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Full Name

Lucius Chiaraviglio




Modern Necromancer -1 / Technomage -1 (really badly optimized)






More than it should be

Special Abilities

Ad Resistance 30


My back is DEFINITELY out of alignment


None. I will not be beholden to any religion or divine manifestation thereof.


Brookline, MA




I told you above, Modern Necromancer/Technomage

Strength 8
Dexterity 8
Constitution 9
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 12
Charisma 10

About UnArcaneElection

If you have your votes counted by magic, they'll be stolen by magic:

Abjured by those who Envy your ability to vote differently from them;

Conjured by those too Slothful to earn votes legitimately;

Divined by those Treacherous enough to spy on and insinuate their influence into everything;

Enchanted even before they leave their voter by those who Lust for power (and worse) and know how to exploit the weaknesses of others;

Evoked into oblivion by those Wrathful that you could disagree with them or deny their claim of sole right to patriotism;

Illusion-incarnated by those so filled with Pride as to insist that they know your will better than you (and if you fall for their tricks, they do);

Raised from the Dead by those who profit from the continuation and eternal expansion of Gluttony;

Transmuted by those whose Greed is limited only by faults in technique . . . and their technique has gotten quite proficient lately.

* * * * * * * *

Character Concepts

I am developing characters according to Pathfinder Adventure Path, although some of them may also have decent alternative Adventure Paths. As you may notice, I like to develop characters who thematically play to or against something about the Adventure Path. This is beginning to grow into UnArcaneElection's Weirdo Collection, but right now, most are still To Be Announced (TBA), as currently I have just 3 characters with fleshed-out backgrounds, of which just 2 (along with the cat for one) are complete.

Note that I am generally NOT thinking (currently 1 exception noted below in Iron Gods) of using a race that doesn't have much backstory, and in the exception I am using adoption by Humans or some other Core Race as an excuse for a backstory that is seriously mismatched with heritage.

Pathfinder Adventure Paths (with dates or expected dates of release) and characters intended for them:

Rise of the Runelords (August 2007 - January 2008, Anniversary Edition released more recently): Mirosir Tepescik-Tessadril (Dhampir Wizard) (strongly preferred). For a long time, this Adventure Path was a source of embarrassment, in that I couldn't think of a fitting original character for the Adventure Path that started it all . . . and then, one day, when feeling my inherent resistance to doing anything useful, it suddenly hit me: Slacker beats Slavedriver: Thassilonian (Sin Magic Specialist) Conjuration (Sloth) Wizard! After all, the 5th chapter of this Adventure Path (or at least the product blurb fot it) does ask "Can the PCs hone the sins within themselves into weapons against their true foe, Karzoug, the resurrected Runelord of Greed?" -- Sin of Sloth, coming right up! And it only took me several weeks to quit procrastinating . . . And in the space of just a few days, the concept grew into a full-fledged character (and his cat), to participate in my first PbP campaign of Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition. Unfortunately didn't get into the one I applied for, but at least this is done and ready to go for the next RotRL recruitment thread I come upon. (Note: Plays TO the theme of the AP.) In the event that somebody insists on being the Wizard (or Wizard equivalent), this is also a decent Adventure Path for a Tower Shieldadin or maybe even a Reach Witch (see below; Elf/Half-Elf version preferred).

Curse of the Crimson Throne (February 2008 - July 2008, Hardcover Edition released more recently): TBA. After seeing this really good PbP, I am thinking of using a Summoner Switch: Start with a Summoner that is doomed to die (and/or worse -- the more gruesome the fate, the better) early in the Adventure Path during or shortly after aiding a certain legendary freedom fighter in preventing a certain travesty of justice, and be replaced by the newly Unfettered Eidolon, which is a heretical (from Hell's point of view) Devil which the Summoner had accidentally rescued from punitive reconstitution and reprogramming. The tricky part is coming up with workable mechanics for this while requiring only a minimum of GM handwaving (note: the Devil Imposter archetype of Unchained Summoner fits very well with the starting side of the Summoner Switch, but unfortunately provides no assistance with the finishing side of the Summoner Switch -- how do you make an Unfettered Eidolon into a balanced character?). (Note: Plays TO the theme of the AP, in an odd way.) The risk that this won't be mechanically workable is substantial, so I need to come up with an alternative, although for thematic reasons, the concept of a scheduled character swap is still appealing -- for instance, start with a revolutionary Bard (as proposed for Council of Thieves, below), which is then executed and/or worse (as specified for the Summoner Switch above), and replaced by a VERY VENGEFUL sibling (Vigilante? Vindictive Bastard Ex-Paladin?) (both siblings probably Human) . . . .

Second Darkness (August 2008 - January 2009): Sariel Cerea (Drow Oracle) (strongly preferred). This is the Adventure Path that I intended her for, and I have tried to design her backstory so as not to break the Adventure Path (actually not too hard to avoid), as well as to avoid making a Drizzt Do'Urden clone (I haven't even ready any of those stories, but I did check the Wikipedia article just to be sure I wasn't fortuitously creating a clone). This character is my standard-bearer example of what I mean by thematically playing to or against the Adventure Path, but has turned out to be surprisingly hard to build. (Note: Plays AGAINST the theme of the AP.)

Legacy of Fire (February 2009 - July 2009): TBA. Another spot of embarrassment: less than Rise of the Runelords (above) was (before I finally figured out a character concept for it) because at least it isn't the first Adventure Path, but at the same time more than Rise of the Runelords because currently I didn't even have a good unoriginal character concept for this Adventure Path. To throw in the requisite monkey wrench, I want to play a no-excuses full progression spellcaster (preferably other than Oracle or Wizard, which I already have covered in character concepts for a few other Adventure Paths, although if one of these gets converted into something else, these classes are still open to consideration here). That isn't particularly original, and spellcasters (including Wizards) are not as overbearingly powerful as some people make them out to be, but I want to fit at least one of these in somewhere. To throw in the requisite monkey wrench, I note that the social environment in this Adventure Path presents grounds for revolution (against the slaveholders), so having the character be a devotee (maybe even a Cleric, but Bloodrager has its attraction as well) of Milani seems fitting (or clashing, depending upon your point of view). (Note: Plays AGAINST the theme of the AP.) Thematically fitting with this, have the character (if a full caster) become a Daivrat (friend of the genies) -- except for one problem: Daivrat has not been updated to Pathfinder RPG rules, and entry into this prestige class from a divine casting, while technically possible, is just terrible, so in practice, I can't count this as part of the concept.

Council of Thieves (August 2009 - January 2010): TBA. Going to have a really hard time filling the shoes of the more permanent characters in this awesome PbP, and would have a pretty hard time filling the shoes of the various DMs too. One thing I would do differently if I was DM would be to play up the dystopian aspect of Cheliax a LOT, while adding in enemy rebels who are REALLY NASTY, forcing some hard choices upon the heroic rebels. But this space is for listing character concepts, not DM concepts -- my best thought for this right now is a revolutionary Bard (probably Human). (Actually, I wonder if an all-Bard or almost all-Bard band party could work for this Adventure Path? See this thread for discussion of similar concepts -- an all-Bard party seems to be the second most popular one-class party concept. If someone wants to join with me in this endeavor, I'm in.) (Note: Plays TO the theme of the AP.) The heretical Devil (Summoner switch) idea for Curse of the Crimson Throne (above) or Hell's Rebels (below) could also work, provided that the mechanics could be worked out, but (minor spoiler follows) even if they can be, it may get in the way of development of 1 or even 2 interesting existing NPCs. This might also be one of the few Adventure Paths that is mostly (except for the last part) well suited to an Arcane Trickster, which also would thematically fit with the revolutionary ideal (although it DOESN'T fit with the idea of starting off as a Bard, even though that is technically possible). Another possibility is an Andoren spy, possibly in combination with the Arcane Trickster idea just mentioned, or (if not going the spellcasting route) a Rogue (Pathfinder Unchained version) or Ninja possibly transitioning into Master Spy; however, this might be better saved for War for the Crown (below).

Kingmaker (February 2010 - July 2010): TBA. This Adventure Path just seems made for a Battle Herald who actually DOESN'T trade away the Cavalier's Mount. Now if only you didn't need to dip into a non-martial class to qualify (technically, Brawler Examplar Archetype allows avoiding this, but is not good for a mounted Battle Herald) . . . Assuming that Variant Multiclassing is allowed, single-class entry into this is both possible and desirable -- and I've got a devious idea for it: A Stolen Lands Kobold sees that Humans are coming into the Stolen Lands, like it or not -- so why not be the one to lead them in and thereby get the opportunity to do it your way? (If Variant Multiclassing is not allowed, this normally calls for at least triple-classing, so a Half-Elf with Multitalented Mastery is almost required from a mechanical standpoint if Variant Multiclassing is not allowed, and the thematic fit is even pretty good.) (Note: Plays TO the theme of the AP, although potentially with a weird twist.) In the unlikely event that the whole (or almost the whole) party is Small, this becomes a decent Adventure Path for a Halfling Tower Shieldadin Battle Herald.

Serpent's Skull (August 2010 - January 2011): TBA. First choice is a character interested in defusing tensions in Sargava (Negotiator Bard, maybe? -- probably Human). (Note: Plays TO the theme of the AP.) This is also a potential alternate choice for a character primarily intended for Skull and Shackles (below -- the character MEANT to infiltrate the Shackles Pirates, but instead got shipwrecked); however, then a character swap probably needs to be engineered after escaping Smuggler's Shiv.

Carrion Crown (February 2011 - July 2011): TBA. Was originally thinking of a REALLY DUMB political type character, but Hell's Vengeance is just too good (er, Evil) an opportunity to pass up for this. In the absence of another a preferred replacement, I have been toying with the idea of a highly agile thrown weapon Human (Shadowhunter) Fighter who shows that sometimes you CAN solve spooky problems with a blade. (Note: Plays TO the theme of the AP.) Darien Usher-Tessadril (see Wrath of the Righteous, below) is a possible alternate here (as something of an eldritch horror himself), as is a Tower Shieldadin or a Reach Witch (see below; Elf/Half-Elf version preferred). Although I've heard that this AP has especially severe poverty if you DON'T go on a full looting spree, so some adjustments may be necessary.

Jade Regent (August 2011 - January 2012): TBA. An idea (to be fleshed out more later) can be found in this post, following a suggestion from the Jade Regent Player's Guide that one or more of Ameiko, Koya, Sandru, and Shalelu be player characters, despite some painfully obvious clashes of backstory with starting level, especially in the case of Koya, which is the one for whom I have the best concept (as described in the linked post). Despite the obvious problems (including required non-optimization), if somebody wants me in on a party composed of the above 4 characters, I'm in. (Note: Plays TO the theme of the AP.) This Adventure Path is also a potential alternate choice for any character (including Mirosir Tepescik-Tessadril) primarily intended for Rise of the Runelords (above).

Skull and Shackles (February 2012 - July 2012): TBA. Definitely don't want a character who is going into piracy for profit or for some romanticized idea of piracy, but rather getting into it for a greater purpose, for instance, an infiltration mission (probably Ninja or Pathfinder Unchained Rogue transitioning into Master Spy), or something like THIS awesome PbP (just as much to my liking as a story idea, although my character ideas for a similar campaign are currently less well developed). (Note: Plays AGAINST the theme of the AP.) This also has potential for late entry into this Adventure Path if the character first went through part of Serpent's Skull (above), and then finally manages to get back to the mission after escaping Smuggler's Shiv.

Shattered Star (August 2012 - January 2013): TBA. This Adventure Path needs a really skilled Rogue or Ninja. These days, Rogues (as restored by Pathfinder Unchained) and Ninjas have few places to shine; this is one of them. In particular, the starting location seems like a good fit for a Rogue concept I have been thinking of based upon what seems to be the Paizo Messageboard's most common typo: THE ROUGE. Just have to figure out how to get makeup to be mechanically important for more than just Disguise. (Note: Plays TO the theme of the AP, although in an odd way.) Mirosir Tepescik-Tessadril (but not necessarily just any character) intended for Rise of the Runelords (above) also has a possible alternate spot here. If others have the Rogue/Ninja and Wizard roles already covered, this is a good Adventure Path for a (probably Dwarven) Stalwart Defender Tower Shieldadin or a Reach Witch (see below; Elf/Half-Elf version preferred).

Reign of Winter (February 2013 - July 2013): TBA. This Adventure Path seems both thematically and (game) mechanically good for a manifested/metamorphosed Witchblood, probably built as an appropriately Dual-Cursed (for Witch-like Fortune/Misfortune powers, including reskinned Wasting Curse for Witchblood metamorphosis) and Flame (or maybe Solar) Mysteried Oracle. (Note: Plays TO the theme of the AP, although in an odd way.) Also strongly thinking of NOT accepting the "blessing" from greater you-know-who, who is NOT clearly less bad than lesser you-know-who.

Wrath of the Righteous (August 2013 - January 2014) (preferably Non-Mythic): Darien Usher-Tessadril (probably Slayer, but might be able to build as Inquisitor) (strongly preferred). Remember that even though they are nominally of the same Alignment, Qlippoths hate Demons, too, because Demons killed off many of them and drove the rest of them out of much of their habitat. (Note: Plays TO the theme of the AP, although in an odd way.) I could also consider an Annis Changeling/Witchblood Abyssal Bloodrager; this character concept could be built instead as a Rage Prophet with the Wrecker Curse, and use a reskinned Wasting Oracle's Curse to get Witch-like luck manipulation powers and reflect scary appearance; not yet sure which Mystery is best. Note that Rage Prophet has serious mechanical problems, most obviously the lack of awarding additional rounds of Rage with level; while Oracle VMC Barbarian fixes that problem, it introduces arguably worse problems, but don't totally rule it out yet. Also note that reportedly this Adventure Path is highly broken anyway. Either way, this character would be Wreck-It Rafaela; however, she (in the Rage Prophet incarnation, if it can be made to work) might actually be better saved for Iron Gods (see below). Sariel Cerea (see Second Darkness, above) also has a possible alternate spot here. If none of these are acceptable, this is also a decent Adventure Path for a Tower Shieldadin or a Reach Witch (see below; Orc/Half-Orc version preferred for high point buy, otherwise Elf/Half-Elf). I have said this above with respect to Wrath of the Righteous, but I'll say it again: Please let me get into a campaign of this that is NOT MYTHIC, unless somebody manages to pull off a Miracle in fixing the brokenness of Mythic rules.

Mummy's Mask (February 2014 - July 2014): TBA. I have the weird idea of a character (Human Arbiter Bard or Archaeologist Bard, maybe?) who is interested in (and has acquired skills to make a plausible attempt at) starting the Andoren Geographic Society. (Note: Plays AGAINST the theme of the AP.) This character has the weird idea of making this work by attempting to befriend the local authorities, by bucking the general trend of legalized-looter-style tomb-raiding, and instead cataloging everything very thoroughly and transparently to the authorities for local curation (preferred), and (if possible and needed as a failsafe) arranging for that which cannot be curated safely in the local area to be shipped back to a trusted museum in Andoran. Of course, making this concept work will require considerable buy-in from the rest of the party -- it isn't going to fit with money-grubbing treasure hunters, and probably not even with Indiana Jones types.

Iron Gods (August 2014 - January 2015): TBA. The Wreck-It Rafaela (Witchblood) concept described above as a possible alternate for Wrath of the Righteous, but preferring the Rage Prophet build over the Bloodrager build (if mechanical problems with the Rage Prophet can be overcome). Also thinking of a Kasatha (but otherwise standard) Bard -- this doesn't necessarily work all that well (game) mechanically, and normally I wouldn't want to use a race that doesn't have its own backstory yet, and his backstory would have to be designed and his racial abilities pruned to avoid breaking the Adventure Path (hence, he was an orphan raised by Humans or some other Core Race -- potential problem: not sure of Kasatha lifespan). However, a four-handed organist is just too good to pass up . . . if the concept can be made to work mechanically. In either case, part of the idea is: Robot Problem? Monster Solution! (Note: Plays TO the theme of the AP, although in an odd way.) Yet another possible alternate character would be Mirosir Tepescik-Tessadril (see Rise of the Runelords, above), whose deep-seated slacker nature creates a natural attraction to technology for its potential of enabling the evasion of even more work. Sariel Cerea (see Second Darkness, above) also has a possible alternate spot here.

Giantslayer (February 2015 - July 2015): TBA. Mechanically, the title suggests a character geared towards fighting small numbers of very powerful enemies; but to play against the theme, a redeemer would be fitting. Alternatively, perhaps this Adventure Path is the place to put a full-fledged debuffing Halfling Witch (likely in need of redemption), which would fit both mechanically and thematically. (Note: Plays TO the theme of the AP, although in an odd way.) If somebody else already has this covered, this is a good Adventure Path for a Halfling Mouser Tower Shieldadin (blend in Battle Herald if the party lacks a Bard). If somebody else already has this covered too, this is a good Adventure Path for a Halfling Mouser Underfoot Adept Monk Monkey Shiner (no link yet available to this build concept -- will update if/when one becomes available).

Hell's Rebels (August 2015 - January 2016): TBA. Would like to get -- not just a Tiefling, but somehow a full-blooded (although initially lowly) Devil in here. This Devil would of course have to be heretical (from Hell's point of view). Might be able to do this using the Summoner switch trick proposed for Curse of the Crimson Throne or Council of Thieves (both above). A potential problem is (minor spoiler follows) that this may get in the way of development of an interesting existing NPC. (Note: Plays TO the theme of the AP, although in an odd way.) Failing that, pending more information about this Adventure Path, I might also consider this a suitable Adventure Path for an Arcane Trickster (for the revolutionary theme; again see Council of Thieves, above, except that Arcane Trickster fits better thematically here than there -- even so, if somebody wants an all-Bard band party, sign me up); alternatively, if I was ever going to use an Alchemist or other class Archetype that uses Bombs (Mad Bomber for the revolution!), this Adventure Path would be the place. Of course, given a certain prejudice enforced by the head villain, maybe it's time for a Ratfolk Vigilante who eventually picks up a Tatterdemalion Witch cohort: Ratman and Bobbin. (Note: This too plays TO the theme of the AP, although also in an odd way.)

Hell's Vengeance (February 2016 - July 2016): TBA. Thinking of a REALLY DUMB character, but he's not your stereotypical Big Stupid Fighter/Barbarian, but a political type, for playing to the mobs, especially to the poorly educated -- now that's REALLY SCARY . . . and like Barzillai Thrune of Hell's Rebels, he is of House Thrune (Human), and plotting to become a Genius Loci, although in his case that would be more of a Sub-Genius Loci. The character build would be Celebrity Bard possibly transitioning into Noble Scion, or maybe to get even more frightening (in the form of Mad Cowboy Disease), some type of Gunslinger (maybe Mysterious Stranger reskinned as a Mad Cowboy) possibly transitioning into Noble Scion. (Note: Plays TO the theme of the AP.) Either way, for inspiration I need only look to some of the recent holders of the higher offices in our land, and some of the aspirants to said offices . . . .

Strange Aeons (August 2016 - January 2017): TBA. But imagine waking up not knowing where you are or how how you got here or even who you are, and then realizing that you've woken up next to A CENOBITE . . . oh, that's just a Kyton-Spawned Tiefling . . . uh, it is just a Tiefling, isn't it . . . ISN'T IT?! Vivisectionist Alchemist Kyton-Spawned Tiefling with chain "tentacles", that's the ticket . . . . (Note: Plays TO the theme of the AP, although in an odd way.) Although I've heard that this AP has especially severe poverty if you DON'T go on a full looting spree, so some adjustments may be necessary.

Ironfang Invasion (February 2017 - July 2017): TBA. But a more traditional approach has considerable appeal here -- specifically some variation of a Tank Magus (also see earlier post and even earlier post) (Dwarf) knocking all those Goblinoids around like bowling pins. Tough part is for an arcane/martial hybrid to survive out in the wild, but that should be possible to work around (although Ranger is an alternative worthy of consideration, as is Bloodrager, either way still as a Dwarf). Another possibility would be an Elven Fighter who makes good use of high Intelligence (including Elven Battle Training and Elven Battle Style), and mocks the Hobgoblins for their disrespect of Elves and Elven Magic. (Note: Either way, plays TO the theme of the AP.)

Ruins of Azlant (August 2017 - January 2018): TBA. But I heard an investigation is needed for this mission from Andoran? Human Investigator sounds like the ticket. (Note: Plays TO the theme of the AP.)

War for the Crown (February 2018 - July 2018): We don't get enough from Andoran, so here's another Andoren agent (probably Human Vigilante) -- initially the lowly assistant of an higher Andoren agent who has been getting conflicting orders about whether to try to help reform in Taldor (from those in the Andoren government who do not want Taldor to collapse and turn into another Galt or a puppet of Qadira), or to use the opportunity to weaken it from within (from those cynics who insist that the existing government of Taldor cannot be reformed, and must be destroyed). The former choice sounds better, but sinister forces from both Andoran and Taldor are working the other way, even if not necessarily in concert with each other. And then the lead agent disappears under mysterious circumstances . . . . (Note: Plays To the theme of the AP, although from a perhaps unexpected point of view.)

Return of the Runelords (August 2018 - January 2019): TBD, and from the Player's Guide, it is important what you did in Rise of the Runelords and Shattered Star (and possibly other APs) -- and that's a good thing. Arguably another spot for another Sin Magic (Thassilonian) Specialist or Runesage Wizard, although Mirosir Tepescik-Tessadril himself is certainly plausible here if he REALLY oversleeps . . . . (Note: Most likely plays TO theme of the AP.)

Tyrant's Grasp (February 2019 - July 2019): TBA. But a more traditional approach has considerable appeal here -- see the entry for Ironfang Invasion above, and use one of the concepts that was proposed but not chosen for that one. (Note: Most likely plays TO theme of the AP.)

Counting up the character concepts by Class and Race

One thing I want to do is make sure I am not putting too many eggs in 1 thematic basket (class or race). Of 23 released or announced Adventure Paths to date, here is an approximate count of character concepts by Class and Race, counting the primary concept for each Adventure Path, except counting the next concepts after the possibly unworkable Summoner Switches (for explanation, see Curse of the Crimson Throne above) and Kasatha (for explanation, see Iron Gods above) as ties with them, and not counting class dips of 1 or 2 levels:

Class (preferred choice only unless mechanical problems are likely to force choice of an alternate)

Alchemist: 1
Bard: 3
Battle Herald (including entry classes): 1
Cleric or Bloodrager (tie): 1
Fighter: 2
Investigator: 1
Mad Cowboy (some kind of Bard or Gunslinger into {Ig}Noble Scion): 1
Magus, Ranger, or Bloodrager (3-way tie): 1
Master Spy (including entry classes): 1
Oracle: 2
Rage Prophet (including entry classes), Bloodrager, or Bard (3-way tie): 1
Rogue (Pathfinder Unchained version): 1
Slayer or Inquisitor (tie): 1
Summoner Switch, Arcane Trickster (including entry classes), or Alchemist (3-way tie): 1
Summoner Switch or Bard (tie): 2
Vigilante: 1
Witch: 1
Wizard: 1
Quasi-Pregenerated character (class determined by which character is selected): 1
Undecided/Unknown: 2

Alternates for various Tower Shieldadin builds: (Not counted yet, because this is not a primary choice for any Adventure Path -- totals up to 6, of which 1 and possibly 2 might transition into Battle Herald)

Note: Reach Witch is mentioned above for several Adventure Paths -- this does not yet have any counts of its own (currently appears in 4 places, but is not a primary choice for any of them right now). This concept refers to a Witch wielding a polearm to fish for Attacks of Opportunity while debuffing enemy after enemy with Hexes and the occasional spell. Update: Came up with a Half-Elven Hexcrafter Magus build that effectively does this (which also includes a bonus non-Hexcrafter version for other purposes) -- depending upon refinements, I might use this or some variant of it to replace one or both of the original concepts entirely. For the original versions of this idea, see this post for the Elf/Half-Elf (Dexterity-based, otherwise standard Witch) version and this post for the Orc/Half-Orc (Strength-based, Scarred Witch Doctor) version, although the unfortunate change to Scarred Witch Doctor has made the latter a lot less viable except at high point buy. Might want to consider some kind of Hexcrafter Magus build instead of these, if a workable way can be found to use a Reach weapon or compensate for the lack thereof.

Race (preferred choice only unless mechanical problems are likely to force choice of an alternate; Summoner Switch also appears here due to whatever the starting race was getting replaced by the unfettered Eidolon)

Changeling (Witchblood): 1
Changeling (Witchblood) or Kasatha (tie): 1
Dhampir: 1
Drow: 1
Dwarf: 1
Elf: 1
Kobold or Half-Elf: 1
Halfling: 1
Human: 6
Human or Elf (depending upon which of 4 quasi-pregenerated characters is selected): 1
Summoner Switch or Human (2-way tie): 2
Summoner Switch or Human or Ratfolk (3-way tie): 1
Tiefling (Kyton-Spawn): 1
Tiefling (Qlippoth-Spawn): 1
Undecided/Unknown: 5

Alternates for various Tower Shieldadin builds or Reach Witch alternate class choices (generally different race from the primary choices): (Not counted yet -- totals up to 6 Tower Shieldadin and 4 Reach Witch)

Playing TO or AGAINST the theme of the AP (because people have complained about my character concepts being against the theme of APs, even though their AP experience isn't affected)

Plays TO the theme of the AP: 20 (although 9 do so in an odd way)
Plays AGAINST the theme of the AP: 4 (all deliberate but carefully conceived clashes that are intended to work like fine spices to flavor the adventures)

So far, not too shabby; Oracle count currently resisting the tendency to go a bit high due to the thematic need for Oracle's Curse, but Bard count is a little high; full martial count is definitely low (only Battle Herald and Slayer count, and only mostly); Human count is a bit high (especially keeping in mind that Undecided/Undetermined has a good chance to turn out to be Human), but fits reasonably well with the demographics of the Pathfinder Campaign Setting. Playing AGAINST the theme of the AP is kept fairly rare, and thus more likely to be precious.