☠ Season of Ghosts w/ DM rainzax ☠

Game Master rainzax

Current Year: 7108
Current Season: Fall, Day 1
Current Weather: Crisp Autumn Breeze
Wandering Monster Town / Hinterlands: 0% / 20%
Eternal Lantern @ Abadar, Pharasma, Shizuru for +1 party item bonus to Medicine, Society, and Religion

PbP Macros ➤ Season of Ghosts
PbP Slides ➤ The Summer that Never Was
Loot Sheet ➤ Discounted 10% when Leveling
Downtime Spreadsheet ➤ Downtime and Wealth Tracker
Subsystems ➤ Influence / Reputation / Research
Useful Info for Character Building ➤ Info

Party XP @ 080 / 500 ➤ 4th
Influence w/ Granny Hu vs Old Matsuki ➤ 2pts vs 12pts
Reputation w/ Northridge vs Southbank ➤ 7pts vs 10pts

Current Characters

Almah Rovshki
Verdant Wheel Auntie Wu

female Halfling (Gutsy) Druid/Blessed One 4 | HP 46/46 | Mogu HP 20/20 | AC 19/21| F +10 R +8 W +12 w/Gutsy | Perc +12 w/ normal vision | Stealth +1 | speed 25 | ◆◇↺ | | Half. Luck 0/1| Hero 5/5 | focus 2/2 | spells 1: 3/3 2: 3/3| Active Conditions: none

played by Warah (476 posts)
Waydon Endrin
the Elder

played by rainzax (8 posts)
Weather cock

Hex Map

played by rainzax (6 posts)
Wil Save
Ho Lan

Season of Ghosts | "Lan" | male (he/him) skilled human (Tien) sorcerer (phoenix) 4 | ◆◇↺ | HP 40/40 | AC 20 (21) | P+6 (NV, NH), F+7, R+9, W+8 | 25' | Explore: scout | Spells: 1st 4/4, 2nd 4/4 | Hero: 0/7 | Active Conditions: none

played by Watery Soup (354 posts)
Supreme Hunter
Kazuki Sato

NG m Human (Outskirt Dweller) | Ranger (archer) 4 | HP 52/52 | AC 21/23 (shield) | F +9, R +12, W +10 | Perc +10 (+2 Inc. Init.) | Stealth +10 | Default Explore: scout speed 25' | Hero 2/3 | nature deity | Active Conditions: ---

played by roll4initiative (384 posts)
One of the Brothers Three
Pure Evil

Mo Douqiu

played by rainzax (28 posts)

played by rainzax (1 post)
the Ritual

Ritual of Sacrifice to Appease a Higher Being
Ritual Statistics:
Ritual Disable (◆◆): Occultism or Religion (DC ???) from Adjacent to Altar of Blood | Ritual Statistics: Failed Sustainments / Disable Threshold (☑/???) | Ritual ID (◆): Occultism or Religion

played by rainzax (12 posts)
Sigurd Kolphan, Season of Ghost

4 Warpriest of Shizuru ♥️ 44 | ☘️ □□□☑☑/☑ | Spells (DC 18) -/☑☑□/□□ | Focus □ | ◆◇↺ | Saves **9/*8/**10 | Divine Font □□□□ ✋ Katana | AC 21 | Perception +8 (Low-light vision)|

played by chadius (498 posts)
Vekka Tchakon

male mountainkeeper tengu close ties magus 4 | ♥️42/42 | ⛨21 | F +9 R +8 W +8 | Perc +6; arcane sense, low-light vision | Stealth +8 | speed 25 ft; Uncanny Agility | spells 2 ☐acid grip, ☐blazing bolt; spells 1 ☐enfeeble, ☐hydraulic push | Focus☐ | Wand of Enfeeble☐ | Arcane Cascade☐ | Spellstrike: charged | ✋Katana | Seasonal Boon☐ | Active Conditions: none

played by PaleDim (463 posts)

Current NPCs

Halfling Mom
Verdant Wheel rainzax

Action Symbols ➤ (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺) | Status Symbols: ♥️ hit points, ☘️ hero points, ✋ held items, ⚕ status conditions
(4,999 posts)
Grand Lodge roll4initiative

m Human Commoner 10
(1,794 posts)
Golden Orb

The Eternal Lantern | Coins (☑☑☑) w/ party item bonuses @ Abadar, Pharasma, Shizuru (+1 to Medicine, Society, Religion)

played by rainzax (4 posts)
a black cat

played by rainzax (1 post)
Boss Monster

Zoudou, Leader of the Noppera-Bo Prayers

played by rainzax (49 posts)
the Constable

"Zheng Peng" Human Constable of Willowshore

played by rainzax (14 posts)
DM rainzax

Tactical Map | Action ◆◇↺ | Checkbox ➤ (□□□) vs (☑☑☑) | Auntie Wu (☘️□□□□□), Kazuki (☘️☑□□□□□), Lan (☘️□□□□□), Sigurd (☘️☑□□□□), Vekka (☘️☑□□□□) | Downtime Planner (Macros) | Status Symbols ➤ ♥️ hit points, ☘️ hero points, ✋ held items, ⚕ status condition | RPG Chronicles

played by rainzax (2,597 posts)
Experience Points

played by rainzax (3 posts)
Trumpet Archon
The gods themselves

played by rainzax (7 posts)
The Oliphaunt of Jandelay
Guardian of

"Ugly Cute" Stone Spider Statue Guardian of Willowshore

played by rainzax (14 posts)
Mynafee Gorse

Shinzo, Humble Merchant

played by rainzax (34 posts)
a Haunt

Writhing Hair | ID (◆) w/ Willowshore Lore or Society or Spirit Lore or Religion | Disable (◆◆) w/ Religion

played by rainzax (31 posts)
Lavanna Saltspray

Hai-Er Hua

played by rainzax (149 posts)
Magnifying glass
the Library

played by rainzax (0 posts)

Mummified Cat

played by rainzax (63 posts)
NPC Relationships

played by rainzax (25 posts)
The Rabble

"Recently Uncaged Prisoners"

played by rainzax (60 posts)
Dancing Hut

Willowshore | Settlement 4
Teeth-Clenching Teamwork:
Willowshore’s residents help eachother despite differences. You may Request help from another resident even if they’re indifferent or unfriendly, but do so with a –2 circumstance penalty

played by rainzax (18 posts)
Skill Challenge

(⭐) (☆) (❌) (□□□) (☑☑☑)

played by rainzax (89 posts)
a Stranger

played by rainzax (17 posts)

Kazuki's Mom | Asleep, prone, unarmored, unarmed

played by rainzax (9 posts)
Bear trap

A small cluster of aeon stones floats two feet off the ground, orbiting by shards of shattered aeon stones that crackle with electricity! | Party Progress vs Five Infinity Stones (□□□□□)

played by rainzax (15 posts)
Weather cock
the Weather

Weeks of Fall @ ☑□□□, □□□□, □□□□

played by rainzax (2 posts)

a Youth

"Midori" grandchild to Auntie Wu | crumpled into a ball on ground...

played by rainzax (9 posts)