
Horul's page

268 posts. Organized Play character for J.G.

Organized Play Characters

Scarab Sages Deronas

Druid 5/Pathfinder Field agent 1 / HP 50/50, CMD 17, Init +5, Perc +18, AC 25/14/22, Fort +7 Ref +6 Will +11 (+4 vs fey, plants, immune sleep, +2 vs enchant.) / Spells 1st 4/4, 2d 4/4, 3d 3/3 / Acid Dart 8/8 Half-elf (12 posts)
Scarab Sages Styfis

Active: Elf Occultist 9 / HP 66/66, CMD 24, Init +10, Perc +15 (+2 magic traps), AC 25/15/20, Fort +9 Ref +12 Will +9 (+2 vs ench.) / Spells 1st 6/6, 2d 5/5, 3d 4/4 / Implements: Transmutation 6/6, Evocation 9/9; (336 posts)

Liberty's Edge Maldoror
(0 posts)
Thousand Bones
Grand Lodge Sandokar

Male Human (Garundi) Warpriest / 3 (Archetype Champion of the Faith) (80 posts)
Grand Lodge Ifzari

Female Undine Spiritualist / 3 (Scourge) / HP 29, CMD 13, Init +3, Perc +4, AC 18/13/15, Fort +5 (+2 pain) Ref +4 Will +7 (+4 vs mind.) / Spells 1st 4/4 / Active: darkvision, cold resistance 5; Dhavak: Mage armor (126 posts)

Dark Archive Floquet Zarzuket
(0 posts)
Sovereign Court Yasuka Kimune

F Kitsune Mesmerist / 9 (Vexing Daredevil) / HP 75, CMD 20, Init +4, Perc +5, AC 21/15/17, Fort +7 Ref +12 Will +15 / Spells 1st 6/6, 2d 5/5, 3d 4/4 / Spell-like 3/3 / Tricks 10/10 // Trick implemented: Mesmeric Mirror // (64 posts)

Liberty's Edge Il'ssysh
(0 posts)
Dark Archive Waze

Male N Wayang Wizard (Spellslinger) 3 | HP 23/23 | AC 14 T 14 FF 11 | CMB 0, CMD 13 | F: +3, R: +4, W: +4 [+2 vs shadow subschool]| Init: +3 | Perc: +3, SM: +1 | Speed 20ft | Spells: 1st 3/3, 2d 2/2 | Shadow Speaker 3/3 | Active conditions: None. (217 posts)

The Concordance x1111
(0 posts)
Dataphiles Mec-01

Male N Android Roboticist Mechanic Starfinder Data Jockey 5
SP 35/35 HP 34/34 | RP 6/6 | KAC 21 EAC 21 | Fort +5; Ref +8; Will +2 | Init: +4 | Perc: +12, SM: -2 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: None. (290 posts)
Wayfinders Ménélas

Male NG Half-elf Tempered Pilgram Solarian 9 | SP 73/73 HP 67/67 | RP 9/9 | EAC 21(24) KAC 21(24) | Fort +7; Ref +8; Will +7 | Init: +5 | Perc: +13, SM: +4 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: Low-Light vision, Elven Blood. (3 posts)
Nolzur's Orb
Second Seekers (Jadnura) Twisted Nicknick

Male CG Ysoki Spacefarer Technomancer 4
SP 24/24 HP 22/22 | RP 6/6 | KAC 19 EAC 18 | Fort +1; Ref +4; Will +4 | Init: +7 | Perc: +0, SM: +1 | Speed 30ft | Spells: 1st 5/5, 2d 3/3 | Active conditions: Darkvision. (220 posts)
Cirieo Thessaddin
Wayfinders Floquet Zukhet

Male N Halfling Field medic Envoy 4 | SP 27/27 HP 26/26 | RP 7/7 | EAC 14 KAC 15 | Fort +3; Ref +7; Will +5 | Init: +2 | Perc: +8, SM: +6 (+bonus) | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: Sneaky. (205 posts)
Manifold Host Kitaro-Ohando

Male CG Vesk Dream Prophet Mystic 1 | SP 6/6 HP 12/12 | RP 5/5 | EAC 15 KAC 16 | Fort +0; Ref +2; Will +6 | Init: +6 | Perc: +11, SM: +8 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: Low-light vision. (0 posts)
Grallak Kur
Acquisitives Ilvreein

Male N Quorlu Athlete Vangard 3 | SP 33/33 HP 27/27 | RP 4/4 | EAC 14(15) KAC 17(18) | Fort +6; Ref +3; Will +1 | Init: +0 | Perc: +6, SM: +0 | Speed 25ft | Active conditions: Resistance fire 5, Darkvision and Lowlight vision. (0 posts)

(0 posts)
Initiate of Flame
Verdant Wheel Dran'Thor

Male Dwarf Druid 12 (Storm Druid) / HP 178/178, Perc +21, AC 31 (+2 shield), Fort +21 Ref +19 Will +24 / Active conditions: Darkvision, Rock Dwarf, Resist cold and electricity 1, Mountain Stoutness (688 posts)
Chuffy Lickwound
Horizon Hunters Okh

Male Goblin Sorcerer (Rogue Dedication) 9 / HP 91/91, Perc +12, AC 27, Fort +15 Ref +18 Will +15 / Active conditions: Darkvision, Unbreakable goblin, Burn it!, Vandal (380 posts)
Goblin with Beehive
Vigilant Seal Ukh

Male Goblin Inventor 10 (Alchemist Ded) / HP 130/130, Perc +14, AC 28, Fort +18 Ref +19 Will +17 /Vials 4/4, Advanced alchemy prepared: Alchemist's fire 4 / Darkvision, unbreak gob, Burn it! Toughness, Diehard, Resist fire 1/2 lvl, Resist void 1, +1 hp/min (464 posts)
Envoy's Alliance Dran'Thil

Male Dwarf Barbarian (Cleric Dedication) 9 / HP 163/163 (temp HP 0/12), Perc +16, AC 27, Fort +19 Ref +15 Will +17 / Active conditions: Darkvision, Resist cold and elec and neg 1, Resist fire 5, Toughness + Mont. Stoutness, Diehard, healing 1 HP per minute (228 posts)
Pahmet Monk
Radiant Oath Dran'Thul

Male Dwarf Monk (Student of Perfection Dedication) 7 / HP 108/108, Perc +14, AC 26, Fort +14 Ref +15 Will +14 / Active conditions: Darkvision, Clan's Edge, Sheltering Slab, Toughness, Diehard (62 posts)
Vigilant Seal Drilwenwënas

Male Human (Ifrit) Ranger 5 / HP 78/78, Perc +11, AC 23, Fort +12 Ref +10 Will +11 / Active conditions: Resist fire 1/2 lvl (337 posts)
Envoy's Alliance Su Fix

Male Goblin Oracle (Tempest) (Cavalier Ded) 5 / HP 70/70, Perc +8, AC 23, Fort +10 Ref +11 Will +10 / 1st lvl 4/4, 2d 4/4, 3d 3/3, focus spells 1/1 / Active conditions: Darkvision, unbreakable goblin, Rough rider, Toughness, Resist void 1 (57 posts)
Chain Mauler
Horizon Hunters Kerlok Sholmes

Male Human (Duskwalker) Investigator (Wizard Dedication) 4 / HP 48/48, Perc +8, AC 20, Fort +7 Ref +11 Will +8 / Quick Tincture 4/4 / Active conditions: Low-light vision, Known weaknesses, resist negative damage 1, healing 1 hp/min (148 posts)
Jakaw Razorbeak
Horizon Hunters Chupko

Male Tengu Rogue (Eldritch trickster) 6 / HP 72/72, Perc +12, AC 24(26), Fort +10 Ref +14 Will +12 / Active conditions: Low-light vision, Nimble dodge, resist negative damage 1, +1 HP/min (491 posts)
Vigilant Seal Dran'Thal

Male Dwarf Magus 5 / HP 70/70, Perc +9, AC 23(25), Fort +12 Ref +10 Will +11 / Active conditions: Darkvision vision, Shield block, Resist 1 negative damage, Emergency targe (119 posts)
Grand Archive Vilmur

Male Human Witch (Baba Yaga) 8 / HP 80/80, Perc +12, AC 26, Fort +14 Ref +14 Will +14 / Active conditions: Resist cold half lvl, Resist fire 5, Resist negative damage 1, regain 1 HP/min, Breath control (228 posts)
Envoy's Alliance Mec-02

Android Wizard 3 / HP 35/35, Perc +6, AC 18, Fort +7 Ref +8 Will +8 / Active conditions: Low-light vision, Toughness (75 posts)
Vigilant Seal Dran'Tilt

Gunslinger 8 / HP 98/98, Perc +16, AC 26, Fort +15 Ref +17 Will +15 / Ghost charge lesser 4/4, Elemental ammunition 5/5 / Active conditions: Darkvision, resist negative damage 1, Sonic 3 (94 posts)
Market Patron
Envoy's Alliance Kromrock Crushmaster

Druid 4 (Stone Druid) / HP 54/54, Perc +12, AC 20 (+2 shield), Fort +10 Ref +9 Will +12 / Active conditions: Darkvision, Steadying stone, Toughness, Resist neg 1, regen 1 HP/min (234 posts)
Mage Sniper
Vigilant Seal Elduin Nerifiel

Psychic 5 / HP 53/53, Perc +7, AC 23, Fort +9 Ref +13 Will +9 / Active conditions: Low-light vision, resist neg 1 (176 posts)
Belkzen War Alchemist
Horizon Hunters Loompecker

Orc Thaumaturge 3 / HP 42/42, Perc +7, AC 20, Fort +8 Ref +8 Will +7 / Active conditions: Darkvision, Diehard, Toughness, Dubious knowledge (222 posts)
Envoy's Alliance Benkost

Dwarf Single gate (Fire) Kineticist 4 / HP 62/62, Perc +8, AC 21(23), Fort +12 Ref +11 Will +10 / Active conditions: Darkvision, Toughness, Pilgrim's token, Resist fire 1/2lvl, regen 1 hp/min (156 posts)
Isai Odighuzua
Horizon Hunters Rinshu

Animist 4 / HP 48/48, Perc +10, AC 19, Fort +9 Ref +8 Will +12 / Active conditions: Darkvision, Toughness, Quillcoat shisk, Resist neg 1, +1 hp/min (225 posts)
Envoy's Alliance Horul

Alchemist Toxicologist 4 / HP 48/48, Perc +6, AC 21(22), Fort +9 Ref +9 Will +6 / Active conditions: Darkvision, resist fire half lvl, Pearly white spindle // Bottled sunlight lesser 1/1, Fearflower Nectar 3/3, Alchemist's fire lesser 3/3, Numbing tonic minor 1/1 // Versatile moderate vials 6/6 (268 posts)
Jemet Winderbole
Envoy's Alliance Nob Cutton

Male Halfling Bard (Polymath) 1 / HP 15/15, Perc +7, AC 16 (17), Fort +4 Ref +6 Will +7 / Active conditions: Keen eyes (56 posts)
Sosiel Vaenic
Grand Archive Atlach

Cleric 3 / HP 38/38, Perc +9, AC 19, Fort +8 Ref +8 Will +11 / Active conditions: Toughness, Feather step (126 posts)
Verdant Wheel Wizel Genius

Barbarian 3 / HP 55/55 (temp HP 0/5), Perc +10, AC 20, Fort +9 Ref +6 Will +10 / Active conditions: Darkvision, Resist fire 1/2 lvl, Toughness (98 posts)
Kobold Devilspeaker
Vigilant Seal Zdenek

Swashbuckler 2 / HP 30/30, Perc +8, AC 19(21), Fort +5 Ref +10 Will +8 / Active conditions: Breath control, swim speed 15ft (27 posts)
Serpentfolk Spy
Radiant Oath Riddle of Nowhere

Fighter 1 / HP 19/19, Perc +7, AC 19, Fort +6 Ref +6 Will +5 / Active conditions: Low-light vision (13 posts)
Demon Hunter
Vigilant Seal Namre

Champion 1 / HP 21/21, Perc +4, AC 19, Fort +6 Ref +4 Will +6 / Active conditions: Darkvision, Aura 15ft (0 posts)
Ratfolk Caravan Guard
Horizon Hunters Skilgim

Rogue 1 / HP 15/15, Perc +6, AC 19, Fort +4 Ref +9 Will +6 / Active conditions: Darkvision, Surprise attack, Nimble dodge (0 posts)


Ezren -
(107 posts)
Truthseeker Wayfinder

RPG chronicles Slides (160 posts)
Desna Effigy

Nonbinary Wishborn Poppet Witch 2 | Hermit | HP 22, AC 16 w Explorer’s Clothing (+1 w Mystic Armor), Fortitude +6, Reflex +6, Will +7, Perception +5 (darkvision), Stealth +6 | Speed 30 ft | Exploration Activity Investigate | Active Conditions (28 posts)
Kyra - Cleric 5

Cleric 3 / HP 32/32, Perc +9, AC 19, Fort +7 Ref +6 Will +11 / Active conditions: - (101 posts)
Lizardfolk Scion
Scarab Sages Rhin - Bard 1
(34 posts)