
Sigurd Kolphan, Season of Ghost's page

498 posts. Alias of chadius.


♥️ 44 | ☘️ □□□☑☑/☑ | Spells (DC 18) -/☑☑□/□□ | Focus □ | ◆◇↺ | Saves **9/*8/**10 | Divine Font □□□□


✋ Katana | AC 21 | Perception +8 (Low-light vision)|


4 Warpriest of Shizuru

Strength 3
Dexterity 2
Constitution 1
Intelligence 0
Wisdom 2
Charisma 1

About Sigurd Kolphan, Season of Ghost

>Pathbuilder Link<

GP: 6.6

4 >Potency Crystal<


2nd: +1 attack potency rune on my katana (let's say it's a remnant from Shizuru's blessing)
1st: Glow Rod (Player Core Page 293, looks like the Remaster replacement for >Sunrod<, >Holy Water<

Picture Gallery:

Botting Instructions:

I should be in melee.
- If someone is in danger of dying, or we're surrounded by undead, feel free to use my 3 Action Heal spell from my Divine Font.

- Strike with Katana
- Cast >Shield< or Raise my Steel Shield. I can >Shield Block< with either.
- After raising my shield, please Shield Block if I get a critical hit or take more than 5 damage.


Friendly NPCs
- Elizeth Candora (friendly) @ Lady of Souls (W10)

Unfriendly NPCs
- Mother Otis, owner of the Thrice-Blessed Inn

☑) Heirloom @ one predictable silver piece and a vial containing two doses of oil of potency
☑) Home @ near Temple of Pharasma on the south side
☑) Location of Shrine @ Mother’s Coil (W20)

Rumor has it a lillend came to Willowshore, tired from a great war. She decided to protect this land, fell in love with a mortal, and she remains here, hidden to all but her family.

At least, that's what Sigurd says. His brother and sister adopted more of the performing side, but he found himself drawn to the azata's deity, Shizuru. Emboldened by the tales of bravery, he became a priest and dedicated himself to the katana as well as holy scriptures.

His family lives not too far from the Temple of Pharasma on the south side. Sigurd often spends time in religious discussion with Elizeth Candora. They often share stories of the spirits within, as well as tales from the divine wars his ancestor was tangled in before settling here.

His sister always teases him for being boring, so he's decided to disprove that notion by volunteering to be abducted.


North vs Southside: Kolphans live on the South. Their angelic descendant reportedly settled there. It would be a shame if it were defiled or destroyed by mankind's greed.

Defenses and Movement:

♥️ 44
AC 21

Shield spell
- AC +1 (circumstance)
- Hardness 5
- >Shield Block< Block as a reaction, but I lose the Shield and cannot recast for 10 minutes.

Steel Shield with Minor Reinforcing Rune
- AC +2 (circumstance)
- Hardness 8
- Broken 32
- Destroyed 64
- >Shield Block< Block as a reaction
- Reinforcing Rune

Saving Throws
Fort (Expert) 9
Ref (Trained) 8
Will (Expert) 10

Speed 25 = 25 -5 Armor +5 Fleet
Low-light vision


[dice=Lore: Art]1d20+6[/dice]
[dice=Lore: Elysium]1d20+6[/dice]

Hide Armor
>Armor Check Penalty< -2 unless I have at least 2 Strength.

>Quick Repair< Repair takes 1 minute, loses Exploration trait.

>Oddity Identification<
You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to Occultism checks to Identify Magic with the mental, possession, prediction, or scrying traits.


◆◆ [/url=]>Restorative Strike<[/url].
- ◆ Sigurd casts [/url=]>Heal<[/url] on himself
- ◆ Sigurd Strikes >>TARGET<<. +1 Status bonus if he uses his katana.
- ◇ If the Strike hit, Sigurd casts Heal on >>ALLY<< for the same amount.


>Potency Crystal< Attached - +1 striking weapon for 1 round. Activate after I attack but before I roll.

Two Hand 1d10 - Sigurd can wield it in 2 hands to change his weapon die.
Deadly 1d8 - If Sigurd critically hits he deals extra damage (after doubling)
Versatile Piercing - Sigurd can choose to deal Piercing or Slashing damage.



>Composite Shortbow<
[dice=Composite Shortbow]1d20+8[/dice]

Hand Crossbow
Range 60 ft
Reload 1 action

[dice=Hand Crossbow]1d20+8[/dice]


Spell Attack +8
DC 18

Cleric (Flexible Caster) of >Shizuru<

Focus Spell: [/url=]>Dazzling Flash<[/url]

◆◆ [/url=]>Restorative Strike<[/url].
- ◆ Sigurd casts [/url=]>Heal<[/url] on himself
- ◆ Sigurd Strikes >>TARGET<<. +1 Status bonus if he uses his katana.
- ◇ If the Strike hit, Sigurd casts Heal on >>ALLY<< for the same amount.

Divine Font, 4 times per day:
- [/url=]>Heal<[/url]

- [/url=]>Light<[/url]
- [/url=]>Shield<[/url]
- [/url=]>Vitality Lash<[/url]
- [/url=]>Stabilize<[/url]
- [/url=]>Message<[/url]

Rank 1
- (Signature spell) Harm [/url=]>Harm<[/url]
- [/url=]>Runic Weapon<[/url]
- [/url=]>Enfeeble<[/url]

Rank 2
- [/url=]>Cleanse Affliction<[/url]
- [/url=]>Clear Mind<[/url]
- [/url=]>Sound Body<[/url]


Hide Armor
Hand Crossbow
Adventurer's Kit
backpack (containing the other goods)
10 pieces of chalk
flint and steel
50 feet of rope
2 weeks' rations
5 torches

>Predictable Silver Piece<
>Oil of Potency<

Level 1 creation notes (before Remaster):

>Pathbuilder Link<

Ancestry: Human
Heritage: Aasimar
Ancestry Feat: Musetouched
Background: Folklore Enthusiast
Class: Cleric (Flexible Spell Preparation) of >Shizuru<

Divine Font: >Heal<
Doctrine: Warpriest

Ancestral Paragon: Natural Ambition
Class Feat: Domain Initiate
Domain: Sun
Focus Spell: Dazzling Flash

Level 2:
Converting to Remaster rules for level 1, then:
Class Feat: Flexible Spellcaster Dedication
Skill Feat: Multilingual

Cantrips are now 4:
- Light
- Vitality Lash
- Shield
- Stabilize

New Rank 1 spell:
- Command

- Magic Weapon -> Runic Weapon (Remaster Conversion)

Level 3:

Spells: Rank 2 spells
- Cleanse Affliction
- Clear Mind

Signature Spells
- Harm

General Feat
- Fleet

Ancestry Paragon
- Nephilim Lore
- Trained in Intimidation
- Trained in Crafting
- Trained in Elysium Lore

Second Doctrine: Sigurd is Trained in all Martial Weapons

Skill Increase: Trained in Occultism

Level 4:

Class Feat: [/url=]>Restorative Strike<[/url]
Skill Feat: [/url=]>Quick Repair<[/url]

Spell Repertoire
Cantrip: [/url=]>Message<[/url]
Rank 1: Swap Command for [/url=]>Enfeeble<[/url]
Rank 2: [/url=]>Sound Body<[/url]

Non Keyboard Symbols:

