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Pathfinder Society GM. 2,930 posts (15,670 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 21 Organized Play characters. 49 aliases.
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Doom is my fev hero
Lets compare to say... going to a movie.
@ProfPotts: The VP sounds badass, Motoko Kusanagi style
The VP sounds badass, Motoko Kusanagi style
My favorite settings for cyberpunk have always been shadowrun and rifts.
5e version is great
D&D mens??
Horde of villagers wrote: Podcast! Podcast! Podcast! Dude. This would be SO NC-17 rated. Like, not even funny, making nuns and puppies cry high nerd content vulgar. Especially Sean. And Jason. And Erik. And Wes. In other words, I'm not sure you realize what you're asking for. :P
Podcast! Podcast! Podcast!
Celestial Healer wrote: I wonder if you can choose who is on your server. If something like that was an option, that could actually be cool. A friend and I were just talking about this last night. That would be great, and pretty much the only way I would give this a try.
I wonder if you can choose who is on your server. If something like that was an option, that could actually be cool.
is it MMO multi player
Thanks for the tips :)