About Ariarh KanePhysical Description:
She is taller than an average human female (5'9"), with striking pale skin and sapphire eyes. Her hair is platinum blonde, straight and long (ending just below her waist). It is pulled back into braid or ponytail when the need arises. She is slim in build (121 lbs) and stronger than she looks. She is deemed "beautiful" as is the way with Aasimars. Being raised on a ranch, she is partial to more practical/comfortable clothing but gravitates toward garments in shades of blue. Character Sheet:
PC Name: Ariarh “Ry” Saedra Kane Race : Aasimar Class : Druid 7/Noble Level : 7 EXP : - Sex : Female Age : 19 Height : 5’9” Weight : 121 lbs Skin : Pale white Hair : P. Blonde Eyes : Sapphire Blue Size : Medium Alignment: Neutral Good Stats
Light : 50 lbs Medium: 51-100 lbs
Saving Throws
Combat Bonuses
Defense Bonuses
# This Skill is modified with Gear (see below)
Weapons/Armor Proficiencies
Gear Equipment/Gear Weight Cost
Ariarh Saedra Kane = 121 pounds Light & Combat Trained Horse can carry 134 to 266 pounds Equipment & Gear + Girl = 92.5 + 121 = 213.5 pounds This proud horse thunders across the grassy plain with fluid grace, wind tugging at its loose-fitting barding.
Tricks Known Tal Six Tricks from Handle Animal
1. Attack (DC 20) (1 trick): The animal attacks apparent enemies. You may point to a particular creature that you wish the animal to attack, and it will comply if able. Normally, an animal will attack only humanoids, monstrous humanoids, giants, or other animals. Teaching an animal to attack all creatures (including such unnatural creatures as undead and aberrations) counts as two tricks. 2. Come (DC 15): The animal comes to you, even if it normally would not do so. 3. Defend (DC 20): The animal defends you (or is ready to defend you if no threat is present), even without any command being given. Alternatively, you can command the animal to defend a specific other character. 4. Down (DC 15): The animal breaks off from combat or otherwise backs down. An animal that doesn’t know this trick continues to fight until it must flee (due to injury, a fear effect, or the like) or its opponent is defeated. 5. Guard (DC 20): The animal stays in place and prevents others from approaching. 6. Fetch (DC 15): The animal goes and gets something. If you do not point out a specific item, the animal fetches some random object. Griffon: Dior
GRIFFON CR 4 N Large magical beast
Tricks Known (as taught by Riordan, Ry's father.)
Tooth Dagger Carved from a golden dragon’s tooth, the dagger is filled with many strange magical properties and powers. Most of which can be unlocked, but not until much later. What is clearly known, right away, is that the dagger function as a “bane weapon” against “evil creatures”. In this case, Evil creatures are not any creature with an evil alignment (such as a man who is evil, or a dwarf who is evil) it specifically refers to creatures that are naturally “evil” even if they behave well, as an individual (such as an Imp, which is a type of Devil). More powers may be unlocked with time and study, but for now the following are the dagger’s special powers. Magical Dagger: Bane Against Evil Subtypes Dagger 1d4+2 to hit and damage
Gifted Adept: Choose 1: Entangle. This spell is effectively 1 level higher. Without a Past: Gain a +1 to Linguistics and Bluff to decipher forgery. Linguistics is a class skill for you. Feat Description
Augment Summoning: Summoned creatures gain +4 (enhancement bonus) to Str and Con. Brew Potion: (Bonus feat) You can create a potion of any 3rd-level or lower spell that you know and that targets one or more creatures. Brewing a potion takes 2 hours if its base price is 250 gp or less, otherwise brewing a potion takes 1 day for each 1,000 gp in its base price. When you create a potion, you set the caster level, which must be sufficient to cast the spell in question and no higher than your own level. To brew a potion, you must use up raw materials costing one half this base price. When you create a potion, you make any choices that you would normally make when casting the spell. Whoever drinks the potion is the target of the spell. Natural Spell: You can cast spells even while in a form that cannot normally cast spells. You can complete the verbal and somatic components of spells while using wild shape. You substitute various noises and gestures for the normal verbal and somatic components of a spell. You can also use any material components or focuses you possess, even if such items are melded within your current form. This feat does not permit the use of magic items while you are in a form that could not ordinarily use them, and you do not gain the ability to speak while using wild shape. Leadership:You attract followers to your cause and a companion to join you on your adventures.
Class Ability Description
Nature Sense: Druids gain +2 on Survival and Knowledge: Nature Checks. Wild Empathy: A Druid can effect the attitude of a natural animal. This works like a Diplomacy Check. Roll 1d20+Druid Level + Charisma Modifier. Nature Bond: Gain one Domain, as a Cleric. Woodland Stride: Starting at 2nd level, a druid may move through any sort of undergrowth (such as natural thorns, briars, overgrown areas, and similar terrain) at her normal speed and without taking damage or suffering any other impairment. Thorns, briars, and overgrown areas that have been magically manipulated to impede motion, however, still affect her. Trackless Step: Starting at level 3, a druid leaves no trail in natural surroundings and cannot be tracked. She may choose to leave a trail if so desired. Resist Nature's Lure: A druid gains a +4 bonus on saving throws against the spell-like and supernatural abilities of the fey. This bonus also applies to spells and effects that target plants, such as blight, entangle, spike growth and warp word. Wild Shape: 2/day. A druid gains the ability to turn herself into any small or medium animal and back again once per day. The effect lasts for 1 hour per druid level, or until she changes back.Changing form (to animal or back) is a standard action and doesn't provoke an AoO. The form chosen must be that of an animal the druid is familiar with. At 6th level, a druid can use wild shape to change into a Large or Tiny animal or a Small elemental. When taking the form of an animal, a druid’s wild shape now functions as beast shape II. When taking the form of an elemental, the druid’s wild shape functions as elemental body I. Noble
Weather Domain
Storm Burst (Sp): As a standard action, you can create a storm burst targeting any foe within 30 feet as a ranged touch attack. The storm burst deals 1d6 points of non-lethal damage + 1 point for every two cleric levels you possess. In addition, the target is buffeted by winds and rain, causing it to take a –2 penalty on attack rolls for 1 round. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier Domain Spells: 1st—obscuring mist, 2nd—fog cloud, 3rd—call lightning, 4th-sleet storm Spells
4 first level spell +1 (for Wisdom Modifier) 3 second level spell +1 (for Wisdom Modifier) 2 third level spell +1 (for Wisdom Modifier) 1 fourth level spell +1 (for Wisdom Modifier) Orisons Memorized Level Today: Create Water, Detect Magic, Spark, Stabilize and Light. 1st Level Spells known today: Cure Light Wounds, Cure Light Wounds, Magic Fang, Entangle (Gifted Adept, trait), Speak with Animals. 2nd Level Spells known today: Flaming Sphere, Flaming Sphere, Burning Gaze, Glide. 3rd Level Spells known today: CMW, Call Lightning, Hurricane Blast. 4th Level Spells known today: Air Walk, Strong Jaw (A druid can channel stored spell energy into summoning spells that she hasn’t prepared ahead of time. She can “lose” a prepared spell in order to cast any Summon Nature’s Ally spell of the same level or lower.) * As an Aasimar can cast Daylight 1/day (racial ability). Misc. Description/Notes ECOLOGY of a Griffon
All About Ariarh - Survey:
Where was your character born? Artume, a small domain nestled amongst the hills and fertile plains of the River Kingdoms. It lies on the western branch of the Sellen River and is well known for its high quality livestock, fine leather goods and natural stone. Who raised her? Two loving and protective human parents predominantly raised me over these nineteen years. My father is a rancher in Artume and breeds and trains horses and my mother’s a local healer (with extensive knowledge of herbal lore). My great, great, great maternal grandmother, Irethia Sama, was an Aasimar and said to have originated from a true celestial. I am testament to that bloodline/lineage. What was happening in the region when your character was growing up? Banditry was/is rife, and, rebellion ever escalating. We were somewhat sheltered from the rebellion on our ranch (for the most part), but my father’s livelihood ensures pure and highly intelligent (well trained) horses, which are coveted by bandits, rogues and even the odd mercenary or two. Desperate, treacherous folk make earning an honest living difficult and fraught with various degrees of danger. Does your character have any relatives? I am an only child born to only children, so my family is made up of three people: father, mother and me. My grandparents are long deceased, through natural causes fortunately. Our small family is close-knit and very loyal. Motivation
Gain some independence. I have been safely ensconced for too long, surrounded in main by those I know and love. I need to expand my experiences and perceptions if I am to grow and reach my true/full potential. I would like to meet with other druids and perhaps encounter another Aasimar in my travels. I have a need to learn more as knowledge is an important key. What are her long-term goals? Understand my nature and strength. Become a useful resource in the fight for good and return the balance to good. Perhaps fall in love and bear children. What type of person would be her ideal mate? A genuine, courageous, loyal, passionate and honourable person would be ideal. Also, someone who has a quick and somewhat dry sense of humour. Intelligence and wisdom are attractive traits in such a mate. Who is her patron deity? Is she a devout worshiper? Gozreh. I am devout in my own way from whatever knowledge I have come to understand and know. Is she a devout member of any nonreligious cause? The Green Faith. My mother and I try to follow the tenants of this philosophy but our faith is more secretive than not. It would not be wise to let slip our healing abilities or the places we practice such faith. Is there any race, creed, alignment, religion or the like against which she is strongly prejudiced? Evil in any shape, or, form. Generally I get along with any good creature. But, I vehemently dislike orcs and half-orcs for the darkness that lies within their hearts and I am suspicious of Tieflings as they have a natural compulsion toward evil. What is her greatest fear? Evil’s taint taking control of every thing, and, leading to the ultimate destruction of life. What is the one task she absolutely refuses to do? Kill an innocent. Idiosyncrasies What is your character’s motto or favorite saying? “We must be the change we wish to see.” What is her favorite color? Blue: The colour of sea and sky. Describe what she would wear if money were no object? A beautiful silk gown, in a vibrant gem-like shade of blue. A soft, warm woollen cape/hood possibly embroidered with silk thread. What is her favorite food? Drink? Favourite food: Fruits and vegetables, hand grown. Home-baked bread. Drink: Water. What is her favorite animal? The wild, black stallion is my favourite for its majesty, nobility, freedom and power. What habits of her friends annoy her most? Being over-protective (or treating me differently) and keeping vital information from me. Traits:
Miscellaneous What well-known media figure from sports, movies or politics most closely resembles your character? In personality, my character closely resembles Kaylee Frye’s (Firefly/Serenity) positive, optimistic outlook and energy; Lois Lane’s (Smallville) gumption/guts and take action stand and Selene’s (Underworld) undeterred direction, loyalty and uncovering truth at any cost. Stoic like the young Queen Victoria of England. What would be her theme song? “Stand My Ground” by Within Temptation. If her friends were to write her epitaph, what would it be?
What would be her job in modern society? Certified Natural Health Professional (Nutrition Scientist & Clinical Naturopath), delving into alternative medicines, and discovering cures. Introduction Questions Do you have any nicknames, street names, titles, or aliases? Ry (pet name used by her family and close friends). What is your full birth name? Ariarh (pronounced Aa-ry-aa) Saedra Kane. Where do you live? Till now, I have been living with my parents on their ranch in Artume in the River Kingdoms. Why do you live there? It is my home and my parents have been protective and have tried to shield me from those who would see me as an enemy or a possession. What is your citizenship status? Citizen of the River Kingdoms. What is your most obvious blessing or strength? I am rather perceptive. My sensitivity &/or intuition is high. What is your most obvious flaw or weakness? I am fiercely opinionated and will do everything in my power to protect my ideals. Was there any event or cause to cause these weaknesses? Not a direct event, but perhaps witnessing the world around me splinter and grow ever desperate and turn to evil ways. Anarchy (in terms of lawlessness) gives people an excuse to do as they please at any cost. Plus, keeping secret that one is a druid can teach a person to become protective of such things as ideals. Physical Traits What is your general body type, frame, bone structure, and poise? I am taller than an average human female (around 5’9”) and my body is naturally slender but I have a defined strength. I have an upright posture and a graceful (and when necessary, agile) way of moving. What is your skin colour? Pale, almost white skin thanks to my Aasimar ancestry. What is your hair colour? Platinum Blonde. What is your hairstyle? Long, silky straight hair, which I keep loose down my back. But when necessary, I tie it back with cord or ribbon. Do you have any facial hair? No, thank you! What is your eye colour? My eyes are vivid sapphire blue. Does it change? Sometimes, they can appear an emerald green. How attractive are you? For as long as I have lived, I have been called “beautiful”. It’s an unusual beauty – and it can either repel or draw another creature. It is something that comes with the bloodline I come from. What is your most distinguishing feature? My most distinguishing features are my crystalline eyes and melodic voice. Do you have any scars, tattoos, or birthmarks? I have a birthmark in the shape of a sickle moon in the middle of my shoulder blades. What is your handedness (left/right)? I predominantly use my right hand but I am ambidextrous. Do you resemble some currently known person? No, I look different from any current person in town. I am told however, that I do resemble my (late) great, great, great grandmother, Irethia Sama. Do you wear a uniform? No, I have no need of such to this point in my life. What kind of clothing do you wear? Practical. Warm, comfortable and at times waterproof clothing as I help my father train the horses (plus, I like the freedom of a long shirt or tunic with a pair of leggings and boots). But, in saying that, I am not adverse to a pretty bright coloured gown every now and again. What is your clothing's style or level of sophistication? We work hard and I prefer simple and practical clothing. Plus, it is a good idea to blend in with the community rather than draw unnecessary attention. I do however like well-crafted garb of fine material on a whole. What sort of vocal tone do you have? Melodic. It has enough lightness and sweetness to draw people but it still possesses a certain strength that aids in making a point. Do you get sick? Maybe you catch the flu twice a year and that's it? Or maybe you have a weak immune system and catch anything that goes around? Not really. I rarely get sick from any common viruses. My parents tell me I have a strong constitution. History Where is your homeland? Artume, along the western branch of the Sellen River, in the River Kingdoms. What are its people like? The neighbouring folk are tough, hardworking and fair ranchers, leather makers and stonemasons. (Salt of the earth kind of people and those whom we call ‘friend’.) They work their land and protect themselves from bandits, cattle rustlers, and criminals. But as a whole, The River Kingdoms are made up of an assortment of characters and many bad elements. Are you aware of its history? Yes, from what I have taught, read or seen. I am sure there is still much to uncover as to the agendas etc of those who came before and who are in power at present. Are you patriotic or a social outcast? I am loyal to the land and its people so in that way I am patriotic. My unusual looks however can make me somewhat of an outcast, as I am the only one of my kind in this region (that I am aware of). What are your opinions of home? Home in terms of the ranch and my family and neighbours is special to me. Home in regard to The River Kingdoms is a place filled with chaos, with brutal despotism and pure anarchy tearing the lands apart. It saddens and sickens me. It also strengthens my resolve to upturn the evil and return the lands to good. Did you witness any historical events? No, for I have only lived a short nineteen years so far. Also, for the most part I have been “tucked away” on the ranch by my protective parents. Are your real reasons for becoming an adventurer different from what you tell others? Not mostly. Those who what I am about -- my ideals and morals -- instinctively understand the reasons (though they may not completely agree with the adventuring lifestyle). Yes, there may be other reasons I keep to myself out of necessity. How do you feel about other races? I am rather accepting of the different races and especially so with the good races. I do have a vehement dislike of evildoers. Were there any traumatic experiences in your early years (death of a family member, abandonment, orphaned at an early age, etc.)? When I was 12, my best friend Saarah (the only daughter of my father’s steward and also 12) was raped and murdered in a bandit raid. I was too young to do anything to stop them (and my parents hid me away) and her death and memory stays with me, always. Saarah’s father and mother became my second parents after her death. Did you have any childhood friends? Yes, but only a trusted few whom I truly called friends. There was the late Saarah Northey and the children of our closest neighbouring rancher, Davin (a few years older than I) and his younger sister, Audra Kale. Are you still close to them or have you grown apart? Saarah is gone from this world (but her spirit is with me, I can feel her). Davin has moved on (adventurer in his own right) and we haven’t spoken in over three years. Audra and I are still close enough and try and see each other when we can (and when it is safe to). Which toys from your childhood have you kept? Three wooden horses whittled by my father still grace my window ledge, and an ancient porcelain doll passed down from mother to daughter takes pride of place on my bureau. I do not think I can take the doll with me as I move so she will be returned to my mother for safekeeping but the wooden horses will be safely tucked away in my knapsack. Running my fingers over the smooth wood helps me find balance. What conflicts might arise from your past? Not a direct conflict per se. I have an unresolved matter with Davin. Before he left home he kissed me and spoke words of love. We never spoke of it at the time, I was young and experienced and he thought I did not care for him. So, he left the next day and has been gone these past three years. Do you have any sort of criminal record? No, most definitely not. Family Who were your parents? My mother’s name is Sadira and my father is Riordan Kane of The River Kingdoms. Were you raised by them? Yes, they were/are devoted and loving parents. And when I was 12, Steward Northey and his wife unofficially “adopted” me. So I ended up having 2 sets of “parents”. I think I gave comfort to the Northeys after the death of their only daughter and my best friend, Saarah. What did your parents and/or foster parents do for a living? My father is a rancher, breeding and training horses and my mother is the local healer, growing and preparing herbal medicines for our neighbours and friends. She is also the local midwife. What was their standing in the community? My father is well respected for his work with horses and his fair and honest trading. His knowledge of horses and his gentle and respectful hand in training has earned him renown inside and outside of the area. My mother is known for her healer’s hands and extensive knowledge of herbal lore and is respected accordingly by the locals (we do not advertise her skill as it can be dangerous for certain outside folk to know how skilled/gifted she truly is). Did your family stay in one area or move around a lot? My father was somewhat of an adventurer himself when he was younger but once he married and settled down, our family stayed put on our ranch in Artume. How did you get along with your parents? We have mutual respect and love for one another. At times I’m sure my spirited nature was an annoyance to them as they worked hard at protecting me. But they understood I could only be myself. It is good that we can communicate openly and honestly with each other. How would your parents describe you? In main they would describe me as generous, compassionate, spirited, loyal, determined, courageous, wise-beyond-my-years and unique. Are any or all of your family still alive? Yes, both my parents are very much alive. Personality/Beliefs Do you, or did you, have any role models? My parents, most certainly are wonderful role models. They taught me what it is to be true to yourself and other people. Their respective skills and respect for nature and its creatures have helped to hone my own character. Growing up, I heard countless stories regaling Irethia Sama’s courage and good deeds and since I was her only Aasimar descendent, I wanted to follow in her footsteps. And then there is Saarah. In her short young life she showed me what it truly means to be open hearted and courageous. Do you have any great rational or irrational fears or phobias? Claustrophobia. I have never been able to hide or be closed in small, confined spaces, especially for long periods of time. I was never locked into a tight space or anything traumatic like that as punishment etc. It’s just something that has my system feeling ill and all kinds of wrong. What, if anything, would it take for you to be able to overcome this? A sense of or actual imminent danger may propel me to overcome my aversion to confined spaces. How do you react when this fear manifests itself? I feel as though I cannot draw a proper breath and my emotions begin to spiral out of control and I lose focus and logic in that moment. Are you willing to discuss, or even admit to, the situation? With trusted folk, whether family, friends or allies, yes. However, I would keep this information to myself with strangers and those who might use my claustrophobia against me. What are your attitudes regarding material wealth? To survive in any place, currency is necessary. I do not have to be the richest person in the land but I need to know I have enough resources to survive and/or to aid others. Poverty can be the death of people especially in this current climate. Are you miserly with your share of the wealth, or do you spend it freely? I budget as much as I can (no one can know what will happen in the future exactly). I am neither a miser nor a spendthrift. If there is need, I am generous enough to share my wealth and do so with no expectation of repayment. Are you greedy or generous? Generous. And, perhaps with loved ones, I am generous to a fault. But overall I am conscientiousness with what I have. Do you see wealth as a mark of success, or just as a means to an end? In a perfect world, perhaps it would simply mean a mark of success. But I realise that such perfection does not exist (or is too simplistic of a model) and it may become necessary for wealth to be a means to an end. How do you generally treat others? Cordially with most people. I was brought up with fine manners and employ them. It would be nice to treat people as we would like to be treated and I do try for the most part. It’s just harder with some, especially those with a proclivity to evil. Do you trust easily (perhaps too easily) or not? I possess a strong sense of who I can and can’t trust. But even I am not infallible and sometimes I have trusted too readily and regretted it later. Least I learned something valuable to use in the future. I can let my guard way down with those I love when I’m not thinking about it. Are you introverted (shy and withdrawn) or extroverted (outgoing)? I am somewhere in the middle. Initially shy around strangers and in strange lands, but more comfortable and easy with people once I get to know them and trust them. Then I can be quite the extrovert. Also, my moods and emotions can play a part in whether I am withdrawn or open and outgoing. Are you a humble soul or blusteringly proud? Humble more so and not quite comfortable with receiving compliments and praise.
Do you act differently than you feel (concealing your true thoughts)? I am instinctively cautious in my interactions with people. If I had to protect or preserve then I would be less forthcoming and keep things closer to my chest. What is your favourite type of animal? Having been raised around animals, I am comfortable in their presence and enjoy their company. I feel very close to my wolf pups, Reiki and Terra (their mother was killed by a thoughtless interloper), and my father’s horses, especially my stallion, Tal. Is there anything that enrages you? Evil. I expressly cannot abide oppression, destruction and imbalance (for eg, lack of fairness and justice make my blood boil). Do you enjoy "roughing it", or do you prefer your creature comforts? I can adapt well enough and I am not prone to histrionics. Creature comforts are easier but I can manage “roughing it” when needs be. What would you do if something were stolen from you? It depends on what was taken (and how). If the stolen item were unimportant/trivial then I would probably do nothing. If, however, it had significant, meaningful value to me, I would do all to retrieve it. What would you do if you were badly insulted publicly? Smile and stare them directly in the eye. If there is greater need than that, my words hold an edge and depth truer than any blade. What do you consider to be the worst crime someone could commit and why? The rape and/or murder of an innocent child would be classed as the worst crime. Basically, the destruction of any innocent thing would be purely evil. Do you support the current government of your homeland? No, as the governments in my homeland do not rule wisely or justly and will do anything to keep their hold on power. This provides a gateway to such evil. What form of government do you believe is the best (democracy, monarchy, anarchy, aristocratic rule, oligarchy, matriarchy) and why? I believe democracy is the best option or the lesser evil. Equality is a hard thing to attain but it at least presents people with a sense of hope and order. Have you ever been persecuted for your political stance? Fortunately, I have the presence of mind not to openly discuss my political persuasions and therefore have not been persecuted for them. Do you have any unusual or nervous mannerisms, such as when talking, thinking, afraid, under stress, or when embarrassed? My absolute silence when thoughtful or emotionally wounded makes other people nervous. I also can blush and bite my bottom lip when embarrassed or nervous. The biting is also a ‘thinking’ mannerism as well. What is your most treasured possession? I have two such treasures, a dagger that once belonged to Irethia Sama, and my beloved horse, Tal. Do you have a good luck charm? I do not know if it is a particular talisman of note, but I wear a necklace made of leather with a silver filigree leaf. Do you prefer to tear down or build up? I would do all in my power to build up. It is easier for creatures to tear down things they do not understand or cannot understand. Are you deliberate or spontaneous? I am more deliberate. I still have rare moments of spontaneity based on certain moods or emotions. But, I like to think things out and work through them properly and with purpose. Do you prefer the town or the country? Country. I need quiet spaces/places to meditate and regain emotional balance and understanding. Towns, especially larger ones, do not have the luxury of quiet and stillness and privacy. If made to decide, would you rather be deaf or blind? Why? I would rather be deaf. Sight is important to manoeuvre and move and there are ways to compensate for lack of hearing which is less physically debilitating than lack of sight. Describe your worst nightmares. Evil is in complete power and all is enslaved to/by it. About Griffon Dior:
Atop of understanding Common, Ariarh has taught her griffon Celestial and Sylvan, in order to have more private conversations when necessary. He can't speak but he understands all three languages. Music Box:
Detail on Music Box – You see a small statue inside, shaped like a graceful fairy standing on a small metal box. There is a key, and if you crank the key the fairy will play the music on her pipe. Though she is clearly a statute – you can see her arms move, her fingers move, and her wings flutter, as if she is playing a tune – which you can hear as the music box plays. You do not hear the usual “plink, plink” of a music box notes – rather, you hear instead a sound which is like an actual series of pipes playing. It is an old Fey Lullaby, you’ve heard it before and recognize its magical properties. Song can be found, here: If you listen to the song play you to sleep in the night – when you awaken the first hour of your day you will be in the effects of a Bless spell. Further – if you sleep to the music – and get full Bed Rest to it (eight hours of uninterrupted sleep) you gain an additional +1 HP per level of healing. Finally – for every minute you listen you automatically heal 1 HP of SUBDUAL for up to five minutes. Estimated value of Music Box: 4,000 GP. - for metal used, magical properties used, and of course, the value of the craftsmanship. |