About Auntie Wu____________________ PFS Information:
PFS Number: 289224-2007 Experience: Fame: ____________________ Mogu the Familiar:
Gender-neutral Fungus Leshy Familiar: A stubby dark brown mushroom that sits on Auntie Wu’s head like a floppy hat.
HP: 20 AC: 19 Perception: +8, low light vision, darkvision (familiar ability) Fortitude: +10 Reflex: +8 Will: +12 Land speed: 25 Familiar Abilitiy: Darkvision
Skills: Spoiler: Acrobatics: +8
Arcana: +4 Athletics: +4 Crafting: +4 Deception: +4 Diplomacy: +4 Intimidation: +4 Medicine: +4 Nature: +4 Occultism: +4 Performance: +4 Religion: +4 Society: +4 Stealth: +8 Survival: +4 Thievery: +4 ____________________ Auntie Wu Details:
Fall rarity boons used: 0/3 Ethnicity: Tian-shu Nationality: Shenmen Birthplace: Willowshore Willowshore details: Spoiler:
Northridge or Southshore: Lifelong resident of the Southshore. Literally can’t understand why anyone would want to live in a city.
House location: One of the two buildings in the clearing between and slightly south of W5 and W10 (Cathedral of the Lady of Souls). Religion: Pharasma Preferred heirloom: Two minor healing potions and one piece of common adventuring gear worth 2 gp or less Occupation: Markets her homemade homeopathic remedies, which contain copious amounts of alcohol or marijuana (or local equivalent). Family: Widowed six years ago (husband: Po). Two kids, grown with families of their own. Her daughter (Zhung) moved to Northridge with her husband (Xao); they have one son (Cho). Her son (Qi) is a groundskeeper at the Cathedral of the Lady of Souls; he and his husband (Gao) adopted two girls (Miyuki, 7 and Midori, 9). Age: 56 Gender & Pronouns: she/her Height: 4’-11” Weight: 89 lbs Physical Appearance: Short and thin, frequently with a zen-like expression on her plain face. Very few wrinkles, or grays in her wispy, unkempt hair. She looks (and smells) like a hippie. Halfling (Gutsy)
____________________ ABILITY SCORES & SENSES:
STR -1, DEX +2, CON +2
____________________ DEFENSES:
Unarmored: T, Light: T, Medium: T, Heavy: U SAVING THROWS
____________________ OFFENSE:
Class DC: 20 T ((4 level) + (10 + (4 wis) + (2 prof) + (0 item)) Speed: 25 Movement Types: land Melee Strikes
light mace +8/+4/+0 T ((4 level) + (2 dex) + (2 prof) + (0 item)
fist +8/+4/+0 T ((4 level) + (2 dex) + (2 prof) + (0 item)
Weapon Proficiencies
____________________ MAGIC:
Magic Traditions Spell Attack Roll (Primal): 10 = T ((4 level) + (4 wis) + (2 prof))
Focus Points: 2/2 (maxiumum)
Spell Slots per Day
Spells Memorized
____________________ SKILLS:
+1 Item bonus on Medicine, Religion, & Society is from this. Acrobatics: +1 = U ((0 level) + (2 dex) + (0 prof) + (0 item) - (1 armor) Arcana: +1 = U ((0 level) + (1 int) + (0 prof) + (0 item) Athletics: -2 = U ((0 level) + (-1 str) + (0 prof) + (0 item) - (1 armor) Crafting: +1 = U ((0 level) + (1 int) + (0 prof) + (0 item) Deception: +7 = T ((4 level) + (1 cha) + (2 prof) + (0 item) Diplomacy: +7 = T ((4 level) + (1 cha) + (2 prof) + (0 item) Intimidation: +1 = U ((0 level) + (1 cha) + (0 prof) + (0 item) Lore (farming): +9 = E ((4 level) + (1 int) + (4 prof) + (0 item) Lore (Willowshore): +4 = U ((4 level) + (1 int) + (0 prof) + (0 item) Medicine: +13 = E (4 level) + (4 wis) + (4 prof) + (1 item) Assurance = 18 (10 + level + prof) Nature: +10 = T ((4 level) + 4 (wis) + (2 prof) + 0 (item) Occultism: +1 = U ((0 level) + (1 int) + (0 prof) + (0 item) Performance: +1 = U ((0 level) + (1 cha) + (0 prof) + (0 item) Religion: +11 = T ((4 level) + (4 wis) + (2 prof) + (1 item) Society: +2 =U ((0 level) + (1 int) + (0 prof) + (1 item) Stealth: +1 = U ((0 level) + (2 dex) + 0 (prof) + (0 item) - (1 armor) Survival: +10 = T ((4 level) + (4 wis) + (2 prof) + 0 (item) Thievery: +1 = U ((0 level) + (2 dex) + (0 prof) + (0 item) - (1 armor) ____________________ FEATS:
Ancestry Feats and Abilities
Skill Feats
General Feats
Class Feats and Abilities
Bonus Feats
____________________ EQUIPMENT:
Consumables: minor healing potion (2), glowrod, Animal Turning Fulu
Bulk: 3.01 (Encumbered at: 4 = 5 + (-1 str); Maximum at: 9 = 10 + (-1 str)) Wealth (GP): 81.4 ____________________ BOT ME:
Auntie Wu prioritizes keeping her allies up in a fight. Anyone who’s below 50% HP is a candidate. If there’s a tie, front liners usually go first. She wants to ensure that at least one of either Lan or herself is still standing at the end of any fight, so the party can be healed somehow.
For offense, she usually relies on cantrips. If she has one action left on her turn, Guidance or Raise Shield are good options. She doesn’t hesitate to make any wisdom-based checks. In social situations, she prefers to defer to Lan, but will Aid him with Diplomacy and Deception. She drinks when she’s nervous or scared. When she gets a chance, she makes her “special tea”.