GM Wolf |

We have three main gates, the one closest to the lake, the East gate you are defending now. Then the North gate and the West gate. Each have a gatehouse. The enemy forces are likely moving along.
Too true but the confident duo, and soon to be trio if Krazok goes too, are exceptions. They have great defenses and know they can put more damage out if in a melee. All of them have fire resistance...

Quince Medvyed |
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I can't say I have a handle on where things are exactly. We haven't been in rounds. I would imagine that Kendryl started flying to jorne who is outside the walls about 100 and then you along with those that can fly were going to follow your suggestion of getting to the leaders or now that the big monsters are charging the wall you can intervene.

Vesi "Feyspeaker" Medvyed |

Vesi is going to move in range of Command Animal and cast it on the closest colossal creature, dashing if needed. They seem the highest priority right now.

Quince Medvyed |

Wall of fire has a medium range, I am not sure the caster level of the wand. Assuming it is 20th level the furthest away you could cast it is 300 feet. The North gate is at least 1500 feet away, so how do you make that work?
Sorry I forgot the to post the wand stats: CL 7, DC 15
I did not realize they had charged the wall by a different gate. That makes sense. If that is the case. Quince would have likely passed the wall of fire on to one of those that stepped forward who understood UMD.
If the beasts attacked another gate what's happening in front of the wall where we are at the moment. If the situation where we are is still pitched we might not be able to respond to another gate to help the defenders there. At least not for several rounds, the flyers might get there sooner.
At this point I can honestly say I am lost. I understand there are three gates. I have lost track of which gate/wall I am on. Which at one point had most of the army in front of us. I remember hearing that some things were moving to other gates. I did not know that included the great beasts.
If all of us are talking at one gate with Jorn and Sulvanii out in the field on that side of the city. Are there any defenders that have moved to the other gates. I have been operating under the assumption that we have defenders posted at various points including the walls and gates on the other two sides.

GM Wolf |

Of the monsters that are moving most of the ground forces are moving towards the North gate and the opening. Though before you at the East gate there are patches of enemies moving forward. Which are being kept in check with the missiles from the wall.
No worries let me make it plain. There is the East Gate, North Gate, and the West Gate. They are not perfectly cardinal directions but close enough. Remember our map points to the top left which is North.
Quince and most of the PCs were at the East Gate.
Saren and Loarin went to the North Gate earlier.
The enemy had their vanguard be sent out first and since that was unsuccessful they moved forward with plan B, the massive critters.
You could barely see the great beasts in the forest at least until they exploded from the forest itself.
You are sure the other gates and those on the walls have been reinforced by your army and militia. The army might be spread thin but you can see plenty of bodies on the walls, prepared with ranged weapons.

GM Wolf |
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Message to all games: Due to my time restraints in the near future, until May 16, I will need to be posting less. My goal will be to post Monday and Wednesday night. I know this means that the game will slow down but if I don't get my work done first it won't be pretty. I hope you all the best and we will see how it works for the next three weeks.

Quince Medvyed |

I am swimming with items. Give the others some fun stuff that gives more options in combat or use. Higher bonuses on weapons and armor would be nice.

Lykàn Delĩss |

Noo council position wanted at this time.
Loot? Not to sure about that since I'm just floating around atm

Quince Medvyed |

Assuming that similar attacks are not happening at other cities of Greenwatch, fleeing citizens using the obelisk gates and those ushering them through would be carrying news to Tatzleford, Fort Promise, and Varnhold so in addition to the citizen militia the regular forces could/should at some point get some reinforcements.
Bearik would know the details of our agreements with Brevoy. If mutual defense are part of those agreements. Someone going through the Obelisk gate to the Brevoy embassy might get some aid as well. Such aid might take some time. But depending on how many at a time can come through the gates its certainly faster than traveling by house from those other places.

Lykàn Delĩss |

I had to replace the router

Vesi "Feyspeaker" Medvyed |

Hello, folks.
Regretfully, I have to bow out of this game. Recent developments in real life have made it difficult for me to focus on it and find my groove, and while it is a wonderful game, I don't think it is the right fit for me at this point.
I've enjoyed playing with you all, wish you all the best, and hope to play with you in the future if our paths cross.
An especially heartfelt 'thank you' to GM Wolf for taking me in, and my very sincere appreciation for all the work you put into this game - incredible stuff!

Quince Medvyed |

Still here and watching. The action is a little hard to follow. We are only sometimes round for round and other times talking about larger efforts during the fight.
Its a situation that is hard to wrap your head around.
A big force is attacking. They are striking at multiple gates.
I understand the NPCs want to strike outside the walls I guess to not let them set up a siege.
There are some references to leaders but I am not sure all of us have seen them.

Lykàn Delĩss |

The action is also scattered in different parts.
I'm sure I'm playing hide and seek in the forest with some foes. That's about it for Lykan as he tries to pick off foes from the back.

GM Wolf |

I know it's scattered, though I like to play organically, seeing how you act and react to it.
Let's bring everyone together... at least the PCs...
I have done best to relay what those on the walls see and spoilers with those in combat.
Kendryl how long will you fly away from town?
Lykan are you amongst the trees? Among the enemy army? You initially were next to the white haired elf and his army with fire walls to your back.

Lykàn Delĩss |

Yes as I had to double back and forth while dealing with their minions sent at me.
So once they are cleared I'll head back to rejoin the rest while giving reports of the enemy army advancing.

Kendryl |

I know it's scattered, though I like to play organically, seeing how you act and react to it.
Let's bring everyone together... at least the PCs...
I have done best to relay what those on the walls see and spoilers with those in combat.
Kendryl how long will you fly away from town?
Lykan are you amongst the trees? Among the enemy army? You initially were next to the white haired elf and his army with fire walls to your back.
Truthfully, Kendryl forgot we had a billion Walls of Fire ... because if he flew threw one, all of those bugs should fizzle and pop like a bug zapper. Kendryl should probably turn around.

Quince Medvyed |

Was that Sulvanii handing me a bow? or offering his skills as an archer.

Quince Medvyed |

Not sure I know how to answer Liz's question. She healed me awhile ago back to full. I don't think I have taken any other damage?

Quince Medvyed |

After the wave of frost that took out a section of walls, you see those figures that charged forward are retreating. That is likely your allies, or it could be scouts but many of them run through walls of fire... so likely not.
Sorry need clarification here: "section of walls" is that walls of fire or city walls. If its walls of fire is there a reason that within 6 seconds or so the person with the wand doesn't put them back?
Second point: Not sure if you can answer this because it might be "fog of war" but "figures that charged forward are retreating" which direction. If they were charging toward the wall and now retreating that would likely be foes. If they are charging from the gates and now retreating (possibly being the NPC group that were going to try to push them back from the gates though we have not seen that group set out yet) they would be friendly.

GM Wolf |

So you are healed, reply with a yes of one sort or another.
The wave of Frost took out the four walls of fire in between the wall and the monsters wink out. Leaving the fire wall at the base of the gate still active.
The four concentrating soldiers 'wake up' it takes them a round to realize where they are. They find the wand being held up by the last soldier. In the next 8 rounds they each take the wand and visualize the spell again in the same spot, though the last soldier is not able to as the wand ran out.
You see a few figures in the distance breaking free from the monstrous horde and coming towards the wall. Which could be advance scouts for the enemy or retreating allies.
The horde of monstrous soldiers charge down the clear path. The one monstrous soldier is holding a glowing blue orb that slowly grows in intensity.

Lykàn Delĩss |

Catching up with Work.
I'm making my way back to the castle walls for re-arming.

Lykàn Delĩss |

Running through walls of fire isn't my thing.
Instead I'll let the enemy troops run through fire and I'll tag along as needed to avoid those fire walls.

Lykàn Delĩss |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I have finally cleared all work related stuff and have time to read through and post!!!
Beers for everyone especially myself.

Quince Medvyed |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

You still have the Wand of Call Lightening. But no magic missile.

Quince Medvyed |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Just a quick note. The Baron in character knows far more of the realities of the city and its defenses than the Baron's player. None of these matters have been fleshed out in any real detail.
I have been uncomfortable with this for the entire battle. As a player I am guessing, asking if my ideas work as we go and using previous abstract knowledge of "we have guards," "we have a militia" and so on.
That in character vs out of character knowledge problem is really working against me here. I haven't give a lot of orders as Baron to other players cause for most of the fight we have been split up. I have been on the wall with the bulk of the defenders where my magic items boost them and so far using the defenses of the walls and such seemed reasonable.
In short if I as a player felt I had the whole picture of what's going on around me, which I don't and if I knew the extent of the resources that we actually have I might be offering more "orders."
Also prior to us being back together I was very comfortable with people's choices. I was rallying and buffing defenders. Lykan was scouting and Kendryl was flying around hopefully raining death down on our enemies.

Kendryl |

Just a quick note. The Baron in character knows far more of the realities of the city and its defenses than the Baron's player. None of these matters have been fleshed out in any real detail.
I have been uncomfortable with this for the entire battle. As a player I am guessing, asking if my ideas work as we go and using previous abstract knowledge of "we have guards," "we have a militia" and so on.
That in character vs out of character knowledge problem is really working against me here. I haven't give a lot of orders as Baron to other players cause for most of the fight we have been split up. I have been on the wall with the bulk of the defenders where my magic items boost them and so far using the defenses of the walls and such seemed reasonable.
In short if I as a player felt I had the whole picture of what's going on around me, which I don't and if I knew the extent of the resources that we actually have I might be offering more "orders."
Also prior to us being back together I was very comfortable with people's choices. I was rallying and buffing defenders. Lykan was scouting and Kendryl was flying around hopefully raining death down on our enemies.
I will begin raining more death ...
The problem we had was that he needed to make sure the rest of the Air Corps escaped because their flight time was so limited.I will also republish his character sheet to you: you should tell him where you want him to cast Holy Smite, you should tell him who to cast Aid on also.

GM Wolf |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Just a quick note. The Baron in character knows far more of the realities of the city and its defenses than the Baron's player. None of these matters have been fleshed out in any real detail.
I have been uncomfortable with this for the entire battle. As a player I am guessing, asking if my ideas work as we go and using previous abstract knowledge of "we have guards," "we have a militia" and so on.
Sorry I know there are many things that have been unspoken and missing.
That in character vs out of character knowledge problem is really working against me here. I haven't give a lot of orders as Baron to other players cause for most of the fight we have been split up. I have been on the wall with the bulk of the defenders where my magic items boost them and so far using the defenses of the walls and such seemed reasonable.
I do know how you feel as we have big gaps between in character vs out of character knowledge.
In short if I as a player felt I had the whole picture of what's going on around me, which I don't and if I knew the extent of the resources that we actually have I might be offering more "orders."
You and me both. There are many resources that have been unassigned. I realize now that this army should be a lot smaller and more manageable by the PCs.
Also prior to us being back together I was very comfortable with people's choices. I was rallying and buffing defenders. Lykan was scouting and Kendryl was flying around hopefully raining death down on our enemies.
Yep, yup, yes!!! :)
To the intended end to negate missing information please ask about anything here. I know I need to put a lot of things down. I think I will make another google document to record things.
One of my major issues is I don't know where to start. Please help! I thank you all for working through this with me!