steal Health is strictly better, so it's irrelevant.

Ginza has Feed on Fear. Technically this can be passed on, but since he gets left out of a lot of stuff, I think he's good to go with this.

Healing spells
With what we've got, Bob isn't memorizing healing spells. He'll change that if needed.
Ginza can put some inflict spells in his Antipaladin slots.

Ability score damage
Bob gets lesser restoration as a spirit magic spell and has the psionic equivalent.

Condition removal
Bob can attempt to psionically suppress or dispel charms and compulsions
Bob gets neutralize poison as a spirit magic spell 1/day
Bob can prepare other condition removal spells up to 3rd level as needed

SR:18 Stats HP 75/75 Fort:8 Ref:9 Will:6/15 AC 28/29, FF 21, Touch 26/27 CMD34/35 Init+6/+8(underground) Current eff MoG, Heroism, TtW, See invis, performance[/ooc] Resources L1 spells 6/7 L2 spells 2/5 L3 spells 3/4 SLAs: Charm Mon. 2/3, Detect thoughts 0/1, Darkness 3/3 Spell Kenning 0/1 Lore Master 1/1 Half Succubus Gestalt Urban Skald Gunslinger

I can spell kenning (once per day) into Ability restoration.

My UMD is pretty high as well, as such wands are also an option.

Lady Ekaterina wrote:
Quick question, magic item gold cost limit?

Everyone gets 20,000 gp and you can craft up to 5,000. So after crafting your wealth should be 25,000 gp.

Male Elf Graveknight Gesalt AntiPaladin(Fearmonger) / Magus (Armored Battlemage) 7 | HP: 113 (+7)/113 (+7) | SR 20| AC: 31/17/26| DR 10/Magic |Init: +11| Perc: +22| Fort: +8| Ref: +15| Will: +18| CMB: +16| CMD: 31| ECB: +23/+18;1d10+13| TE:+25/+20;1d10+16 | AL.Bow: +13/+8;1d8+9|
Acro:+3|App:+6|Bluff:+6|Clim:+8|Diplo:+6|Disg:+10|E.A:+0|Fly:+4|H.A:+10|Hea l:+5|Inti:+24|K.Dun:+11|K.Eng:+8|K.Pla/Arc/Reli:+17|Ling:+8|Ride:+12|SM:+9| Sleight:+6|Spell:+17|Steal:+10|Sur:+5|UMD:+10|Pro(Chef):+15|L.(Reci):+13|

Ouch Can't get an Adamantine Plate mail.

And My template is based on being a suit of Armor.
Anyway I can throw everything else away to invest in this?

It's literally my life (undead).

What do you mean Ginza?

Yes Adamantine Plate mail is to rich to buy right now.

Dark Archive

[dice=Bite+Rage-PA]d20+20-2[/dice][dice=Bite+Rage+PA Damage]d8+8+4[/dice][dice=Gore+Rage-PA]d20+20-2[/dice] [dice=Gore+Rage+PA Damage]d8+8+4[/dice][dice=Claw+Rage-PA]d20+20-2[/dice] [dice=Claw+Rage+PA Damage]d6+8+4[/dice]
HP 115/11 |AC 29, Touch 21, FF 29 | Perception +17 (LL, DV 90 ft, Scent) | Sense Motive +2 | Initiative +11 | Fort +18, Ref +16, Will +8 |CMB +11, CMD 31 | Speed: 70 Ft, Climb 20 ft | Regeneration 3 (Acid/Fire) |Rage: 16/16
Acrobatics +20, Knowledge: Engineering +7, Knowledge: History +7, Knowledge: Nature +12, Knowledge: Nobility +7, Linguistics +12, Perception +17, Ride +19, Survival +11

Graveknights are tied to one armor that gives them Rejuvenation. So I am guessing he wanted to start with at least the base penultimate armor or he is sort of stuck with whatever armor he has now.

As a suggestion though, if he did write up a bunch of things about himself it leads to a super power. His power could be to transfer his essence to a new armor.

Male Elf Graveknight Gesalt AntiPaladin(Fearmonger) / Magus (Armored Battlemage) 7 | HP: 113 (+7)/113 (+7) | SR 20| AC: 31/17/26| DR 10/Magic |Init: +11| Perc: +22| Fort: +8| Ref: +15| Will: +18| CMB: +16| CMD: 31| ECB: +23/+18;1d10+13| TE:+25/+20;1d10+16 | AL.Bow: +13/+8;1d8+9|
Acro:+3|App:+6|Bluff:+6|Clim:+8|Diplo:+6|Disg:+10|E.A:+0|Fly:+4|H.A:+10|Hea l:+5|Inti:+24|K.Dun:+11|K.Eng:+8|K.Pla/Arc/Reli:+17|Ling:+8|Ride:+12|SM:+9| Sleight:+6|Spell:+17|Steal:+10|Sur:+5|UMD:+10|Pro(Chef):+15|L.(Reci):+13|

Kinda yes.

It's a pseudo lich but martial type.

I'm more focused on causing Fear though the Irony is... I have a fear of my armor being shattered.

Well, making your armor out of Living steel is only 1,500 gp. It's hardness 15 and 35 hp, so it's halfway between steel and adamantine. But, as long as they don't completely destroy your armor it will heal itself.

Plus it occasionally breaks weapons.

Oh, and it's cool that the armor is living when the occupant is not.

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