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Pathfinder Society's Gen Con 2019 Scenarios

It’s nearly August 1st, and that means we’re about a week away from launching the Second Edition of Pathfinder in all its glory. What better way to do that than with some great adventures? Today we’re previewing not only the final scenario for the First Edition campaign, but also the wealth of new Second Edition content kicking off the Year of the Open Road!

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Tags: Christopher Kimball Dion Harris Emmanuele Desiati Gislaine Avila Organized Play Pathfinder Second Edition Pathfinder Society Teresa Guido Vicky Yarova

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To the Society’s Success in 2018!

When we thought of the topic of today's blog, we intended it to cover a variety of topics. But as we started writing, there were so many fantastic scenarios to highlight that the words just kept coming. So instead of splitting focus, I'll save my words for next week and turn the keyboard to Organized Play Lead Developer John Compton, as he summarizes the highlights from our 2018 Society products. To all our players worldwide, thank you for making our communities vibrant places of play. Cheers and Happy Holidays!

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Tags: Benjamin Widdowson Dion Harris Graey Erb Hannah Boving Organized Play Pathfinder Society Sebastian Rodriguez Starfinder Society

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Monasteries, Monuments, and Mysteries

Gen Con lands a little earlier each year, and while that ambitious publication schedule means there's tons of new material that arrives in early August, it means nearly two months before the next scenarios arrive in late September. The long wait is nearly over! The team's been working on a variety of Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild scenarios that highlight northwestern Avistan in dramatically different ways. Let's hear from the developers who worked on each one.

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Tags: Dion Harris Organized Play Pathfinder Society Tom Ventre

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Adventures Along the Arcadian Ocean

The approaching solstice marks the point at which the Paizo office starts to look a little emptier for a few weeks. Just because a bunch of folks are taking some time off, though, doesn't signal any break in scenario production. We have two new scenarios coming out tomorrow, December 20th. Consider the early release our holiday gift to you!

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Tags: Dion Harris Organized Play Pathfinder Society Pathfinder Society Scenarios

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Adventures Worth Holding Your Breath For

Just as the Seattle area transitions from chilly and wet to "sunny yet inexplicably still raining," so too is the Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild team eager to get outside and explore some exciting locations. We're also pleased to have an exciting Season 9 schedule in place along with the name and logo, much of which we'll announce at PaizoCon 2017, so be sure to attend the PaizoCon Preview Banquet and the organized play panel the following day to ask any questions you have. In the meantime, let me share a few more secrets about this month's scenarios—both of which lead into our PaizoCon releases!

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Tags: Community Contests Dion Harris Jeffrey Lai PaizoCon 2017 Pathfinder Society Pathfinder Society Scenarios Tom Ventre

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So Much New Material!

Gen Con is in less than two weeks, and Paizo always pulls out the stops with new publications to wow the crowds in Indianapolis. This year we're bringing a big pile of exciting titles, including Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Horror Adventures, Pathfinder Player Companion: Legacy of Dragons, and of course the much-anticipated Pathfinder Society Pawn Collection. You'll see even more at the end of August, with Pathfinder Player Companion: Haunted Heroes Handbook, as well as Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Planes of Power, which serves as a key sourcebook for the upcoming Season of the Stolen Storm!

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Tags: Conventions Dion Harris Pathfinder Society Pathfinder Society Academy Sebastian Rodriguez

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OPC Log—4 Erastus 4716

Hello Pathfinders! I hope this blog finds you hale and hearty, having enjoyed a weekend of sun, and fun. Hopefully, the fun involved some roleplaying, particularly the next installment of the Seeker Arc, #7-26 All for Immortality, Part 2: All the God's Beyond. We are currently busy in the office wrapping up July's adventures, prepping for Gen Con, and generally surviving the chaos of the con season in full gear.

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Tags: Community Dion Harris Ekaterina Burmak Gen Con Gen Con 2016 Pathfinder Pawns Pathfinder Society Year of the Stolen Storm

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PaizoCon Brings Out the Best

Convention season for us is a lot like hosting a large gathering of family and friends for a major holiday: preparing way more dishes than usual, aiming for more spectacular fare than we would otherwise cook, and fretting about whether great-aunt Matilda will critique how we made the pie crust. From dicing the first onion to the moment where everyone sits down and takes the first bite of food, there’s always the question of whether everything turned out just right. Sometimes, though, you can just tell that everything’s fallen into place before even seeing your guests’ expressions. In my extended analogy, while Tonya, Todd Morgan, and Bob Jonquet have handled our seating arrangements and sending out invitations, I think my co-chefs Linda, Thurston Hillman, and Jason Keeley can agree that the menu this year turned out great.

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Tags: Dion Harris Javier Charro Marko Horvatin PaizoCon Pathfinder Society

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Looking Back and Looking Ahead

2015 has been a good year for Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild adventures. We set some ambitious goals, including doubling the number of interactive special events and providing several new exclusive scenarios that let players portray Aspis Consortium agents and the kobolds that live below Absalom—far more ways for aspiring 5-star GMs to run their 10 special adventures. We reassembled the powerful Sky Key and activated it to see what would happen. We have since struck back against the Aspis Consortium for its unprovoked (okay, only somewhat provoked) attack on the Grand Lodge in this first half of the Year of the Serpent, and there's more excitement to come in 2016.

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Tags: Dion Harris Pathfinder Society Pathfinder Society Scenarios

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There is No Certainty, Only Adventure!

Last week the Year of the Serpent kicked off at Gen Con 2015! Along with the Pathfinder Society Specials that tie into the new season, we ran tables of the latest releases: #7-01: Between the Lines, #7-02: Six Seconds to Midnight, and #7-03: The Bronze House Reprisal. These adventures have Pathfinder Society agents scouring the streets of Katapesh, on a crunch mission for rare reagents, and sending the Aspis Consortium the message that no act of aggression is going to go unnoticed. And since our Pathfinder Society team is still on the road heading back home, let's take this opportunity to show off some of characters you'll face at the start of the Year of the Serpent!

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Tags: Community Dion Harris Gen Con John Derek Murphy Marek Madej Pathfinder Society Pathfinder Society Scenarios Year of the Serpent

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A Case of Disappearing Persons

The last of the Season 6 scenarios are out the door, meaning Gen Con is right around the corner. Linda Zayas-Palmer and I are keeping our noses to the grindstone as we develop the huge amount of adventure content that's on its way, including three new scenarios, six new quests, a new Special that features kobolds, and a new interactive special. But the important thing is that we're still here, which is more than we can say for several VIPs the Society dearly wishes to find in this month's adventures!

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Tags: Dion Harris Marko Horvatin Pathfinder Society Pathfinder Society Scenarios

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Sunlight dripped from a tiny window into her cell. Brea lay on her doublet atop the cold ground and tried to remember how many days had passed. Four? Seven? A dozen or more? She had seen no one, heard only the moans of distant neighbors, and received no nourishment of any kind. The dungeons of Deagan's Hold were not a place to keep prisoners for questioning or before a trial, but a place to forget they had ever existed.

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Tags: Dion Harris Pathfinder Tales Stephanie Lorée Web Fiction

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The pyre burned for hours. Its flames seemed to lick the sky, and Brea turned her horse and troopers away from the carnage. They rode for home, though she wasn't sure what that meant anymore. Smoke rose behind them, a dark reminder of her lord's betrayal.

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Tags: Dion Harris Pathfinder Tales Stephanie Lorée Web Fiction

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Farnick rode at her side, the squadron of troopers behind them. His head was cleanly shaved. No trace of stubble lined his chin. Brea's armor hung heavy on her shoulders, the gorget tight against her throat. All was as it should be.

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Tags: Dion Harris Pathfinder Tales Stephanie Lorée Web Fiction

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The tip of her longsword carved a channel along the beachhead of Lake Encarthan. She dragged the weapon, held it listlessly in her hand. Hers were dark, dirtied hands that knew the weight of good steel, the heft of a man's heart. She remembered a time when she was clean, though she could not recall the feeling of pristine boot soles, nor of a soul unstained.

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Tags: Dion Harris Pathfinder Tales Stephanie Lorée Web Fiction

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Queen Sacrifice by Steven Savile Chapter Four: A Burning Love Caron...

One of shadow men moved closer to the cage, pressing his face close to the bars. He stood directly in front of her, close enough to reach out and touch, his vile organs bright in the dim light, and inclined his head to one side. "I already have you. You have nothing to bargain with. Nothing I want that I don't already have."

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Tags: Dion Harris Pathfinder Tales Queen Sacrifice Steven Savile

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Queen Sacrifice by Steven Savile Chapter Three: The City Under No...

She didn't know what she'd expected to find down here—some rat-infested lair, a warren of caves with dripping stalactites, lichen smeared walls, maybe a subterranean river winding through the cavernous space, but not this. Not what looked like the foundations of... of what? She stared down at what looked like some monstrous outpost and for the first time since stepping into the darkness was truly terrified.

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Tags: Dion Harris Pathfinder Tales Queen Sacrifice Steven Savile
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Queen Sacrifice by Steven Savile Chapter Two: Into the Dark Caron...

Stale smoke had brought her round. The only sound on the entire mountainside was her own breathing. Her hands were tied behind her back. A cloth, damp with her own saliva, was bound across her mouth.

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Tags: Dion Harris Pathfinder Tales Queen Sacrifice Steven Savile

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Queen Sacrifice by Steven Savile Chapter One: Lord of Summer Caron...

Caron looked on as Keir pushed the wooden piece the length of the board. Keir had carved it himself, fashioning the likenesses of kings and queens and knights so he could teach his boy the game, which represented so much in life.

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Tags: Dion Harris Pathfinder Tales Queen Sacrifice Steven Savile

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