Lord Glorio Arkona

Cevah's page

5,336 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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That was a Vhane antipaladin.
You could say he was so burned, he was skalded.


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Zannkaleem "Zann" Moondancer is an Anadi that looks like a Ekujae elf.
With Adopted Ancestry, he picked up the Elf feat Elemental Wrath to have a reasonable attack spell all the time.
Planning to get another Adopted Ancestry[i] to pick up the Goblin feat [i]Burn It!.
Zann has a monkey familiar, I have yet to determine the details on. Any suggestions for names and personalities are welcome. My current default familiar abilities are: Touch Telepathy, Share Senses, Independent. For now, I want people to think he is a beloved pet.
I plan on getting to know Tzeniwe, and she will be the first I reveal myself to. I plan to do it without her children about, so I can learn if they can be trusted to not reveal my secret.

Of course, we've only had the initial session, and all this is subject to change. :-)

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Liliyashanina wrote:
Admittedly, knowledge religions is not my strongest skill, I am pretty good in wearing nun outfits though! But well, all proper Succubi pick that up in Succubi-high-lady-finishing school. I still dont know if the quota-male-mortal who gets assigned to every class is the most or least lucky petitioner in the Abyss, they rarely last enough to ask them about their opinion.

Were you, or did you know any Succubus Cheerleaders?


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Liliyashanina wrote:
That reminds me of that cheeky assasination attempt on my via a Bed Mimic. I have since shown her the error of her ways! My breakfast for the day we first met was both a bed and in bed!

I heard about a guy who had a dream of eating a huge Marshmello only to wake up with no pillow.


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Lathiira wrote:
Interesting Character wrote:
That's a question, are succubi morning people? Is waking up next to one a desirable, or scary thing?
Desirable. Years of research says desirable.

I beg to differ.

It is both.

And we know they are morning people.

But I don't think it is coffee they are drinking.


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Ryze Kuja wrote:

This Succubus in a grapple thread is currently in 17th place for most posts in the 1E forums. The reigning champ is Kirthfinder - World of Warriorcraft Houserules with 3,876 posts.

We can do it!

Where's the list?

How many more before it is 16th?


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Liliyashanina wrote:

As a matter of fact, I have been thrown out of churches and/or Cathedrals for being in an organ box with:

--A Paladin and a Mimic pretending to be an Organ Box within the Organ box, said Organ box was also a mimic but a very sleepy one. A call this the "Matrjoschka Organ Mimic Box" encounter, and it has left many an adventuring party rather puzzled.

You do know what happens when an organ grinder plays? hint


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Liliyashanina wrote:
... and the entire crowd had been buying scrolls of web, grease, entangle and black tentacles at hugely overcharged prizes.

Dang. And I thought my own racket was going well. I'll just have to try harder.

**Make notes of listed scrolls, researches what others would be useful, talks over with silent partner, and revises items available, and definitely adjustes prices.**


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UD Sentient Squirrel Swarm wrote:
AwesomenessDog wrote:
Can a succubus grapple a swarm (of squirrels) by convincing it to engage in an act of passion grapple with the succubus?
"Due to our Perfection through Undeath, We are immune to the energy drain effect of Succubi, therefore We can engage in as many... *ahem* "grapples" as We desire... with consent from the Succubi, of course... Admittedly, there are several squirrels within our swarm who have a giantess fetish, so if we could only find a Swarm of Succubi..."

Well, I did write about Succubus Cheerleaders, back in 2018.

We even had rival groups going at each other. It could be that they are swarms that when they graduate they break up into unique individuals.

Lathiira wrote:
Cevah still has the rights to the pay per view, video, and concessions among other things.

And I do enjoy the profits. My partners have been very willing to produce content.


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Here are my two PF character stuff not strictly

Atembe, High Priest of Desna [Return of the Rune Lords]

Explorer's outfit, white, w/Sunsilk -- color helps with wind walk, sunsilk is DR
Explorer's outfit, white -- spare outfit
Hat of Disguise -- for when you must avoid notice
Azlant Pendant -- bump that skill
Ioun Stone (Magenta Prism (cracked)) -- bump that skill
Ioun Stone (Orange Prism) -- bump that caster level
Ioun Stone (Scarlet and Blue Sphere) -- max that skill
Clockwork Songbird (w/poppet) -- cheerleader for battle
Poppet -- storable servant that can fly, carrying me if needed
Rune Guardian (w/me) -- summon monsters to help in battle (SM2 @ CL7)
Healer's Satchel, Specialized -- lets me be a better healer w/o spells, including ability drain
Extraction Scarificator -- what half orc can resist this way to heal more?

Cevah, Pirate Lord: [Skull & Shackles]

Officially a "merchant":
Expedition Pavilion -- when you have to camp, do it in style
Fleet: flagship and 7 others -- lost several ships in AP so I made more
Chellish Flags and Guidebook -- false flag time for piracy
Mapmakers -- ships need good maps, so I have 5 making them for my people
Partner in shipbuilder's business -- I make (and recover) ships and sell them.
Custom: Pillow of Minor Dream (1/2 days) -- communicate with shipbuilder partner
Wood harvesting business -- needed to build ships
Custom: animated boat -- used by wood harvesting business
Custom: charm: Appraise +2 -- bump that skill
Merchant's Scales -- bump that skill
GM Book: Guide: Linguistics (Ghol-Gan, Pirates) +2 -- bump that skill
Book of Letters -- bump that skill
Blue Book -- bump that skill

Leadership and diplomacy items:
Feats: Leadership and Dynasty Founder giving lots of followers: 1840/184/92/48/24/12/8/4 -- when you rule, you need people
Groups: information gatherers, spy network, gossip generators, covens, magic crafters, crafters, ninjas
Diadem of Inspiring Rule -- more followers
Suzerain Scepter -- more followers
Custom: Farsight Mirror (Mirror Sight at will @ CL5) -- information & spy network
Custom: charm: Profession(Sailor) +2 -- for my ship's pilot
Ring of Austere Majesty -- diplomacy/intimidate bonuses
Pirate's outfit, fancy, Masterwork: +2 Diplomacy (Pirates) -- when I need to make an impression
Pirate's outfit, basic -- when I'm on my ship
Monk's outfit -- when on vacation
Jewelry -- needed for fancy outfit
Hat of Disguise -- sometimes, I want to look like someone else
Founder, several settlements -- housing etc. for businesses, followers, and Pirate Lord HQ

Coven (my cohort is a hag):
Tin Imp -- instant creature (also flies)
Shawl of the Crone -- make creature count for a coven
Ebony Fly -- flight for me

Shipbuilding and crafting:
Lyre of Building (have 2) -- build/repair ships, use twice a week
Custom: Animated Dock -- Can sail, fly, and swim. Used to dive and collect a sunken ship so I can loot, repair, and sell
Custom: Skull of Ghost Crew; Unseen Crew 1/day @ CL10 -- instant crew for a ship, including the Animated Dock
Cloak of the Manta ray -- breath underwater
Vest of the Deep (chest) -- allow me to dive deep, especially when I command the Animated Dock
Custom: Belt of Crafter's Fortune 1/day -- bump that skill
Custom: charm: Craft(Weapons) +2 -- bump that skill
Ring of Craft(Ships) +10 -- bump that skill
Artisan Tools (Weapons), Masterwork -- bump that skill
Bard Follower -- Uses Lyres [Skill: Craft(Ships) 23; Perform (Strings) 17]
Construct Maker -- makes some of the constructs I use


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The title lead me to think you were looking for old (dead) threads that were necroed.

Here is the oldest necro I spotted: ~10 years.


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Here are some things that my PF1 chars have used:


Figurine of Wondrous Power (Ebony Fly, 10000 gp, 3/week @ 12 hours).

Fear Immunity

Carouser's Retort 3,060 gp. Once per day, the wielder can use remove fear; if the wielder ever becomes frightened or panicked and this ability has not already been expended for the day, the weapon automatically activates this ability on the wielder’s next turn.
Ring of the Sublime 2,000 gp. When worn, the ring of the sublime protects its wearer from fear effects as if constantly under the effects of remove fear.

Death Effect/Energy Drain/Negative Energy Immunity

Deathless armor +1 bonus. The armor absorbs the first 10 points of positive or negative energy damage per attack that the wearer would normally take. The wearer has a 25% chance to ignore negative levels from any attack.


Bead of Newt Prevention 1,000 gp. If the bearer fails a saving throw against a hostile polymorph effect such as baleful polymorph, the bead is destroyed and the effect does not affect the bearer.


Karyukai Tea Set 38,160 gp. Can boost saves, neutralize poison, remove disease, and grant [greater] heroism depending on diplomacy check.
Tourmaline Sphere (Cracked) Ioun Stone 800 gp. This stone grants a +1 insight bonus on saving throws against death effects.
Charm of Fate 5,000 gp. The first time each day that the wearer fails a saving throw, the charm of fate causes the wearer to instead successfully save if the roll was missed by 5 or less. Saved my bacon quite a few times.
Four Leaf Clover 3,750 gp. A creature with a four-leaf clover in her possession can call upon an extra boost of luck before attempting a single ability check, saving throw, or skill check. She gains a +2 luck bonus on that check. This ability functions three times per day, and requires a free action that the owner can perform even when it’s not her turn.


Azlant Pendant 3,100 gp. If Aroden is your patron, the pendant counts as a holy symbol. Once per day as a free action, you may add a +10 insight bonus on a single skill check you are about to roll. Can modify for other patron.
Ioun Stone (Scarlet and Blue Sphere) 8,000 gp. Late game cheap way to max a skill.


Boots of the Cat 1,000 gp. The boot’s wearer always takes the minimum possible damage from falls (as if the GM had rolled a 1 on each die of damage incurred by the fall) and at the end of a fall always lands on his feet.

Rerolls/d20 rolls

Charm of the Thriceborn 2,400 gp. At the start of each day, the charm’s owner rolls 3d20 and keeps their results as her charmed dice. Once during that day, instead of rolling a d20, the charm’s owner can instead use the result of one of the three charmed dice, randomly selected (roll 1d3 to choose). You get to know what the d20 might roll, and can be used when the min of 3 is low but enough to beat a save, or to get a better chance of a crit.
Fate-Woven Braid Of The Norns 9,000 gp. Up to three times per day, the wearer of a fate-woven braid of the norns can potentially negate a disastrous turn of fortune. Upon rolling a natural 1 on a saving throw or after failing a saving throw against a death effect, the wearer can activate the braid as a free action to reroll the saving throw.


Guiding Vellum 500 gp/l/l. Each day, when the owner prepares spells in the presence of the guiding vellum, the name of one specific divine spell which the owner already has the ability to cast appears on its surface. This represents a spell which should prove useful for the tasks in the next 24 hours. While limited to divine prepared casters, can be of great benefit to prepare for the day.

Extra AC

Sanctified Shield +100 gp. When activated, a sacred shield adds a +1 sacred (if positive energy) or profane (if negative energy) bonus to the wearer’s Armor Class. This bonus lasts for 24 hours or until the wearer is struck in combat, whichever comes first.
False Flag Tabbard 5,500 gp. Once per day as a standard action, the wearer can cause a false flag tabard to flare with protective energy. All worshipers of the wearer’s deity within a 60-foot-radius burst (including the wearer) gain a +2 sacred bonus to AC and CMD for 5 minutes.
Dusty Rose Prism (Normal) Ioun Stone 5,000 gp. +1 insight bonus to AC.


Dusty Rose Prism (Cracked) Ioun Stone 500 gp. This stone grants a +1 competence bonus on initiative checks.


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Here is the clip of Conan the Librarian.

How about this origin: You are a character from a book in the library that came to life.


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Here is the oldest necro I spotted: ~10 years.

I consider adding an sought answer to an old thread a valid reason to necro. For example an old thread whose question was finally addressed by a faq or eratta.

How long before this thread can be necroed?


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I am playing a Leshy Fighter. For some reason I thought they only got three ancestry feats, at 1st, 5th, and 9th levels. Today I relized they also get ones at 13th and 17th levels. But they have no higher level ancestry feats.

Having a note that you must select a lower level feat would be nice.

Pointing out best picks after your initials would be better.

If there is something else you can swap for an ancestry feat, that woud also be good.

This would apply to all ancestries without full levels of feats.


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The OP's premise is flawed. The Sturdy Satchel is a heavy Backpack. As The Gleeful Grognard indicates, you don't carry two backpacks.

The benefit of the Sturdy Satchel is its hardness, hp and some protection of contents at the price of weight. Both hold 4 bulk, with the first 2 free, but the Sturdy Satchel has a weight of 1 bulk while the backpack has a weight of "-".


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The DC is exactly 2*CR+10. So you can use the DC or the CR.

Since all figures are 100*N*N, it probably uses CR squared.

If you go with (CR+2) squared times 100 you get the same price except with Gelatinous cube (900 too much) and Deathtrap ooze (1900 too much). All other entries match up.

As to having examples that break the rules, that is what editors are for.


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Eldritch Honor wrote:

Sorry for animating this dead thread.. but I think this is wrong.

I believe you have to defer to the spell's casting time if it's longer.

I gave you clear rules to follow. If you can support your view for more time, I would love to see what rules you are using.

Eldritch Honor wrote:

Picture this: I am a wizard and I want a loyal army. Instead of undead or golems. I use only Simulacrum (which has a 12hr casting time.)

Lets say I cast it only once a day.

Day 1: create a Sea Hag
Day 2: another Sea Hag
Day 3: I make a Winter Hag...which adds Simulacrum to the coven's sell-like abilities.

After spending 9,000gp of material and 3 ice statues, I now have a coven under my full control.
A coven that can cast Simulacrum with no component costs.

If we follow your ruling of the shortened casting time, I'd have 14,400 Winter Hags in 24hrs. For free.

You are doing it too slow.

1. Be an Accursed Bloodline Sorcerer (or other that counts as a hag)
2. Buy a Scroll of Simulacrum, 5 HD (4775 gp)
3. Make the check to cast the scroll to make a winter hag
4. Have a witch friend (or hire one for day at 3gp) with the coven hex
5. Form a coven and make a sim of yourself
6. Make more sims
7. Profit

You can skip the scroll if you choose the spell when you get a chance.
Hiring a witch is a lot cheaper than more scrolls.

You forgot that as soon as you have 6 effective hags, you can make 2 per round. At 9, you make 3. This means:
1 Hour: 1.43*10^75 sims
2 Hour: 1.31*10^150 sims
3 Hour: 1.20*10^225 sims
4 Hour: 1.11*10^300 sims

I also once priced a staff with the spell for several charges. Much less pain for the GM since you cannot make 'em so fast. The problem is not the power it brings you, but the headaches it gives the GM. If you avoid that, you're golden.


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The OP was three years old, so may not be looking anymore. That said:

Anti flyer:
3 Call Lightning -- medium range 30' vertical bolt 3d6 (or 3d10)
3 Swarm of Fangs -- flying swarm some damage
4 Ball Lightning -- medium range flying damage
4 Flame Strike -- medium range 40' tall cylinder of damage
5 Call Lightning Storm -- long range 30' vertical bolt 5d6 (or 5d10)
5 Insect Plague -- long range flying swarm

2 Cloud of Seasickness -- like stinking cloud, but make sickened
2 Euphoric Cloud -- like fog cloud, but can facinate to debuff
2 Fog Cloud -- staple spell for blocking sight
3 Ash Storm -- large area no sight and difficult terrain
3 Nauseating Trail -- personal stinking cloud marks where you went
3 Shadowmind -- make targets think they cannot see as well
3 Sleet Storm -- large area no sight and difficult terrain
3 Thorny Entanglement -- large area long term debuff with some damage
4 Ice Storm -- Some damage, then a cylinder of difficult terrain
4 Volcanic Storm -- Some damage, then a cylinder of difficult terrain


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Why not go bigger?

I wrote the following:

I wrote:
How about a deathstar coven with control weather. Crank up the wind to tornado, and chars who fail their save are picked up for 1d10 rounds at 6d6 damage + falling damage. [Avg failed save = 21/round.] With 40'/L radius and high CL, you can encompass a city. Bet you most fail their saves. City of 100,000 at 90% failure takes an average of 1,890,000 damage per round, weighted to the beginning of the event.

And elsewhere:

I wrote:
Look up the death star coven with a CL of 514,000. :-)

Amp it up with mythic and go nuts.


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Mitigation for non-hp stuff:
Bead of Newt Prevention -- one time prevent polymorph attack
Deathless Armor -- protection for negative energy and negative level attacks
Karyukai Tea Set -- general long term buffing if you have CHA
Ring of Mind Shielding -- immune to detect thoughts, discern lies, and detect alignment
Ring of the Sublime -- protection from fear
Charm of Fate -- get +5 to first failed save of the day and maybe not fail
Charm of the Thriceborn -- preroll 3d20 and use random one in place of later roll
Fate-Woven Braid Of The Norns -- reroll up to 3/day any nat 1 on a d20
Four Leaf Clover -- get +2 luck 3/day to saving throws or other stuff
Ioun Stone (Pale Green Prism (cracked)) -- get +1 on saves
False Flag Tabard -- buff AC for a short time 1/day
Runeward Tattoos -- buff saves to one school of magic
Clockwork Songbird -- can give +1 dodge to AC and reflex saves or give +1 attack and damage

I am sure there are others.


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Player: Too often.
GM: Not often enough.


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Guide wrote:

The colors are very context sensitive: “Perform (Riddles)” may seem like a useless skill, but a certain famous Halfling Rogue used it to get the major artifact of his universe, and save his life.

That "thief" got it by finding it on the floor. The riddles saved his life, allowing him to keep it.

guide wrote:

H: Homework

Be a good Rogue. Do your homework. Know your techniques. Prepare your tools and buffs.

I would also add: Know your character's abilities and equipment.

If you are spending your valuable spotlight time looking up info, you are wasting everyone's time with boring stuff. If you know your abilities, then you can use them and keep everyone at the table entertained.

guide wrote:
Climb: For most characters, this skill is an OK investment.

I would add that at mid to high levels, you won't be using this because you are flying.

guide wrote:
Fly: Flight is important, ...

Different magic gives different bonuses, and can be a problem if you need to count on it. Additionally, if you want to hover, you need to either get a feat, of up your skill enough to automatically do it even after penalties. That means 16 or higher effective skill.

guide wrote:
Linguistics: Each rank spent here gives you a free language. Alternatively, you can instead learn how to read lip movements, ...

Reading lips is also quite useful if you are within a silence spell. If you use the Irriseni Mirror Sight spell, this gets around its major limitation.

guide wrote:
Use Magic Device: ...

Remember: UMD Wand needs 20 to use, so getting your skill to 19 means you can always use that CLW wand. You can get away with less, if you get a Wand Key Ring for 3,000 gp to help (+10) with one spell on wands.

guide wrote:
Blend and Overlook ... Disguise

Under the list of spells, there are several disguise spells. Disguise self, and a number of other spells give a +10 to disguise, but rarely stack. One often overlooked is Vocal Alteration which gives an untyped +10 to disguise.

guide wrote:
Fog Cloud/Stinking Cloud

Add Cloud of Seasickness which makes sickened instead of nauseated.

guide wrote:

This has a BIG downside. It can affect your own party's casters. Be sure you co-ordinate with them before using this.

guide wrote:

The usability goes up if you [and preferably your party also] can see while you enemy cannot.

guide wrote:

Best to check with the GM beforehand on how he runs illusions. That way you won't waste time trying to use them in a way the GM doesn't allow.

guide wrote:

Flying also makes you a high priority target. Unless everyone is flying. Don't forget this.

guide wrote:
The Table Of Opposing Senses

You don't have "See in Darkness". Demons and the like can see even in greater darkness.

Also, dragons have "Dragon Sight".
"Detect Magic" is easily defeated. It takes 3 rounds to pinpoint, so if you don't stand still for 3 rounds, they cannot find you.
"Keen Scent" is a more powerful version of "Scent".

guide wrote:
Location, Location, Location (Also Terrain)

Slippers of spider climb lets you walk along walls and ceilings. Thus avoiding pit traps and many ground alarms. Also great for crossing that chasm if there is a wall or ceiling available for you to take a rope across.


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Draco18s wrote:

The words themselves are insufficient, that's why Poe's Law exists.


Avoid sarcasm and facetious remarks.

Without the voice inflection and body language of personal communication these are easily misinterpreted. A sideways smile, :-), has become widely accepted on the net as an indication that "I'm only kidding". If you submit a satiric item without this symbol, no matter how obvious the satire is to you, do not be surprised if people take it seriously.

Are you serious? :-)


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Healer's Tools states it is 2 hands.

Hands wrote:
This lists how many hands it takes to use the item effectively.
Healer's Tools wrote:
This kit of bandages, herbs, and suturing tools is necessary for Medicine checks to Administer First Aid, Treat Disease, Treat Poison, or Treat Wounds.

Administer First Aid requires you possess the tools, but makes no mention of hands, nor actually using the tools.

Treat Poison requires you possess the tools, but makes no mention of hands, nor actually using the tools.
Treat Disease and Treat Wounds requires you possess the tools, but makes no mention of hands, nor actually using the tools.

There is no listing of what the effect of using less hands other than being less effective. But that has no mechanical definition. Therefore, there is no difference if not having free hands.

Battle Medicine requires you are holding or wearing healer's tools. Again, it makes no mention of hands, nor actually using the tools.

I agree that this leaves unclear the effect of insufficient hands, but there is RAW no mechanical effect.


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Sandslice wrote:
Cevah wrote:
Magic crafting does not require you to cast the spell. You must have it prepared, have it as a spell known, or supply it in another way (such as via a magic item like a scroll). Your ability of False Channel does not make the scroll into a spell known or prepared. Thus, you will consume the scroll. Mnemonic Vestments have the same problem. Pages of spell knowledge work just fine.

I know this is old, but most of this seems wrong to me.




Crafting and Spell Requirements: When crafting an item, can an arcane caster use a divine scroll to fulfill an item's divine spell requirement?

Yes. (Likewise, a divine caster could use an arcane scroll to fulfill an item's arcane spell requirement.)
However, the character has to be able to activate the scroll somehow as part of the crafting process. This probably requires the arcane caster to succeed at a Use Magic Device check to activate the divine spell. If the caster fails to cast the divine spell from the scroll, he makes no progress on the item that day unless he has another source for that divine spell (such as another copy of the scroll).

Furthermore, CRB FAQ again:


Spell-Like Abilities and Item Crafting: Can I use a spell-like ability for an item's spell requirement?

Yes. Core Rulebook page 461, Requirements section, paragraph 2 says, "A spell prerequisite may be provided by a character who has prepared the spell (or who knows the spell, in the case of a sorcerer or bard), or through the use of a spell completion or spell trigger magic item or a spell-like ability that produces the desired spell effect."
For example, a demon with the Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat and who has fireball as a spell-like ability can craft a +1 flaming sword, which has fireball as a prerequisite.
Therefore, we must conclude that if you want to meet (instead of +5) a prerequisite, we are actually casting the effect, with the crafting modifying the cast. You hopefully aren't firing a disintegrate ray at your magic item that has a disintegrate requirement - unless the result you're hoping for is a pile of dusted material. :P

Linkified the FAQs

Let's say I wanted to make a Tome of Clear Thought +5. It needs a Wish or Miracle. Price: 137,500 gp; Cost: 131,250 gp. Standard craft time: 7 days. If I must cast Wish each day, I spend 175,000 gp in components in addition to the 125,000 gp for the tome. Clearly, I do not do this.

This makes the statement in the FAQ crazy: "However, the character has to be able to activate the scroll somehow as part of the crafting process." I don't cast the spell so why do I have to activate the scroll? I do use up the magic either way, but there is no justification for activation.


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@Muckles: you missed the 1st rule. Price to other similar items if they exist, and use formulas if not.

That said, the boots are easy to calculate:
Spell: Haste (3rd level)
CL: 10th
Effect: 10 rounds split up.
Since the spell lasts 1 round per CL, the effect is essentially a split up one charge per day: 3 [SL] * 10 [CL] & 2000 / (5/1 [charge]) = 12,000 gp
The "2000 / (5/1)" comes from being use activated with 1 charge per day. Since it is not continuous, it doesn't get hit by superscript 2: double price for r/l duration. To get te "1800" factor, you would need to activate it with a command word, which you clearly do not do.


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avr wrote:
Just in time to find out that even the Abyss is practicing social distancing, I'm sure.

Now that I have an item of perm Irriseni Mirror Sight, Lathiira can social distance easily and do research. I just have to rent out a bedroom with a mirror positioned over the bed while she is in another room watching her test subjects researcher partners. And take lots of notes.


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Joynt Jezebel wrote:

I have given this question deep thought over a lengthy period and come up with the following solution.

1 Kill someone. see someone young die alone
2 Run off with the corpse.

I hope this helps.

This way doesn't get you in trouble.

If you omit the requirement to use an existing body...

Hire a Witch 18 with the grand hex Forced Reincarnation to give you a new young body. No need for you to actually die.

Get someone to reincarnate you as soon as you die, then die.

Be a beast bonded witch and magic jar/possess a better body and swap as needed.

Be a reincarnated druid.

Become an immortal somehow. Wish works here.


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Be sure your familiars share spells. Then any scroll bought for one allows the other familiars to get it also. Having other witch familiars in the party negates the need for the stone familiar.

Here are a list of rods that relate to hexes:
Rod Of Abrupt Hexes
Rod Of Grasping Hexes
Rod Of Interminable Hexes
Rod Of Potent Hexes
Rod Of Voracious Hexes

But here is something that might be of great benefit:
Hexing Runes

When you do the long term buffs, be sure to use the coven's Aid Another to increase the CL of the buffs.


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I feel for the Flumph.


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PossibleCabbage wrote:
Aaron Shanks wrote:
Thanks all, looking into the glitch! In the interim, please listen to the circus music in my head.

If anybody wants to listen to circus music that's not in someone else's head, may I provide a link to Entry of the Gladiators by Julius Fučík?

For the traditional circus "screamer march" of the same, see Thunder and Blazes arranged by Louis-Philippe Laurendeau.

I am partial to Monty Python's Flying Circus.


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@Shinoskay: Crafter's Fortune applies to Craft(X), not Spellcraft.

Here are a bunch of bonuses you could get:
+2 trait Propitiation
+2 circ Masterwork Artisan’s Tools
+5 luck Crafter's Fortune
+2 Competence Magenta Prism (cracked) Ioun Stone
+10 Insight Azlant Pendant
+2/5/10 Enhancement Tears to Wine [2 at CL5, need 10 spells] (8 w/power component).

Add to this character:
5th level int caster:
Stat: 15+2(race)+1(level)+2(headband) = 20 = +5 mod
Craft(X) = 5(ranks)+5(stat)+3(class) = 13 before bonuses

Total 36+10(Take10) = 46

Bump the CL to 9, and get +6 more skill and use 8 spells (7 w/power component).


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Chell Raighn wrote:
AoN ... also, if your looking for spells as a Wizard or Occultist then AoN is even worse due to a complete lack of the ability to filter spells by spell school.

You are using the wrong search. :-)

AoN -> Spells/Rituals -> Custom Search.
search screen wrote:

Class: [______v] Level (Min): [___v] Level (Max): [___v]

School: [______v] Sub-School: [______v] Descriptor: [______v]
Words in Description: [______]
Includes Mythic Version: [_]
PFS-Legal: [_]
<Filter Spells>


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Kingmaker: 1 bp = 4,000 gp
Skull and Shackles: 1 plunder = 1,000 gp = 10 tons
Therefore 1 bp = 40 tons
Divide tonnage by ship capacity to determine number of trips needed.
Ships go about 50 miles per productive day
Figure out how many trips each ship makes and see how long each trip lasts. Assume 1 day minimum docked to load or unload.


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Check out the following:
1: Delusional Pride stroke their ego to make their combat worse
1: Hideous Laughter save or take out an enemy a while

2: Blistering Invective 30' radius damage enemies and maybe they catch fire
2: Gallant Inspiration immediate action add 2d4 to an attack roll to make a miss into a hit.
2: Pugwampi's Grace force an enemy to save or take the worst of two fpr all d20 rolls for a while.
2: Snapdragon Fireworks small area damage, but can use it as a move for 1r/l leaving your standard for something else.
2: Sound Burst damage and maybe stun 10' radius spread.
2: Summon Swarm swarms are hard to deal with, but it needs concentration.
2: Unadulterated Loathing if the enemy approaches to close to the object (i.e.you), it becomes sickened, a major debuf.

3: Slow useful to reduce the enemies ability to hurt you. [Haste is much better.]

Note that the wand of Summon Monster I will only last 1 round, and still takes a full round to cast. Probably best used to soak up AoOs from enemies.


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Tacticslion wrote:
Interesting Character wrote:


Or for more boring stuff you could continue with rogue or whatever class got you qualified for assassin.

Or bard for the additional seductive possibilities, enthralling and fascinating and suggesting, etc.

I've really been mulling over all of these, and a few others, but the problem is that this is supposed to be an iconic succubus assassin. I would like to make a choice that really fulfills that promise.

As an aside, succubi automatically qualify for assassin - they don't need to take levels in any other class (which is one of the reasons I chose this; the other, of course, being Nocticula/assassination/succubus-theme).

The thing is, there are so many classes she could go into....

Well, after Assassin how about Crimson Assassin. This needs feat prep, but doable, I think. Perhaps Enchanting Courtesan for more seduction. Only one feat needed, but since it advances spell casting, and all she has is the monster ability, that just gets her a higher CL. But if she took a single level of Bard, she could get a bunch of stuff.


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Alignment needs +5 enhancement or the alignment.
This is granted by a weapon +5, but not by Greater Magic Weapon, since GMW specifically calls out it does not do this. Rags to Riches, however, does not have this clause.

You missed two kinds of DR:
DR/A and B: Both A and B must be part of the weapon to bypass the DR.
DR/A or B: Either A or B must be part of the weapon to bypass the DR.
Commonly this is a combination of alignment with a material.

For example: DR/Silver and Good. This needs a silver weapon that is good aligned. A plain silver weapon is not enough.

For example: DR/Iron or chaotic. An iron weapon is sufficient, a is a chaotic weapon. You don't need both qualities.

DR/magic is bypassed by [Greater] Magic Weapon, while DR/+1 is not.

There are a number of ways that DR is bypassed as a class ability, mythic ability, or some other way. So DR does not guarantee reduced damage. Also, energy does bypass DR.

Hardness is another form of damage reduction, and is harder to ignore (save for Adamantine). Energy may be affected by hardness.


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Hey, this thread regenerated. It took 6 years, but it came back from the dead.


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Late last night I was pondering on my harrow spreadsheet and I realized that the suggested simulation of a d6 & d10 can generate duplicates, where an actual deck will not. So I decided to add a shuffle mechanism to do a real draw.

Ack! I only selected from 4 suits, not six! Good thing I am replacing this.

Walk Thru:

Sheet 1
. Renamed "Summary"
. No Changes
Sheet 2
. Renamed "Calculations"
. Cells A14:B22 -- Read draw from Sheet 3
Sheet 3
. Named "Shuffle"
. Cell B1 -- Suits in the deck
. Cell B2 -- Ranks in each Suit
. Cell B3 -- Total cards in the deck
. Cells D6:D17 -- Number of cards left in the deck for this draw
. Cells E6:E17 & F5:Q5 -- Which draw this row/column represents
. Cells F6:F17 -- Random draw from the remaining deck
. Cells G6:Q17 -- Adjusting the draw from the deck[1]
. Cells A6:A17 -- Adjusted draw from the deck
. Cells B6:B17 -- Rank of the draw
. Cells C6:C17 -- Suit of the draw

[1]Formula is complicated, so here are it's parts:
1 Determine if the current cell should be compared to a previous draw, if not then show 0
2 Determine if this draw would have been after the card previously drawn and if so add 1
3 By using 0 for an invalid compare, I can use a MAX() function to determine the final adjusted number for column A.


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Scott Wilhelm wrote:
There is a flotation device.

The SRD does not have a price, but AoN does (1 gp, 2#).

Even better is a Rowboat for 50 gp. Instead of a mere +1 Swim, you are assured of staying in a breathable condition unless the waters are very rough.


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Was your monk grappling it? :-)


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While the mechanics of leveling up can be done quickly, the decisions cannot. What feat do I choose? That can take hours. Where to I add a stat point? Usually quick but not always. Skills? Some are easy, others take longer to figure out.

Generally, the GM tells us we level up at the end of the session, and we are expected to have the update by the next meeting (in a week for us). Rarely, he will say to come with a leveled up version as well as the regular one because something he expects to happen mid session will trigger the level up.

If you show up w/o the leveled up char, that is on you, and you are expected to play the un-leveled char with minor changes for obvious things like more HP, saves, and more spells.


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We need to document this for science.


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Gray Warden wrote:

Given the following FAQ:


Which spells do affect it? Here is a short list:

- Divine Favor (on the caster)
- Haste (on the caster)
- (Greater) Magic Weapon (on the Spiritual Weapon)
- Instrument of Agony (on the Spiritual Weapon)

Additionally, does the caster's Size modifier affect the Spiritual Weapon's attack roll?

Spiritual Weapon: It strikes as a spell, not as a weapon

Inspire Courage: +1 competence bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls -- Adds to attack, but not damage since Spiritual Weapon is a spell and not a weapon.
Divine Favor: +1 luck bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls -- Adds to attack, but not damage since Spiritual Weapon is a spell and not a weapon.
Haste: +1 bonus on attack rolls -- Adds to attack but not damage, and does not grant an extra attack to the Spiritual Weapon.
(Greater) Magic-Weapon: Target weapon touched & Target one weapon -- Since Spiritual Weapon is not a weapon, these spells do not apply.
Instrument of Agony: Target weapon touched -- Since Spiritual Weapon is not a weapon, these spells do not apply.

The spell Summon Ancestral Guardian, however, states: deal physical damage (bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing, according to the weapon the spirit wields) instead of force damage. could be argued to be weapon damage.


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While Ertha Kit does a pretty good financial drain of Santa, she is not a true succubus.


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I've gone with the idea of the CL drops by the samen number the HD drops. So a CL8 HD6 creature would become CL5 HD3.

Another creature with a major SLA like ability: Hag. Weakest hag is 4HD, and plenty have way more. Yet all share the ability to form a coven. So a 5HD sim of a 10HD hag has more HD than the 4HD hag. Since the 4HD hag can form a coven, so why not a sim with more HD?


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If you want melee, check out reach tactics. It gives you some more survivability because you are farther away. It acts somewhat as a controller because you have a larger AoO area.

That said, Summon Monster VII has some good stuff. If you can get standard action summons, even better. Animate Object provides another body for combat.

Hold Monster and Feeblemind are great ways to slow down the enemy. Cloudkill is great for getting minions.


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Try looking at the whole spell:

Dimension Door wrote:

School conjuration (teleportation); Level arcanist 4, bard 4, magus 4, medium 3, mesmerist 4, occultist 4, psychic 4, skald 4, sorcerer 4, spiritualist 4, summoner 3, summoner (unchained) 4, witch 4, wizard 4

Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V
Range long (400 ft. + 40 ft./level)
Target you and touched objects or other touched willing creatures
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw none and Will negates (object); Spell Resistance no and yes (object)
You instantly transfer yourself from your current location to any other spot within range. You always arrive at exactly the spot desired—whether by simply visualizing the area or by stating direction. After using this spell, you can't take any other actions until your next turn. You can bring along objects as long as their weight doesn't exceed your maximum load. You may also bring one additional willing Medium or smaller creature (carrying gear or objects up to its maximum load) or its equivalent per three caster levels. A Large creature counts as two Medium creatures, a Huge creature counts as two Large creatures, and so forth. All creatures to be transported must be in contact with one another, and at least one of those creatures must be in contact with you.

If you arrive in a place that is already occupied by a solid body, you and each creature traveling with you take 1d6 points of damage and are shunted to a random open space on a suitable surface within 100 feet of the intended location.

If there is no free space within 100 feet, you and each creature traveling with you take an additional 2d6 points of damage and are shunted to a free space within 1,000 feet. If there is no free space within 1,000 feet, you and each creature travelling with you take an additional 4d6 points of damage and the spell simply fails.

Note the target line is what allows additional people. That is part of the casting of the spell, which you are not doing. The cape is doing the casting and it is only choosing you.


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Ezzard wrote:

If I take the Spell Sage Archetype can I then scribe scrolls from the Bard/Cleric/Druid spells lists?

Spell Sage

Scribe Scroll

Fixed links. Read the "How to format your text" button below you input field for details.

Ezzard wrote:
Replying to my own OP in hopes of fixing these links. I would have loved to just edit the OP but the option to do so no longer seems to exist.

You get 1 hour to edit a post.

Ezzard wrote:

Alright I found the problem. If you copy the link from the forums it puts a space in the following places in the link

I can't for the life of me figure out why.

The space is included deliberately to break automatic linking. [A security feature of the forum.]

Ezzard wrote:

I have corrected exactly two people who have shared incorrect information.

In the time I have been waiting for Java Man to respond to my rebuttable I have also found a thread dating back to 2014 in which you were involved. I was actually about to share a link to it.

Can a wizard make arcane scrolls of divine

Fixed links.

Now to the question:
The sage is a prepared caster and so would have to memorize a spell to scribe it. Were he a true spontaneous caster, the spell would have to be one of his spells known and he would also need a slot to scribe it.
Since neither situations applies, he cannot scribe it.


He can cast it into a storage mechanism, like a ring of spell storing, and then perhaps use that as the source of the spell for scribing.

He can also scribe it if another caster supplies the spell.


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