
Andrea1's page

11,328 posts (49,430 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 38 aliases.

Current Campaigns

Against the Cult of the Reptile God

Aggghhh the UncleanBriggi PlanntenChestmanBarrelhousePhillip Gastone

Adventure to find out the cause of the decay of Orlane. This adventure was designed for 4 to 7 adventurers of 1st through 3rd level. After this adventure is over, I might advertise for the Slavers' Cycle.

Map of the region

Brvheart's Skull&Shackles


Become a pirate and plunder the Shackles and maybe one day challenge the Pirate King himself for leadership!

The Shackles

The Cartographer - Hangman's Noose

Trevor Culexis

Curse of the Crimson Throne - Foxy Quickpaw

Briggi PlanntenMannyGoblinPhillip Gastone

Bad things are going to happen in Korvosa.
Maps, etc.
Roll20 Game

GM Peachbottom's War for the Crown

Icabhod Tilneros

Campaign Folder
Yanmass Map

The Mercantile Council

Hero Points:
Icabhod: 3 | Henrika: 0 | Trevor: 3 | Tychus: 2 | Xallis: 2

Robyn Hode in Greyhawk


Adventure with the dashing outlaw and his band. This campaign takes place in the Duchy of Ulek, in the world of Greyhawk! Right wrongs, steal from the rich to give to the poor, fight the evil Prince John! Note that the Sheriff and Sir Guy are lawful good in this campaign.

Previous Campaigns