Converting PF1 adventure to PF2, Treasure gold amounts.

Running the Game

Scarab Sages

Does anyone have a simple formula yet? I just need something in the ball park. Without further guidance, I plan on going with a level 5 PF1 treasure horde of 1000 gp = a level 5 PF2 treasure horde of 1000 sp?!?!?

I have converted my Mummy's Mask Campaign (currently chapter 2) over to PF 2 and have simply converted GP to SP.

So my advice, run with it and see how it goes.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Quick fix: divide all GP values by 10.

Scarab Sages

Byron Zibeck wrote:
Quick fix: divide all GP values by 10.

Trust me, I wish it were that simple, but tons of things don't even come close to that conversion rate, see for yourself e.g. Chain mail PF1 150 gp, PF2 6 gp.

Chainmail in PF1 was pretty mediocre. Even if it had cost 60gp instead of 150gp, I don't think it would have been popular. 90gp/9gp isn't a big deal for 95% of your adventuring life.

It's really only the big expensive magic items where the differences could matter.

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