Current Year: 7108
Current Season: Fall, Day 1
Current Weather: Crisp Autumn Breeze
Wandering Monster Town / Hinterlands: 0% / 20%
Eternal Lantern @ Abadar, Pharasma, Shizuru for +1 party item bonus to Medicine, Society, and Religion
With summer come to a close, and the weather changing, the leaves turning, the party looks ahead towards winter, having already gathered enough food to feed half of the entire village, enough security to inure against storms lasting about one third of the season, and a little hope for the villagers to boot.
People on both sides still wonder "who" all the food is for...
And so, as they head to meet Granny Hu, they decide upon next steps to continue to prepare...
1) Lift Hope
2) Prepare Food
3) Improve Security
4) Earn Income
5) Retrain
6) Research Pick’s Memory Ritual
7) Research Willowshore Curse
8) Invest time with an NPC merchant (unlocking 5% discount on certain goods for whole party)
9) Improve Reputation with Auntie Wu or Old Matsuki
10) Other Downtime tasks you discover along the way
11) Other Personal Downtime endeavors
In general, these are 1-week actions, but you can still go on a 1-day side quest without jeopardizing your Downtime opportunity. If a side quest stretches to 2 days, or more, I will roll a flat for you check each day to see if you muck up the Downtime, with a DC increasing for each additional day of side quest beyond the first (5, 11, 17, automatic).
To summarize: Yes, you can safely do 1-day actions without consequence while also doing 1-week Downtimes, but anything longer is risky.
Lift Hope:
Skills: Diplomacy, Performance, Society, Art Lore, Tea Lore
Task Level: 5
Base DC: 20
You work directly with the people of Willowshore, checking in on them, maybe helping with various tasks and chores, several at a time during the week.
I am open to other skill ideas here, and may adjust the DC or limit the number or context of attempts, etc.
You work directly with the people of Willowshore to prepare food stores for winter. But, you must choose one side of the Ceiba River to store the food on for each point!
I am open to other skill ideas here, and may adjust the DC or limit the number or context of attempts, etc.
You work directly with the people of Willowshore to prepare buildings and other defenses for winter. But, you must choose one side of the Ceiba River to improve upon for each point!
I am open to other skill ideas here, and may adjust the DC or limit the number or context of attempts, etc.
Earn Income:
Willowshore is a Settlement of Level 5, so, you can choose a Task Level of up to Level 5, using the standard rules to Earn Income, which will be added to your character's Wealth on top of the standard Wealth by Level benchmark (Houserule).
Mother's Coil w/ Jubai
DC 17 Library Lore
DC 19 Arcana
Maximum RP: 2
Solo Investigations (this includes Lady of Souls)
Any Tradition check DC 20
Maximum RP: 3
Studying Zoudou's Notes
Must speak both Abyssal and Aklo!
Invest time with an NPC merchant:
Choose an NPC "merchant" at a Location to spend time with - check the "Wares" entry to see what they have available.
If they become Friendly to you, you will have a 5% discount on their wares.
If they become Helpful to you, you will have a 10% discount on their wares.
I will add this to our "Discovered Loot" list
This is typically a Diplomacy check, but based on the profession and interests of the NPC chosen, other skills are on the table, and you are encouraged to suggest one!
Improve Reputation with Northridge or Southbank:
At the current moment, you are unaware of other ways to improve Reputation...
...perhaps Granny Hu or Old Matsuki has something for you to do?...
Other Downtime Tasks you discover along the way:
At the current moment, you are unaware of other Downtime Tasks...
...perhaps Granny Hu or Old Matsuki has something for you to do?...