Classes/Levels |
Druid 4 (Stone Druid) / HP 54/54, Perc +12, AC 20 (+2 shield), Fort +10 Ref +9 Will +12 / Active conditions: Darkvision, Steadying stone, Toughness, Resist neg 1, regen 1 HP/min |
Strength |
10 |
Dexterity |
16 |
Constitution |
14 |
Intelligence |
12 |
Wisdom |
18 |
Charisma |
8 |
About Kromrock Crushmaster
PFS #212081-2014
Experience 38
Faction Envoy's Alliance
Wealth ? GP, 40 Envoy's Alliance
Kromrock Crushmaster
Druid 4
M Medium humanoid (Dwarf)
Senses Perc +12, Darkvision
AC 20, Shield +2
HP 54
Fort +10, Ref +9, Will +12
Speed 20 ft.
Melee Clan dagger +9 (1d4)
Ranged +1 striking Jezail +10 (1d8)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks None
Spell Attack Roll +10
Spell DC 20
Druid Spells
. . Cantrips—Electric Arc, Gouging claw, Produce flame, Guidance, Healing plaster
. . 1st—Heal, Heal, Heal
. . 2d—Exploding earth, Exploding earth, Blazing bolt
. . Focus Spells—Crushing ground
Str 10, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 18, Cha 8
Class DC 20
Druidic Order Stone Druid
Background Back-Alley Doctor
Ancestry Feats Darkvision, Anwil dwarf, Dwarven lore
Skill Feats Specialty crafting skill (Woodworking and Blacksmithing), Risky surgery, Streetwise, Continual recovery
Class Feats Shield Block, Wild empathy, Steadying stone feat, Gunslinger Ded (way of the sniper), Basic shooting (Quickdraw)
Bonus Feats -
General Feats Toughness
Languages Common, Dwarden, Terran, Druidic
Skills Acrobatics +9, Arcana +7, Athletics +0, Crafting +7/+8, Deception -1, Diplomacy -1, Intimidation -1, Underworld Lore +7, Academia Lore +7, Medicine +12, Nature +10, Occultism +7, Performance -1, Religion +10, Society +7, Stealth +9, Survival +10, Thievery +3
Worn items Leather armor, Hide shield, Belt Pouch, Backpack, Wayfinder (Pearly white spindle)
Readied items +1 striking Jezail, Clan Dagger, Firearms cleaning kit, 100 rounds, Repair kit
Other items Flint & Steel, Holy & Mistletoe, Waterskin, Trail rations (1 week), Artisan's tools, Bedroll
Pathfinder Training
Spells: Academia Lore