Variel's Reign of Winter

Game Master Neltji

loot list second page

combat map update

Current Characters


Fire Resist 10 Human Cleric 6,HP 40/40,Init+5F6R4W9,Per10AC18/11/17
(11,328 posts)


(24 posts)

(2,104 posts)
Shiyara the High Mediator
Pixie Rogue

(1,623 posts)
Blue Dragon
DM Variel

played by Neltji (6,586 posts)
Elf Archer
Duardlara Frostborn

F 8 R 11 W 9 | hp 103/103 | Init +7 | Perc +20, +1 vs traps | Effects: Endure elements (vs. cold), Fly, Shield, Greater Darkvision Female Elf Rogue 3/Evoker (Admixture) 3/Arcane Trickster 8 | AC 23, T 14, F 20, CMD 19 |

played by Pixie Rogue (1,718 posts)
Jetro Clampett

Human Fighter14HP97/112 Init+6,Per+14,F13R8W10 AC20T12FF17

played by Andrea1 (1,806 posts)
Goblin Dog
Phillip Gastone

M Human Ranger 1

played by Andrea1 (2,211 posts)
Radosek Pavril
Sigurd Koshchey

Ongoing Effects:
Freedom of Movement, Shield of Faith, 1xWeapon of Awe, Death Ward
Ongoing Party Effects:
Blessing of the Mole, Fickle Winds, Communal Protection from Energy(Cold) and Communal Resist Energy(Electricity)
HP: 101/101| Blessings 9/10 | Fervor 10/10 | SaAr 14/14| SaWe: 14/14 | Flicker 3/3 | Heal 14/14 | AC: 34 / T: 23 / FF: 25 | Fort: +14, Ref: +16, Will: +15 | CMB: +10, CMD: 29 | Init: +9, Perception: +15

played by MordredofFairy (224 posts)
Ice Troll
Titian Troll

AC:35 T:13 F:27| HP 186/186 | CMD:35 | F:+19 R:+11 W:+16 | Init:+5 | Perc: 21 | Map

played by Grandlounge (196 posts)
Ulfen Raider
Titian Ulfen

played by Grandlounge (9 posts)
Friendly Fighter
Vasily Serebroskij

Male Human Sorcerer 5/Dragon Disciple 9

played by Ouachitonian (50 posts)
W. W. Greta

played by Neltji (9 posts)

Previous Characters

Ariarh Kane

Female Aasimar Druid 7 (Noble)
(3,314 posts)

(66 posts)
Fire Giant Lieutenant

DM / GM / The man behind the curtain
(4,678 posts)
Baby Chimera

(693 posts)
Gold Dragon

(3,569 posts)
Fire Elemental

Male commoner 1
(592 posts)

Male Human; last time I checked, anyway
(447 posts)
Duergar Hammer
Aggghhh the Unclean

Barb5 HP56/56 F6R4W3 AC19T13FF16 Per+7

played by Andrea1 (1,205 posts)
Snowcaster Sentry
Aneira Nightstorm

AC 13; HP 9/9; Saves: F 2, R 1/3, W 4/6; Melee 0, Ranged 1; CMB 0, CMD 11; Speed 30; Init +1/3; Perc +5 Half-Elf Female Winter Oracle/1

played by Ariarh Kane (14 posts)
Snowcaster Sentry
Aneira Whitestorm

AC 14; HP 14/14; Saves: F +2, R +3, W +5/+7; Melee 1, Ranged 2; CMB 1, CMD 12; Speed 30; Init +3; Perc +5 Half-Elf Female Winter Oracle/2

played by Ariarh Kane (495 posts)
Arnistolientar Popswicker
Liberty's Edge Baub the Great

Male Halfling Arcane Blooded Sorcerer 5 / Evoker 1 | HP 35/35 | AC20 T16 FF16 (+4 to all w/ shield spell) | F+4 R+7 W+9 | CMD15 | Init+4 Percep+9, lowlight vision | Current effects: mage armor
Spells per day:
1st-8/8 2nd-5/5
Wizard Spells:

played by Ironperenti (298 posts)
Beck Tavis

HP: 41/59 AC: 18 Saves F:7/R:4/W:10 P:+14(17) Hungerseed (Oni-Tiefling) Arctic Druid 8 Sheelah HP: 15/33 AC: 20 (+4) F:6/R:9/W:4 P:+6

played by waiph (805 posts)
Berserker Cannibal
Beorn Blackmane

Human male NG Fighter (Skirmisher) 6, Ranger (Trapper) 1 / Inquisitor (Sacred Huntsman) 7 | HP 23/70 | AC23 T17 FF15 | F+11 R+10 W+4 | CMD24 | Init+7 Percep+16 darkvision | Current effects: Reaper Roc 6HD | HP 20/45 | AC25 T13 FF22 | F+7 R+9 W+3 | CMD24 | Init+4 Percep+16 scent | Current effects:

played by Ironperenti (591 posts)
Lucky Graul
Bobthe Giant

played by Andrea1 (18 posts)
Silver Crusade Bruno Sequeira

played by Edeldhur (7 posts)
Cynehelm of Orlov

Male Human Cleric (Sarenrae) 13 / Sorcerer 1 - HP 49/95 - AC 25/T: 13/FF:24 - Perception +16 - F: +12*/ R: +8*/ W: +15* - CMB: +9 - CMD: 21, Speed: 30, Init. +1

played by Tarondor (625 posts)
Abra Lopati
Gabryjel Kazimierz

played by dain120475 (729 posts)
Greta Silvermane

HP: 131/131 || AC: 26 (30 with Mobility)

played by Edeldhur (132 posts)

Roll20 / Male half-orc investigator (empiricist) 1/swashbuckler (inspired blade) 1 // Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +7 / AC 19, touch 14, flat-footed 15 (+5 armor, +3 Dex, +1 dodge) / hp 22/22 / Fort +5, Ref +10, Will +6

played by Edeldhur (1,627 posts)

M Goblin Rogue4HP 28/28,Init+4,F3R8W3Per9AC17T15FF13

played by Andrea1 (2,569 posts)
Count Lucinean Galdana
Manos Tavore

Male Human Rogue10, Hp 73, Ac 22, Fort + 6, Ref + 14, Will + 5, Perception + 13, Init +5

played by DBH (89 posts)
Nadya Pestka

played by Neltji (15 posts)

Male Half-Orc Magus (inactive)

played by Xunal (432 posts)
Ringeirr Malenkov
Ringeirr Malenkov

Sheelah HP: 25/27 AC: 19 F:5/R:8/W:3 P:+6 HP: 38/38; AC: 19/15/15; CMD 21; F +4,R +9(+1),W +3; Init +3(5); Perc +8(10)

played by waiph (42 posts)
Radi Hamdi
Ryu Tadamasa

played by dain120475 (492 posts)
Spell Sovereign
Variel Whitestorm

Male Elf Magus 2 (AC: 16,12,14; HP: 20; Saves 4,2,3; Init +2, perc +2)

played by Neltji (422 posts)

AC 19/11/18 (12/t11/ff11) ; hp 63/63; saves: F 5 R 4 W 9; bab 4, melee 4, ranged 5; CMB 4, CMD 15; speed 30; init +5; aasimar (peri-blooded) Witch (winter)-5/Winter Witch-4
Acro 2, appr 5, bluff 3, diplo 6, fly 12, heal 5, intim 7, Kn arcane 16(17), know planes 10, know history 10, know nature 10, kn local 9, ling 9, perc 14, sm 3, splcrft 16(17), stealth 1, UMD 11/+2 hut

played by JAF0 (1,287 posts)
Celestial Gnome
Xanxan Gimblewabe

Male Gnome Rogue-4 (Saves-F+2,R+8,W+1; Perception +9(10 vs traps);HP 21/27)

played by Ridge (871 posts)