
Kuriq's page

384 posts. Organized Play character for Batpony.


Ifrit Immolator Inquistor 6 | HP:39/39 | AC:19 T:15 FF:14 | CMB:4 CMD:19 | Saves F:+7 R:+8 W:+8 |


Init:+6 | Per:+10 | Judge 1/2 Flaming 5/6 Determination 1/2| Spells 2 1/2 1 5/5 | -1str |

About Kuriq

Kuriq (Fame 28)
Ifrit Inquisitor [APG] of Sarenrae (Immolator [ARG] Preacher [UM]) 6
TN Medium humanoid (Ifrit [ARG])
Init +6, Senses Dark vision 60ft, Perception +10

AC 19, touch 15, flat-footed 14 (+4 Armor, +5 Dex )
hp 39
Fort +7, Ref +8, Will +8
Defensive abilities Determination (2/day), Fire in blood (1/day) Resist fire 5

Speed 30 ft
Melee Scimitar+4 (d6/18-20)
Ranged +1 Shocking Longbow +10 (x3) (d8+1+d6(lightning)) (+1 if within 30ft)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 6th; concentration +9(burning hands) +7(Remove fear))
1/day - Burning Hands (5d4 fire dmg, 15ft cone)(DC 14 Reflex)
4/day - Remove Fear (dispels causes fear)
5/day - Discern lies
At will - Detect Alignment
Inquisitor Spells (CL 6th; concentration +8 (+7CL+1Wis)
Spontaneous casting
1: 5 spells/day
2: 3 spells/day
Offensive abilities Judgement (2/day), Flaming (6rounds/day),
Str 10 Dex 20 Con 10 Int 12 Wis 12 Cha 16
Base Atk +4 CMB +4 CMD 19
Traits Resilient, Indomitable faith
Feats Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot
Skills Perception +10, Sense Motive +12, Diplomacy+12, Intimidate +15, Survival +10 (+3 to follow or identify tracks) Kn. Nature +5 (+1 to identify creatures) Stealth +12 Kn. Religion +5 (+1 to identify creatures) Spellcraft +10 Kn. Arcana +5 (+1 to identify creatures) Kn. Dungeon +5 (+1 to identify creatures)
Languages Common, Ignan, Sylvan
SQ Valor Inquisition [UM], Fire in Blood, Energy Resistance, Spell-like ability, Judgement, orisons, Stern Gaze
Valor Inquisition (Su) may use remove fear on a single creature a number of times per day equal to your 3+Wisdom bonus (4/day)
Valor Inquisition: Fearless (Su) gain at 8th level Inquisitor, you become immune to fear
Fire in blood (Ex) Ifrits with this racial trait gain fast healing 2 for 1 round anytime they take fire damage. The ifrits can heal up to 2hp/level/day with this ability, after which it ceases to function.
Energy Resistance(Ex) Ifrits have fire resistance 5
Spell like ability (Sp) Ifrits can use burning hands 1/day as a spell-like ability (caster level equals the ifrit's level; DC11+Charisma modifier) (5d4 15ft cone fire dmg; DC 14 Reflex for half)
Judgement (Su) 2/day As a swift action, an inquisitor can pronounce judgement upon her foes. The bonus or special ability last until end of combat. Judgements: Destruction +2 sacred bonus weapon dmg Justice +1 atk sacred bonus Piercing +2 concentration sacred bonus Purity +1 sacred bonus on saving throws Protection +1 sacred bonus to AC Resiliency DR1/magic Resistance energy resistance 2 against one type energy (acid, cold, electricity, fire, sonic) Immolation opponents fire resistance treated 5 lower than normal.
Detect Alignment (Sp) At will, an inquisitor can use detect chaos, evil, good, law. She can only use one of these at any given time.
Determination (Ex) 2/day, the inquisitor can use this ability to create one of the following effects (Free action). Aggression reroll attack roll before results revealed.
Defense As an immediate action, when the inquisitor would be hit by a melee or range, may add +4 insight bonus to AC, if this makes the inquisitors AC higher than the attack roll, it misses. Warning When an ally within line of sight would be hit by melee or range attack, the inquisitor may call out a warning to the ally, the attacker must reroll the attack and use results of the second roll. Ally must be able to hear and preacher must be not helpless for ability to have effect.
Stern Gaze (Ex) An inquisitor receives a morale bonus on all Intimidate and Sense Motive checks equal to 1/2 her inquisitor level (minimum +1).
Discern Lies (Sp) An inquisitor can discern lies, as per the spell, for a number of rounds per day equal to her inquisitor level. These rounds do not need to be consecutive. Activating this ability is an immediate action.
Burnt Offering (Su) as a swift action, an immolator can imbue one of her weapons with the flaming weapon special ability. Any creature slain by this weapon burns with magical flame; its body turns to ash, though its equipment is not harmed. This special ability only functions while the immolator wields the weapon. This ability lasts for a number of rounds per day equal to the immolator’s level. These rounds do not need to be consecutive.

Armor Mithril Shirt Belt Belt of Incredible Dex +1 Body Chest Eyes Feet Hands Head Headband Neck Ring Ring Shoulder Cloak of Resistance +1 Wrist Spring loaded Wrist Sheath (Wand of Invisibility;Wand of CLW)
Other Gear Handy Haversack, Efficient Quiver, Grappling Hook, Flint & steel, silk rope, mirror, bedroll, rations (4), signal whistle, waterskin, iron pot, club, chain belt, Wand of CLW(42), Studded Leather, spell component pouch, spellbook, scimitar, +1 Mwk longbow, holy symbol (wooden), holy text of Sarenrae, Arrows (Trip) 10 [ALM], Arrows (Tangleshot) 5 [ALM], Durable silver arrows (10) [ALM], Durable cold iron arrows (10) [ALM], Arrow (Slowburn) 2 [ALM], Arrows (Raining) 5 [ALM], Blunt Arrows (10), Belt of Incredible Dex +2, Wand of Invisibility (11), Spring-sheath Gauntlet x2, Scroll of lesser restoration x2, Scroll of consecrate, Cloak of Resistance +1, Silver Arrows with Ghost Salt Weapon Blanch (20) [PFSG]

[ALM] = Alchemy Manual
0th (Spells known 6) ; ∞ Spells per Day
Stabilize, Guidance, Detect Magic, Sift, Read Magic, Detect poison
1st (Spells known 4) ; 5 Spells per Day (4 class +1 Wisdom Bonus)
Divine Favor +1 luck atk and dmg, Shield of Faith +2 deflection AC, Alarm, Bless (dispels bane) +1 morale atk
2nd (Spells known 4) ; 3 spell per day (3 class + 0 Wisdom bonus)
Flames of the faithful [APG] Weapon gains flaming property, if you are using the judgement class feature, your weapon gains the flaming burst property instead. A flaming burst weapon deals an extra 1d10 points of fire damage on a successful critical hit, 2d10 if x3 on a crit.
Remove Paralysis , Silence, See Invisibility
CHRONICLE BOONS (active & unused) _______________________
Explore, Report, Cooperate (5-08)
Friend of Janira Garvix (5-08) +1 bonus on knowledge checks attempted while in Grand Lodge (active)
Gripplis' Favor (6-14) +2 bonus on Charisma bonus to influence Gripplis (active)
Sky Key Component (Sargava)(6-16) (active)
Kassen's Blessing (Crypt of the Everflame) You may reroll a single attack roll, saving throw, or skill check
Air Affinity (8-08) (active)
Earth Affinity (8-08) (active)
Oread's Favor (8-08) (active)
Righteous Redemption (8-07) check this box to receive goodies (two scrolls of lesser restoration)
Worthy Foe (8-07) (0/3 used) Gain the following benefit vs magical beasts and Humanoids with Orc subtype for 1 round as a swift action. 1. +2 bonus on attack and weapon, and +2 dodge bonus to AC. OR 2. +2 bonus to caster level checks to overcome spell resistance, increase the save DC of your spells and abilities against those creatures by 1, gain +2 bonus on saving throws against those creatures spell and abilities
Undead Expert (AP80) +2 bonus on Bluff, Kn (Religion), Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival checks made against Zombies. In addition +2 bouns on weapon attack and damage rolls. This ability works like and stacks with a ranger's favored enemy class ability.
Defender of Katheer (0-27) Whenever the PC deals with humanoids from Katheer, he receives a +1 bonus to all Diplomacy checks.
Elemental Conquest: Water (8-00) You gain +1 insight bonus on saving throws against spells, spells-like abilities, and effects of creatures with the water subtype and against spells with the cold or water descriptors. While adventuring on the plane of water, you instead gain a +1 insight bonus on all saving throws. As a swift action, you can check the box that precdes this boon to gain +5 competence bonus on swim checks and ability to breath underwater for 1 minute.
Raginori's Debt (8-00) (0/2 used) You can activate this boon by checking on of the box that precedes it, gaining one of the benefits based on your level when you activate the boon. For any spell like ability, use your character level as the caster level.
Any level: You can recall a spell slot or prepared spell you already cast that day. The spell is prepared again or the spell slot is available for use use, as if it had not been used already
Levels 1-4: You cast cat's grace, cure moderate wounds, lesser restoration, or shocking grasp as a SLA
Levels 5-8: Add cure serious wounds, fly, and lightning bolt to the list of SLA you can use.
Levels 9-11: Add lightning storm and ure critical wounds to the list of SLA you can use.
Levels 12+: Add heal and whirlwind to the list of SLA you can use, though both of these spell like abilities requires you to check both boxes.
Belkzen Veteran (8-99) You can spend 2 PP to learn Orc as a bonus language. You can gainthe benefits of orc ferocity half-orc racial trait for 1 round.
Matryr's Shard 1 (8-99) As a free action, you can grant one weapon you wield +1 enhancement (does not stack) and ability to overcome damage reduction and regeneration as a cold iron, good aligned weapon for 1 minute.
Scarred Champion (8-99) When you would fail a saving throw against the spell or SLA of an undead creature, you can roll 1d6 to increase the saving throw by this amount. If the bonus is enough to turn failure to success, the throw succeeds

CHRONICLES _______________________
5-08 The Confirmation (GM)
6-14 Scions of the Sky Key pt2: Kaava Quary
6-16 Scions of the Sky Key pt3: The Golden Guardian
PF Module Crypt of the Everflame
8-08 Tyranny of Winds pt1: The Sandstorm Prophecy
8-07 From the Tome of Righteous Repose (GM)
0-04 Frozen Fingers of Midnight
PF AP80 Empty Graves
0-27 Our Lady of Silver
8-00 The Cosmic Captive (GM)
8-99 Solstice Scar ver A
1-30 The Devil we Know: Cassomir's Locker (GM)