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elemental blast can choose between 3 type of aoe

that is far more valuable than 1d6

mace multipistol sound far more stylish than triggerbrand

just imagine one of those ridiculous weapon that always have gun muzzle at weird place in broken blade

if only there are good repeating combination weapon

or even bad one

nicholas storm wrote:
The class can use the barricade buster, just not as it's innovation. Weapon innovation sucks anyways.

weapon innovation does suck

it can use megaton strike with range weapon

which really help investigator to finally get decent damage

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mad martial are the weakest class chassis in 2e

alchemist have massive amount of item use class dc

thaumaturge have implement empowerment and can cast any scroll with class dc

inventor can reliably explode twice and have a very low bonus damage that require skill check to activate

how could overdrive bonus be so low if it cost action and skill check

it should be as high as giant instinct if not more on crit success

the best inventor can do is take companion innovation and let it use megavolt or guadian lion roar instead

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just remember needle in the gods eye exist after aon update

that is far better than flowing spirit strike

how did stuff like this get through editor

anyway psychic archetype are no way as broken as examplar archetype

most universal powerful option are actually amp shield

imaginary weapon only valuable for other occult caster and magus

Tridus wrote:
ElementalofCuteness wrote:
I disagree and it is RARE for a reason.

It's rare because Exemplar themselves are rare in Golarian due to the backstory behind them.

It's not rare because its the single best level 2 feat for literally every martial in the game. That is not how the Rare tag is usually used and definitely not how it should be taken here, especially since Exemplar itself is also rare and doesn't have the same issues.

I mean still not as bad as Imaginary Weapon Spam Magus, sure you get an extra 8 points of damage at end game, that's not even on average 2 dice from AMP'd Imaginary weapon, heck 2D8 average is 9 damage, if you go further and do it around level 19 that be 10d8 with average of 45 damage non-amped on Magus, so like is 8/16 damage that huge? Everyone is freaking out like 2 damage before level 4 is game braking, then from level 4 to 13 where you go to 6 dsmage till level 19 where you get your damage boosted to 8.

Everyone knows that Psychic dedication is really strong on Magus. It's considered a problem. And that's a focus spell rather than simply being always on, and isn't always the best thing for a caster to take.


IF a level 3 Barbarian has 36+Conx2+Ancestry HP (On average 51 HP with 3 con), using a !d12+8 Damage weapon woudl deal on average 14 Damage, which is still 4 hits at, 14 average blows to knock them out, adding 8 damage to their attack still gives them 4 blows to know out a monster at level 3 which has 50 rough HPs, so like it doesn't even win the fight sooner based on averages.

I mean, nothing else in the game goes "take this feat to gain 8 base damage, passively, all the time." Nothing does that. It adds up real fast. It adds up fast, especially on classes with lots of attacks, classes that crit a lot, or classes that can also take advantage of some of the transcendence effects (like Gleaming Blade's "hey have double slice on a d12 weapon").

And that's before even talking about Victor's Wreath, which is a super...

powerful immenence are much less of a problem with examplar class than archetype

since examplar need to transcendence almost every turn to perform best

wouldn't say eternal bless are a good standard for the power of level 16 feat

though transcendence of victor wreath are absolutely overpowered

so many examplar ability would have 10 minute 24 hour immunity or cooldown if it belong to any other class

but examplar only have 1 action reload for their transcendence

sadly witch are still the weakest prepare caster despite the pc1 change

would pick ghoran ancestry for witch

alchemist and psychic archetype

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14 same level item would be pretty impressive if alchemical ammo are not such garbage

and bomb are not useless for gunslinger most of the time

it is difficult to say without knowing specific update about shattering shot and alchemical ammo

level 20 gunslinger also used to have 40 level 17 bomb per day

really don't think commander and envoy of sf2e have good design right now

doesn't have str or dex as key ability but have many feature and feat rely on hitting enemy

too many once per 10 minute or hour ability make tracking them difficult

at least commander have legendary class dc

paizo really need to rethink the whole mad support martial design

WatersLethe wrote:

We spent so much effort excising the +damage +math feats from Pathfinder when we went to 2E, I don't know why it would make a return like this.

I would personally disallow it at my tables, and I am an extremely permissive GM.


gm should not allow examplar archetype for martial in current form

especially not the damage boost ikon

examplar archetype are the biggest power boost for martial since apg

and in a very obviously unintended way

double slice can trigger twin trait that twin star give

flowing spirit strike can trigger forceful

which is harder to get on a agile strike

examplar also doesn't want to use the same transcendence every turn

or waste 2 ikon slot on the same thing

so double slice remain undefeated at low level

double throw with shadow sheath seem better right now

there are a lot more left to do

celestial get 1 fiend get 2 monitor need 3 since all of them are so different from eachother

then aberration construct elemental gambler each need one

the what most egregious in their absence is the fey mythic

adventure path are by necessity if not by ideology champion of status quo

setting could not change too much with 1 short ap

this is always the case but particularly glaring in the case of warden of wild

writer trying desperately to justify pro peace stance just fail miserably when peace just means don't complain about the boot constantly stomping down

it is narrativelly unworkable

literally come off as anti environmentalist propaganda

animal companion are far too weak at higher level

and mythic build around it obviously suck too

they need item bonus on attack ac and save

wild spell need to clarify if spellsurge cost mythic point

eternal legend are the best

only build character with chef archetype so far so a lot of cocktail and coffee

some lower level item might be useful but also cheap enough to bulk buy instead of prepare daily after a few level

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cosmos flame and time have the weakest curse

cosmos and flame also have pretty useless level 1 focus spell

and didn't have whisper of weakness by default

whisper of weakness and debilitating dichotomy as cursebound feat instead of focus spell are certainly significant buff for oracle

still divine sorcerer with oracle archetype maybe still better than oracle

advantage of channel smite is that it doesn't trigger aoo

it also have terrible damage at insane cost and shouldn't be the standard to compare spellstrike to

magnuskn wrote:
moosher12 wrote:

Probably not Spring Errata, but I really hope Starfinder 2E's Traversal trait comes to a future Pathfinder 2E errata patch.

For those who are not keeping an eye on Starfinder 2E, the trait works as follows:

Disembarking the Starfinder Second Edition Playtest wrote:
One new element we'll be introducing is the traversal trait. This new trait mostly applies to player-facing rules that reference Stride. When it applies, traversal allows the use of alternative movement types (burrow, fly, and swim) to be used in place of land Speed, akin to how Sneak works. Expect to see this greatly impact some abilities used by the envoy and solarian (to name a few).
I'll never get why you can't jump with those extra movement abilities. Flying is fine, but jumping is apparently quantum physics too difficult for a mere adventurer to comprehend.

at least level 3 jump and blast boot can turn any character into bouncy ball

it is pretty funny

alchemical investigator used to get different set of resource than alchemist archetype

investigator function far better than before

still have terrible feat like 5 extra damage of ongoing strategy

love surgical shock

forensic are now best investigator

bomber still suck alchemist overall perform much better

if only there are more feat for contact poison

toxicologist can just apply poison for fighter and do decent damage in most fight

how to do better dps healing support and debuff

what else would player be wasting thousand of hour trying to figure out

no idea why does paizo still insist on making mad class

atleast runesmith have much better access to class dc option than inventor so it would be less of a problem

viper fang already exist and work pretty well for all barbarian

extra reaction have pretty high budget and usually require at least level 10 feat

arcane cascade are failed design

should be cut from magus and all related content reworked

this would also free up space for magus to use other stance

holy water

trigger weakness start at level 1

some kind fix for exemplar archetype ikon damage bonus

update to disallow alchemist archetype to take efficient alchemy

it is just better than advanced alchemy feat

clarification on if no limitation on talisman for thrower bandolier are intentional

update on dragon related item like dragon throat scale

update on elemental explosion of elemental barbarian since there are no cooldown on rage now

bard would be best

imperial and hag sorcerer have great level 1 focus spell

whisper of weakness of oracle

anoint ally should work with explosion of power

anyway there are always hag blood magic

that can not be spamed but does have good damage when it trigger

Errenor wrote:
25speedforseaweedleshy wrote:
look at the insane buff ... sorcerer get in pc2
Could you please remind me? Too much stuff, hard to remember all, I guess.

split shot doesn't lower damage

dangerous sorcery build into the class

super new feat like explosion of power reflect harm blood sovereignty

caster have good damage when they have good damage focus spell

earth bile trade 1 action cast time for worse sustain damage of 1d4 per level

compare to standard 1d6 damage per level of insterstellar void

sorcerer have far better damage

gang up used to be mandatory on all melee martial now just on one melee martial in the team

just improved design

the nimble strike are the one doesn't make sense

rogue already have insanely good reaction option and preparation

then paizo decide to give them a better one

paizo doesn't hate caster

look at the insane buff oracle and sorcerer get in pc2

raising them to sf2e caster power level

paizo just hate wizard

worst caster in core rulebook and only caster weakened by pc1

never pay much attention to blade ally since they are so weak

but more concered about wording of shield one make it sound like champion can just pick up any regular level 0 shield and give it on level reinforce rune with no limitation

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true strike change doesn't change the innate strength of fortune effect

so it make other fortune effect more desirable

such as fortune coin das of investigator and perfect strike of student of perfection are certainly more competitive now

meta are indeed shifted with this patch

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it is very charitable so many player still pretend warpriest could work after 5 year

this change may be enough for cleric to consider deity that doesn't give true strike

or be forced to pick boring human for adaptive adept

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the true strike change affect mega hit class more than multi hit class

for magus it is the worst

since each of their spellstrike already cost 3 action in practice

now they are forced to chase fortune effect other than true strike

and wondering if paizo will put the same limitation on those too

or even put limitation into the fortune trait itself

at this point one must assume paizo intentionally give rogue best save in all class

droping the success degree shift for any other class on master and legendary would be disastrous

since it is the one major mechanical advantage pc have over creature

losing it would be devastating

and yes consistency would also be nice

paizo shouldn't have give all save improvement class feature different name

in the past player can immediately tell a class have master in fort because they immediately recognize class feature named juggernaut

now every master fort are called a different name for no reason and no benefit

alchemist have their own massive pool of item

how many pc would actually pay full price for most alchemical item

those item exist mostly for alchemist and alchemical archetype

the problem is new class would never receive the same level of new content as alchemist

being core class come with great privilege when it come to post launch support

just look at poor little neglected kineticist

almost every ap come with new spell for caster

how many come with new impulse for kineticist

there are 2 action 30 feet option that doesn't risk aoo

but the powergaming instinct of player would lean to use 1 action melee option instead

just ask caster to use hideous laughter first

keftiu wrote:

I really like the chassis of the Runesmith; my current rune options, some feats that feel like they should be subclasses, and a lot of emphasis on shields for a class who want a free hand, however, are all pain points.

Fully expecting the usual post-playtest shot in the arm to make this one something really special, though! I've never liked your typical d20 spell slots at all (they've given me headaches for over a decade), so Runesmith and Kineticist offering magical fantasies without using those subsystems makes me really happy.

right now most rune option are not competitive

hard to imagine it would be fun to just spam slow and damage endlessly

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DMurnett wrote:
If focus points are so obvious why are you literally the only person who wants them on the class?

popularity have nothing to do with the quality of design

most obvious flaw of dnd5e and pf1e still have countless defender

some forum are full of people insist thaco was good

nostalgia doesn't need to make sense

player still complain kineticist have terrible action economy and damage scaling while insist it doesn't need focus spell

there is no reason for runesmith to repeat any mistake of kineticist when it already fixed some of them

Red Griffyn wrote:

The design intent is a once per combat ability. There are many ways to design that into the game. Focus points is not the way in which you do that because you can repeatedly cast the same focus spell. These abilities aren't meant for invoking your etched rune 3 times in a round or similair.

I think a focus point runesmith would be bad and poorly supported. I don't think your idea gives any specific benefit and somehow increases the meta Nova ability of the class by removing any action taxing to setup the Nova rounds.

the existence of once per 10 minute ability had no value to begin with

it should only exist when forced to

not when obvious better option exist

PossibleCabbage wrote:

An ability with a 10 minute cooldown and an ability with a focus point cost are fundamentally different.

Fire Ray is a focus spell, you can cast it three rounds in a row once you have three focus points, and then you need to refocus. But each ability with a 10 minute cooldown is tracked separately, so once the Thaumaturge drains their chalice they can't drain their chalice again for 10 minutes, but they can do anything else they want including another ability with a 10 minute cooldown.

The reason champions, rangers, and monks have focus spells is that the PF1 Paladin and Ranger were actual spellcasters and the Monk had a whole bunch of Ki spells.

one should never conflate result with intention

even if once per 10 minute are the intention it is still terrible design

and should be replaced by focus spell

let legacy issue of monk ranger and champion hold back better designed system for new class would be even more idiotic

and run counter to the entire point of edition change and update

maybe it should have said one creature within reach

this playtest doesn't have the most tight language

YuriP wrote:
25speedforseaweedleshy wrote:

kineticist have more bonus feat than any other class

paizo clearly noticed the problem just doesn't have enough time to solve it

That's a pretty bold assumption for a class that was made in this way since the playtest document.

exequiel759 wrote:

I personally think the kineticist feat design is more elegant than what both runesmith and commander currently have, though with the runesmith in particular I think its fine either way. The only real problem I have is that from now on all classes that get their own spellcasting-adjacent mechanic get it like the commander and runesmith then the kineticist is going to stick out like a sore thumb.

I love the kineticist but I think it shows Paizo didn't know how to handle it due to all the problems it still carries like not working with most of the system since impulses aren't either spell attacks or strikes. I just hope the kineticist doesn't become the new alchemist in terms of erratas.

I agree IMO the current big problem of kineticist is that the designers created an uniq mechanic that doesn't fully integrates with the rest of the system and creates problems like kineticists being unable to benefit from mythic. Same situation may happen with runesmith once that runes are also not spells but here it's in a minor rate due the fact that the class still a martial that uses weapons.

not the first class paizo fail to fix after playtest

since they still didn't fix swashbuckler after so many year

kineticist have more bonus feat than any other class yet still have the most tight class feat slot than any other class

the solution is obvious now

YuriP wrote:

I agree that focus spells mechanics are great but they are linked to spellcasting and are spells. Mechanically makes sense to use it but thematically will put in the same bag of spells something that the Paizo designers doesn't want for these classes.

This creates opportunities and restrictions. Like picking an archetype with focus spell they won't give you more uses for your 10 minutes ability but for other side you can go beyond the limit of 3 resources per encounter and will recover then independently.

that doesn't make any sense

ranger monk and champion use focus spell as they should

so should any other martial with once per 10 minute or per hour ability

it is a pointless waste to not use focus spell system when it work so much better

yes there are design intention behind once per 10 minute ability

since they are terrible design

they should be shift to better designed focus spell

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runesmith have 6 feat that have once per 10 minute frequency

please just give runesmith focus spell

instead of worse focus spell with extra step

and more difficult to track

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runesmith use strike and class dc

unlike kineticist use impulse attack that doesn't have any mention in mythic rule

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