☠ Season of Ghosts w/ DM rainzax ☠
Game Master
Current Year: 7108
Current Season: Fall, Day 1
Current Weather: Crisp Autumn Breeze
Wandering Monster Town / Hinterlands: 0% / 20%
Eternal Lantern @ Abadar, Pharasma, Shizuru for +1 party item bonus to Medicine, Society, and Religion
PbP Macros ➤ Season of Ghosts
PbP Slides ➤ The Summer that Never Was
Loot Sheet ➤ Discounted 10% when Leveling
Downtime Spreadsheet ➤ Downtime and Wealth Tracker
Subsystems ➤ Influence / Reputation / Research
Useful Info for Character Building ➤ Info
Party XP @ 080 / 500 ➤ 4th
Influence w/ Granny Hu vs Old Matsuki ➤ 2pts vs 12pts
Reputation w/ Northridge vs Southbank ➤ 7pts vs 10pts
NG m Human (Outskirt Dweller) | Ranger (archer) 4 | HP 52/52 | AC 21/23 (shield) | F +9, R +12, W +10 | Perc +10 (+2 Inc. Init.) | Stealth +10 | Default Explore: scout speed 25' | Hero 2/3 | nature deity | Active Conditions: ---
Kazuki will take whatever watch is available.
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Tactical Map | Action ◆◇↺ | Checkbox ➤ (□□□) vs (☑☑☑) | Auntie Wu (☘️□□□□□), Kazuki (☘️☑□□□□□), Lan (☘️□□□□□), Sigurd (☘️☑□□□□), Vekka (☘️☑□□□□) | Downtime Planner (Macros) | Status Symbols ➤ ♥️ hit points, ☘️ hero points, ✋ held items, ⚕ status condition | RPG Chronicles
Going to play the current scene before dealing with Auntie Wu's scouting mission or Lan and Kazuki's spying mission (banking the rolls for now)...
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female Halfling (Gutsy) Druid/Blessed One 4 | HP 46/46 | Mogu HP 20/20 | AC 19/21| F +10 R +8 W +12 w/Gutsy | Perc +12 w/ normal vision | Stealth +1 | speed 25 | ◆◇↺ | | Half. Luck 0/1| Hero 5/5 | focus 2/2 | spells 1: 3/3 2: 3/3| Active Conditions: none
Safe travels (if that applies) and happy holidays! I'll be cooking a lot tomorrow, so no guarantees on posting until the 26th.
Tactical Map | Action ◆◇↺ | Checkbox ➤ (□□□) vs (☑☑☑) | Auntie Wu (☘️□□□□□), Kazuki (☘️☑□□□□□), Lan (☘️□□□□□), Sigurd (☘️☑□□□□), Vekka (☘️☑□□□□) | Downtime Planner (Macros) | Status Symbols ➤ ♥️ hit points, ☘️ hero points, ✋ held items, ⚕ status condition | RPG Chronicles
Auntie Wu wrote: Hmm. So she wouldn't necessarily know this is a haunt, not a ghost. And the spell she'd use against a ghost has the Manipulate trait, so I don't think she could cast it. “DM rainzax wrote: Everyone make a DC 22 Reflex save to avoid being immobilized (or restrained on a critical failure) - the DC to Escape is also 22
female Halfling (Gutsy) Druid/Blessed One 4 | HP 46/46 | Mogu HP 20/20 | AC 19/21| F +10 R +8 W +12 w/Gutsy | Perc +12 w/ normal vision | Stealth +1 | speed 25 | ◆◇↺ | | Half. Luck 0/1| Hero 5/5 | focus 2/2 | spells 1: 3/3 2: 3/3| Active Conditions: none
Ah. I mixed up which definition I was reading. Thanks!
NG m Human (Outskirt Dweller) | Ranger (archer) 4 | HP 52/52 | AC 21/23 (shield) | F +9, R +12, W +10 | Perc +10 (+2 Inc. Init.) | Stealth +10 | Default Explore: scout speed 25' | Hero 2/3 | nature deity | Active Conditions: ---
Do we have access to Aeon stones?
Some of them requiire to be a member of the Pathfinder Society.
Tactical Map | Action ◆◇↺ | Checkbox ➤ (□□□) vs (☑☑☑) | Auntie Wu (☘️□□□□□), Kazuki (☘️☑□□□□□), Lan (☘️□□□□□), Sigurd (☘️☑□□□□), Vekka (☘️☑□□□□) | Downtime Planner (Macros) | Status Symbols ➤ ♥️ hit points, ☘️ hero points, ✋ held items, ⚕ status condition | RPG Chronicles
As a Rarity Boon if it is Uncommon or Rare.
female Halfling (Gutsy) Druid/Blessed One 4 | HP 46/46 | Mogu HP 20/20 | AC 19/21| F +10 R +8 W +12 w/Gutsy | Perc +12 w/ normal vision | Stealth +1 | speed 25 | ◆◇↺ | | Half. Luck 0/1| Hero 5/5 | focus 2/2 | spells 1: 3/3 2: 3/3| Active Conditions: none
I added the Hope we gained from Mama Bao's, so here are our new totals:
Hope: 5 (keep this above 0)
Food: 18/29
Security: 9/10-18 (Total needed depends on the weather.)
Willowshore Curse: 6/?
➤Pick's Memory Ritual @ ☑☑□
Before I choose, please remind me: Do we have 12 weeks of rolls to prepare for winter? Or is this it?
Tactical Map | Action ◆◇↺ | Checkbox ➤ (□□□) vs (☑☑☑) | Auntie Wu (☘️□□□□□), Kazuki (☘️☑□□□□□), Lan (☘️□□□□□), Sigurd (☘️☑□□□□), Vekka (☘️☑□□□□) | Downtime Planner (Macros) | Status Symbols ➤ ♥️ hit points, ☘️ hero points, ✋ held items, ⚕ status condition | RPG Chronicles
12 weeks total = Fall
We have completed 3 weeks, looking towards week 4
Granny Hu waiting in the wings
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