
Zuckerman's Famous's page

***** Pathfinder Society GM. Starfinder Society GM. 148 posts (1,690 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 28 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


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Liberty's Edge

Sorry, it took me since Monday to log on to Paizo. Fun.

Liberty's Edge

It’s not game endings as I still have Greater Invisibility, but the meat and potatoes of my character is putting up a wall then stealthing and attacking to get sneak attack at range. It’s not just my spells, I am not built to go into melee. I have 10 Con, low AC, move slowly, and can’t easily be healed because I’m a Dampir. My unicorn bloodline lets me heal myself when I cast spells and the healing I’ve gotten from Stone Shield combine with whatever else I’m casting has been the small but steady sustain which has allowed myself and others in the party to keep falling unconscious and instead keep fighting. I know 2 hp a turn doesn’t seem like much but these fights have had some very close calls.

What this really boils down to is this: had I known about the spell’s restriction I would have built my character differently and with a 4 person group I would have probably brought something else (honestly anything else) to the table that would have been more reliable.

Liberty's Edge

Hmm. Ahh, hmm. I did not see that but it looks like it is. Well that’s depressing AND unexpected. I’ve made it to level 12 and I haven’t had this come up. It’s also unfortunately crippling to my character. I’d need to change several of my spells to allow me to be in melee all the time, my stats, a few feats, I’d need different items, and a different bloodline. That’s a complete rework that I don’t have the money or the prestige to pull off. Hell, I’d probably just gone magus over sorcerer if I knew this build didn’t work.

I’m kinda at a loss on what to do now. Ignore my last turn and put me on delay.

Liberty's Edge

I’m ready, let’s go

Liberty's Edge

Works for me!

Liberty's Edge

Lets try it. Why not?

Liberty's Edge

We can’t bot them through part 2-4. We would need to pick up a fourth.

Liberty's Edge

That's 2020 in a nutshell.

Liberty's Edge

Well here is an interesting development. I got a complete character rework from a chronicle sheet.

Adventure Path boon:
Book 6 of Strange Aeons.
So I could swap to something after part 1, swapping my adventure seems a bit too bold.

Liberty's Edge

Our GM has been dark for a week now. GenCon is happening but I at least haven’t seen anything saying that is what is causing the delay.

Oh well. It was fun.

Liberty's Edge

Losing people is always hard, but in the times we are living in it can be difficult, if not impossible, to grieve with your family and friends and that can feel terrible. Take care of yourself, be safe, be healthy.

Liberty's Edge

The healing that I could do to Vos wouldn’t stabilize him. Also I need to roll to emulate the correct Wisdom Score.

1d20 + 15 ⇒ (11) + 15 = 26

Ouch, so no one actually gets healed.

Liberty's Edge

GM_Ammordius wrote:
Doormouse I‘ll adjust the damage. I thought cross blooded and wild blooded sorcerer archetypes don’t stack.

At first I wasn't sure what you meant since I did not think that wild blooded was listed as an archetype. It was my understanding that it was just a different part of particular bloodline similar to a subdomain, however when you brought this up I looked through a few FAQs, my favorite was to learn about a game, and it seems as though it IS an archetype and as such it does not stack because it alters the same class features. I am honestly stunned that this is the way it was made, but I am in the wrong.

Thankfully, this aspect of my build is unimportant. I still will drink people, just now I will have to do it...for flavor.

What happens now is up to you. I can swap to the Undead bloodline without a problem.

Liberty's Edge

Your axebeak has an int of 6? That’s smarter than some field agents I’ve seen. That’s as intelligent as the average troll or hill giant and they have societies and settlements and stuff. That’s interesting.

Liberty's Edge

She is primarily an archer, but I can swap my armor and pull out a shield and tomahawk and change out my gear if we need someone to stand there and fight. My vexing dodger/fighter is a straight up tank and is built to stack debuffs on a thing that you don’t want to do bad stuff AND has trapspotter. The one issue is that with the multiclassing has left her saves very sub optimal and her damage output is not great either.

Liberty's Edge

Heard that there was a spot open and I have a few people I could bring along, both are both ready to go. I have a fighter/Darechaser and a fighter/rogue/swashbuckler.

I’d prefer to send in the Darechaser, but I’m cool with either.

Liberty's Edge

I’d be interested in an Eyes of the Ten game. Got an Arcane Trickster and a fighter to send in to help. I would prefer the trickster if at all possible, but I’ll do what’s needed.

Liberty's Edge

I was going to say that oozes are immune to mind effects, but Possession does not have that tag. Your body would flop on the ground helpless and y i would gain the physical stats of the creature. You could use your hexes and other supernatural abilities, and you would get its compression and it’s other innate abilities (but not supernatural stuff or spell like stuff).

As an aside, a 42 doesn’t overcome the CMD of an ooze? I’m impressed.

Liberty's Edge

If everyone else is cool with this, so am I.

Liberty's Edge

Are we clearing the way so that other pathfinders can follow us? I think we are spending a lot of resources on this tree that isn't holding a key position or guarding a doorway. He is just here and we ran into him. I would help but without my sneak attack I do 1d3+1 damage with the weapon that can hurt him. I think we can out run this thing while the rockmen punch him real hard.

I know that this thing is very evil and we should kill it but we haven't gotten inside the Spire yet. I don't want us to get to the end and our casters (who are doing a lot of work) have nothing left. That would be bad.

Liberty's Edge

I am so sorry to hear that. Safe travels and stay healthy.

Liberty's Edge

Sorry to hear that, I hope everything’s fine.

Liberty's Edge

William Unger
Tally McMillen
Sovereign Court
I administer my Barony at Fangwood Keep for prestige.

Tally is a bit weird. As a Vexing Dodger she climbs creatures that are one size category or larger. When she is in reach of a creature she may make a Climb check as an attack vs that creature's CMD as part of that movement. If she is successful, she enters that creature's square. After that she starts stacking penalties (Dirty Trick, Disarm, Deafen, -10 to Attack Rolls, etc) on the enemy that she is climbing on. Solid AC, pretty good HP. She doesn't do a lot of damage but with an archer and all of these casters, if might be fine.

Liberty's Edge

Molly the Lost wrote:

Before I start posting all of my stuff, do we need a front liner? I have a fighter/rogue/mouser that I could also bring who is also 15.

I will update the profile and post it by tomorrow night. If we are going hard mode, I will bring what we need.

Liberty's Edge

I have a character that would be I will put into consideration.

Zuckerman's Famous
Dark Archive
Normal Track

As an Arcane Trickster, Doormouse is an unchained rogue and a Tattooed crossblooded sorcerer with the Unicorn and Sanguine bloodlines. Besides being able to sneak attack with spells and having an insane stealth score, the unicorn bloodline allows me to heal people when I cast spells and also allows me add cure light and cure moderate wounds to my spell list. I can also drink blood to heal myself which makes being a Dampir a little easier on the team.

I will finish and link the profile by tomorrow.

Liberty's Edge

On second thought I’d rather keep my oracle and vexing dodger free. The Pathfinder Savant’s profile is ready. Blaster caster with healing and support options.

Alexandra Trazaron, level 13.

Liberty's Edge

I have a few seekers who I could bring to the Moonscar or the Tomb of the Iron Medusa. I could bring a trap finder who is pretty tanky, an bring arcane caster with some healing, or a straight healer.

Liberty's Edge

I’m ok with calling it here, the holidays are coming and people will only be getting more busy.

I like the idea of doing siege of diamond city, I’ll have to do that with my oracle.

Liberty's Edge

I understand why you want to take a step back from GMing Pathfinder. I can’t argue with your reasons and I hope you have fun and enjoy whatever you decide to do.

For everyone else I have a few ideas on how we can continue with this campaign if we want to. I enjoy the characters that we have made and it would be a shame if those characters ended. I’ve heard Shaun say a few time that he has just found his stride in regards to Bambara’s RP elements and how Pete enjoys Chui’s antics. They are fun to watch and great to riff off of.

Option 1. I could take over and GM Mummy’s Mask at the start of book 2. We of course need to find a player or two (or 3 if we wanted more than four players) to fill my player slot and the slots of those that want to end thier playthough if any.

Option 2. We could start a new playthough of something else and keep our characters. I am open to run anything. I already have all the Strange Aeons material but if anything peeks someone’s interest I’m up for it.

Option 3. The campaign ends. If there isn’t enough interest to keep going or not enough patience to deal with me stumbling though GMing via pbp and Roll20 I understand. No hard feelings at all. I mean it.

Whatever the decision is, I wish everyone the best. Health and happiness.

Liberty's Edge

Dam, there it is at the bottom of the page. I totally missed that. That’s a huge misplay on my part. While Harmini opening the gate was the trigger of my spell so maybe she had to be among my spell’s targets, I was sure I couldn’t get the 3 damage dealers. I double checked, I wanted haste so bad.

Well guess who’s so bad?

The answer is:

Liberty's Edge

Well now we’ve come full circle. Part of my trigger condition for casting haste was that I needed to get Chui and Bambara and I could not cast it on all 3 of us. I wanted to move out of the way of the flaming sphere that could knock me down, and in the end it did.

You are correct on my hit points being 14. When I added my hp for level 2 and 3 I forgot that it is hit die, con mod and +1. I don’t know how I missed that post, maybe I rolled poorly on my perception check. I went into that battle with that 12 hp in mind. Would 14 have changed that battle plan? Maybe. 14 on a 3d6 roll is tough to hit but it is doable. If I had known that there was a crit in the oven would I have gone in? Definitely, but that’s not possible. You are our tactics commander and I do like that there is one. It is going to be one of the most important factors that will increase our chances at winning some of these fights. If I have an objection to the battle plan, I’ll voice it in this discussion section before acting.

Liberty's Edge

I did hit him very hard. Not Bambara hard, but hard enough that I’ll feel bad once the adrenaline wears off and I see that his face is gone.

Liberty's Edge

As part of the trigger condition of my caste I stated that if I couldn’t get everyone I would get Bambara and Chui who are the dudes who need haste the most. I could not haste myself and Bambara. However you are correct in that I did not say who was hasted as I cast the spell which isn’t convenient for anyone.

To clarify, three of you are hasted.

Liberty's Edge

Speaking of not smart, I forgot your hair has reach. That changes things, I’m in, once I can safely maneuver around that budget fireball.

Also, Bambara didn’t have priority for healing before? I am glad that changed, that plant man is important.

Liberty's Edge

I made a proposal, it’s not a great one. Chui and Harmini might get mad that I offered it. If either of them don’t like it and back down I totally understand that, I’m not sure if it would be in character for either of them to work with this lady. If the team up idea falls through, I’m tapping out and someone else can take over although Alex will argue that working together is better than killing each other and that the difference between 1/8th of something and 1/4th of something is not worth killing 4 people over.

They won’t leave, why would they? The cops won’t help and seem to almost aggressively not care about the situation, this is the only path out I saw.

Liberty's Edge

I just described a candle helmet that I'm sticking an Ioun stone into. Its a mundane item from UE. Is it the 60 feet of light cone that is too much? That's fair. Ioun stones light as a torch which gives you 20 feet and a standard lantern gives you 30. So that could be 40-50ish depending on my tinkering. If it is the complexity of it I can't see how that would be an issue, we have someone in our group that can build magic items and bring rocks to life. Mirrors exist, the helmet exists, the ioun torch exists, glue exist. If you are saying that I just cannot do this and that's it I think that is a bit odd but it is what it is.

Liberty's Edge

Sorry, I didn't think I needed to clarify this further. I have the potion in one hand and a lamp in the other. I didn't say that I was carrying the dagger in my hands, I just HAVE the dagger with me. Sheathed or in my belt or whatever. In practice the spear gives me nothing and is a pain to lug around and I need to carry my light so I can actually see and hit things. Before I couldn't attack with my weapon and hold my own light source, I had to spend a move to put it down and that's not optimal. I swapped to the dagger because it is something I can use with one hand. If needed I can draw it as part of a move and my move action will be putting down my lantern or stow away my potion. In short, having a 1 handed weapon lets me be move flexible in the first round of combat.

More than likely I will drink my potion once we find the Scorched Hand anyway, but should we be surprised the only weapon in my hand will be my oil lamp. (I very much understand that using a oil lamp as a weapon is a terrible idea and it's not something I could see myself doing unless something terrible is happening.)

Liberty's Edge

Chui Nyeusi wrote:
My high quality die rolling continues.

You were the one that was foretold. The prophesied child who would be born of the seventh son of the seventh son on a second moon of the seventh month. Your entrance into this world was serenaded by angels and everyone in a nearby gambling hall simultaneously flopping a 5 card straight. Your childhood was blessed by Nivi Rhombodazzle herself. We all eagerly await your grand destiny when someday, at some blessed moment you will roll above an 11.

We await the coming of the 12.

Liberty's Edge

A question for this game and then a question about Pathfinder in general.

When I am assisting Chui when he uses Disable Device, if I fail am I imposing a penalty instead or was me getting in the way an RP element?

Now for a question about pathfinder in general. If you trying to unlock a lock you have already unlocked, does that do anything mechanically? A lock is a puzzle and puzzles get easier once you have already solved them but does that translate to an ancient lock?
In Strange Aeons there will be a situation where the players will be backtracking through a locked hallway and the haunted gate will re-lock itself once the players leave the hall. Would I give them a flat +2 circumstance bonus? Should the bonuses stack with every successful check?

Liberty's Edge

Dude, posted that to comment on how it was funny that it worked out the way that it did. Not to rub it in your face. As I said in the beginning of my post, I got everyone a holy symbol when we where going to this temple because I thought it was respectful in the
eyes of my god. I god, let me remind you, I did not pick. Matt built my backstory as a Nethys worshipper and I liked this backstory. Thanks again for making it Matt, it was a good one. If we were going to a temple of a god that I did not worship, I would not have done this.

When I originally passed them out 2-3 months ago I told everyone why I was doing it, it reminded me of my buddy taking me to temple for his Bar Mitzvah. Also when I passed them out I commented on how the Scorched Hand wanted worshipper with them and how that might mean something. Hypaxes mentioned that see wanted me on the team because I worshiped Nethys.

Did the fact that I had recently been killed by this exact thing pushed me to insist that Harmini put it on after we fought the thugs that ambushed us? Definitely. That’s when old Franklin died. But I had already passed them out at that point. When Harmini said she didn’t want to, I dropped the issue.

Liberty's Edge

Chui Nyeusi wrote:
Just a quick note to say that I'm continually impressed by the quality of RP and dialogue from all you folks.

Likewise. This is fun.

Liberty's Edge

Test. Having trouble posting.

Liberty's Edge

Ahah! I see where the confusion came from and it was my mistake. My spear is not in my combat gear section, it is above it in my Offence section. This will be changed tonight.

Liberty's Edge

That can be some serious stuff. If we wanted to wait once it gets back around to Pete’s turn, I am OK with that and we can wait for everyone to feel great and be back on their feet. However, if you want this game to be a distraction, I could understand that. It’s all up to you Pete. Keep in touch when you can. I know you will feel better soon.

Liberty's Edge

Take all the time you need and I hope that whatever happens, it happens for for the best. Work or family or can drive you insane with frustration or worry you until you feel wrung out. When you are done we will all be here and be here for you. Be well.

Liberty's Edge

Harmini Wakestep wrote:
Alexandra Trazaron wrote:
Also while the Mysterium is not on the Cassomir wikipage, it is mentioned in the Strange Aeons AP as a huge and well known archive of Nethys.
FYI. The Mysterium is located in Katheer (Qadira) not Cassomir (Taldor).

Oh yes, right right. That's a bit embarrassing but thank you for pointing out the error. I am reading through the Cassomir section of the SA AP at the moment which then is followed by the Katheer section, I meant to write Katheer. Yes the city names sound the same but Cassomir being in Taldor should have tipped me off.

That would explain why it wasn't on the wiki page under places of interest. Anyway stupid mistakes aside, Alex would certainly know the correct place that it was and would have said it.

Liberty's Edge

No just in place of gold he gets the necklace. Sure man. Take it to that pretty lady cat.

Liberty's Edge

Alright, I'll stop. I feel as if Alex is someone who is timid, shy, insecure, and a bit foolish but ultimately good. The bluff check is not to maliciously hid information, but rather an indication of how well I can hide those aspects of myself. I thought it would be a little fun if in a certain situations that we were doing something dangerous and I blow a bluff roll it would be painfully obvious how spooked I was.
But if you think it could be taken the wrong way, that's fine, I can do that stuff in the out of character stuff.

Liberty's Edge

We have magic +1 scale mail in our bag and that’s pretty good. As for the weapon enchant, we could do that after we leave.

Liberty's Edge

Oh that’s right! Can do.