![]() New Books and Epubs!New Books and Epubs! Wednesday, May 18, 2011It's an exciting day over here in the Pathfinder Tales department! Not only does today introduce the final chapter in Erik Mona's Two Pieces of Tarnished Silver (which you can read right here for free), but it's also the release date of two things that folks have been anxiously awaiting for a while now. ... Illustration by Daren Bader ... The first is Robin Laws' The Worldwound Gambit, a rollicking heist novel set in the demonic madness of the...Tags: Council of Thieves Curse of the Crimson Throne Daren Bader Dave Gross Elaine Cunningham James Sutter Jason Engle Legacy of Fire Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Tales Rise of the Runelords Robin D. Laws Second Darkness Web Fiction The Worldwound Gambit ![]() Beasts of the Black Blood... Illustration by Kevin Yan ... Beasts of the Black Blood Monday, December 1, 2008In Pathfinder #18's Descent into Midnight, the heroes travel deep into the Darklands, into the nightmare realm of Orv. There, in an immense cavern known as the Land of Black Blood, the final enemy awaits. This volume of Pathfinder includes a short gazetteer about the Land of Black Blood that details the numerous strange locations therein and several of the region's dangerous denizens, like the aboleth pictured...Tags: Aboleths Animals Darklands Druids Gnomes Iconics Kevin Yan Monks Monsters Second Darkness Wallpapers ![]() Twenty Years in the Making!Twenty Years in the Making! Friday, November 28, 2008Self-plagiarizing is just one of many skills I've had to hone and develop after joining Paizo several years ago. Now and then, when I was under a deadline crunch for freelance, I'd dip into something I'd created for my homebrew campaign over the past 20+ years and steal a name or a monster or a spell from those documents, update it to 3rd edition, and continue on. When we decided to build an entire new game world to support Pathfinder, I...Tags: James Jacobs Monsters Second Darkness ![]() Blast from the Past... Blast from the Past Monday, November 10, 2008Two old favorites finally arrive on Golarion in Pathfinder #17. I'm pretty excited to get these two monsters into the game in particular, since they've been two missing monsters that I've always had a soft spot for. The first is the banshee, based on Irish legends of a female messenger of death. (It always seemed weird to me that the spell wail of the banshee was in the game, but there was no banshee in the SRD.) The second is a creature whose...Tags: Monsters Second Darkness ![]() Could It Be Worse?... Could It Be Worse? Friday, October 24, 2008 Through dark magic and foul rites drow corrupt the unworthy of their society into horrifying creatures—skittering, spider-legged abominations known as driders. But what about other races? If the drow work such perversion upon their own brethren, what terrors might they inflict upon their enemies? With demonic magic and deadly alchemy the fleshcrafters of Zirnakaynin rework their captives into terrible new forms, better suiting their cruel...Tags: Drow Monsters Second Darkness Tyler Walpole ![]() The Two Faces of KyoninThe Two Faces of Kyonin Friday, October 10, 2008In Pathfinder #17, the PCs visit the elven homeland of Kyonin. We'll be providing a gazetteer of this nation for GMs to use to expand adventures set in this verdant kingdom. As you can see by the two pictures here by Andrew Hou, though, Kyonin isn't just an idyllic sylvan setting with beautiful elven villages—there's a dark side to Kyonin as well. The fiend-haunted forest of Tanglebriar, empire of the demon Treerazer (that's his palace...Tags: Andrew Hou Elves Kyonin Second Darkness Wallpapers ![]() Please Don't Feed the BebilithsPlease Don't Feed the Bebiliths Wednesday, October 8, 2008In Pathfinder #17's adventure, A Memory of Darkness, the heroes get to travel to the idyllic realm of Kyonin, the homeland of the elves. But as you can see here in Steve Prescott's cover illustration, Kyonin's not wholly a nice and happy place. Particularly down south, in the demon infested reaches of Tanglebriar, where bebiliths and other menaces replace bears in the Reasons to fortify your campsite list. James Jacobs ... Pathfinder...Tags: Kyonin Monsters Second Darkness Steve Prescott Wallpapers ![]() Looking to the StarsLooking to the Stars Monday, October 6, 2008So, after a lengthy and unscheduled delay, it looks like we're getting quite close to finally getting Pathfinder #14 into our warehouse and ready to ship. It's been a bit since we talked about this one, but here's a quick preview of something a lot of our readers are looking forward to—what lies beyond the planet of Golarion! In Pathfinder #14, we'll be discussing that very topic—what other worlds revolve around Golarion's sun, what...Tags: Golarion Second Darkness Wallpapers ![]() Where do Driders Come From?... Where do Driders Come From? Wednesday, September 24, 2008In the Second Darkness Adventure Path, we knew we wanted to use the drow as the primary antagonists. And of course, where there's drow, there's driders. Yet with the changes to drow society in Golarion (and in particular who and what they worship) versus their classic representation in the game, the genesis story for driders had to change. This gave us a pretty interesting bit of new flavor for both driders and drow. In (under?)...Tags: Darklands Drow Monsters Second Darkness ![]() The Endless Night BeginsThe Endless Night Begins Monday, September 22, 2008Pathfinder #15 is off to press, and you know what that means! Time to start working on Pathfinder #16! Pictured here is the cover by Steve Prescott for Endless Night, the fourth installment of the Second Darkness Adventure Path. In the coming month, we'll be revealing more about this volume's contents (driders and demons and mothmen, oh my!), but for now, feast your eyes on a typical day for surface folk in a drow city. ... James Jacobs ......Tags: Second Darkness Steve Prescott Wallpapers ![]() Amiri Just Loves Fightin' Dragons!Amiri Just Loves Fightin' Dragons! Tuesday, September 16, 2008 As the title and art may suggest, our iconic barbarian just loves tusslin' with great winged wyrms! This lovely bit of art is just one component of the cover to Pathfinder #15, The Armageddon Echo, unfettered by logo or iconic image. Unfettered, I say! I hope you enjoy! ... Jacob Burgess ... Online Retail Coordinator ...Tags: Dragons Second Darkness Wallpapers ![]() The Last Home of the ElvesThe Last Home of the Elves Monday, September 15, 2008For the last several months of Pathfinder's Second Darkness Adventure Path we've been neck-deep in drow, with one terrible question looming over our heads all the while: With such a history of fantastic dark elven cities, where do the drow of Golarion actually live? The answer started as a sketch on a single piece of graph paper and grew into a tape and grid work monstrosity that would dominate my dining room table for several weeks. From...Tags: Darklands Elves Second Darkness Wallpapers ![]() Into the Darklands We TrodInto the Darklands We Trod Friday, September 12, 2008It falls to me once again to reveal a tantalizing taste of some of the terrific tableaux contained within the pages of Pathfinder. Today I bring to you two pieces from Into the Darklands. The first is a bunch of drow and slaves leading freshly captured heroes into a drow city. Lucky them. The second is, well... it's an underground lost-world-type cavern where giant monsters fight dinosaurs. I think that speaks for itself. Have I mentioned...Tags: Darklands Second Darkness Wallpapers ![]() Drow-chemy... Drow-chemy Monday, September 8, 2008As the Second Darkness Adventure Path progresses, the PCs will become more and more familiar with the countless ways the drow have to inflict pain, suffering, and ruin. In Pathfinder #15, alchemy is added to the dark elves' arsenal, including alchemical ammunition for their ubiquitous hand crossbows. ... Acid Bolts: These metal bolts have a glass section in the middle, filled with acid. On a successful hit, they deal normal damage and 1d4 points of...Tags: Drow Portraits Second Darkness ![]() But Spiders Make Great Monsters!... But Spiders Make Great Monsters! Monday, September 1, 2008We've had an awful lot of spider-themed monsters in the pages of Pathfinder over the past year or so. Enough that we've actually heard some complaints about how many of the new monsters are spider-themed. Furthermore, when we revealed that the third Adventure Path was going to revolve around the drow, we heard an even more vocal outcry against spiders. I'm not sure how much of the spider backlash is due to all the spider stuff...Tags: Monsters Second Darkness ![]() Drow of GolarionDrow of Golarion Monday, August 25, 2008One of the great things about working on Pathfinder is that I get to work with my heroes. In Pathfinder #15, we have an article about the drow written by none other than Jeff Grubb, author of such products as Manual of the Planes, Spelljammer, The Finder's Stone Trilogy, and countless other classics. And as it works out, he worked on my favorite D&D adventure of all time, the super-module Queen of the Spiders. So his resume was pretty solid for the...Tags: Darklands Drow Second Darkness Wallpapers ![]() Plants from Space!... Plants from Space! Wednesday, August 20, 2008As you've probably noticed from all the recent talk about falling stars and strange new worlds, Pathfinder #14 looks to the stars. With spacemen and moon monsters featuring so heavily in Children of the Void and the volume's other articles, it seemed appropriate to take this rare chance and dedicate a portion of the month's bestiary to the truly alien. Full-fledged, undisguised, world-traveling extraterrestrials, that is. Taking cues from our...Tags: Monsters Second Darkness ![]() Into the BlackInto the Black Monday, August 11, 2008Ever since we started the Pathfinder Chronicles Campaign Setting, I've been thinking about the stars. Sure, developing the planet of Golarion is a blast, but what's beyond it? Look at how many stories we've managed to tell (and are currently gearing up to tell!) in just one region of one world—how many more could be out there on the eleven planets and dozens of moons in just Golarion's solar system? More importantly, how strange would they be? What...Tags: Akiton Mars Second Darkness Wallpapers ![]() Demon Lords of Golarion... Demon Lords of Golarion Wednesday, August 6, 2008So, if you'll allow me a moment here to go off on a tangent that's near and dear to my black, twitching, tainted heart—let me talk for a bit about the demon lords of Golarion. ... I've always been a fan of demons. I've written at length on my personal blog, on messageboards, in editorials, and in various books about this admiration of all things Abyssal. The one person I've met who can match (or exceed) this perfectly normal and...Tags: Gods and Magic Second Darkness Wallpapers ![]() Don't Go Near the Water!... Don't Go Near the Water! Monday, August 4, 2008So the waters of Riddleport harbor are alive with things that find people delicious. A pirate or smuggler who falls overboard generally has only a few minutes to get to shore or clamber back on board a ship before a shark, bunyip, reefclaw, or other predator catches his scent. In some cases, though, those hungry predators don't wait until someone falls into the water—they can flop ashore to hunt for food if necessary. One notorious...Tags: Monsters Riddleport Second Darkness ![]() Putting the Adventure in Your HandsPutting the Adventure in Your Hands Wednesday, July 23, 2008Next month's Pathfinder marks more than just the launch of the Second Darkness Adventure Path, it also premieres a new addition to Pathfinder's pages with the first of our new Set Piece adventures! Eight-page adventures tied to that month's Adventure Path entry, Set Pieces present GMs with a host of options whether they're playing the ongoing Adventure Path, running their own games, or simply need an iconic location. Each Set Piece...Tags: Portraits Riddleport Second Darkness ![]() Character Traits, Part II... Character Traits, Part II Monday, July 21, 2008Back on June 23, I gave you a preview of the Character Traits system we're introducing in the Pathfinder Companion line. There, I'd mentioned that there were several different kinds of traits for you to mix and match—with a single trait roughly equaling half a feat in power, by picking to Character Traits your character effectively starts with a bonus feat that's tailored specifically to his or her background and personality. ... Today,...Tags: Character Traits Pathfinder Player Companion Portraits Second Darkness ![]() Gaming at the Gold Goblin... Gaming at the Gold Goblin Monday, July 14, 2008Shadow in the Sky begins with a grand gambling tournament at a Riddleport gaming hall called the Gold Goblin. The PCs can take time during this opening scene to meet each other, get to know some of the adventure's key NPCs, and maybe make a little money. Of course, no gambling tournament in Riddleport would be complete without some quirky local games—and in Pathfinder #13, we give you four new games with which to separate your players from...Tags: Pathfinder Adventure Path Second Darkness ![]() A Legacy of LavenderA Legacy of Lavender Wednesday, July 9, 2008Next month, readers of Pathfinder #13 will meet Saul Vancaskerkin and Clegg Zincher, two scheming crime bosses from Varisia's famed pirate paradise, Riddleport. But the premiere entry in the Second Darkness Adventure Path isn't the first time the Vancaskerkin family and Boss Zincher (Pathfinder #14's cover boy), have shown up in Pathfinder. Would you believe that both received a nod all the way back in Pathfinder #1?! Turns out that the...Tags: Portraits Riddleport Second Darkness Tieflings ![]() Raising Hellknights!Raising Hellknights! Monday, July 7, 2008A little over a year ago we started doing this thing called Pathfinder—you might have heard of it. Early on, we decided that its first volume would debut with a guide speaking directly to players, telling them a bit about the world we'd been cooking up. But honestly, at the time, we knew very little about said world. As James set to writing the premiere Pathfinder adventure, Burnt Offerings, I was tasked with drumming up that something for...Tags: Hellknights Portraits Second Darkness ![]() Just Another Day in RiddleportJust Another Day in Riddleport Monday, June 30, 2008So, as you can see in the picture here, life in Riddleport can be tough. It might be a nice, balmy summer day, a perfect day for smuggling some loot. You've got word that the overlord's gendarmes have all been bribed and your boss' rivals have other problems that have them looking the other way—moving the latest catch from a fat Magnimarian merchant ship to the local fence should be a simple job. But if there's one mistake a Riddleport...Tags: Riddleport Second Darkness Wallpapers ![]() Character Traits... Character Traits Monday, June 23, 2008In the first Pathfinder Companion, the Player's Guide to the Second Darkness Adventure Path, we introduce a new mechanic for tying your character's background and history into the gaming world as a whole. These are Character Traits, a concept we first introduced in the Curse of the Crimson Throne Player's Guide, where the trait you pick gives you not only a small bonus to your character, but ties him or her into the Adventure Path's storyline from the...Tags: Character Traits Pathfinder Player Companion Second Darkness ![]() Meet the NPCS: Allevrah of Kyonin... Meet the NPCS: Allevrah of Kyonin Monday, June 16, 2008For the first twelve installments of Pathfinder, we introduced our twelve iconic adventurers. With Second Darkness, our third Adventure Path, we're switching tactics. Since there's only 11 core classes (we kind of cheated with Seltyiel a little, making him our iconic multiclass character), starting with Pathfinder #13 our cover characters are instead iconic NPCs from the current adventure path or campaign. Of course, that means that...Tags: Elves Kyonin Portraits Second Darkness ![]() A Favorable Companion—Character Trait Design Philosophy... A Favorable Companion Wednesday, June 11, 2008We're finishing up a whole bunch of great products this week, all of which will be available at Gen Con in a couple months. As most of you are probably keenly aware, we launch a whole new Adventure Path in August with the first 96-page chapter of Second Darkness. In addition, we provide the most comprehensive look at Golarion and the Pathfinder Chronicles Campaign Setting with our expansive 256-page campaign setting hardcover. Not to be...Tags: Character Traits Pathfinder Player Companion Portraits Second Darkness ![]() Pathfinder Companion Art Preview!... Pathfinder Companion Art Preview! Friday, May 30, 2008Being one of the newest employees here at Paizo certainly has its advantages, one of which is that I get to see some of the new stuff coming in. In an effort to not be a selfish, selfish man, I thought I'd share some of the love with you. ... Here are a couple of sweet art pieces from August's Pathfinder Companion: Second Darkness. For those that don't know, Pathfinder Companion will be a new series of player-friendly, 32-page,...Tags: Pathfinder Player Companion Riddleport Second Darkness Wallpapers ![]() Second Darkness... Second Darkness Friday, May 2, 2008With Pathfinder #12, we'll have introduced our twelve core iconic characters, the heroes you'll see going up against the bad guys in all Pathinfder products. These iconics are basically meant to be stand-ins for your PCs, but once we hit our 11th one (Lini the gnome druid), we'd covered all of the core classes. Our 12th iconic will be our iconic multiclass character—a fighter/sorcerer (keep an eye for his debut on our blog in a few weeks), but...Tags: Drow Portraits Second Darkness ![]() Pathfinder in 2008!... Pathfinder in 2008! Monday, December 31, 2007Wow. Here we are at the end of 2007—I don't know about you, but it kind of snuck up on me. Things have been crazy busy here at Paizo over this last year, between the end of one era of monthly product and the beginning of another. Launching Pathfinder was great fun, but it was also a lot of work. Fortunately, Team Pathfinder has just about recovered from the triple duty of working on magazines, launching Pathfinder, and going to Gen Con—all just...Tags: Curse of the Crimson Throne Rise of the Runelords Second Darkness Wallpapers ![]() Second Darkness Adventure Path Friday, October 19, 2007Since we're...Second Darkness Adventure Path Friday, October 19, 2007Since we're getting dangerously close to starting actual work on Pathfinder's second Adventure Path, Curse of the Crimson Throne, I figured it'd be a great time to reveal some information about Pathfinder's third Adventure Path. This one's still quite early in the development stages, but nonetheless we've got a fair amount about it nailed down. And it's those things I want to talk about in today's blog post. ... The Name: The third...Tags: Second Darkness |