Robyn Hode in Greyhawk

Game Master EltonJ

Adventure with the dashing outlaw and his band. This campaign takes place in the Duchy of Ulek, in the world of Greyhawk! Right wrongs, steal from the rich to give to the poor, fight the evil Prince John! Note that the Sheriff and Sir Guy are lawful good in this campaign.

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List: updated

AGM Lemming - Landriss Nuellan - Elf Investigator

Daniel Stewart - halfling slinger yeoman

Supreveio - Sylph Rogue

RHMG - Cleric or Fallen Noble (Bard going into a Full BAB class)

Seth86 - kitsune ranger or Rogue

GM_Panic -?

Ellioti -?

Ouachitonian - ?

Black Dow - ?

Andrea1 - ?

Oceanshieldwolf - ?

Evindyl - ?

Supreveio wrote:

I'd like to toss in my concept:

A young, disgraced (minor) noble and aspiring scholar of history, Meffa has idolized the unlikely heroes in stories from a young age and has grown to despise the upper class. Joining up with this band of noble thieves, she's now able to make some history herself and possibly stick it to those uptight nobles that looked down on her.

** spoiler omitted **

I'd laugh a bit if I run the fallen noble with you, as they could end up being the Lovely Angels of Robin's merry little band....

@RHMG Animator: please remove me from your list. I was not interested in applying for this game, merely tossing in some opinions.

List: updated

AGM Lemming - Landriss Nuellan - Elf Investigator

Daniel Stewart - halfling slinger yeoman

Supreveio - Sylph Rogue

RHMG - Cleric or Fallen Noble (Bard going into a Full BAB class)

Seth86 - kitsune ranger or Rogue

GM_Panic -?

Ellioti -?

Ouachitonian - ?

Black Dow - ?

Andrea1 - ?

Evindyl - ?

When do you want things done by, GM?

Ouachitonian wrote:
When do you want things done by, GM?

A week from today.

Got my crunch done for my Elven Cleric and Aasimar(Half-elf) Fallen Noble who is cursed.

Just cleaning up and expanding the fluff I have for both of them.
It should be all ready soonish.

RHMG Animator wrote:

Got my crunch done for my Elven Cleric and Aasimar(Half-elf) Fallen Noble who is cursed.

Just cleaning up and expanding the fluff I have for both of them.
It should be all ready soonish.


Updated crunch. Changed Tireless Logic trait to Classically Schooled because I realized both it and Truth's Agent were both Social traits.

Meffa Machezin
Female Sylph Rogue 1
Neutral Good Medium Outsider (Native)
Initiative +4; Senses Perception +1 (+1 when detecting traps); Darkvision 60 ft.

-- Defense --
AC 16, Touch 14, Flat-footed 12 (+2 armor, +4 Dexterity)
HP 7 (1d8-1)
Fortitude -1, Reflex +6, Will +1
Resistances electricity 5

-- Offense --
Speed 30 ft.
Quarterstaff +4 (1d6 Bludgeoning, x2)
Dagger +4 (1d4 Piercing or Slashing; 19-20/x2)

-- Statistics --
STR 10 DEX 18 CON 8 INT 14 WIS 13 CHA 14
BAB +0; CMB +0; CMD 14
Feats Weapon Finesse
Skills (10 Adventuring + 2 Background) Acrobatics +8, Appraise +6, Bluff +6, Diplomacy +6 (+1 when gathering information), Disable Device +8 (+1 when disarming traps), Escape Artist +8, Knowledge (History) +3, Knowledge (Local) +7, Knowledge (Nobility) +3, Sleight of Hand +8, Spellcraft +3, Stealth +8
Languages Common, auran, gnome
Gear leather armor, quarterstaff, dagger, backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, blanket, chalk (10 pieces), eyeglasses, flint and steel, grappling hook, iron pot, ink (1 vial), inkpen (2), journal (2, 50 pages each), mess kit, mirror, pitons (10), rope, soap, thieves' tools, torch (10), trail rations (5 days), waterskin, explorer's outfit, traveler's outfit, scholar's outfit, 49 gold pieces, 3 silver pieces

-- Special Abilities --
Racial Features
Spell-Like Ability: Sylphs can cast feather fall 1/day with a caster level equal to their level.
Energy Resistance: Sylphs have electricity resistance 5.
Air Affinity: Sylph sorcerers with the air elemental bloodline count their Charisma as 2 higher for spells and sorcerer abilities. Sylph casters with the Air domain use their powers and cast spells at +1 caster level.

Class Features
Sneak Attack: A rogue deals bonus damage to targets who are being flanked by the rogue or who are denied their DEX bonus to AC. Current bonus damage: +1d6.
Trapfinding: Rogues add half their class level to Perception checks made to detect traps and to Disable Device checks made to disarm traps. (Minimum +1)

Truth's Agent: +1 trait bonus on Diplomacy checks made to gather information and on Knowledge (Local) checks. Knowledge (Local) is always a class skill.
Classically Schooled: +1 trait bonus on Spellcraft checks. Spellcraft is always a class skill.

Supreveio wrote:

Updated crunch. Changed Tireless Logic trait to Classically Schooled because I realized both it and Truth's Agent were both Social traits.

** spoiler omitted **...

Looks like a classic.

My current build, may change


Robyn Vail
Female kitsune ranger (ilsurian archer) 1 (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 4 175, Weapon Master's Handbook 6)
CG Medium humanoid (kitsune, shapechanger)
Init +3; Senses low-light vision; Perception +6
AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10 (+3 Dex)
hp 11 (1d10+1)
Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +2
Speed 30 ft.
Melee bite +2 (1d4+1)
Special Attacks favored enemy (humans +2)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st; concentration +4)
. . 3/day—dancing lights
Str 12, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 16
Base Atk +1; CMB +2; CMD 15
Feats Bullseye Shot, Point-Blank Shot
Traits among humans, contemptuous, merchant of katheer
Skills Acrobatics +5, Appraise +6, Bluff +5, Climb +5, Diplomacy +3 (-1 vs. law-abiding citizens (except enemies of the authority that accused you)), Disguise +9 (+11 to appear human while assuming specific human form), Knowledge (dungeoneering) +5, Knowledge (nature) +5, Knowledge (nobility) +6, Perception +6, Stealth +7, Survival +6, Swim +5; Racial Modifiers +2 Acrobatics, +2 Bluff, +2 Disguise
Languages Common, Sylvan
SQ change shape, duplicitous, infamous
Other Gear 150 gp
Special Abilities
Bullseye Shot You slow your breath, calm yourself, and hit the bullseye, just as you were trained to.

Prerequisites: Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, base attack bonus +5.

Benefit: You can spend a move action to steady your shot. When yo
Change Shape (Su) Assume a single human form.
Duplicitous +2 racial bonus on Bluff and Disguise checks.
Favored Enemy (Humans +2) (Ex) +2 to rolls vs. humans foes.
Infamous -4 to diplo vs. law-abiding citizens.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in dim light, distinguishing color and detail.
Point-Blank Shot +1 to attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at up to 30 feet.

Seth86 wrote:

My current build, may change

** spoiler omitted **...

Yeah. You may want to design your archetype from scratch so I can take a look at it.

EltonJ wrote:
Seth86 wrote:

My current build, may change

** spoiler omitted **...

Yeah. You may want to design your archetype from scratch so I can take a look at it.

this is an actual archetype

Seth86 wrote:
EltonJ wrote:
Seth86 wrote:

My current build, may change

** spoiler omitted **...

Yeah. You may want to design your archetype from scratch so I can take a look at it.
this is an actual archetype

Ah. Give me a link, then? er

Seth86 wrote: er

Okay, Seth, I have looked at it. All it needs is a Greyhawk specific name or a generic name for flavor. I like it, and I think it will work.

List: updated

AGM Lemming - Landriss Nuellan - Elf Investigator

Seth86 - Robyn Vail - kitsune ranger or Rogue

Supreveio - Meffa Machezin - Sylph Rogue

RHMG - Alkaid (Elven Cleric) or Nate (Fallen Noble)

Daniel Stewart - halfling slinger yeoman

GM_Panic -?

Ellioti -?

Ouachitonian - ?

Black Dow - ?

Andrea1 - ?

Evindyl - ?

EltonJ wrote:
Seth86 wrote: er
Okay, Seth, I have looked at it. All it needs is a Greyhawk specific name or a generic name for flavor. I like it, and I think it will work.

Easiest rename would be Sherwood Archer :P

Andrea1 here with Jediah Mountainstrong ready and able. Stats in profile

List: updated

AGM Lemming - Landriss Nuellan - Elf Investigator

Seth86 - Robyn Vail - kitsune ranger or Rogue

Supreveio - Meffa Machezin - Sylph Rogue

Andrea1 - JediahMountainstrong - Half-orc Ranger

RHMG - Alkaid (Elven Cleric) or Nate (Fallen Noble)

Daniel Stewart - halfling slinger yeoman

GM_Panic -?

Ellioti -?

Ouachitonian - ?

Black Dow - ?

Evindyl - ?

Here is my character...just needs a background - Daniel Stewart

Behold, an alias. Slightly expanded background in profile. Also updated Meffa to be an Unchained Rogue.

Since Unchained Rogues get Weapon Finesse as a bonus feat, I changed her first level feat to Airy Step feat (Sylph only; +2 on saving throws vs. effects with the air or lightning descriptor; Ignore the first 30 feet of falling damage)

List: updated

AGM Lemming - Landriss Nuellan - Elf Investigator

Seth86 - Robyn Vail - kitsune ranger or Rogue

Supreveio - Meffa Machezin - Sylph Rogue

Andrea1 - JediahMountainstrong - Half-orc Ranger

Daniel Stewart - Alder Tiller - halfling slinger yeoman

RHMG - Alkaid (Elven Cleric) or Nate (Fallen Noble)

GM_Panic -?

Ellioti -?

Ouachitonian - ?

Black Dow - ?

Evindyl - ?

So far, so good.

Okay, does anyone need more time before I close submissions?

I’ve been busy, might be able to finish tonight but don’t wait up for me.

Ouachitonian wrote:
I’ve been busy, might be able to finish tonight but don’t wait up for me.

I can give you until 9 pm MST tonight.

I don't think I'm going to make that. Best of luck all!

Ouachitonian wrote:
I don't think I'm going to make that. Best of luck all!

I cannot also - have fun everyone!

Submissions are now closed!

The following PCs are chosen for my Robin Hood campaign, in Greyhawk! I can only pick six.

* GM Lemming - Landriss Nuellan - Elf Investigator

* Seth86 - Robyn Vail - kitsune ranger or Rogue

* Supreveio - Meffa Machezin - Sylph Rogue

* Andrea1 - JediahMountainstrong - Half-orc Ranger

* Daniel Stewart - Alder Tiller - halfling slinger yeoman

* RHMG - Alkaid (Elven Cleric)

Will those chosen report to the Discussion thread.

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