lucklesshero |

OK I've got a question..regarding keeping up with specials time limitations. Is 3 post a days sufficient, if the post are encompassing? Will this be enough post if the GM uses time saving techniques like block initiative? It may very difficult for a person with a 9-5 job to post more than this. (morning, lunch-break, before bed..ect.. ) I would think that if each post pushed the story or combat along that this would be more than sufficient....Am I dreaming? Should I re-consider volunteering as well?

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A lot depends on the speed of the table posters as well. If you have a lot of folk in your time zone who are fast posters, you can go at a terrific rate. I think the record is The Confirmation done in 3 days in PBP. But for most groups, even in a special three posts a day is good going.
To put things in perspective, in the first 12 days of the previous special (all I could be bothered counting up) I posted 28 times, so that is 2-3 times a day.
And think my table ended up one of the busier (but far from busiest) ones in terms of successes reported.
So don't worry about the 15 posts in a day.

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I can see 12-15 posts being a requirement for a special coordinator but for a gm 2-3 is plenty (certainly in terms of the game whether there is more gms to cordinator posting going on in the background I am not aware of) Where a special differs from a normal pbp game is the pace is relentless and as a gm you have to keep up to date.

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It's pretty hard to keep up for a long period, and most GMs who can do that pace end up running multiple games to... absorb.. their bandwidth.
Each as to their own though.
Faster is not always better. Hmm can do 15 posts and keep up the quality. I know mine sometimes suffers at a much lower pace - often it depends on how demanding children (or work) is - and thus the quality control on posts goes down, formatting starts to suffer or I get close to single line posts which are less fun for everyone.
That said, when you have a bit battle, giving an almost immediate single line status update can be helpful in letting everyone know that a baddies has gone down and reduce retcons later in the round.

Pirate Rob |

I one ran The Confirmation in 5 days.
I had 4 players and the Average Post Per Day was 71. With ~31% of those being my posts that was ~22 posts a day from me.
The least frequent poster still hit over 12% of the total posts for an average of 8 & 2/3/s posts per day.
Our maximum posts in a single day was 121 and unsurprisingly nobody missed a day.
That involved spending hours a day at my computer doing nothing but working on the pbp at full speed. On the one hand it was pretty amazimg on the other hand it was totally crazy and exhausting. While I much prefer pbps that run faster than the "1 post a day" minimum that is popular I don't think I'd be up for a game quite that fast again.

Pirate Rob |

Then again Rob, didn't you finish 6 chapters of an AP ('slayer?) on PbP in LESS THAN ONE FRIGGIN YEAR?
That's like 18 Scenarios in length, right? =P
It helped that we were using a quick campaign variant in 13th Age that was all about highlighting epic encounters.. Still 1,268 posts in at just under a year.
Final initiative line:
The Storm Tyrant (-136/650) Dead
Fortuna (7/140) Staggered
Khellirin (-9/160) blinking
Hrarsk (11/160) -1 | (DS 1) Staggered
Doug (-110/176) DEAD
Bethany (-40/128)
Just realized we are in recruiting, happy to discuss more in discussion of desired.

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oopse, sorry all.
Speaking of recruiting, can the following people please check into their Core Runecarved Key table?
EvilMinion appearing as Jayori the paladin
GM Aavid appearing as Lasaraleen the cleric
nightdeath appearing as Seiran the paladin
Luke_Parry appearing as Radagast the brown
GM Andrew appearing as Gadget the archer and
Bigguyinblack appearing as (TBD, but I'm guessing the wizard might be a good fit.)
Queue nervous swallow as the GM checks out how many stars everyone has.

GM Hmm |

Alright, so I am a mutant. Sorry for terrifying everyone with my posting numbers.
I think that 3 GM posts a day (if they are the sort that really move the action forward) are sufficient for a special if everyone else is being proactive and moving. To be honest, I have no idea how fast I’ll be able to go at Level 10-11 in Race. The higher tiers require more time, and during this holiday period, my bandwidth for posting has dropped considerably.

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It helps to try to keep track of how fast you're going with respect to the deadlines. As bad as it is to get cut off, it's also rarely pleasant to finish all of your encounters early and have to repeat encounters until the next announcement. I find that if I make sure to get through at least 1 solid round of combat each day, whether that takes 1 post of players vs baddies, or 6 posts of baddies interspersed between each player, I usually do pretty well for time. I'll generally try to go for a brisk pace at the start of each section, then relax a bit towards the end if it looks like we'll wrap up all of the scripted encounters before the overseer announcement. That's not to say I won't move forward with more encounters, but once it seems as though the players have experienced all there is to experience without repeats I'll usually drop to 1-2 posts per day, and I'll refrain from botting/delaying players at that point. I think the most important thing as a GM is to make sure that you give every player the opportunity to make at least 1 meaningful post each day.
For the Sky Key Solution (T10-11) I recall having to push a fair bit, whereas for Blood under Absalom (Also T10-11) I started to pull back when I noticed that the success list had me and HMM listed over and over and over again. For Solstice Scar A (T7-8) I believe that my party was pretty much right on the money for pacing, and occasionally a bit ahead. For Year of the Shadow Lodge (T3-4) I had no idea what I was doing but I think it turned out alright.

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Hi everyone. I've been doing some play-by-post games but I haven't done any PFS games in PbP. I'm interested in joining a PbP session of Salvation of the Sages, but I don't know the protocols for joining one other than just waiting around and hoping for the best. I'm also hoping to bring a friend of mine along.
Is there anything I should be doing?

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Hi everyone. I've been doing some play-by-post games but I haven't done any PFS games in PbP. I'm interested in joining a PbP session of Salvation of the Sages, but I don't know the protocols for joining one other than just waiting around and hoping for the best. I'm also hoping to bring a friend of mine along.
Is there anything I should be doing?
If you and your friend are looking to play, I am going to be running a trio of Evergreen scenarios designed for level 1's (that can be repeated) or level 2's (that can't be repeated). Feel free to come on over. We won't be starting until after the Holiday season, so no rush....

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GM Poblano Pepper |

I need the following players Pete H., RePete, Gloine36, Bill Dunn, Sethran and Codar to come check in here please.
This is your table of Race for the Runecarved key.

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Following the announcement of the retirement of the Scarab Sages, I will be looking to run a couple scenarios as pleaded by GM Hmm! Looking for 6 level 3-5 Scarab Sage Players for a six month push to start around mid January.
More information can be found in the recruitment thread. I will not be running a lottery this time due to the nature of the situation. I will be hand picking the players.

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Looking for 2 replacement adventurers for the AP Reign of Winter, for interest and requirements it will be as follows
1) PFS legal characters
2) AP Character does not need a boon to play
3) Starting Gold will be 500
any questions feel free to ask at the provided link

GM Hmm |

I need the following players Dennis Muldoon, Kuey, GM PDK, Yours is Mined and Luthor Volandis to check into my 10-11 Race for the Runecarved Key. I’ve put my tiara on so that I can greet you all personally!
If someone else has a 10-11 character and wants to join us, I have one spot left!

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- Batpony
- Yogadragon
- grimdog73
- supervillan
- Awenydd83
- Zoomba
Please report Here (Link) for the Tier 5-6 Race for the Runecarved Key Special.

Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti |

Looking for a replacement for 3RD-4th level Tome of Righteouss Repose
Link . We have just started.

GM_Yogadragon |

My Race for the Runecarved Key table has been convered to a Classic Tier 1-2 table due to lack of interest in the 7-8 Core version. Anyoen with a level 1 or 2 character, feel free to go sign up in the spreadsheet here., then report to the gameplay thread to dot in.
Agend Eclipse and meloriel please go ahead and report to the gameplay thread here.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

My Race for the Runecarved Key table has been convered to a Classic Tier 1-2 table due to lack of interest in the 7-8 Core version. Anyoen with a level 1 or 2 character, feel free to go sign up in the spreadsheet here., then report to the gameplay thread to dot in.
Agend Eclipse and meloriel please go ahead and report to the gameplay thread here.
I just moved to the tier 1-2 game which leaves a slot open in the tier 3-4 game.

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My Race for the Runecarved Key table has been convered to a Classic Tier 1-2 table due to lack of interest in the 7-8 Core version. Anyoen with a level 1 or 2 character, feel free to go sign up in the spreadsheet here., then report to the gameplay thread to dot in.
Agend Eclipse and meloriel please go ahead and report to the gameplay thread here.
I grabbed a spot. Will post to thread when I get home.

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For #8-99B: Solstice Scar, the GMs will be:
Session 1
- GM Aerondor
- chaosorbit
- GM kuey
- GM Red
- GM Ladile
- GM Blake
- GM Chadius
- GM Dennis
- GM Batpony
- GM Cwethan
- Greenclaw (RPGGeek)
- Woodenman (RPGGeek)
- GM Hmm (backup)
- EM±GM (backup)
Session 2
- GM Redelia
- GM Nomadical
- Pirate GM
- GM Merisial the risen
- GM Ladile
- GM Blake
- GM Chadius
- GM RePete
- GM Batpony
- GM Cwethan
- GM Upaynao
- GM Mike Hallet (Myth-Weavers)
- GM Aerondor (backup)
- EM±GM (backup)
Instructions will go out privately to the GMs within a few days. Player sign-ups will begin in 1-2 weeks.