Mithral Scarab

Merisal The Risen's page

Goblin Squad Member. ***** Pathfinder Society GM. Starfinder Society GM. 254 posts (7,581 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 81 Organized Play characters. 18 aliases.


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Grand Lodge 4/5 5/5 *

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And there was me thinking he was adopted dwarf like carrot in the discworld city watch

Grand Lodge

I am ruling just one success per pc per day in RL (although none of my table have made that second check)

(50 percent chance of having to make a save anyway is curbing the enthusiasm a little on the multiple checks)

Grand Lodge

Merisiel is ready ish

Did you know my first PFS character was Merisiel the bold until she entered bonekeep and died in the pit in the first room* Then she became Merisiel the Risen Spending her down time as bodyguard for the Ruby Prince Pharaoh of Osirion

*Not a spoiler as:
The pit was created by the party wizard

Grand Lodge

What I would do is go to your GM event coordinator tab on your organised play account settings down load 10 character cards assign the first few to your non credit wanting friends and use those numbers for the reporting. Letting them know if they change their minds you will issue a chronicle

Grand Lodge

1st levels have always been squishy and vulnerable to crits (see victims of Ledford on the wall of names)

There are some tactics you can use to offset the risk but I prefer sticking to boosting the con a little higher and generally sticking close to the concept I wish to play rather than barbarian to second level then retrain option. I just like to find the kinks in a build before second level if I can

Grand Lodge

Hmm Having finally bought the apg and the bestiary a couple of weeks ago I say there timings a leetle bit off ;-)

(also possibly the wrong thread to discuss PFS2 purchases)

Grand Lodge

i believe you are correct Trishadow

Grand Lodge

I always thought the elemental gems were a bit pricey for a single use item. However having seen one in action I have to say the price point is about right!

In other news I can now reveal on the previous playthrough the last fight is where pregen Kyra died. Classic error tried to do something funky rather than stay in healing spam mode

Grand Lodge

Our pilots piloting ranks should be added to our ac so coilgun did miss

Still not good state of ship

Grand Lodge

Continuing to bot xy xy focusing on technomancer or hopefully Rookie

Staccato Rifle vs EAC: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (4) + 15 = 19
for Sonic, Magic damage: 2d10 + 8 ⇒ (4, 2) + 8 = 14
Target Flat-footed for 1 round if within 30’, Don’t provoke AoO

Grand Lodge

Continuing to bot xy xy focusing on technomancer

Staccato Rifle vs EAC: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (5) + 15 = 20 for Sonic, Magic damage: 2d10 + 8 ⇒ (10, 8) + 8 = 26 Target Flat-footed for 1 round if within 30’, Don’t provoke AoO

Grand Lodge

Should have declared rookie as target reflex: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15 and checked to see if was blind passed

Grand Lodge

Staccato Rifle vs EAC: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (6) + 15 = 21 for Sonic, Magic damage: 2d10 + 8 ⇒ (1, 5) + 8 = 14 Target Flat-footed for 1 round if within 30’, Don’t provoke AoO

taken from the bot me info in xy xy profile

Grand Lodge

This is ivy but not posting as ivy as I have to ask

Sorry what on Triaxus is going on here

Sorry if I totally got the wrong end of the stick with my Wakanda style virtual space ship posts but where’s our ship on the map. Are we actually in some fake ship combat that’s actually skill challenge or what?

A very confused player

Grand Lodge

Also interested will be bringing olenjack rogue using alchemy and nature

Grand Lodge

Kasvot Vaxt wrote:
I've already played 6-18 in CORE; perhaps I could run that after Scarlet Sun, with Fromagalli picking up the sequel (which I haven't played)

Works for me

Grand Lodge

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Kasvot's not a witch he's just a naughty sorcerer

Grand Lodge

Fromagalli moves forward and hits at red infusing his sword with magic

longsword: 1d20 + 7 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 7 + 1 = 15
longsword damage: 1d8 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11

Grand Lodge

will be posting still thinking about character

Grand Lodge

Koren will start at the fest hall

Will update deckhandler if blessing 2 not acquired

Adding in blessing of Besmara for the samurai blessing

Grand Lodge

Spell 1 for Ahmotep

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/5 *

Tyler Beck wrote:
Paizo and the Sharks

Is that the name of Hakons band?

Seriously Good to meet up with some of you at paizocon

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I have offered 6-07 Valley of veiled flame with one taker on the other thread I am currently in gm slot for Thursday evening

Grand Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I am offering a run of pathfinder society scenario 6-07 Valley of veiled flame on the Thursday evening

Merisiel aka Jeff Cook

I know no one has asked for it but would fill a story hole on my characters chronicles

Hope that helps

Grand Lodge

2) I have played or I am playing through all the organised play variations of the game.

For characters I am in the surprise me camp

Grand Lodge

Sorry dm I was trying to work out the backstory and was having a brief read of the blood of the city novel to try get a feel of the derexhi and found I now know too much and I'm struggling to see where my character would fit given the set up described therein. Should I stick to the loose bones of magnimar city of monuments splat book and ignore the novel or do I just go with my first plan of half elf bastard with another city family and ignore the derexhi story.

Grand Lodge

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Given its 1st of May or May day had me thinking of the classic (slightly garbled) sci fi message

This is Star Finder Beowulf,
calling anyone . . .
Mayday, Mayday . . . we are under attack . . .
Drift drive is gone . . .
turret number one not responding
Mayday . . . losing cabin pressure fast
calling anyone . . . please help . . .
This is Star Finder Beowulf . . .
Mayday . . .

Trying to think of a Starfinder scenario of the recovery / rescue that could use the above as an alternative intro

Into the unknown is as far as I got but would prefer a rescue if possible

Grand Lodge

It is the hour of Nethys

Ramexes explores the caver and finds a salamander

Salamander meet mythic empowered soulshear what aramour were you working on

Black dragon hide Armour 4

Discard Imp drawing 2 cards Crocodile skin armour and cure

Dicard reveeler encountering weapon 5 (Annoyingly dex based)

Discard wayfarer to find arboreal blight Bury reveller to avoid

Discard harbinger to explore again 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9

Grand Lodge

GM Jeff cook wrote:

What is now my table for diamond city is now open

Riltar Nobettween
Elris Kayne
Mahalak Akrakai
Seldiir Elberion
Bithrilmit (+Firewing the Roc)

Please report here

Just a reminder in case this got missed earlier I have also private messaged those that have not checked in to my table

Grand Lodge

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I believe it is now Lems turn and it is the factions favour The first four cards at the quarry are gone thereis a conflagration there and Athnul has acquired a curse (just checking whether curse die is a d6)

Edit I think the scourge die is actually 1d6+1 as we are on chapter 3 which makes Athnuls curse daybane

Grand Lodge

Sarathor casts Bulls strength on Croaki then hefts his weapon into a fighting stance "Guard me!" he commands Croaki as he moves toward the sound of claws

Grand Lodge

Best Wishes!

Grand Lodge

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May I thank the newbies for reminding me that roleplay games are at their best when actual roleplay happens. Sometimes I get so busy on focusing on the rules I forget to do that bit.

I think you guys will do this just fine.

Grand Lodge

will be have character and other details posted tonight UK time for me will be playing s&S merisiel with the tales and intrigue decks

Jeff Cook

Grand Lodge

Urgraz explores and finds some nasty writing

Burns blessing and topcard of his deck to make nasty writing go away

int 8: 3d6 ⇒ (2, 3, 6) = 11

Grand Lodge

Just a note to say I will be playing an oracle not a rogue probably Ramxes

Grand Lodge

I think the banish an item to gain another item power finishes when junk beach is closed

Certainly how it has been played for me

Grand Lodge

3 people marked this as a favorite.

May I say also say thanks and congratulations to Mike Tulhoski for setting up this Lodge that we all know and love and picking the best possible team to hand it over to. Hope to see you around Mike.

Also congrats to Chris M who ran my first game in this lodge. Much deserved.

Grand Lodge

I do incoming

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/5 *

Clarification please

Is the grey list at the top the core scenarios or the standard ones

Grand Lodge

So tempted to swapJarsk for Omrijka and do three little maids from Shelyn paladin school thing

Grand Lodge

also campaign info is where all the sign up spreadsheets have gone. A note to say Some GM Sign up sheets can be found under campaign info other games are announced in the recruitment thread

Grand Lodge

I can see 12-15 posts being a requirement for a special coordinator but for a gm 2-3 is plenty (certainly in terms of the game whether there is more gms to cordinator posting going on in the background I am not aware of) Where a special differs from a normal pbp game is the pace is relentless and as a gm you have to keep up to date.

Grand Lodge

No blessing of deskari was from first scenario along with warhammer Weapon b

I took blessing b and armor b shax and helm from last Scenario. All is working as expected not as I hoped.

Grand Lodge

@Thunderspirit: So Sorry to hear that. Take all the time you need. My thoughts and prayers with you and yours

Grand Lodge

My apologies if I denied people their opportunity to contribute to defeating lotsolegs. Also may I apologise if I am straying into playing other people’s hands. I will slow down and ask people’s ideas certainly before fighting a boss.

I am going to think some more over what else I can do as a player to help this game run smoother. I will say I am enjoying the game.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/5 *


Yes pathfinder tales deck characters are legal for organised play


There is an organised play program for the adventure card game called the pathfinder society adventure card guild

The rules for organised play are in the guild guide and the adventures sanctioned for organised play are played at some conventions and some game stores

The guide and adventures can be found Here

Grand Lodge

Jarlaxle Baenre wrote:

For some reason, I can't post on the Gameplay thread; when I hit 'Submit', it just 'previews' the post instead :-/

Here is what I was trying to post:

Jarlaxle hustles forward.

Double move.

Grand Lodge

Attempts to summon discussion from the recruitment thread

I like core because it is simpler and allows me to revisit some old favourites.

Grand Lodge

Interested thinking dwarf bard

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