About Beck TavisHungerseed (Oni-spawn Tiefling) Arctic Druid
Point Buy: 20 Str 5 = 14+2=16 Dex 5 = 14 Con 3 = 13 +2[enh] Int 2 = 12 Wis 7 = 15+2=17+1[lv4]+2[geas] Cha -2 = 8-2=6 -------------------- Defense -------------------- AC 18/17, touch 13, flat-footed 16/15 (+4/+3 armor, +2 Dex, +1 Shield, +1 Def) hp 59 7(d8+1)+8[enh] Fort +6+1[enh], Ref +4, Will +10 Resistances: fire 5, cold 5, electricity 5 -------------------- Offence -------------------- Speed 20 ft. [30 base] Melee Unarmed strike: +5 (1d3+3/x2) {B:non-lethal} Spear: +7 (1d8+4/x3) {P} Brace Club: +8 (1d6+3/x2) {B} Shillelagh: +9 (2d6+4/x2) {B} Dagger +8 (1d4+3/19-20/x2) {P/S} Scimitar +8 (1d6+3/18-20/x2) {S} Scythe +7 (1d8+4/x4) {P/S} Ranged Sling +7 (1d4+3/x2) 50ft Spear: +7 (1d8+3/x3) {P} 20ft Club: +7 (1d6+3/x2) {B} 10ft Dagger +7 (1d4+3/19-20/x2) {P/S} 10ft Spell-Like Abilities Alter Self (1/day), 14 min. used
Special Abilities: -------------------- --------------------
Racial Traits -------------------- Fiendish Resistances Tieflings have cold resistance 5, electricity resistance 5, and fire resistance 5 Fiendish Sprinter Some tieflings have feet that are more bestial than human. Whether their feet resemble those of a clawed predator or are the cloven hooves common to many of their kind, tieflings with this trait gain a 10-foot racial bonus to their speed when using the charge, run, or withdraw actions. This racial trait replaces skilled Spell-like ability: Hungerseed can use Alter Self once per day as a spell-like ability. The caster level for this ability equals the Hungerseed's class level. Darkvision: Tieflings can see perfectly in the dark for up to 60 feet. Prehensile Tail Many tieflings have tails, but some have long, flexible tails that can be used to carry items. While they cannot wield weapons with their tails, they can use them to retrieve small, stowed objects carried on their persons as a swift action. This racial trait replaces fiendish sorcery -------------------- Druid Class Abilities -------------------- Spontaneous Casting: A druid can channel stored spell energy into summoning spells that she hasn't prepared ahead of time. She can “lose” a prepared spell in order to cast any summon nature's ally spell of the same level or lower. Nature Bond: The second option is to form a close bond with an animal companion. A druid may begin play with any of the animals listed in Animal Choices. This animal is a loyal companion that accompanies the druid on her adventures. If a druid releases her companion from service, she may gain a new one by performing a ceremony requiring 24 uninterrupted hours of prayer in the environment where the new companion typically lives. This ceremony can also replace an animal companion that has perished. Nature Sense (Ex): A druid gains a +2 bonus on Knowledge (nature) and Survival checks. Wild Empathy (Ex): A druid can improve the attitude of an animal. This ability functions just like a Diplomacy check made to improve the attitude of a person. The druid rolls 1d20 and adds her druid level and her Charisma modifier to determine the wild empathy check result. The typical domestic animal has a starting attitude of indifferent, while wild animals are usually unfriendly. To use wild empathy, the druid and the animal must be able to study each other, which means that they must be within 30 feet of one another under normal conditions. Generally, influencing an animal in this way takes 1 minute but, as with influencing people, it might take more or less time. A druid can also use this ability to influence a magical beast with an Intelligence score of 1 or 2, but she takes a –4 penalty on the check. Arctic Native (Ex): At 2nd level, an arctic druid gains a bonus on Initiative checks and Knowledge (geography), Perception, Stealth, and Survival checks equal to 1/2 her druid level in cold or icy terrain, and she cannot be tracked in cold or icy terrain. This ability replaces woodland stride. Icewalking (Ex): At 3rd level, an arctic druid suffers no penalty to speed or on Acrobatics, Climb, or Stealth checks in snowy or icy terrain or weather conditions and can walk across snow crusts or thin ice without breaking through. This ability replaces trackless step. Arctic Endurance (Ex): At 4th level, an arctic druid ignores the effects of a cold climate as if using endure elements. She is also immune to being dazzled. This ability replaces resist nature’s lure. Wild Shape (Su) An arctic druid gains this ability at 6th level, except that her effective druid level for this ability is equal to her druid level – 2. At 4th level, a druid gains the ability to turn herself into any small or Medium animal and back again once per day. Her options for new forms include all creatures with the animal type. This ability functions like the beast shape I spell, except as noted here. The effect lasts for 1 hour per druid level, or until she changes back. Changing form (to animal or back) is a standard action and doesn't provoke an attack of opportunity. The form chosen must be that of an animal the druid is familiar with. A druid loses her ability to speak while in animal form because she is limited to the sounds that a normal, untrained animal can make, but she can communicate normally with other animals of the same general grouping as her new form. (The normal sound a wild parrot makes is a squawk, so changing to this form does not permit speech.) A druid can use this ability an additional time per day at 6th level and every two levels thereafter, for a total of eight times at 18th level. At 20th level, a druid can use wild shape at will. As a druid gains in levels, this ability allows the druid to take on the form of larger and smaller animals, elementals, and plants. Each form expends one daily usage of this ability, regardless of the form taken. At 6th level, a druid can use wild shape to change into a Large or Tiny animal or a Small elemental. When taking the form of an animal, a druid's wild shape now functions as beast shape II. When taking the form of an elemental, the druid's wild shape functions as elemental body I. At 8th level, a druid can use wild shape to change into a Huge or Diminutive animal, a Medium elemental, or a Small or Medium plant creature. When taking the form of animals, a druid's wild shape now functions as beast shape III. When taking the form of an elemental, the druid's wild shape now functions as elemental body II. When taking the form of a plant creature, the druid's wild shape functions as plant shape I. At 10th level, a druid can use wild shape to change into a Large elemental or a Large plant creature. When taking the form of an elemental, the druid's wild shape now functions as elemental body III. When taking the form of a plant, the druid's wild shape now functions as plant shape II. At 12th level, a druid can use wild shape to change into a Huge elemental or a Huge plant creature. When taking the form of an elemental, the druid's wild shape now functions as elemental body IV. When taking the form of a plant, the druid's wild shape now functions as plant shape III. -------------------- Feats -------------------- Skill Focus: Handle Animal Spell Focus: Conjuration Augment Summoning Natural Spell Level advances: -------------------- FC bonuses: +7 skill point HP: Max+(5+con)Lv Skill Ranks: -------------------- Total: 36 +6
Handle Animal 6, Fly 3, Heal 1, K(geography) 4, K(Local) 4, K(Nature) 4, Perception 6, Ride 1, Spellcraft 1, Survival 6 Modifiers Nature Sense: +2 K(nature), +2 Survival, Trait: +1k(Geography), +1 K(Local) Feat: +3 Handle Animal Arctic Native: +3=+(Lv/2) to K(Geo), Perception, Survival, Stealth, and Init in Cold Terrain Gear:
On Person: Cold Weather Outfit Broken pipes: -2 to perform check due to being broken Hide armor: +4 armor bonus to AC -Wooden Armor: +3 armor bonus to AC Buckler: +1 shield bonus to AC, or 2-hand a weapon at a -1 penalty Ring of Protection +1 Sling (5/28 bullets) / (5/18 Cold Iron) Spear x2 Club Dagger Scimitar Scythe Snowshoes Sheelah: AoNA +1 Backpack:
Base Statistics Cat: Size Medium; Speed 40 ft.; AC +1 natural armor; Attack bite (1d6), 2 claws (1d4); Ability Scores Str 13, Dex 17, Con 13, Int 2, Wis 15, Cha 10; Special Attacks rake (1d4); Special Qualities low-light vision, scent. -------------------- White Tiger Kitty N Large Animal (Feline) Init +3; Senses: lowlight vision, scent; Perception +6 -------------------- Defense -------------------- AC 20, touch 13, flat-footed 18 (+7 Natural +1 enh, +3 Dex, -1 Size hp 45: 6(d8+3) Fort +8, Ref +8, Will +4 -------------------- Offence -------------------- Speed 50 ft. Melee Bite +9 (1d8+6 plus Grab +15) Claw +9 (1d6+6) Rake: +9 (1d6+6) -------------------- Statistics -------------------- Str 23, Dex 17, Con 17, Int 3, Wis 15, Cha 10 BAB +4; CMB +11 = +4bab+6str+1size; CMD 24 = 10+4bab+6str+3dex+1size grapple +15 Feats Power Attack -2/+4 atk/dmg, Nimble Moves ignore 5 ft of difficult terrain a round, ???(acrobatc steps)??? Skills Acrobatics +7, Climb +10, Escape Artist +3, Perception +6, Stealth +7, Survival +6, Swim +10 Tricks Combat Trained: Attack, Attack all creatures, Defend, Watch, Heel, Track, Sneak, Flank, Come, Down, Guard. Menace SQ Link (Ex) A druid can handle her animal companion as a free action, or push it as a move action, even if she doesn’t have any ranks in the Handle Animal skill. The druid gains a +4 circumstance bonus on all wild empathy checks and Handle Animal checks made regarding an animal companion. Fast Movement (Ex) A racer's speed is 10 feet greater than typical animals of its kind when wearing no armor and carrying a light load. This ability replaces share spells. Evasion (Ex) If an animal companion is subjected to an attack that normally allows a Reflex saving throw for half damage, it takes no damage if it makes a successful saving throw. Sprint (Ex) At 6th level, once per hour a racer can move at 10 times its normal speed when it makes a charge or uses the run action. Pounce full attack on a charge Grab grab on a bite attack This ability replaces devotion. Natural Armor +4 from base stats Str/Dex bonus +2 Ability Score Increase +1 int Lv7 Advancement Size Large; AC +2 natural armor; Attack bite (1d8), 2 claws (1d6); Ability Scores Str +8, Dex –2, Con +4; Special Attacks grab, pounce, rake (1d6). Ranks: Acrobatics, Climb, Perception, Stealth, Survival, Swim, Carrying Capacity: 100-125 light load Sheelah full attack:
for [dice]1d8+6+4[/dice] [dice=Grab]1d20+15-2[/dice] [dice=Claw]1d20+9-2[/dice]