The Flaxseed Pathfinder Lodge: Explore, Report, Cooperate!

Game Master Redelia

Outpost VIII Announcement
Data Tracking Form Link

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Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Hey guys, I just want to make sure it's clear that GMs are not to add extra tables to the OutPost spreadsheet without approval from one of the online VOs. We can all be reached by PM if there's a table you want added that you think is consistent with the goals of OutPost.

Is anyone running a 3rd level Core game soon (not for the game day?)

Grand Lodge


If so, this curmudgeon would love to be involved!

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

*****Follow-up Announcement*****
The deadline for scenario support for OutPost is past. At this point, we ask GMs who are interested in running a table at OutPost to contact an online Venture Officer. You will need to provide your own copy of the scenario.

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

GM 101 Session Opening!

We’ve had new people expressing interest in GMing recently, so I am planning a session of GM school soon. This time, we are going to use Starfinder as our game system. Almost everything we do will translate easily to Pathfinder.

I am looking for 4 people who are new to GMing PFS and SFS play by post. It’s OK if you have some experience as a face-to-face GM, and also OK if you don’t. We will play through the Commencement. Each of you will act as GM for one part of it. I will provide guidance and also answer any questions (and be one of your players). I will provide other players to complete the table. Each of you will also fill out one chronicle so you have experience doing this. We will have you set up maps for your portion, and also set up a campaign on the forums.
You will also be helping out the Lodge by trying out some new GM documentation that is currently being developed.

You will need to provide your own copy of the scenario, which costs about $5.

If you are interested, please send me a private message. Make sure to tell me what experience you have, and why you want to participate.
We will be starting within the next week, so a prompt response is necessary if you want to participate. We may not be done by the start of OutPost, but we will be far enough that you will be more confident in your GMing by then.

This will be fun! Are you ready for your GM Kick-off?

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

The GM 101 class is full. If you were interested but did not contact me yet, please still do so I know how much more interest there was.

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

A note to all new GMs signed up for OutPost:

Please let me know if you would like a seat at your table reserved for a mentor. They would play normally, but also be available to answer any questions.

Experienced GMs:

I could use a few volunteers to act as 'mentors' to new GMs. You would be a player in their game, answer any questions they send you, and just otherwise be helpful and encouraging. PM me if you are interested.

I'm looking for two more players for a run of #2-19: Shades of Ice—Part III: Keep of the Huscarl King (PFRPG). We are high tier. I expect to start 1/16 or 1/17.

Sign Up Sheet

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
GM_CariMac wrote:

I'm looking for two more players for a run of #2-19: Shades of Ice—Part III: Keep of the Huscarl King (PFRPG). We are high tier. I expect to start 1/16 or 1/17.

Sign Up Sheet

Table is full. Thank you.

Sovereign Court

One Week Reminder

Player recruitment is officially open for Solstice Scar B. Session 1 will start March 5 and be part of the OutPost convention. Session 2 starts May 7, and will not be part of any convention.

Players (not GMs) may join only one game total, and are only allowed to play in session 2 if NOT attending PaizoCon. So if you are attending the live convention, make sure to register for session 1 of SSB.

Lastly, you are not only allowed to play SSB with the same character that you played SSA--it is actually encouraged.

Signup: Session 1, Session 2

Seats currently available (Session 1)

  • 3-4 core (2)
  • 5-6 core (1)

Seats currently available (Session 2)

  • 1-2 core (6)
  • 3-4 core (10) Come play with me!
  • 5-6 core (5)
  • 3-4 regular (5)
  • 5-6 regular (7)
  • 10-11 regular (3)

GM Granta, has it been addressed somewhere how characters who have played SSA are supposed to react to meeting the primary protagonists in SSB? I can be more specific in a PM if need be.

Liberty's Edge

Gummy Bear wrote:
GM Granta, has it been addressed somewhere how characters who have played SSA are supposed to react to meeting the primary protagonists in SSB? I can be more specific in a PM if need be.

I'd like to know that as well! thanks!

Sovereign Court

I haven't seen the scenario yet, so I don't have an answer at the moment.

Grand Lodge

Grabbed the last Spot for Session 1 CORE Tier 5-6. Desna smiles, that's a great table.

Second Seekers (Roheas)

Having just experienced SSB in person, there is no guidance that was provided by my GM or by the house on that question and it was something being asked a lot.

Shadow Lodge

That IS a rockstar table in Core. Thankfully, my 3rd level cleric is always in need.

EDIT: *doubletake* Desna smiles, she's traveling with Apollyanna?

Grand Lodge

Recruiting for a CORE session of 5-04 The Stolen Heir. If you are interested, please follow this link.

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

So I was looking at the CORE table in question.

I understand that I"ll likely be carried by these superstars.. I'm honored to be at the same table as them.

Am Also offering the following games for OUTPOST

Line 3 Mists of Mwangi (1-5) (CORE)
Line 10 Hall of Drunken Heroes (7-11) (CORE)

Grand Lodge

GM Baerlie wrote:
Recruiting for a CORE session of 5-04 The Stolen Heir. If you are interested, please follow this link.

Full, thanks!

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

Having played A and GMd version B just a few days ago, I can confirm there is no in-scenario guidance as to how to IC-ly address the.... familiarity of aspects between the versions. Overseers or GMs are on their own, I guess, unless I really missed something on my read-throughs.

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Maybe it's the PFS version of Groundhog Day.

GM Granta wrote:
Lastly, you are not only allowed to play SSB with the same character that you played SSA--it is actually encouraged.

What's actually being 'encouraged' here? Is it drugs? It better not be drugs, because I was told once I should say 'no' to those.

Lantern Lodge

There is a boon from part A that gets better the more Solstice Scar chronicles you have.

On one, or more characters?

Grand Lodge

Only the one that receives it.

So a player is encouraged to play the same character over and over, and not different PCs. Check.

For Solstice Scar it may be beneficial.

It is a different kind of scenario.

Liberty's Edge

Can a GM take over for qwerty please for pt 3 of gallows :) sedRecruitment/gameplay

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Hey guys, there are four games that I'm trying to find new GMs for. They are three tables of Crypt of the Everflame, all around the point of entering the crypt, and one game of Tome of Righteous Repose.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I have GM'd both several times IRL, but have never gmed PbP. If no one steps up, in the next few days DM me and I try my hand at one of them.

Scarab Sages

Haha, I literally JUST finished GMing a table of crypt in core, I suppose I could re-run it. Are the slides still setup?

The Exchange

A team of 5 players looking for a GM to run book 6 of Jade Regent.

Grand Lodge

I could take over one of the Crypt games.

I'll take the Righteous Repose table if no one else has yet, Redelia. I've never GM'd play-by-post before either, but I might as well give it a shot. Where is the link?

Liberty's Edge

Can anyone take over Gallows we have a full table?

Qstor wrote:
Can anyone take over Gallows we have a full table?

Gallows of Madness link

They appear to be at the very beginning of Part Three. They have had their mission briefing, but have not visted either the library or the mansion yet. They have also been abandoned since late November.

For those unfamiliar with Gallows, it may be my favorite set of evergreens. Each episode is just a little longer than a regular scenario, but offers a full level worth of growth. They were written to be friendly to new GMs, so that all a new GM might need is the core rulebook and bestiary I to run them. Each adventure has a great storyline with some RP potential. It is also the only level 1-3 evergreen.


To those considering GMing Dungeon crawl PBPs for the first time, they can be more challenging than other PBPs to run, but Redelia made an awesome guide to Running Dungeon Crawls in PbP. Check it out. It’s in the PbP GM kit linked in my header and in Flaxseed’s campaign description!


Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Thanks, Baerlie, I'm sending you a PM with the details.

And thanks to you, also, Eddv, I see you already are working with the table I PMed to you.

Sovereign Court

If there's any table still looking for a gm. I can take over after Sunday as I have a mini con to run this weekend.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
GM Hmm wrote:

To those considering GMing Dungeon crawl PBPs for the first time, they can be more challenging than other PBPs to run, but Redelia made an awesome guide to Running Dungeon Crawls in PbP. Check it out. It’s in the PbP GM kit linked in my header and in Flaxseed’s campaign description!


I read over the linked doc. It looks pretty straightforward. Thank you!

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Update: Thanks to all of you terrific Flaxseeders, all of the games that have recently been posted as needing a GM are taken care of, other than Jade Regent.

Netherpongo, you are welcome! Be sure to check out the rest of the GM kit. It’s got some useful stuff in there.


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Will be starting a CORE season 4; The Night March of Kalkamedes game, beginning February 1st (low tier). Have four spots left..If you've never played in my games, please read my profile. My games tend to run slightly faster than others. 1 post on each weekday and one post on weekend rule, strictly enforced usually. ( exceptions are made with advanced notice)

Selection will be made by me; so sending a link or two, of a PbP roll-play game or two that you've played in, might be helpful. Apply Here. I will choose the final four Sat. Feb Jan. 27th.

Sovereign Court

lucklesshero wrote:
I will choose the final four Sat. Feb 27th.

hehe... think you mean Jan 27th. :P

Hudor Nero wrote:
lucklesshero wrote:
I will choose the final four Sat. Feb 27th.
hehe... think you mean Jan 27th. :P

Hudor no need for you to apply. just dot. in and one other are the start of the group..I should have PM'd you before I posted this thread.

Still will be looking for 4 players

This is marginally Society related, so I figured I would give it a go here. If this breaks any rules, please let me know!!

I am looking for one additional player for a Rise of the Runelords AP game. We are playing for Society Credit, but with some house builds. We have been together as a team since November 2015 with the same group and are looking to hire a tad bit more muscle. If you are interested, pop the spoiler below and then PM me.

New players are encouraged, but keep in mind that this is a YEARS long commitment with little to no short term rewards when compared to Society Scenarios.

As I said, we are a group that has been together since Nov. 2015. This is a PbP game, with all extras hosted in Google Drive. We started out with 4 players and myself as GM, but one of the players has been unable to post of late. If and when he returns, he will be welcome to take up his mantle once more, but have no fear: You will still be a major contributor to the team!

Where are we? We just started the second book and are in the town of Sandpoint. I don't want to give up too much more without giving you spoilers, but the second book is basically a murder mystery/horror theme. You would enter play with a new Level 4 character. Build parameters will be given later.

Who are we? We are all pretty familiar with the boards, although I am the only one in the group that routinely participates in Society. Two of the others are prevalent in the message boards and non-society games. It is a very relaxed and fun group, a bit of byplay and banter, and no drama/ difficulties. We all strive to maintain this atmosphere, and the right recruit will do so as well.
Current Players: Human Wizard
Human Cleric of Desna
Dwarven Alchemist
Dwarven Stonelord Paladin

What are we looking for? First, we are looking for someone dependable, reliable, and that can jive with the low key and low maintenance atmosphere. Second, we would prefer to have a front liner that can step up next to our hopefully temporarily absent Paladin. This is not strictly necessary, but would be helpful! Third, we need someone that will help move the story along and will participate regularly. I'm not requiring multiple posts a day or anything crazy, but more than popping in once a week with a post like "Grax swings his sword. *dice roll*".

Whats the Process? First off, let me be clear that I am not going to choose the candidate.. We as a table will choose you. Rather than making you go through all the hard work of building a character that has a 1 in xx odds of being chosen, the table will look over your post history primarily for Quality and Dependability. What we will be looking for is quality RP and interaction with your peers at prior tables and regular and dependable posting habits. If you are a newer player or at least new to PBP, your length of time will be taken into account so as not to punish newer accounts or players.

Still Reading this?? If you are still with me and want to join an amazing team that works so very well together, please PM me with the subject "Rise of the Runelords". Your name will be added to a list, and once the decision has been made, you will be notified one way or the other.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read all this, and I hope to game with you soon!!

Looking for 3 players to join our Crypt of the Everflame. We have barely begun.

Come to recruitment HERE

Sovereign Court

@DevilDoc: Do you have a deadline for the applications? A projected date for the decision?

@ GM Granta: Not precisely. The group generally has spotty posting on the weekends, but I have formulated a Spreadsheet for them to review everyone that has PM'd me and sent them the link. I currently have 9 applicants, and I imagine that we should have a decision by next Monday. Any further PM's I get will be added to the list as I get them.

GM Ietsuna wrote:

Looking for 3 players to join our Crypt of the Everflame. We have barely begun.

Come to recruitment HERE

I don't think that link goes where you think it goes.

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