Saedar's page
1,003 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist.
Bellona wrote: Also, I need a PF2/PFR to PF1 translation guide. What are "aiuvarins" and "dromaars"? Are "nephilim" the new planetouched? Is "Chthonian" the new Abyssal? Who are the native speakers of "Arboreal"? A lot of this is easily searchable by just highlighting the words you typed and having google do a search. Maybe you have to add the word "pathfinder".
1. half-elves
2. half-orcs
3. yes
4. yes
5. https://2e.aonprd.com/Languages.aspx?ID=26
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Ed Reppert wrote: Personally, and maybe this isn't the best place to put this, but personally, I would just as soon that no settings book should contain any rules elements at all. Strictly "here's Absalom (or Kyonin or Varisia or Brevoy or whatever)" or "here's what we think we know about the gods" or whatever else about the setting, but nothing about character or class options or any other rules element. Seems way too late for that now though. :-( Hard disagree. I vastly prefer rules and setting be pretty tightly coupled.
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Barbarians are quite good even if certain individual pieces aren't fantastic. They consistently do top tier damage in multiple ways. I'd encourage you to care less about a theoretical understanding of the game and look at things in practice.
I'm playing a suboptimal (changeling claws) spirit barbarian in Agents of Edgewatch and it rules.
re: English as a secondary language...
You recognized in your opening that you may come off as rude. In your post/title, you do a lot of ascribing motivation to the designers of the game. That is often an example of rude behavior. Do that less.
Squiggit wrote: Proficiency would be kind of eating reaper's weapon familiarity's lunch, would be odd imo having two ways to do the same thing in class like that. No doubt. I see all of these things working in tandem and with one another in mind to produce a hybrid martial-spellcaster path.
Dubious Scholar wrote: Would it be reasonable for Osteo Armaments to say you're Expert in the weapons created this way, increasing to Master at 17? Effectively Warpriest progression. Or possibly a later feat that adds more benefits+master? I think that would be a decent foundation. My ideal for support goes a bit beyond "functional proficiency" but it is definitely a component. A feat giving something like spellstrike but specifically for attack+thrall compression could be fun. Or things like the Changeling feats that add nifty riders to your claws.
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Loving the Players Guide. This AP is generating more excitement than usual for my groups. I know I've been dying for this exact AP concept for a few years now and I'm pretty stoked to see it here.
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I like them in-theory and the vibes are certainly great. I just wish they were punchier or had clearer feat paths to make "fight with weapon/whatever" a mechanically significant part of the character.
I get that they are intended to be backup options. Just kind of wish the intent was different.
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I'm not a no-negativity person. I just don't particular think any of this is all that serious. There's no moral issue here from the consumer perspective. The game plays just fine at my tables.
So. Eh.
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I dunno, friend. Seems like you might be playing with some overly restrictive GMs.
Either way: Archetypes are the way and the truth in PF2.
If you just want a generally-cosmetic vibe, just call yourself a lich (or whatever).
Witch of Miracles wrote: Bit of a shower thought, but maybe the whole Reaper Weapon Familiarity deal and some of these martially feats would do well if repackaged into a reduced casting class archetype, ala battle harbinger.
Have a Grave Knight class archetype dedication that gives you access to those weapons, along with better weapon proficiency progression and worse spell proficiency progression. Have it push you to wavecasting, or maybe remove the slotted spellcasting entirely since the class is already two slot and your focus spells are good on their own. There's probably a cool playstyle here.
Ok... So... Hear me out.
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Ongoing headaches because they decided to mechanically split "unarmed attacks" and "weapons". Wish they would just errata that. Ah well.
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I was always a huge fan of the Dread Necromancer, so this class plus the Lich Dedication could be fun.
AestheticDialectic wrote: A little Manfred, a lil skeleman who helps out in small ways What an awesome little guy. We could all use a Manfred in our lives.
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I figure he's just been busy and interacting with the public is exhausting.
Justnobodyfqwl wrote: Berselius wrote: I wonder if we'll get other 1e Pathfinder wizard subschools as classes? I think my GF would absolutely love to get an Enchanter class (especially one that gives the ability to afflict mind-effecting abilities/spells on creatures that are otherwise immune or mindless). I 100% believe the motivation of the Necromancer was "Necromancers in pop culture", not "the Wizard school turned into a full class".
I don't think anyone is asking for, or jumping to make, "the Abjurer class". Haven't had a chance to look at the playtest stuff in detail but could the Runesmith be kind of the Abjurer class if you squint a bit?
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I dunno, dude. Seems like this is just a game and not that serious.
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The art they picked for the Necro on the Twitter post rules.
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So much of this talk about players and GMs inherently bouncing off certain types of games feels like making up a thing to be angry about because it doesn't fit your personal preferences. I run PF2, World of Darkness, and all manner of indie games. Some people definitely prefer certain types of games but the gaming still remains fun whether gamist, simulationist, or narrative. It just isn't that serious.
To the question of mythic gating of rituals? Eh. Maybe the least of all complaints I could have with PF2. Right down there with alignment removal and rarity tags.
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I use unrestricted FA in all of my games. It is fine. Some experienced players struggle while others are fine. Some new players struggle while others are fine.
Ultimately: Just talk to the humans at your table and help them if they're struggling. This is going to be true for FA and any other point of confusion.
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I think the first half of Strength of Thousands could be an interesting lead-in as long as you don't mind its implementation of Free Archetype (or drift it to be more personally palatable).
The characters could be students sent from Kyonin, its allies, and/or one of the Mwangi Elven tribes. At the end of the third book of SoT, you have established yourselves as professors and defenders of the people. SoT4 has you leading a diplomatic delegation, so it isn't even that conceptually far off to have the characters being sent from the Magaambya to Kyonin instead.
There are a few things in the first three SoT books that point to the back half of the AP you may want to de-emphasize but honestly shouldn't require too much.
I play a Barbarian w/ Rogue in Edgewatch.
Changeling Slag May Spirit Barbarian Shadowdancer
Very fun character. Not THE MOST OPTIMIZED IN THE WORLD but still very effective.
Awesome! I've been thinking about running it for my group when our current game wraps in the next month or two. Good to hear the product is as awesome as the pitch!
Ashanderai wrote: Ezekieru wrote: Paul Watson wrote: Paul Watson wrote: I believe Dragon Disciple isn’t in this as its too OGL. Part of the reason for the Dragonblood versatile heritage to allow the same feel. Just circling back now I've got my copy: Other casualties are the Loremaster and Shadowdancer. And Horizon Walker, as well. Those four are not in Player Core 2. Heh... called it. I think we all knew that would be the case. My Spirit Barbarian Shadowdancer is feeling very conflicted.
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James Goodman 960 wrote: You’re about to trade verbal insults with a nonbinary flytrap leshy. Those words can sting! Hmm. I wonder if there could be something deeper here about why it doesn't work for them. Ah well.
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Thaum, more than maybe any of the Occult classes, is powered by the "vibes" aspect of the tradition. Believe hard enough and force the universe to comply.
Set wrote: Arkat wrote: So of Abadar, Torag, and Iomedae, I sure hope it's Iomedae who will be safe, but somehow I suspect it will be Torag who will be Safe. He's the head of the Dwarven pantheorn after all. I feel like Calistria is a perfectly fun god for elves *and* humans, halflings, etc. While Torag seems to have 'dwarf-god' stamped on his metal-clad posterior, and that kinda bores me. I'd rather he be gone entirely, and dwarves, as a people, revere some combination of Abadar and Gorum (with a slight tweak to Gorum to have the crafting of armor and weapons added to their portfolio/domains). Maybe even have one of them swap genders and be a married couple, to stick with the dwarven family of gods theme (or sibs, whatever)... I've got bad news.
Zoken44 wrote: Okay, here's an Idea for a new class: Teleportation.
They aren't a spell caster (maybe some focus spells) but their whole thing is teleportation. Subclasses based on whether they want to enhance their own ability to pop around, Reposition others (including against their will), or leave your teleportation portals open.
This just triggered 3.5 flashbacks and someone who built a homebrew class based on the movie Jumper.
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Tremaine wrote: Saedar wrote: Tremaine wrote: A character that just focuses on striking, and has feats to support that, not 'striking and applying conditions/debuffs' just focuses on applying the dead condition by pure damage.
My friend. Barbarian and Fighter are right there. Rogue? Gunslinger? Weapon Thaum?
What are you looking for that isn't supported by existing options? Feat support for that build. Power Attack is a trap outside of extremly narrow situations, and most other feats are to do with applying conditions, which I don't enjoy, or movement, which is useful I admit, or tanking which is again, not something I enjoy. Meet Axes McSlash. Greataxe fighter I threw together in a handful of minutes with nary a condition in sight.
There is absolutely feat support for what you're describing.
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Tremaine wrote: A character that just focuses on striking, and has feats to support that, not 'striking and applying conditions/debuffs' just focuses on applying the dead condition by pure damage.
My friend. Barbarian and Fighter are right there. Rogue? Gunslinger? Weapon Thaum?
What are you looking for that isn't supported by existing options?
PossibleCabbage wrote: The Raven Black wrote: keftiu wrote: Spore War is coming - at long last, we get to beat up on Treerazer! FWIW I keep on reading Sport War. Sport Wort is coming later, that's the 1-10 AP about keeping the fans of Golarion's premier sporting event supplied with fermented beverages throughout the games. This sounds like a Free RPG Day scenario. Kind of love it.
moosher12 wrote: A ninja-like. I understand Paizo justifiably does not want to make a ninja because it's very stereotypical, and potentially damaging. But I would love to see a class that mixes a degree of stealth, intrigue, and Qi/Ki that I just don't feel a Monk with the Rogue archetype or a Rogue with the Monk archetype quite scratches the itch of. Each feels like too much of one and not enough of the other, and would like to see a class that puts those themes into a more equal balance. Kineticist with Weapon Infusion and Stealth/Thievery feats? Maybe throw in Rogue and/or Shadowdancer Dedication?
James Jacobs wrote: I'm sure that some folks will be disappointed by the reasons, but I did do my best to justify things and make it make sense and to set up some potentially VERY interesting places for us to go in the future.
AKA: We explain the way it went down, but in no way do we say "and that's that." There will be repercussions. Some of which might take many real-world years to manifest or become apparent.
Sounds awesome! My partner and I are hooked. The way you were describing the events of Curtain Call sounded like Prey For Death takes place at the same time and we thought it could be a lot of fun to play CC up to the point that PfD happens, switch to the standalone, then finish up CC. I'd GM one and she'd GM the other. Dunno. Sounds fun.
exequiel759 wrote: Wait, are they calling one of the mythic paths guardian? Wouldn't that be troublesome since we are going to get a class with that same name? I think it was one of the "Callings" but yeah. Unpleasant naming collisions.
What they've described sounds pretty close to what I was wanting. Incredibly hyped. Doesn't hurt that Michael Sayre always looks and sounds like he's hitting on the camera and it makes me feel loved. ;)
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So, the art they showed on the stream and what James said definitely makes it seem like Gorum is killed by...
Perpdepog wrote: Wait is Paizocon this weekend? You just missed the keynote.
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Was it mysterious or did they just not want a Con-based full caster after seeing how it shook out? Kineticist isn't the same as the scarred witch doctor. Do you have anything more concrete than that? Anything that doesn't demand an industrial amount of tinfoil?
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I've seen Bard, Oracle, Summoner, and Druid played. None were terrible. All contributed. No one complained about feeling weak regardless of level.
Casters don't suck. Some people just don't like casters in PF2.
The Raven Black wrote: Grankless wrote: Oh nooooo, minotaurs can get a slightly higher middle value on some attribute mods and can add reach to weapons that don't have many traits. How scary. Isn't the problem that only minotaurs get this ? For some definitions of "problem", maybe. Nothing discussed in this thread would derail any of the games I've played or run. Being too big for doors would be far more disruptive than big swings with a long scythe.
All that considered? I simply don't see this as a meaningful problem in practice.
The Raven Black wrote: Saedar wrote: The Raven Black wrote: With most undead being evil/Unholy in the setting, I feel it would be awkward to have a major undead deity as the proponent of transhumanism. Transhumanism doesn't have to be healthy. A lot of cyberpunk fiction deals with the implications of replacing your human parts with machines/genetic enhancement/uplift/etc.
Orcus could be interpreted this way due to his contempt for accidental undeath. Undeath is a path you should choose for yourself and for power. Cut out the weak parts of yourself and become something more. Transhumanism does not need to be heavily linked with undeath nor with evil/Unholy though. Unless I missed something, I didn't think anyone was saying that it needs to be so much as it can be associated in that way. Horror is horror.
The Raven Black wrote: With most undead being evil/Unholy in the setting, I feel it would be awkward to have a major undead deity as the proponent of transhumanism. Transhumanism doesn't have to be healthy. A lot of cyberpunk fiction deals with the implications of replacing your human parts with machines/genetic enhancement/uplift/etc.
Orcus could be interpreted this way due to his contempt for accidental undeath. Undeath is a path you should choose for yourself and for power. Cut out the weak parts of yourself and become something more.
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Sanityfaerie wrote: Saedar wrote: My long-shot hope is more options that more directly support unarmed attacks that don't come from Monk feats. From reading the AMA thread, Howl of the Wild actually has a decent bit of that - at least if you include ancestry-based natural attacks as "unarmed attacks". Clawdancer is an entire archetype, there's some love for wildshape druids and animal barbs, and at least one new kind of handwraps. Oh, yeah. I'm hassling my partner on the regular to see if we've got our PDF yet. Alas. I remain sad.
Context: My spirit barbarian is a Changeling (Slag May) and flavor my spirit rage as assuming some of my hag-mother's power/legacy. I use my claws from Slag May as my primary weapons. Optimal? No. Fun? Definitely.
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To the actual topic: Most interested in the shape Mythic takes and PC2 changes that impact my current characters. Only one that seems likely to receive significant changes is my Barbarian (Spirit) but I look forward to being surprised.
My long-shot hope is more options that more directly support unarmed attacks that don't come from Monk feats.
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I loved my PF1 alchemist from Iron Gods. Weird science and mutations are cool. Was bummed that PF2 Alchemist didn't really support either the bomber or Hyde alchemists in a way I found satisfying. Hasn't stopped me from enjoying the other parts of PF2 but I've been pretty consistent on here that I think the balance point for PF2 is slightly too aggressive in favor of making things relatively difficult.
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Andrew White wrote: Issacar wrote: Can we expect Foundry versions in that same timeframe? Yes.
Well, maybe not the novel. Not with that attitude. Smh
Ravingdork wrote: I'm totally stoked for the awakened animal, and my friends are super happy about both the centaur and minotaur, which they used to play during the days of Savage Species.
I'm also looking forward to seeing the dragonblooded, samsaran, and shabtis as well, since I had characters of those ancestries back in the day.
Like some other posters, I'm getting pretty close to the point where I will be content with the ancestry selection. Everything after this is just going to be delicious icing on the cake.
Awakened Animal was one of the ones I've been craving.
Gortle wrote: Deriven Firelion wrote: Definitely read the Finisher tag going in to the class or you might be surprised how limiting the tag makes your rounds. If you changed Finishers are spectacular finishing moves that use your panache. You can use a finisher only if you have panache, and you lose your panache immediately after performing a finisher. Once you use a finisher, you can't use any actions that have the attack trait for the rest of your turn.
Finishers are spectacular finishing moves that use your panache. You can use a finisher only if you have panache, and you lose your panache if you miss while performing a finisher. Once you use a finisher, you can't use another for the rest of your turn.
Swashbuckler would be a fantastic class. This would smooth things out enough that the other pain points might be worth it.
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I think I'd like some new stuff we haven't seen before. Maybe something that's a direct result of the Godsrain. Maybe that just means more nephilim. Dunno.
I could also go for more bizarre stuff. The Conrasu are very, very cool. Might be getting more of that via Starfinder, tho.
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To toss my experience-hat in: Swashbuckler is really fun when it hits and just awful when it doesn't. If you can regularly crank out panache, you can feel like a tornado cutting through the enemies. When you can't generate panache or your finisher misses, you just...kinda chill. They also suffer a lot from being weak against common enemies used to fill out APs such as constructs, oozes, things immune to mental stuff, and things immune to bleed. APs also have a lot of big-single-creature fights which doesn't lend itself to the swashbuckler, as mentioned above. Haven't played any of the more recent APs, so I dunno if that's changed.
I played a Swashbuckler in Extinction Curse and a friend is playing one in Agents of Edgewatch. Our experiences have been uncannily similar. I played a Braggart and he's playing a Wit.