Current Year: 7108
Current Season: Fall, Day 1
Current Weather: Crisp Autumn Breeze
Wandering Monster Town / Hinterlands: 0% / 20%
Eternal Lantern @ Abadar, Pharasma, Shizuru for +1 party item bonus to Medicine, Society, and Religion
the Ritual Ritual of Sacrifice to Appease a Higher Being
Ritual Statistics:
Ritual Disable (◆◆): Occultism or Religion (DC ???) from Adjacent to Altar of Blood | Ritual Statistics: Failed Sustainments / Disable Threshold (☑/???) | Ritual ID (◆): Occultism or Religion
Willowshore’s residents help eachother despite differences. You may Request help from another resident even if they’re indifferent or unfriendly, but do so with a –2 circumstance penalty
Trap! A small cluster of aeon stones floats two feet off the ground, orbiting by shards of shattered aeon stones that crackle with electricity! | Party Progress vs Five Infinity Stones (□□□□□)
the Weather
Weeks of Fall @ ☑□□□, □□□□, □□□□
a Youth "Midori" grandchild to Auntie Wu | crumpled into a ball on ground...
Kazuki Sato
NG m Human (Outskirt Dweller) | Ranger (archer) 4 | HP 52/52 | AC 21/23 (shield) | F +9, R +12, W +10 | Perc +10 (+2 Inc. Init.) | Stealth +10 | Default Explore: scout speed 25' | Hero 2/3 | nature deity | Active Conditions: ---