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Pathfinder #17—Second Darkness Chapter 5:

The Two Faces of Kyonin

The Two Faces of Kyonin Friday, October 10, 2008In Pathfinder #17, the PCs visit the elven homeland of Kyonin. We'll be providing a gazetteer of this nation for GMs to use to expand adventures set in this verdant kingdom. As you can see by the two pictures here by Andrew Hou, though, Kyonin isn't just an idyllic sylvan setting with beautiful elven villages—there's a dark side to Kyonin as well. The fiend-haunted forest of Tanglebriar, empire of the demon Treerazer (that's his palace...
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Pathfinder #17—Second Darkness Chapter 5:

Please Don't Feed the Bebiliths

Please Don't Feed the Bebiliths Wednesday, October 8, 2008In Pathfinder #17's adventure, A Memory of Darkness, the heroes get to travel to the idyllic realm of Kyonin, the homeland of the elves. But as you can see here in Steve Prescott's cover illustration, Kyonin's not wholly a nice and happy place. Particularly down south, in the demon infested reaches of Tanglebriar, where bebiliths and other menaces replace bears in the Reasons to fortify your campsite list. James Jacobs ... Pathfinder...
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Pathfinder #13—Second Darkness Chapter 1:

Meet the NPCS: Allevrah of Kyonin

... Meet the NPCS: Allevrah of Kyonin Monday, June 16, 2008For the first twelve installments of Pathfinder, we introduced our twelve iconic adventurers. With Second Darkness, our third Adventure Path, we're switching tactics. Since there's only 11 core classes (we kind of cheated with Seltyiel a little, making him our iconic multiclass character), starting with Pathfinder #13 our cover characters are instead iconic NPCs from the current adventure path or campaign. Of course, that means that...
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Tags: Elves Kyonin Portraits Second Darkness
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