
Moth Mariner's page

Organized Play Member. 38 posts. 1 review. No lists. 1 wishlist. 2 Organized Play characters.


Horizon Hunters

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Blood not rust, big buddy. Blood not rust.

Horizon Hunters

I ran them as-is but kinda wished I’d made them huge, they aren’t really big enough to carry off a horse or do the other things that are claimed.

If I had a re-do I’d scale ‘em up.

Horizon Hunters

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I've remade maps for Book 4: Fires of the Haunted City, plus some extras as needed.

https://www.reddit.com/r/Pathfinder2e/comments/1c0wja6/age_of_ashes_book_4_ fires_of_the_haunted_city_all/

Moved to Dungeondraft this time, so much easier!
I don't think be making maps for the last two books as ones I like already exist, but maybe a different AP one day... Let's see what my players like the sound of when they get there!

Horizon Hunters

“five to 13 legs, but never an even number” … you had one job

Still a cool mini.

Horizon Hunters

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Love them. Was scared they might end up with good = boring, but this is fun

Horizon Hunters

Drools at the new dice
Very happy to see the return of the QW collabs. Definitely going to add some to my hoard, although I hope these will crit my players a little less.

Horizon Hunters

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Errenor wrote:
Gisher wrote:
I really like how these new dragons each emphasize different aspects of the many, many draconic tropes. It makes them really stand out from one another. The old chromatic/metallic dragons all kind of blended together for me.
Maybe you mix them with dnd's versions too much? PF2 versions are actually well-written and much more interesting. They weren't one-dimensional even with alignments.

I feel it’s more to do with how the names/colours of the chromatic/metallic dragons told you nothing about the rest of the dragon. What logic makes blue a more manipulative, cosmopolitan colour than bronze or white? And with the metallics a lot of their colours were very close to each other as well.

The name “fortune dragon” tells you something about this creature without having to cross-reference a colour chart.

Horizon Hunters

10 people marked this as a favorite.

Can see the colour/painted version of this dragon on this blog post:


Sword piercings!

Horizon Hunters

Oh this is awesome. Absolutely incredible sample track. Currently enjoying the perks of having ambient sounds tied to locations in the premium foundry modules, this is going to up the quality even more.

Horizon Hunters

Wild, just wild. So glad the the OGL dragons have made way for these ... whatever these are, to arrive.

Also imagining a Flesh Suit Replica version of the Trout Mask Replica album cover.

Horizon Hunters

Thanks, gender is also a grammatical category though. Pronouns can be gendered, as in this case. That’s how you can misgender someone by using the wrong pronouns!

Horizon Hunters

Minor note: in the Temple of All Gods, Dranngvit's name and gender are wrong. Should be Dranngvit she/her instead of Drangvitt he/him.

Horizon Hunters

As a GM whose party is approaching The Temple of All Gods, I've been reading the various notes here after struggling with the maps and text, and Linda's mention that H7-H11 was meant to be the basement was the solution.

The only bit of text that needs changing is the direction of the stairs between H5 and H7/H9. If they go down from H5, everything else works.


H6 is a bit lower than H2-H5 mechanically (stairs going down from H5) but that works because H11's ceiling is less than half the height of every other room.

Horizon Hunters

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Little sad we’re losing the Bestiary name. Monster implies all of the creatures inside are scary/hostile/to be killed, Bestiary was a bit more nuanced.

Horizon Hunters

Loving the format for recommending classes and skills/feats; the category headers rather than a blow by blow of each class.

Horizon Hunters

Will this book (or maybe the GM Core, or the Monster Core) be clarifying a bit on which creatures can and cannot bleed?
RAW it’s specifically living creatures with blood that need it to live, but then some creatures that should obviously be immune to bleed are flagged as immune, which then raises the question of what the RAI is.

Are leshies immune to bleed? They have no blood, like plants and fungus, but then the violet fungus is specifically flagged as immune to bleed. Can oozes bleed? Can an osyluth bleed? Why do constructs need immunity to bleed flagged if they also would be covered by RAW? Why don’t undead get that flag if constructs do? It’s a bleeding minefield!

Can you tell I’m very excited for all of the new ORC books? Lots of love to you all!

Horizon Hunters

Does anyone know if in the download version the character art is separate from the background art or flattened into it?
Want to be able to pull it out for throwing up in foundry/sticking into tokens without having to do a lot of cutting around.
Thanks all!

Horizon Hunters

Probably something you're already aware of, but for when errata comes:
Burning Blossoms is kinda unusable because of the fascinated condition.
Have to ask the rest of your party to not attack but keep taking hits/running away for the duration of the spell.
Easiest fix I've seen is having creatures make the save at the beginning of their turns, rather than instantaneously and then at the end.

Horizon Hunters

Love this post; amazing work everyone!

Just starting my sixth pathfinder2e-in-foundry campaign, couldn’t have done it without the sterling efforts of the people listed here.

Horizon Hunters

Squiggit wrote:
The sentence does read oddly though: "instead of counteracting it" is a weird thing to say when you never actually counteract the spell in the first place. "You can choose to leave it intact" also seems to imply that you have the option to destroy the illusion, even though you explicitly don't.

Exactly! And if you don’t know what the illusion is or what’s behind it, why would you choose not to see through it?

Horizon Hunters

Yeah the counteract is only to see through the illusion, that was my point 1.

So is the process here:
•GM rolls secret counteract check, succeeds.
•GM doesn’t complete the secret counteract, but instead tells the Thaumaturge “there’s an illusion here, you can see through it if you want to”
•The Thaumaturge can say no at that point, and so nothing happens.

And if that is the process, why? I’m feeling like I’m missing something obvious here.

Horizon Hunters

Lantern Paragon Benefit, last line:

“You can choose to leave any illusion or transmutation you discover intact, instead of counteracting it.”

What is this meant to do?
The counteract check that’s part of Lantern Paragon 1: only lets you see through the illusion, doesn’t break the spell, and 2: is a secret GM check so you don’t know it’s happening until you’ve already done the counteract.

Horizon Hunters

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We heard from Erik Mona that rogues will no longer have a complicated weapon proficiency list and will simply get all martial weapons access, and wizard similar but with all simple weapons.

Will the bard also get some variant of this clean up, or stay on its partial martial selection?

Horizon Hunters

14 people marked this as a favorite.

With the renaming of gnoll as Kholo, is it possible that we do the same for some of the other ancestry names in this book?

Catfolk, ratfolk, and lizardfolk all have their own names already in the lore of the setting, and I think it would be cool to be less humanocentric about them. Amurrun, Ysoki, and Iruxi are all awesomely Pathfinder specific, and calling them their own names is respectful if nothing else.

I really hope halflings get a Golarion-specific name too. It’s kind of weird to have an ancestry name that related solely to how their height relates to humans. They deserve better!

Horizon Hunters

8 people marked this as a favorite.

With the renaming of tiefling/aasimar as nephilim and gnoll as kholo, will the same happen for other ancestry names that are currently overtly humanocentric and potentially OGL adjacent?

I’m thinking specifically of correcting catfolk to amurrun, ratfolk to ysoki, lizardfolk to iruxi, and halfling to… something else that isn’t how they relate to human height.

Would be very cool to see that as their books names rather than “how they call themselves”

Horizon Hunters

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Stolen Fate Player's Guide wrote:
Lores based on terrain will also be quite helpful as you travel the world, especially Forest Lore, Hills Lore, Mountain Lore, and Swamp Lore, but others like Desert Lore, Plains Lore, and Underworld Lore will have moments as well.

Underworld Lore does sound like a terrain lore, especially when included in a sentence explicitly about terrain lores XD

I’m assuming it’s there as the closest equivalent to an Urban Lore, rather than one about the Darklands, or the afterlife…

Horizon Hunters

crognus wrote:
Dwim wrote:
crognus wrote:

I created a rules supplement to allow players to use the warg puppies in Hellknight Hill as animal companions or familiars. It also includes a Citadel Altaerein upgrade that allows other classes to gain access to animal companions.

Age of Ashes - Warg Supplement

Any chance this would still be available somewhere ?
I accidentally deleted and lost this document. Sorry.

I have this saved but it doesn't have a name attached - is it your one?

Age of Ashes - Warg Supplement

Horizon Hunters

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Hi all, I believe this is the best place to drop this:

Have remade all the Tomorrow Must Burn maps in Inkarnate, plus some extra maps for the encounters that didn't have them.
Hope they may be useful to someone.


First time making maps or using Inkarnate, so have learned a lot in the process.
One of those lessons being that Inkarnate is not ideal for making maps as large as the ones towards the end of this book...
I think I'll try a different software for the next book, or rely on other people's work.

Thanks for reading!

Horizon Hunters

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Tanuki! New skill feats! An AP that diverges from the 3/6 system!

This is awesome news in every way. Very excited to see the other three ancestries eventually. Have my eye on wayang for now…

Horizon Hunters

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Absolutely spiffing work here. Pats on the back all round.

Horizon Hunters

Two hours is the perfect length for my home game use, I'm loving this news!

Keep it up team Paizo.

Horizon Hunters

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As a non-USian, this is very cool to hear. Paizocon International!

Horizon Hunters

I recommend!
Have listened to Extinction Curse and now Ruby Phoenix, is a really fun podcast with highs and lows and seriouses and sillys. Ended up throwing my money at them, which is not something I’ve done for a podcast before.

Horizon Hunters

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hopefully this is okay to add onto the end of this question, but it’s directly related.

As Brigh is Bry (like fry), is Brighite… Bry-ite? Doubled “eye” sound?

Just starting Outlaws of Alkenstar so am seeing Brighite in the player’s guide.


Horizon Hunters

Danger Club woo! Love the podcast.

Horizon Hunters

6 people marked this as a favorite.

United Paizo Workers! Yes! You have my support in this. Love to see it.

Horizon Hunters

This is quality content. Love it.

Horizon Hunters

Lost Omens Character Guide, p.127
Pathfinder Venture-Captain (Khoumrock Blackthane) has the trait Human, despite clearly being a Dwarf.