Sheila Heidmarch is for a visit in Sandpoint and recruits a new band of wanna be adventurers to check out some old Thassilonian ruins and report back what they find.
This adventure was a compilation of some of the Beginners Box Adventures which are missions handed out by Sheila Heidmarch from the Pathfinder Society.
Now it's running through the Shattered Star AP with Sheila Heidmarch still being the quest giver.
Starday, 4th of Lamashan 4712AR
The campaign is at the end of the third book and the date is no longer up to date. For scenery reasons it is now end of Calistril as the party visits Nybor.
Oathday, 28th of Calistril 4713AR
There was a proposal and a wedding on Sunday, 3rd of Pharast.
Current day: Moonday, 4th of Pharast 4713AR