Dragons Worth a Fortune!

Friday, February 16, 2024

Howdy! Luis Loza here! Last time, we peeked at the cover for Player Core 2 and took a look at look at the conspirator dragon that had earned a spot on the cover. This time I’ve decided to share the draconic wealth and showcase the new fortune dragon. Let’s have a look!

Concept art for the fortune dragon. This dragon has a formidable body decorated with a variety of gold pieces, gems, jewelry, and magical relics like shields and swords.

Illustration by Kent Hamilton

Fortune dragons are the other arcane dragon featured in Monster Core. Similar to the mirage dragon, the fortune dragon embodies direct control over magic. Unlike its cousin, the fortune dragon is less about a specific type of magic and more about raw magical power.

Magical energy and magical potential exist everywhere, and much like a person breathing in air, a fortune dragon constantly draws in magical energy from their surroundings. They use these energies to empower their magical abilities, or even heal their wounds. Though they are arcane dragons, their frames are noticeably bulkier than the typical frame of their other arcane cousins, and marked by one distinctive feature: their treasure. The constant drawing of magical energy creates a strange sort of magnetism that causes coins, gems, and magical items to cling to the body of a fortune dragon. This energy even flows through the items themselves, causing many of them to heat up and melt in the process.

Since fortune dragons are constantly drawing on magical energy, they have the capability of actively drawing from large surges of energy and using it for themselves. While they use spontaneous magic, a fortune dragon can recharge their magic by feeding upon other spells that affect them, turning a foe’s magic into fuel for their own spell. More powerful fortune dragons even have an aura of magical disruption, which makes consuming spells in this way an automatic process. Fortune dragons can unleash blasts of pure magical energy, manifesting as force damage, to hurt others. These blasts are disruptive as well, making others stupefied and leading to more disrupted spells that a fortune dragon can consume.

Of course, a fortune dragon has an enormous hoard of wealth in their lair. These hoards are typically larger than those of other dragons. A significant amount of a fortune dragon’s hoard is effectively worthless, however. Countless relics litter these hoards, each drained of their innate magic, with any inherent value left in the form of non-magical materials. A fortune dragon typically keeps their most valued treasures deep within their hoard or even directly attached to their bodies.

That’s our look at the fortune dragon! Make sure to keep an eye out for this dragon and lots of other new dragons when Monster Core releases in March. Stay tuned for more draconic previews in the coming weeks. Next time, we’ll take a look at the mighty horned dragons. See you then!

Luis Loza
Creative Director, Rules & Lore

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Tags: Pathfinder Pathfinder Remaster Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition


3 people marked this as a favorite.

I like the concept and artwork of the dragon wearing magical items of many varieties as decorations as well as a source of power.

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I really enjoy the detail of the crowns on the dragon's horns.

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My question is how can they open their mouths enough to actually eat anything with those fangs? Can they unhinge their jaws like a snake?

Grand Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Look at all these piercings! So cool! :P

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Pronate11 wrote:
My question is how can they open their mouths enough to actually eat anything with those fangs? Can they unhinge their jaws like a snake?

Most of those "fangs" look like swords. Very intimidating, but adjustable if they need to make room for eating a meal.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Some really pissed-off intelligent magic items stuck to one of these dudes, I'm sure.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Very interesting! I like this concept and take on a dragon's hoard. I feel like one of these might be a good way to deal with dangerous magical items too! Trade them some fresh batteries in exchange for drained lumps of useful metals.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

All of the previewed dragons are just so weird and I absolutely love it!

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Personally I really dislike this. A dragon wearing elegant jewelry and accents to what should be a majestic creature is one thing. Randomly sticking things over itself and stabbing weapons through itself comes across as punk goth emo dragon. Not to mention how hindering all that stuff would be.

14 people marked this as a favorite.
Orikkro wrote:
Personally I really dislike this. A dragon wearing elegant jewelry and accents to what should be a majestic creature is one thing. Randomly sticking things over itself and stabbing weapons through itself comes across as punk goth emo dragon. Not to mention how hindering all that stuff would be.

Some people like having a lot of piercings. Don't be a square.

Horizon Hunters

10 people marked this as a favorite.

Can see the colour/painted version of this dragon on this blog post:


Sword piercings!

Envoy's Alliance

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

so what I'm hearing is that they're...

SHINY! like a sunken pirate chest, they're so SHINY!

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Punk dragon with sword lip piercings. I like it.

But will we get any pretty dragons?

(As much as the fortune dragon is beautiful in their own way)

Orikkro wrote:
Personally I really dislike this. A dragon wearing elegant jewelry and accents to what should be a majestic creature is one thing. Randomly sticking things over itself and stabbing weapons through itself comes across as punk goth emo dragon. Not to mention how hindering all that stuff would be.

This type of thing for dragons is nothing new, in AD&D some dragons were described with gems stuck in their scales from sleeping on their hoard. This is a more extreme version of that, the description says things melt into them, doesn't mean they placed these things there, though some individuals might.I think the art tries to make it look purposeful instead of random as that might look worse to more people.

13 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

There is greed and then there's this, and that is 100% a compliment. These might be my favourite new dragons so far. It's only natural that a greed themed dragon would cover themselves with parts of their hoard, even if it ruins those items. There's a moral lesson there.

As a side note: I think that a certain Underworld Dragon can't even think of this branch of the family without her blood pressure increasing to dangerous levels. Not because of envy, but because Fortune Dragons are just so gauche. There is an art to excess. If you understand that, you're Liberace. Otherwise you're just Donald Trump.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Swag Dragon!

Shadow Lodge

5 people marked this as a favorite.

I like how the setting's going all-in on the concept of, "Magic's an ambient energy you can manipulate with your bare hands and your mind."
Dragons being so innately magical, they don't need any of the tools mere mortals need to cast spells: they can just intuit everything.

Also, I can imagine half a party being disappointed over finding most of the magic objects in the dragon's hoard drained, with the other half immediately going to skin the dragon and see what they can do with all the gilded scales.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I think this dragon absolutely looks Majestic still, the full colored version certainly helps with that. I also just love how this sort of feels like the "classical" dragon with the focus on its greed and treasure and such and having quite a potent and evocative breath weapon.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

That's a real fun idea! Love the thought of a dragon that consumes magic to fuel their own powerful spells. Absolutely splendid look too!

Ooh, last Arcane dragon reveal! Somebody get Unicore in here, either he's going to love this or it's going to drive him insane. Arcane dragons embody direct control of magic.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

This dragon gets so hot it melts treasure....I'm worried about the treasure. Don't leave your treasure unattended!

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I love the sound of its abilities to intake magic and dish it back out.

I could imagine a particularly old fortune dragon being almost entirely immobile due to all the precious metals melted onto itself over the years. Making a once fiersome dragon become easy pickings for other more opportunistic dragons, creatures or even adventurers.

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

i had a thought. Will there be a revised version of the Dragon Disciple archetype that adheres to these new dragons.

I am assuming remastered Sorcerer's are getting these revisions for the new dragon bloodlines and blood magic and I am excited for that. I hope that each of these new dragons are given a distinct bloodline entry with unique abilities such that a fortune bloodline sorcerer and a mirage one although both getting arcane magic have different focus spells, bloodline effects(if they are still there), suggested inherited visual traits maybe.

Like an fortune dragon blood sorcerer with golden eyes and uncanny sense for treasure.

These sound like draconic versions of the disenchanter; I love them.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
HK_ wrote:
I could imagine a particularly old fortune dragon being almost entirely immobile due to all the precious metals melted onto itself over the years. Making a once fiersome dragon become easy pickings for other more opportunistic dragons, creatures or even adventurers.

Ooooh, I'm getting Pacific Rim vibes. A colony of rust monsters could chip away layers of drained and dulled treasure from a great fortune wyrm, cleaning it like remoras for a great shark. Symbiotic parasites!

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Orikkro wrote:
Personally I really dislike this. A dragon wearing elegant jewelry and accents to what should be a majestic creature is one thing. Randomly sticking things over itself and stabbing weapons through itself comes across as punk goth emo dragon. Not to mention how hindering all that stuff would be.

Various cultures from across our vast and inconsequential planet would like to say "hold my piercings".

As for realism/hindering - I guess so. But generally, being a dragon, you get to rely on "I'm...fantastic".

But I get it, from a purely aesthetic point of view, you don't like it. Fair enough.

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4 people marked this as a favorite.

Now that I have a moment to pop back around and look at this closer myself, I love the idea of a dragon that's just a glutton for magical power to the point where magical things cling to its body and it likes to adorn itself with objects of worth--even if wearing its treasure in such an ostentatious display of wealth in fact devalues that very same worth, almost like it was a metaphor for something. Finally we have a dragon that has a clear and true obsession with hoarding treasure beyond generic universal treasure lust.

It's not at all what I expected from the fortune dragon, but I can't look away. I love the way it pierces its hide to cram even more wealth, explicitly unconcerned with the extra weight inhibiting flight or hindering its movements.

The only thing that yet vexes me is that with Divine and Primal dragons there's a pretty obvious set of hypothetical dragons you can project. There are at least 9 obvious Divine Dragons even without stretching to include concepts not based directly on one plane, like maybe a dragon for the River of Souls that's distinct from the Boneyard dragon, and yet another for like, Faith as a concept. Primal dragons you can probably name an aspect of nature and call it a dragon. When it comes to Arcane and Occult dragons its a lot harder to project what design spaces are out there - especially without the legacy schools of magic. Perhaps Rune dragons are in our future...?

Oh well, there's plenty of time for the remaster to fill in more updates to the lore as we go.

Dark Archive

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber


Liberty's Edge

I wonder if we one day will have alchemical dragons, dragons of mixed traditions (halcyon dragon ?), dragons of Essences.

Radiant Oath

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Okay, I was ambivalent about some of the new dragons but THIS one got my attention bigtime! Can't wait to play Draconic Sorcerers or Kobolds tied to these guys too and be SHINY!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The question now is if there'll be monsters in the book that correspond with the rest of the characters in Moana.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I really like how these new dragons each emphasize different aspects of the many, many draconic tropes. It makes them really stand out from one another. The old chromatic/metallic dragons all kind of blended together for me.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Gisher wrote:
I really like how these new dragons each emphasize different aspects of the many, many draconic tropes. It makes them really stand out from one another. The old chromatic/metallic dragons all kind of blended together for me.

Maybe you mix them with dnd's versions too much? PF2 versions are actually well-written and much more interesting. They weren't one-dimensional even with alignments.

Pronate11 wrote:
My question is how can they open their mouths enough to actually eat anything with those fangs? Can they unhinge their jaws like a snake?

They use swords of sharpness and tridents as knives and forks.


7 people marked this as a favorite.

It looks like a walking pile of loot, but I imagine it's not so easily gotten. All those magic items, coins, and gems melted onto it's flesh. Spending a few hours trying to saw off lumps of gold, most of the magic swords melted or damaged beyond repair.

There's an old Monster Hunter cutscene or trailer that had wagons come from town to haul a rathalos back, and then the whole town is processing scales and fangs to make a suit of armor. I imagine getting the loot from a Fortune Dragon is gonna be similar, you need a village to process it.

This Fortune Dragon looks like it is a devout worshipper of both Abadar and Zon-Kuthon.

Horizon Hunters

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Errenor wrote:
Gisher wrote:
I really like how these new dragons each emphasize different aspects of the many, many draconic tropes. It makes them really stand out from one another. The old chromatic/metallic dragons all kind of blended together for me.
Maybe you mix them with dnd's versions too much? PF2 versions are actually well-written and much more interesting. They weren't one-dimensional even with alignments.

I feel it’s more to do with how the names/colours of the chromatic/metallic dragons told you nothing about the rest of the dragon. What logic makes blue a more manipulative, cosmopolitan colour than bronze or white? And with the metallics a lot of their colours were very close to each other as well.

The name “fortune dragon” tells you something about this creature without having to cross-reference a colour chart.

do they keep all the piercing when transform into humanoid ancestry

there are going to be many fan art

Quite the gravitational character, aren't they...

1 person marked this as a favorite.
25speedforseaweedleshy wrote:

do they keep all the piercing when transform into humanoid ancestry

there are going to be many fan art

I don't think fortune dragons are the shapeshifting sort. That's more a conspirator dragon's thing, and presumably mirage dragons can fake it as long as there aren't too many small doorways. Nothing really gave the impression that dragons all had humanoid forms, though.

Grand Archive

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Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
QuidEst wrote:
25speedforseaweedleshy wrote:

do they keep all the piercing when transform into humanoid ancestry

there are going to be many fan art

I don't think fortune dragons are the shapeshifting sort. That's more a conspirator dragon's thing, and presumably mirage dragons can fake it as long as there aren't too many small doorways. Nothing really gave the impression that dragons all had humanoid forms, though.

Fun fact: In Pathfinder, it was never a default for every dragons (granted, it was a bit more common in PF1 with many dragons getting alter self as a spell). No dragon gets the "Change Shape" ability by default, and only green and brass dragon get the "humanoid form" spell by default, WHEN they are spellcasters (which is not the default either).

So if an adventure need a dragon to change shape, it needs to mention that this particular dragon can. xD

Lucas Yew wrote:
Quite the gravitational character, aren't they...

Yeah. They'll definitely draw you in, and they're plenty shiny from a distance... but up close you realize that a lot of that glitz is fundamentally empty, and dealing with them is so draining.

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