
FallenDabus's page

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber. 554 posts (570 including aliases). No reviews. 5 lists. No wishlists. 3 aliases.


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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Scrip wrote:
Available now!? I had marked my calendar for November 5th!

Still is on Amazon (which is not a complaint). That said, any word on when the audiobook version will be avaliable?

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Arita wrote:
LiaElf76 wrote:
ShinHakkaider wrote:
There were MANY times where I walked into my "local" gaming store (The Compleat Strategist in nYC) and saw that they had a book on the shelves and I was STILL waiting for mine to show up in my mailbox.
That sounds like your local game shop was breaking the street dates for merchandise they received. I’m assuming that Paizo has street dates for its books like any other publisher. That’s not really something to get upset with Paizo about.
Not this person but I'd easily believe it. Shipping is preeeeeetty slow, on average I get the physical books 1-1.5 weeks (one time, it was 2) after the street date, so local shops would already have it. I don't personally mind it because books end up being just shelf decoration, but if I wanted the physical book, going to the local store is more cost effective since you get to save up on the shipping fees (In fact, given that it feels really wasteful to be subscribed just to get the PDF early, I'm likely to stop subscribing, and just buy every PDF, and then choice buy books from my local shops if I really like a particular book for any reason)

Yeah, it’s a thing that is regular if you aren’t in the US. Heck, new products drop tomorrow and my subs still haven’t shipped, so there’s at least a decent chance I won’t have the PDFs when things go on sale.

It’s not world ending for me, but it can be an irritant and I see how other may get reasonably upset by it.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
BookBird wrote:
I appreciate your clarification, but I feel parts of that aren't really directly applicable? Real life Set might've been all that, sure, but here we're dealing with Pathfinder Set, and I'm not sure if we can apply much of the real life stuff to it. Maybe. It's weird with Earth existing in the world as well. And also because he's pretty undeveloped, likely because... Real mythology exists. But I digress. In Pathfinder, Set is the lord of the dark desert, and he's really into murder and the undead. Doesn't necessarily match with the real myths.

If that's the conclusion we come to, its one more case of cultural appropriation of a non-European mythological and religious tradition by a Western game - one that doesn't have many modern worshipers, but does have an active worship in neopagan communites. See also the implicit Orientalism that was already meantioned.

Thanks, but no thanks.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
keftiu wrote:
pauljathome wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Sekhmet ;_;

Yup. One of my favourite PFS characters is an awakened leopard ClawDancer who used to be a temple guardian for Sekhmet. Great character (mechanically and for flavour).

At least mechanically she gets no powers from Sekhmet so won't be affected by any changes PFS makes wrt dead Gods. But she'll be quite peeved if her beloved patron is no more.

If you're looking for some Golarion-specific equivalents: Adanye is a cat goddess who is a guardian of the home, while the three Old Sun Gods of Mzali (Chohar, Luhar, and Tlehar) are all solar lion deities; Tlehar in particular is a passionate lioness, which matches Sekhmet pretty well.

And that's really it for me - you can put sun-themed cat goddesses in your Fantasy Africa without it literally just being Bast and Sekhmet.

Oooooooo - the Mzali trinity in Osirion would be rad! Gimme, gimme, gimme!

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
BookBird wrote:
Are we to believe that Set and Horus or others buddied up? Doesn't make much sense.

Um... yes? Set was one of Re's most ardent defenders against Apep? There is obviously the longstanding rivalry with Horus and the murder of Osiris, but he was still depicted as a leader and an extremely important God within Kemetic myth.

Perennial reminder that Seti I and II were both named after Set still conceived of as being divine manifestations of Horus on earth. This is one of the reasons I'm with keftiu - Kemetic mythology and culture is vastly more nuanced than what fantasy RPGs tend to portray and it really needs an RPG dedicated to IRL mythology to do it justice (games like Scion spring to mind). Set is vastly more than a one note evil deity and bluntly, the way Pathfinder has portrayed him bothers me more and more as time goes on.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Michael Sayre wrote:
Kasoh wrote:
I did not expect a Mighty Max reference.
I literally had the episode "The Maxnificent Seven" in the recommended media for writers on the project.

Heh, I don't know if its possible to share, but having freelanced for other RPG companies, I would love to see what those recommended media lists look like for Paizo projects. Always facinating to see how other people bake the cookie.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Ezekieru wrote:
TK-421 wrote:
Is this book supposed to be a replacement for Gods & Magic?
The description of this product, as well as the comment directly above yours, suggests this book is not only a replacement for Gods & Magic, but also an expansion upon it.

Which really is the best of both worlds. And not the Starfinder kind.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I do find it very interesting...


That the three demigods watching Norgorber's rise are each diabolic demigods who aren't quite devils.

Mahathallah started as a psychopomp usher.
Geryon started as an asura rana.
Barbatos started as a... whatever Barbatos is.

Could be coincidence, but feels like it isn't. Wonder if it is just a neat Easter egg or if there is some deeper implication.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
emky wrote:
FallenDabus wrote:
Then maybe cool it on slinging insults at Paizo’s staff? I am 100% sure that’s what got your post deleted, not your criticism of their policy choices.
There was no such thing and it's a little hurtful that you would make such an insinuation. This thread's a super important topic with Paizo staff present; why would one do such a thing? But, please, do go ahead and jump to such conclusions if it makes you feel better about the world.

You said they were pathologically obsessed with with everything being on PFI. You may not see that as an insult. My immediate reaction reading that was that it crossed a line, despite agree that there should be space for free fan works to not be on Infinite.

If you are hurt and disagree with that interpretation, I cannot control that. But to me, that absolutely was an insult. And in light of that interpretation, entirely counter productive to your stated goal of convincing Paizo to change directions.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
emky wrote:
Cori Marie wrote:
I still see plenty of criticism in the thread?
Point at timestamps to see the post #s. You'll see gaps. One of them was a previously reply of mine (finishing up the Chopper's Isle sub-thread).

Then maybe cool it on slinging insults at Paizo’s staff? I am 100% sure that’s what got your post deleted, not your criticism of their policy choices.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Got mine. Not reading deep into it because I’d actually like to try running this mostly unspoiled with Mythic GM Emulator, but took a quick glance at the backstory in the intro. I’m very pleased with how this is playing out and appreciate the irony in picking this adventure to run with MGME.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Thank you Mark and James. That helps significantly with clarifying my understanding of how the new licenses work

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Thanks for taking the time to address all of these questions and concerns Mark, it must be draining.

I do have a question about how these changes interact with stock art with proper names. This is something that Infinite clearly allowed and still allows (see my art of Daclau-Sarh as an exemplar). No changes on that front.

However, if I wanted to create stock art of Aldinach, would the new Fan Content Policy clear the way for me to sell that new stock art with the proper name on DTRPG instead of Infinite? Would the answer be any different if it was on Patreon?

Again, really appreciate the clarifications!

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Benjamin Tait wrote:
FallenDabus wrote:
Oooo, I has it.
Mind sharing what's in the toolbox (including beasties)? And what's one of the highlights of this particular adventure?

At work, so can't nessacerily going into detail, but...


Blight Bonded - elementals and beasts mutated by Ayrzul's Blight - three of them, two Lvl 10, one Lvl 13. The Creeping Cone is some of my new favourite monster art.
Leshies - A Lvl 11 troop and a new Lvl 10 leshy.
Gritblight - Lvl 13 earth elemental. Not going to say where they come from, but if you read between the lines you can probably partially figure it out.
Speaker in Spores - Sentinet fungal offgrowth. Saying anything more would be double spoilers. Lvl 13
Wood Elementals - Two new ones. A Lvl 12 hydra and a Lvl 14 spider. Love them.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Oooo, I has it.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
KaiBlob1 wrote:
VerBeeker wrote:

“I invite you to visit Droon!”

*punching ground*

I want to! I WANT TO SO BAD!

I'm really hoping that the droon teasers in this are bread crumbs for a soon-to-be-announced southern garund lost omens book, its a region of the world we've really never explored in anything 1e or 2e. We know more about Akiton than we do about southern garund lol

I do think it's likely. When this book (or more specifically the premise of the book) got announced, it struck me as foreshadowing Droon. Flipping through the PDF though... I really think Iblydos is coming next. There is a lot of riffing of Ancient Greece, both ancestry and bestiary wise. And it also does some work setting up High Seas/Ruins of Azlant sequel with all the aquatic stuff too. Though I suspect that is a bit further on the horizon.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Pretty straight forwards... what books do you want to see after Starfinder 2e launches? Both as an interesting thing to talk about and in hopes that the 2e team sees your list and thinks its a good idea.

1) Planar book. I've heard this one was planned for 1e before the OGL/ORC debacle pushed it in favour of 2e. Starfinder is a very planar-heavy setting including FTL that takes you through planes other than the Drift, so it really feels like we need this one.

2) Pact World Species. Oppertunity to get plenty of new species into the game, as well as flesh out the core species that never got the spotlight in 1e.

3) Pact World Gods. Galatic Magic is a thing, but I would really love to have a deeper dive on the gods and faiths of Startfinder. Ideally something like Inner Sea Gods rather than LO Gods & Magic (which is great, but I love those in depth summaries)

4) Some sort of lore line analagous to the Lost Omens line for Pathfinder. We do have the Pact World and Near Space books, but it feels like there is a lot more to explore on every planet. Plus, it would give use an oppertunity to go deep on other planets and systems outside the big two.

5) Azlanti Star Empire. Think this one is pretty obvious. They are big recurring villans and we've seen some glimpses inside the Empire, but I'd love to see more.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
CorvusMask wrote:
Bit bummed that I didn't come up with anything for this, but its lovely to see what other people did :D There are fun stuff here

Yeah, I'm in the same spot. I had some very good ideas, but I just had too many balls in the air and couldn't make it happen.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Ooooo, had not seen this thread before, but there are some very cool insights here, thank you Erik!
I'd definitely be in the crowd of people who'd love to see Iblydos and/or Vudra book if all of Casmaron is too much to tackle right away!

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Huh, I think this is the first time I've gotten my physical copy before the Player's Guide came out.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Jonathan Morgantini wrote:
McMoogle wrote:
Mark Moreland wrote:
AJCarrington wrote:
Was anything mentioned re an .epub version as well? This will likely be the first hardback I’ve picked up in quite some time, but love the flexibility of digital.
Godsrain will be available as an e-book and audiobook as well.


Paizo is gonna give me audiobooks!?

Desna smiles on me TvT

Audible does have the audiobooks of the other novels we have released (and the audio dramas too if you like full cast with sound effects)

The audiobook for Shy Knives is quite good!

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
TriOmegaZero wrote:
It would be very cool to have a list of possible representatives, with the idea that the GM selects who shows up based on what kind of characters the players bring, choosing people that could align with and know the PCs already or be a foil to others.

I would not be surprised to see that in the Player's Guide.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I assume the timeline dates are in the Imperial Calender. Are they given with the AR equivalents, or do we need to calculate those ourselves if we are making a grand timeline of everything?

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber


Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Oh excellent, thank you Jonathan! I figured it would be okay, but nice to have confirmation. I guess I have a project for my Spring Break.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I am very curious about whatever that three headed white and gold stag thing is on the side of the box

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
H2Osw wrote:

Friday is a big day!

That trailer is awesome, I can't wait to get my copy!

Oh damn that was amazing!

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Gods I love Alarming Disappearence.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
The Raven Black wrote:
keftiu wrote:
shepsquared wrote:
PossibleCabbage wrote:
keftiu wrote:
"Changing" is all we know about it so far;

Yeah, I would assume that in addition to one of the core 20 gods dying there's also going to be lots of other divine trauma, like multiple minor gods will die and some of the other ones will undergo things they would prefer not to have.

Like just because Cayden isn't going to die, it doesn't mean that he can't lose an eye or hand!

And new minor gods rising - I'm hoping for a goblin hero-god that's actually a goblin and not a barghest, an orc demigod that wouldn't have been considered CE, a godling adventurer, that sort of thing.
Keep an eye on Mahja Firehair.

If Sarenrae dies, Mahja would be right there to keep fighting the good fight.

Having an Orc stepping up to replace the goddess of sun and redemption would fit with Orcs becoming far more accepted around the Inner Sea and with the sun deity not being Core 20 anymore.

While I would be bummed because this would break up the Prismatic Ray, this outcome would be rad as (non-Asmodean) hell.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

All of the previewed dragons are just so weird and I absolutely love it!

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Ah yes, if anyone was going to drive my hype levels for Tian Xia to new height, it was going to be Hiromi. This was amazing, thank you!

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

While I don’t entirely disagree, Rusthenge has a 3.5 average rather than 5.0. That won’t drive Paizo under, but a) it may have an impact on sales and, more importantly, b) it is extremely frustrating.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Plane of Wood? Oh HELL yes.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I know this is a problem staff is aware of... but I feel its worth raising again. Without naming names, there has been a user who has rated every PF2 product 1 or 2 stars without any comment. I just went to check Rusthenge to see if I should pick it up and noticed there is now a second user doing the exact same thing.

Now, I'm pretty good at ignoring this, but it is annoying, and it continues it is going to increasingly hurt customer QoL by skewing star rating. I know there's a hope this gets resolved when the website gets upgraded and policing review can be fraught... but is there anything that can be done in the meanwhile? These are clearly bad-faith reviews by people who haven't actually bought all the books they are reviewing.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Its also possible Scoured Stars has a lower price point because it is consolidated and updated material, vs this one being entirely original and built from scratch.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
FallenDabus wrote:
Ah, missed this one! Sadly see them come for an end for now, but once more for the record: I will throw money at you in order to get a Wingsong Testaments hardcover!

If only because I'm going back and rereading all them to prep for a personal project... I gladly restate this. A Lost Omens Travel Guide style book built around the myths and legends of Golarion would be fantastic!

And more Windsong Testements would be very welcome in the lead up to Divine Mysteries and War of the Immortals!

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

This is a weird one and I'm not quite fully awake, so hopefully it makes a modicum of sense.

The community use policy allows products that are a) free and accessible to everyone and b) uses the text from the Paizo blog and webfiction.

Ergo, would a free podcast that does readings of Pathfinder/Starfinder fiction from the blog be acceptable as long as it gave proper credit/links/trademark & copyright notice? I feel like the answer should be yes based on my reading, but I can't find precident for it. I know I appreciate my fantasy podcasts/audiobook on my morning commute, so I suspect others would enjoy something along these lines if it is possible.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Hasn't shipped for me yet, unfortuantely. Very much looking forward to it.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
JadedDemiGod wrote:
Is this for 1st or 2nd Edition?

First Edition. Most of it is lore, however, so it can still have a value in 2e, although the Remaster means are some retcons, reemphisis, and renames to navigate.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I was a subscriber in the end days of Paizo's Dragon and Dungeon run too. I stopped playing D&D for a long time after that because of mental health issues, but when I started again, the most obvious route for converting Eberron was not 4e, but Pathfinder. Eventually Paizo got me full time into Golarion with Wrath of the Righteous and I never looked back.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Temperans wrote:
Calliope5431 wrote:
Temperans wrote:
Wait what is the issue with the word golem?

Original first usage of the word was from Jewish mysticism, they were legendary constructs that could be created by inscribing words in Hebrew on their foreheads.

The most famous legend is the Golem of Prague from the 1500s, which was created by a rabbi to guard the Jewish people of the city from anti-Semitism. The golem goes mad on the Sabbath and eventually has to be shut down by the rabbi.

I can see an argument for it being problematic since it pulls from non-mainstream folklore. On the other hand, so do genies and kami, and they clearly aren't going away (and most people would argue they aren't problematic).

My Jewish friends like them because it's fun to see your culture represented in the game. For them, I get the impression that it's comparable to seeing Tian Xia if you have Asian ancestry, or Rusalkas if you have Slavic ancestry. Makes you feel more welcome. But I can see the counterarguments to the contrary, and I certainly don't want to argue with anyone Jewish who's offended by it.

*sigh* really that's it? That's why the name is changing? I don't even know what to say to that reason.

So, unfortuately I'm several months late and hopefully this doesn't derail, but I do have a more detailed answer for you. Give that it was recently confirmed the golem is becoming the bulwark, I think its topical too.

When ever the discussion of golems in RPGs comes up, I always think of this post. I know several Jewish RPG players very unconfortable with the use of the word, and even though I know many who are okay with it, Heavy Arms explains his issue very ellquoently. I've included it below the spoiler, so others can read it too and hopefully find it as helpful as I have. It is notable because he has no issue with golems existing in RPGs... he just wants them to actually be golems.

You can read the post I've quoted below in its original context here.


Heavy Arms wrote:

So, because I'm apparently feeling a bit chatty, and maybe a tad cynically ironic...

I want to explain what a golem really is. When I say golem, everyone thinks about magical constructs that have a habit of rebelling against their creators. Those aren't really golems. They're called golems in reference to what a true golem is.

We, as in humanity, are golems. Or at least that's how we start. A golem is a person of ignorance. Someone that doesn't even understand that they don't know. In Jewish mysticism humanity is troubled by various failings that keep us from spiritual enlightenment. Being a golem is the first. You cannot seek enlightenment without knowing you lack it. We all have to have a moment of inspiration; an experience that makes us wonder in awe of the vastness of the universe around us, and sparks in us a desire to understand it. In the moment we cease to be golems, our ignorance is shattered and replaced by a drive to start down a path towards a higher state of being.

In Jewish mysticism, it's believed that all of the failings of humanity are told in the story of Eden (lots of different ways to count them and differentiate them abound). If overcoming that first ignorance is in the story of Eden... it comes first. And the first failing of Adam is that unlike all other life in Eden, he was not simply created once. At first, he was shaped into a lump of dirt/clay. As such, he existed as a golem, a being unknowing even of itself. Only with the first divine breath does Adam get created a second time, as a knowing human, who then begins the process of understanding his world (the naming of all the things in Eden).

Of course, the connection to the golem-as-creation of man should be more obvious now. When a Jewish mystic creates a golem, they are copying the creation of Adam. They're called golems because they're stuck in that state: created once, but not being granted the divine breath that would free them of their limited state. And why they don't get that second creation is down to the different golem stories (there are many) and what the storyteller is trying to convey. Golem stories in this sense are cautionary tales about the other failings along the path to spiritual enlightenment. When you have progressed far enough, you have the knowledge to create ignorance, and deny awe, and that power is like all power; dangerous. Humans are not meant to be stuck in that state, and they will push against such wrongful imprisonment.

So, when I look at a game like [Promethean: the Created]... of course I'm comfortable with how golems are used. Promethean is a game all about what the true point of golem stories are supposed to be about. It's a mystic journey to become a full and true human... to cease to be a golem... it's about as good of a secularized version of things as I can imagine.

But when I look at a monster manual with a golem reduced to a clay monster (or worse golems of other materials), not only is it disrespectful to my culture and traditions... I'm looking at some bland pointless thing taking the name of something deep and spiritual. Golem stories don't exist to have a monster to fight, they exist to keep us humble on our path towards being better people. They exist to remind us of where we started and no lose sight of that. Calling a statblock that gets bonuses because it's made of clay, and can be killed if you target it's forehead just right a golem is denying yourself a far more fulfilling story.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
calnivo wrote:

Additionally, all further "information useful for understanding those gods" remain highly welcome. For instance the following fields from G&M:
  • * Realm
  • * Allies
  • * Enemies
  • * Relationships
  • * Temples
  • * Worshippers
  • * Sacred Animal
  • * Sacred Colors

My single biggest hope for Divine Mysteries is to get the name and location of each deity’s Realm. Pie in the sky would be a short description of each. The rest of this info would also be deeply appreciated. They are nifty bits of worldbuilding that are I find I use a lot when I have them.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
CorvusMask wrote:
FallenDabus wrote:
So here's the big question for me. I am more than happy to pick up the Player Core. Is GM Core worth picking up if I already have Gamemastery Guide? I don't think I've seen anything major about magic items changing (as opposed to classes for Players). If there was more desposible income, I wouldn't mind getting this one too... but unfortunately I have to pick and choose right now.

There does seem to be lot of new magic items at least, but mostly replacing items that used to give wizard school bonuses (like the 8 school staffs)

It does have other neat stuff I don't think was in original book, though I don't know if its really "worth it" or not since that's subjective.

Knowing there is other stuff is useful!

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

So here's the big question for me. I am more than happy to pick up the Player Core. Is GM Core worth picking up if I already have Gamemastery Guide? I don't think I've seen anything major about magic items changing (as opposed to classes for Players). If there was more desposible income, I wouldn't mind getting this one too... but unfortunately I have to pick and choose right now.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I work on an Age of Lost Omens timeline for fun, but the dates are all AR, so I had to do a bit of math to put in the dates for Season of Ghosts. I thought I'd share it in case anyone else would find them useful and to save you some time.

I've done my best to descriptions vague to try and hide any plot points so players don't accidentally run across spoilers, especially any reference to the big twist. With that said, read at your risk, there could still be spoilers in there.


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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
NerdOver9000 wrote:
Man, got the PDF yesterday and I love the twist in this one. I think I'm going to wait for the Tian Xia Lost Omens books to come out before I run this one, but I can't wait to see what my players say.

Yup, that shot it right to the top of my list for "must play" APs.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Milo v3 wrote:
Would be amusing if they balanced out some extra skills by just adding an extra step to character creation that was just "people in the future are expected to have higher education than in medieval times, get 1 extra free trained skill"

100% would approve of this.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Calliope5431 wrote:
belgrath9344 wrote:
so does this mean that we'll get cr 26-30 creatures now & rules for building them
I really really really hope so. I maintain it's bizarre that some of the cooler critters of the Pathfinderverse like Sorshen, Tar-Baphon, and the Horsemen of the Apocalypse have known levels, but those levels literally have no mechanical significance.

That is certainly my hope as well.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Milo v3 wrote:
My first idea for an Exemplar is actually a starfinder pc. Archeologist who specializes in the Gap comes across the tomb of a god that died during the gap and becomes empowered.

This is the way.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
breithauptclan wrote:
Dead Phoenix wrote:
They will probably make more undead full ancestries. or they should, so you can make a vampire ancestry, with the vampire archetype, so you can be a double vampire.

Not sure about allowing doubling up like that - it probably wouldn't be worth it since you are still constrained by the ancestry feats that you have.

What would be nice is to have Undead Archetypes like Marooned One and Derelict Shade to use instead of Mummy and Ghost.

Its a very "¿Por que no los dos?" situation in my mind. Ghosts and mummies shoudl be perfectly usable in Starfinder, but it would be nice if there was a Pact Worlds: Eox book to get some Starfinder-specific archetypes too.

Actually, speaking of that, I would love for Starfinder to adopt similar book types as Pathfinder 2e. A Pact Worlds and Near Space lore line would be fantastic!

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