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I'll note that Gnome Weapon Familiarity specifically grants access to the kukri (uncommon rarity) along with those weapons that have the gnome trait.

You favor unusual weapons tied to your people, such as blades with curved and peculiar shapes. You gain access to kukris and all uncommon weapons with the gnome trait.

It looks like that rule was added in the errata for the first printing of the CRB.

Page 44: Gnome Weapon Familiarity grants access to kukris as well as all uncommon gnome weapons. Change the first sentence of the second paragraph to “In addition, you gain access to kukris and all uncommon gnome weapons.”

So it seems that the initial lack of access was overlooked rather than intended.

Based on this example, my guess is that the problems with access for those other ancestries were similarly overlooked.

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Gnolls don't have the finesse trait because they are pretty unwieldy.

Have you ever tried swinging a gnoll at someone?

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RaptorJesues wrote:
I for one would very much enjoy some extra info on sorcerers and investigators

We've compiled a decent list of the Investigator changes here on Reddit.

I realized that I miss the nine-section whip from PF1.

PossibleCabbage wrote:
Dorn-Dergar is a d10 reach bludgeoning weapon that is martial for Dwarves with a feat (or humans with unconventional weaponry). So I doubt they'd print a straight up martial version minus Razing.

Nice catch. Somehow I overlooked the Dorn-Dergar when checking the AoN list.

mcrn_gyoza wrote:

I'd like one martial 1d10 + Reach weapon that does bludgeoning damage. Something like a Lucerne Hammer (or just the hammer side of a Halberd).


It's probably not what you're looking for, but you can make a 1d10 reach weapon that deals bludgeoning damage by taking the Mind Smith archetype.

pH unbalanced wrote:


Rather than add a Reposition property they declared that weapons with the Trip property could also be used to Reposition.

I hadn't realized that. Thanks for the info!

Ravingdork wrote:
Gisher wrote:
Cordell Kintner wrote:
You could carry ... infinite medium daggers.

Not an infinite number of daggers. There are reasonable limits even with negligible bulk items.

PC1, pg. 269 wrote:
Items of negligible Bulk don’t count toward Bulk unless you try to carry vast numbers of them, as determined by the GM.

Please don't share that with any of my GMs or with the Pathfinder Society Venture Captains.

People have come to love my 200+ pints of oil antics oh so much.


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Cordell Kintner wrote:
You could carry ... infinite medium daggers.

Not an infinite number of daggers. There are reasonable limits even with negligible bulk items.

PC1, pg. 269 wrote:
Items of negligible Bulk don’t count toward Bulk unless you try to carry vast numbers of them, as determined by the GM.

Ryuujin-sama wrote:

So watching Wisdom Check's video on the Alchemist and they found some interesting interactions between the Alchemist's archetype and some of their feats, assuming they work as he thinks.

The two he brings up that I remember are the one that lets you once a day gather materials for 3 vials if you are below your max number of versatile vials, and the one that lets your daily consumables increase to 6+Int which is normally an increase of 2 per day for an Alchemist but would be an increase of 2+Int for an archetype Alchemist.

Yes, that was interesting. Especially since I like to play high-int characters for whom 2+int would be a very big boost.

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WeKnock42 wrote:
Any idea when the PDF will be available to preorder? Just want something I can autosearch

I don't think that's a thing (aside from having a subscription). I've always had to wait until the pdf is released to buy it.

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shroudb wrote:

We get 4+Int Items (not batches of items) with the Advanced Alchemy. Those are per day. (upgradable to at least 6+Int with a feat)

We get 2+Int Versatile Vials.

Those Versatile falsks can be used for 3 things:
a)Quick Alchemy
b)makeshift bomb
c)Unique Field use

We get back 2 of those /10min.

In addition, we can spend an Action to use Quick alchemy to ALSO make a "temporary versatile vial"

This "temporary versatile vial" can ONLY be used for:
a)makeshift bomb
b)Unique Field use

(plus it takes an extra action to make)

Shinigami02 wrote:

If you want to think of it another way, think of Alchemist like a caster.

Each morning you can pre-make X many items during Daily Prep (don't have the text, so with the changes to General Crafting IDK if you need to have the Recipe in your book or not for these). These are full potency items, all the bells and whistles, full durations, etc. These are your Spell Slots.

Then you have your Versatile Vials, which regen 2 every ten minutes. These can be used on the fly to create any item in your recipe book (spellbook), but it has to be used by the start of your next turn, and if the effect has a long duration that duration caps at 10 minutes. These are your Focus Spells.

Then you have the Quick Alchemy instant Vials. These are infinite, but have to be used by the end of the turn they're created, and can only be used for either really basic bombs or your Field's unique ability. These are your Cantrips.

And then there's the secret fourth option, items you spend downtime and money to Craft. These last forever, function at full potency, may or may not be limited to their Item DCs (depending on how things get phrased), etc. These are your Scrolls.

Those two posts explained how this works so clearly! Thank you both!

Finoan wrote:
Yeah, I'm kinda hoping that Investigator gets some pretty noticeable changes to several of its mechanics.

They have. The video that I linked to covers them.


Pursue a Lead got some clarifications that should make things run much more smoothly for both players and GMs.

Devise a Stratagem got a consolation prize for when your roll is too low to make an attack. (It doesn't interfere with the various options that people have using up until now.)

But the big one is the Person of Interest feat. It's like Hunt Prey for Investigators.

exequiel759 wrote:
I would certainly like the idea of the banner to become a little more flexible though. I don't like the imagery of my character waving a flag everywhere they go because otherwise I don't have class features, more so when a similar character concept can be achieved with the marshal archetype that doesn't need a banner whatsoever.

I could go for some stylistically different options, myself. But if they stick with the banner because of its historical significance I'd understand.

I'm really, really excited about the Commander!

Finoan wrote:
Yeah, sorry about the fake-out. That note about a sketch is easy to miss.

FWIW, the language about using sketches seems to be absent from the remastered version of Pursue a Lead.

Link to the Investigator portion of BadLuckGamer's video overview of the PC2 class changes.

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I love the Investigator changes that I've seen so far!

But I do have a couple of thoughts for future errata.

• Devise a Stratagem still lists the sap separately even though it is an agile melee weapon and so was already included in that category. Somehow this unnecessary text survived a reprint of the APG and now also the remaster.

• And it would be nice if ranged unarmed attacks got added to the Devise a Stratagem list like it did for Sneak Attack. DaS with Leshy seedpods sounds like fun. :)

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Dhaise wrote:
Order status: pending! Very excited for the Alchemist and Oracle.

And so it begins.

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Arkat wrote:


I think my question boils down to whether Golarion's sun works like our RL sun does (fusing hydrogen into helium at millions of degrees centigrade), or is it a "fantasy" star that, while hot, isn't nearly as hot as Sol is.

I'll just note that Sol's temperature varies widely for different layers.

While the core is about 15,000,000 °C, that drops to a 'mere' 5,500 °C at the 'surface' (the photosphere). Sun spots can even lower that a bit. So your dragon might not have any temperature difficulties in Golarion's sun so long as they stay around that depth.

Weirdly, temperatures actually increase again as you rise from the photosphere to the corona, with parts of the corona having temperatures as high as 2,000,000 °C. No one is sure why this is the case, but interaction of the coronal plasma with the sun's magnetic fields seems plausible.

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Perpdepog wrote:
Finoan wrote:
I vaguely remember reading something like that - but I thought it was for a different game system. Pathfinder1e or Starfinder or something.
I know it's in PF1E, and it could be in Starfinder too. All wearable magic items other than armor resized to fit a character in PF1E.

Not necessarily all wearable items, but the PF1 rules made it clear that usually the size of wearable items (aside from armor) wasn't an issue because they could be adjusted to fit either through physical or magical means.

Core Rulebook pg. 459 wrote:

Size and Magic Items

When an article of magic clothing or jewelry is discovered, most of the time size shouldn’t be an issue. Many magic garments are made to be easily adjustable, or they adjust themselves magically to the wearer. Size should not keep characters of various kinds from using magic items. There may be rare exceptions, especially with race-specific items.

Armor and Weapon Sizes: Armor and weapons that are found at random have a 30% chance of being Small (01–30), a 60% chance of being Medium (31–90), and a 10% chance of being any other size (91–100).

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Deriven Firelion wrote:

I rate the lists more by impact spells than size.


I was intrigued by your list, but I couldn't really analyze it as written. So I reorganized it a bit. Thought I'd share.


A D O P enlarge 2

A D O P haste 3

A D O P heroism 3

A D O P true target 7

A D O P foresight 9


A D O P slow 3

A D O P vision of death 4

A D O P synesthesia 5

A D O P wails of the damned 9


A D O P fireball 3

A D O P banishment 5

A D O P chain lightning 6

A D O P eclipse burst 7

A D O P sunburst 7


A D O P charm 1

A D O P invisibility 2

A D O P invisibility sphere 3

A D O P mind reading ᵁ 3

A D O P clairvoyance 4

A D O P fly 4

A D O P invisibility curtain 4

A D O P magic passage ᵁ 5

A D O P wall of stone 5

A D O P mislead 6

A D O P teleport ᵁ 6

A D O P wall of force 6

A D O P proliferating eyes 9


A D O P heal 1

A D O P soothe 1

A D O P regenerate 7

A D O P moment of renewal 8

Werecreatures? Therecreatures.

Conscious Meat wrote:
Regarding those Handwraps of Mighty Blows, they should at least have the option of wearing them as a headband.

Or like the PF1 bodywraps.

Dubious Scholar wrote:

Also, the remaster added the Astral Rune, which is a Ghost Touch rune except upgraded to also deal 1d6 spirit damage. And since spirit damage works on basically anything that isn't a construct and the rune is also cheaper than the other damage runes...

Of course, you're looking for alternatives to runes - I just though it worth mentioning as it basically entirely removes the main drawback of a ghost touch rune.

I hadn't noticed how good the Astral Rune is. Thanks for drawing my attention to it.

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Ravingdork wrote:
Errenor wrote:
Unless of course "Usage: worn belt" also exists. (I don't know)

"Usage: worn belt" does exist on a few items.

I wonder if wearing one precludes all other belt items, or if you can have one "Usage: worn belt" and a bunch of "Usage: worn" belts as well.

You can only wear one "Usage: worn belt" item, but there isn't any such limit for the number of "Usage: worn" items.

GMC, pg. 222 wrote:
An item that needs to be worn to function lists “worn” as its usage. This is followed by another word if the character is limited to only one of that type of item. For instance, a character can wear any number of rings, so the entry for a ring would list only “worn.” However, if the Usage entry were “worn cloak,” then a character couldn’t wear another cloak on top of that one.

So there's no problem with wearing one "Usage: worn belt" item and a bunch of "Usage: worn" items which happen to have the word "belt" in their name or description.

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Sibelius Eos Owm wrote:
I took it that "Air Walk" came into the sights for having its D&D-esque name, and was replaced on all lists by Fly.

Quite possible. But they also seem to have used the remaster as a chance to streamline the spell lists a bit using various means (consolidating light and dancing lights, for example). Replacing air walk with fly would serve both purposes.

Deriven Firelion wrote:
I do not recall the divine list having the fly spell in PF2 before the Remaster.

Your memory is correct. Fly wasn't on the divine lost before the remaster.

Deriven Firelion wrote:
Fly is listed on the Divine list now on Archives. Is that accurate?

PC1 lists fly as being part of all four traditions.

Deriven Firelion wrote:
What other spells expanded to other lists in the Remaster? I can see Divine having fly, but I was surprised when I hit level 7 and fly was available for a divine caster as I was used to having to use air walk for a divine caster.

I notice that Air Walk isn't listed in PC1. With fly now being available to all caster traditions, air walk seems kind of redundant.

Ferious Thune wrote:

I think at the time, there also weren't any Finesse, Agile, Parry weapons.


The main-gauche has always existed in PF2.

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Eoran wrote:
This also appears to be an improvement over the previous iteration of this item - the Gloves of Storing - which had 'Usage: worn gloves'.

I wish they had done something similar with Handwraps of Mighty Blows so wearing them didn't conflict with wearing Healer's Gloves.

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Captain Morgan wrote:

See comments from Mark and Michael there.



Have ally put waterproof covering over head.

Have ally position their covered head over the campfire.

Target ally with Rousing splash.

Water descends on ally's head, runs down the waterproof covering, and puts out the campfire.


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Qaianna wrote:
I always thought non-composite bows let you keep your Strength penalty to damage, too.

By default, ranged weapons ignore your Str modifier for damage.

The exceptions are those with the Thrown trait (which add your full Str modifier) and those with the Propulsive trait (which add half the modifier if it is positive or add the full modifier if it is negative).

Since the non-composite shortbows lack both the Thrown and Propulsive traits, they ignore your Str modifier for damage no matter what it is.

Farien wrote:
SuperParkourio wrote:
The GM can assign a DC whenever it's unspecified, and there are guidelines for doing so.
So why can't it have an AC on par with a Tarrasque then?


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Kobold Catgirl wrote:
Honestly, I want a sling subclass for gunslingers. Slings need more love--they're sort of viable for rogues and thaumaturges, but only vaguely. I've thought about making the subclass myself, even. I'd call it the. Slinger. Hm. Well, it needs work.



Master Han Del of the Web wrote:
Gisher wrote:
Master Han Del of the Web wrote:
Longbows have the Volley 30ft trait which means they take a -2 to targets within 30ft. Shortbows do not and are therefor better for ranged combatants that expect to end up in near-melee ranges with their target but do not want to or cannot take the Point Blank Stance feat.
True, but the comparison here is between shortbows and composite shortbows, not shortbows and longbows. Neither type of shortbow has the volley trait.
Ah! That's what I get for posting after a long day.

It's an easy assumption to fall into given that comparisons between bow types here are almost always about the longbow group vs shortbow group.

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Master Han Del of the Web wrote:
Longbows have the Volley 30ft trait which means they take a -2 to targets within 30ft. Shortbows do not and are therefor better for ranged combatants that expect to end up in near-melee ranges with their target but do not want to or cannot take the Point Blank Stance feat.

True, but the comparison here is between shortbows and composite shortbows, not shortbows and longbows. Neither type of shortbow has the volley trait.

Doug Hahn wrote:
Mirror seems fine. Is polished silver not a mirror? Isn't that how they used to make them?

Metal still is how we make them.

But today we typically use a very thin coating of silver (or aluminum) on one side of a sheet of flat glass rather than the solid metal designs (usually of silver, copper, or bronze) that were used before advances in glass-making technology allowed the modern styles.

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Sibelius Eos Owm wrote:
The Raven Black wrote:
Gisher wrote:
firelark01 wrote:
WWHsmackdown wrote:
Always fun to see a good skill feat in action!
I think that’s a new Swashbuckler feat.
Water Sprint
Jirelle starts her move in the water though.
In the water, but I think not on the water... her feet were touching (mostly) solid ground when she started moving, even if it was under some water.

That's how I read it.

Her first few strides were indeed slow. Grounded.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
firelark01 wrote:
WWHsmackdown wrote:
Always fun to see a good skill feat in action!
I think that’s a new Swashbuckler feat.

Water Sprint

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OceanshieldwolPF 2.5 wrote:
My favorite part of reading the second Dragonlance novel to my son was where the heroes were attacked by guards in Tarsis wielding…hauberks. Now that’s mob justice. I guess it’s…bludgeoning damage?

That sounds like a horrible way to die. :)

(I'm guessing that 'hauberks' was meant to be 'halberds.')

kaid wrote:
It is very likely the description is just a carry over and the image is more likely but honestly either way works well enough. You have the real world model which basically is basically like a trebuchet arm for how the sling works or the more lacross model of a shaped pocket. Either would be effective in combat for flinging stones/bullets at very high velocities at opponents.

Yeah it doesn't matter game-wise. People can go with whatever style they want. I had always pictured something like graystone's lacrosse stick, but now having seen the historical version in action, I think that's more to my taste.

graystone wrote:
I think you're looking at it wrong: Think of it like a lacrosse stick where instead of a pocket netting there is a sling cradle/pouch. It doesn't HAVE to be a slingshot.

Something like a jai alai wicker at the end of a staff could be super deadly. The ones without a stick throw balls at up to 300km/hr!

Here's an interesting video on the historical staff sling.

The ones shown in the video match the illustration of the halfling sling staff in PC1 rather than the book's written description, so I still think that in the rush to do the remaster someone just forgot to update the text to match the design change.

Coriat wrote:


With a straight staff, the loose cord slips off the staff's end at a consistent point in the throwing arc that depends on the cords' length, which allows the projectile to separate from the pouch.

Just thought I'd point out that this is basically the design that is illustrated in the picture of the halfling sling staff that is shown on page 280 of PC1.

There's no Y-shaped, forked end, and you can clearly see how one string is permanently attached to the staff while the other ends in a loop which has simply been slid over a thin, extended part of the end of the staff where it will easily slip off when the sling is used.

So it seems like the verbal description of the weapon just wasn't updated to match the more realistic, post-remaster design.

And it's a sling staff, not a staff sling. :)

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Squiggit wrote:

Excited to see Swashbucklers become a little more consistent. Sounds good.

... Not a huge fan of the last 8 words of Twirling Throw though. Almost complete replacing the need for a returning rune but adding in a small chance to lose your weapon on any given attack feels like it could be very frustrating in actual play in non-ABP Games.

I'm thinking that a Thrower's Bandolier effectively makes that problem go away. Every once in a while your weapon won't come back and you'll just have to draw another one. Spending one feat to free up the space that a returning tube would take up, seems like a reasonable deal to me.

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Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote:
MadManx wrote:
Mika Hawkins wrote:
Announced for November! Product image and description are NOT final and may be subject to change.
If I buy the hardcover do I get a PDF too?
I think you can get the pdf by itself if that is all you want.

They definitely can. I only buy the pdf's, myself. I love the convenience of having them on all of my devices, and I love getting the free updates for each new printing.

shroudb wrote:

just a slight correction, a "+1 striking" in pathfinder 2e is +1 on attacks and 2 dices of damage.

The +1 doesn't get added to the damage.

so runic body will make the damage of the unarmed attacks "2d6" not "2d6+1"

I remember when PF2 first came out, how hard it was to get used to '+x weapons' not dealing that 'x' extra damage. Old habits die hard. :)

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The Raven Black wrote:
Gisher wrote:
shroudb wrote:
Alignment not being a mechanical thing doesn't impact the fact that morality exists.

More precisely, lots of different moralities exist — arguably at least one for each sapient creature.

shroudb wrote:
You can still be an evil bastard or a virtuous paragon without having a tag on your sheet.

And you can be an evil bastard under some of those moralities while simultaneously being a virtuous paragon under others. :)

Replacing a singular definition of good and evil with the realism of subjective ethics is the main reason that I'm so happy that alignment was eliminated.

I think the singular definition of good and evil is still there. It is merely hiding behind the Holy/Unholy tags.

There is still a one true way of cosmic morality even if its impact on a PC level has been drastically reduced.

As I read things, Holy and Unholy indicate whether or not one has joined a side in one particular cosmic conflict rather than defining singular, universal definitions of good and evil the way that the alignment system did. It's now possible for people to disagree about which actions they consider good and evil within their own ethical systems just like in real life.

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