☠ Season of Ghosts w/ DM rainzax ☠

Game Master rainzax

Current Year: 7108
Current Season: Fall, Day 1
Current Weather: Crisp Autumn Breeze
Wandering Monster Town / Hinterlands: 0% / 20%
Eternal Lantern @ Abadar, Pharasma, Shizuru for +1 party item bonus to Medicine, Society, and Religion

PbP Macros ➤ Season of Ghosts
PbP Slides ➤ The Summer that Never Was
Loot Sheet ➤ Discounted 10% when Leveling
Downtime Spreadsheet ➤ Downtime and Wealth Tracker
Subsystems ➤ Influence / Reputation / Research
Useful Info for Character Building ➤ Info

Party XP @ 080 / 500 ➤ 4th
Influence w/ Granny Hu vs Old Matsuki ➤ 2pts vs 12pts
Reputation w/ Northridge vs Southbank ➤ 7pts vs 10pts

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male mountainkeeper tengu close ties magus 4 | ♥️42/42 | ⛨21 | F +9 R +8 W +8 | Perc +6; arcane sense, low-light vision | Stealth +8 | speed 25 ft; Uncanny Agility | spells 2 ☐acid grip, ☐blazing bolt; spells 1 ☐enfeeble, ☐hydraulic push | Focus☐ | Wand of Enfeeble☐ | Arcane Cascade☑ | Spellstrike: charged | ✋Katana | Seasonal Boon☐ | ⚕none

Back and catching up

NG m Human (Outskirt Dweller) | Ranger (archer) 4 | HP 52/52 | AC 21/23 (shield) | F +9, R +12, W +10 | Perc +10 (+2 Inc. Init.) | Stealth +10 | Default Explore: scout speed 25' | Hero 2/3 | nature deity | Active Conditions: ---

Sorry for my delay and very short post. I work weekends and it's been quite busy.

Season of Ghosts | "Lan" | male (he/him) skilled human (Tien) sorcerer (phoenix) 4 | ◆◇↺ | HP 40/40 | AC 20 (21) | P+6 (NV, NH), F+7, R+9, W+8 | 25' | Explore: scout | Spells: 1st 3/4, 2nd 3/4 | Hero: 3/5 | Active Conditions: none

I don't open others' spoilers by default, so if Auntie Wu would share anything with the rest of us, please let us know.

NG m Human (Outskirt Dweller) | Ranger (archer) 4 | HP 52/52 | AC 21/23 (shield) | F +9, R +12, W +10 | Perc +10 (+2 Inc. Init.) | Stealth +10 | Default Explore: scout speed 25' | Hero 2/3 | nature deity | Active Conditions: ---

It looks like I do need to update my stuff on the macros page. I'll try to get to that tonight.

Tactical Map | Action ◆◇↺ | Checkbox ➤ (□□□) vs (☑☑☑) | Auntie Wu (☘️□☑☑□□□), Kazuki (☘️☑□☑□□□), Lan (☘️□□☑☑□), Sigurd (☘️☑☑□☑☑□), Vekka (☘️ ☑☑☑☑□) | Downtime Planner (Macros) | Status Symbols ➤ ♥️ hit points, ☘️ hero points, ✋ held items, ⚕ status condition | RPG Chronicles

If someone can bot Kazuki’s Survival roll, I can move us along

Verdant Wheel

female Halfling (Gutsy) Druid/Blessed One 4 | HP 46/46 | Mogu HP 20/20 | AC 19/21| F +10 R +8 W +12 w/Gutsy | Perc +12 w/ normal vision | Stealth +1 | speed 25 | ◆◇↺ | | Half. Luck 1/1| Hero 4 | focus 2/2 | spells 1: 2/3 2: 1/3| Active Conditions: none
Ho Lan wrote:
I don't open others' spoilers by default, so if Auntie Wu would share anything with the rest of us, please let us know.

If you're referring to her Sense Motive check on Sigurd's conversation with Candora, she wouldn't blab his secret. But she might try to help him out a bit, if it seems appropriate.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Season of Ghosts | "Lan" | male (he/him) skilled human (Tien) sorcerer (phoenix) 4 | ◆◇↺ | HP 40/40 | AC 20 (21) | P+6 (NV, NH), F+7, R+9, W+8 | 25' | Explore: scout | Spells: 1st 3/4, 2nd 3/4 | Hero: 3/5 | Active Conditions: none
Auntie Wu wrote:
Ho Lan wrote:
I don't open others' spoilers by default, so if Auntie Wu would share anything with the rest of us, please let us know.
If you're referring to her Sense Motive check on Sigurd's conversation with Candora, she wouldn't blab his secret. But she might try to help him out a bit, if it seems appropriate.

That's absolutely fine. In the past, people have assumed I've opened spoilers I haven't, and it's led to confusion later in the game. I'm 100% okay with the way things are going!

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