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Drats, the Alchemist curses, then stands up to look about, trying to spot where he might find some raw ingredients. That’s when he notices the man in unkept armor walking through the streets. He taps Anatoli on the shoulder and whispers. Man, would you look at that? Even the Royals are being hit hard in the economy.
Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21 to find an apothecary or similar stall.

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know religion: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9
I am having problems with the sun and shadow differences from here and it's a bit far. I try not to see what a person wears but what he does and harder still what's in his heart which bases on such actions. Anatoli covers his eyes with his hand a bit to look around but still advertises Herbalism and Alchemy!

Erystelle |

As Erystelle continues his search, as he sees a beautiful muted light, off in the distance.
No other people seem to have noticed it.
Erystelle moves towards it in fascination tinged with fear for the subdued illumination reminded the elf of the way Nuitari‘s luminescence is often described.
No one else can see it. Perhaps it is because I can now see magic myself? It it is a Black Robe, they are still bound by the rules of the Tower, right?
He thinks to himself as he moves towards the source of the muted beautiful light.

Windsworn son of Galan Windborn |

His eyes wander the square as he makes casual conversation with his guide.
Anatoli's advertisement in contrast to the other merchants catches his eyes. With Erawin he makes his way towards the makeshift stall. He also notices another with him and assumes him to be another customer.
"Greetings Sir. How fares your business for today?" he begins once he reaches the stall.

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good day Sir and Lady, I am Anatoli herbalist healer and this is my associate Thaleles the alchemist. As with most business this one ebbs and flows. No business yet this day, but fine weather and fine company! Anatoli finishes with a slight bow as they approach.

Erystelle |

The light begins to lead him a bit into the forest, near a grand oak tree.
The would be wizard swallows his fears and presses forward. He needed to see where this miracle leads.
”Curiosity did kill the cat, but he had eight more lives. This must be explored! Even though I am not a cat.”, he whispers to himself while moving ever towards the Phenomenon.
Senses: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17

Khyber Elessedil |

Khyber saw the human being escorted through town by a Silvanesti clergyman.
”What is this now? A human being given such a regal guide? This man must be of some importance. Let us wander the market and so happen to be close enough to see what unfolds.”

Erystelle |

Senses as in Perception?
Yes sight, sound, smell, touch.
”You stupid elf!” Erystelle chides himself in a whisper.
He grips his staff and utters ”Arcanis Vivicous!” as quietly as he can to cast Detect Magic.

Windsworn son of Galan Windborn |

Windsworn smiles at the two.
"Please." he begins.
"I am Squire Windsworn, not Lord. I have done nothing to deserve this title." he pauses.
"I am in service to the Knights of Solamina sent here to assist the Elven Court and being guided around to learn the lay of this fair kingdom. Would you fine folk perhaps care to share with me tales of your day and how fares you well since the rebuilding?"

Erystelle |

The Silvanesti does not sense anything other than the tree and the flame. As he turns to leave he hears a voice in elven come from no where
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Erystelle |

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Shalafi2412 |

Continued Conversation
His voice then gets sad [b] No one of House Mystic or even the Qualanesti to teach you the basics of High Sorcery, young one?

Erystelle |

”I do not know of a Wizard here looking for an apprentice. I learned all I could of the basics. I can now cast spells of the First Circle, but I know I must put my power to use if I am to grow in the craft.”
”If you know of one here, I would greatly appreciate your sharing of such knowledge.”

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Our faring is quite dim at the moment actually, Thaleles looks to the squire, Unfortunately there isn’t much call for healing or alchemical services so far. But each day brings a new Dawn. Perhaps you might have need of our services?

Shalafi2412 |

Windsworn son of Galan Windborn |

With a slight bow to show his respect and thanks to his guide, Erawain. Windsworn bids the cleric farewell.
"You have my thanks Erawain for offering to guide me through your fair city. Please attend to your duties and not allow me to hold you back from them. I shall likely see you again when we are able to meet once more."
With that said, he turns to the two of them.
"Surely someone of your skills would be needed as such? I do believe that the city would be in need of skilled adventurers and if such arises I would extend the invitation to you both should you accept?"

Erystelle |

”In times such as these mages will rise as they did in the time of Magius. If I prove powerful enough the order will identify me and seek me out. What other course Is open to me? I have been given an incredible gift. It is both a heavy responsibility and a wonderful legacy which must be satisfied.”
”I believe this quote to be quite true for my current circumstance. ”You cannot hide from danger. Death floats on the air, creeps through the window, comes with the handshake of a stranger,. If we stop living because we fear death, then we have already died.”
”But also, ”A man with nothing to die for has even less for which to live.” I have both my people and the Magic to drive me forward on the path. I am a lucky man indeed.”

Khyber Elessedil |

Khyber listens in nearby. The Ranger is camouflaged, folded into the crowd, but struggles to keep the look of indifference on his face as he looks over a peddlers collection of shell jewelry.
What is this Human talking about? Why is he here as a guest?

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The Alchemist looks up at the squire and chuckles, Skilled, yes. I have many talents that can prove to be useful in times of need. As for the adventurer part, I’m afraid the most adventuring I do is delving deep into a pot of goods stew.

Khyber Elessedil |

Anatoli laughs and says what manner of adventure would require a mild mannered herbalist who has no great skill in weapons and a donkey named Bill?
Who names a donkey Bill!? Also, I should never mention my cat named Gretchen if we ever make acquaintance.

Windsworn son of Galan Windborn |

Windsworn while taken aback is quick to regain his composure.
"Well now, that is an interesting tale and who knows I might one day be able to hear the full tale." he smiles.
As he considers Anatoli's words, the squire attempts a shrug but it turns out half hearted.
"I am a squire but as I'm also an Elf Friend like my recently passed Knight Lord, I'm here in service to the court as a liaison and also to provide aid in the limited capacity that I can. One skilled in herbal remedies would always prove useful."
Windsworn makes a show of looking over his own battered gear.
"Leave the fighting to me. Despite how they looked, they have served me well."

Shalafi2412 |

Erystelle |

”Today the remnants of The Elven Nations are surrounded by enemies, we have been driven from our respective lands, the place we now huddle together in is our final refuge. We will either break out and reclaim our homes or we will fracture and fade from the face of Krynn. If you seek power I hope it will benefit our people in someway. Perhaps one day I will understand the true relationship between The Three.”
”It seems logical to me that many of our Brethren would turn to the Black after all that has happened. Those who felt powerless want power, to have a deadly and expedient weapon. Just as when our people sought to end all evil within the race they could not help , but spawn it and create new forms of it in the name of harmony and justice. I believe a more balanced approach is needed for the greater good of the people, but I am in no way neutral, which is why I assume the Red Moon gives me no grace at this time.”
”May I respectfully ask what you will do with your knowledge of me? Will you share my existence? Or will you keep the information close to your chest to further your own goals?”
”I could dream that should I make it into the Tower, my training could be of benefit to all elven candidates seeking the path of House Mystic, for as you said, there are few left like me that have learned in the traditional manner.”

Shalafi2412 |

Shalafi2412 |

As the elves and squire continue their discussion the blare of trumpets can be heard and a procession of clergy begins from the town hall towards the Temple of the Gods. Followers of Astarin lead the songs of praise of the gods, in elven.
Those few clerics of balance, clerics of Reorx dressed in grey and red robes, followed by clerics of Shinare, dressed in gold, silver and brown robes follow them. After them the followers of Chiselv dressed in brown, yellow and green, and then then a few clerics of Sirrion come, dressed in yellow and red. Finally the clerics of Zivilyn and the Gilean come dressed in their robes of green, brown and gold, and finally grey, lead the procession. There are very few followers of the gods of neautraility and there are no representatives of the Red Robes present.
The clerics of the Gods of Light are more numerous. The clerics of Astarin play and sing and dance as they enter into the Temple, dressed in green and yellow robes, lead this contigent. They are followed by the clerics of Habbakuk dressed in blue and white. Followed by the clerics of Majere of the Rose, dressed in copper and read. The military might of the Clerics of the Bison of Heaven come next, armed to the hilt but dressed in brown and white. A handful of mages dressed in White Robes follows them. Finally, at the end, come the clerics of Quenesti Pah, dressed in sky blue, all heads towards the Temple.

Erystelle |

Solinari, please look down on me and preserve me. Mishakal, protect me and help me restore what was lost. If our people are truly flocking to the Black and there are few so few left to take the White and no one to lead us, I and others will tread a difficult path indeed. Kiri-Jolith, give me courage. Evil will seek to discourage and demoralize us. Please let this be no more than that. However if this is only the first of my tests, watch me rise to meet it and should I fall, take my soul to you. Erystelle prayed silently feeling as a mouse being toyed with by a cat.

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As everyone turns to awe at the preseason of clerics parading through the market, Thaleles can’t help but roll his eyes. When they look back, he has moved slightly, his back to the tree, hoods drawn over his eyes, arms crossed over his chest, and appears to be sleeping.

Pellarin Rathenas |

Hearing the fanfare, Pellarin goes to watch the procession, and gives the appropriate obeisance to the clergy of Chiselv as they pass.
I think everyone speaks elven, so you probably don't need language spoilers.

Windsworn son of Galan Windborn |

Windsworn stands at attention as the Clerics proceed with their parade and waits till they have passed.

Shalafi2412 |

The ceremony is one of greatness, a true celebration of the elven people. It's like has not been seen for so long. Yet there is a twinge of sadness to the activities, a sadness for what the elven people have suffered since the departure of the gods in the Chaos War.

Shalafi2412 |

The after party is a celebration. The elves mingle with each other. Solinari rises and the constellations of the gods of light and the planets seem to be brighter in the sky. The heavens seem to respond to the joy of the occassion.
Erystelle should be able to find a ranking member of the White Robes, a female Silvanesti.