Magabeus |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

In Australia, you could fit all our 5 star GM's in the same taxi.
We have a bike for that in the Netherlands ;-)

GM Hmm |

You'd need a van for Minnesota, and a soccer mom to drive them all. We're kind of insane in my area.

GM Hmm |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Actually, Wei Ji, I just did a census. Wow, you're right. We do need a tour bus now. We have 9 current five star GMs. There are at least four more that will likely be getting Star 5 in the next few months. We even have some of their confirmation games scheduled.

The World's Most Interesting GM |

I don't frequent cantinas, but when I do they are invariably hives of scum, and villainy, and I always shoot first.
Stay thirsty my friends.

GM Hmm |
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PbP SFS - Here at Flax or a new 'Lodge'?
PbP SFS can happen right here. We'll have a designated portal to the Flaxseed Docking Bay of Absalom station. It'll be run by ratfolk rather than halflings, but hey.... Neighborhoods change.
Stay thirsty my friends.
Ahem! That will be 'Stay Thursty*', my friends!
(Have you seen what he does to Grippli? In space, no one can hear frogs scream.)
* Thurston Hillman is one of the new developers for Star Finder Society. Awesome writer!

Dungeon Master S |

Has Endless Forms weighed in?
-Posted with Wayfinder

GM.Kashka |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

PbP SFS - Here at Flax or a new 'Lodge'?
new lodge. please new lodge. we have enough chatter on a regular basis when looking for games infrequently.
well that was a confusing statement.. it did kinda get away from me.... What i mean is when looking infrequently - there's already plenty of posts to sift through without adding starfinder chatter - either in character or game announcements.

Dungeon Master S |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I've been planning to put up a Starfinder PbP Lodge anyway. I'll still be here constantly, but I'm looking to Launch Castamir Station shortly...

thunderspirit |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

I've been planning to put up a Starfinder PbP Lodge anyway. I'll still be here constantly, but I'm looking to Launch Castamir Station shortly...
There had best be separate PG-13 and R-rated holodecks.

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Dungeon Master S wrote:I've been planning to put up a Starfinder PbP Lodge anyway. I'll still be here constantly, but I'm looking to Launch Castamir Station shortly...There had best be separate PG-13 and R-rated holodecks.
You know me SO well!

GM Hmm |
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Alright, so you guys want a separate Starfinder Lodge? I can see the argument for one.
My biggest concern is that I want someone awesome and reliable maintaining and organizing it. Castamir, would you be in it for the long haul? Would you have the time to put into the lodge's constant maintenance?

Dungeon Master S |
5 people marked this as a favorite. |

I'm [u]definitely[/u] in for the long haul (I've been playing PFS since slot 1 Season 0, and before that I played Living Greyhawk for years.)
I can't say I'm awesome, but I can say that I'm reliable! I'm looking at some things on the back end logistically with Paizo, but I'll have a Lodge up and running long before Starfinder hits.
Mike's Lodge is the cornerstone of the PFS PbP community in my opinion. If he gives the okay, I'll pattern the lodges similarly for consistency's sake.

GM Hmm |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

That sounds reliable enough for me! (That, plus I totally just researched you in the exact manner that I would a new VA.)
I'll ping Mike, and see if we can get his blessing to copy format.

Faelyn |

I would love to join that Lodge, DM S! I lost my chance to get into the early stages of PFS due to military service and regret now doing the follow-up until later. I would very much like to be there for the beginning of PBP SFS! I'll try to volunteer and help where I can, but cannot make any promises at this time.

GM Hmm |
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I think it can have a discussion thread, with players dotting gameplay so they can keep posted. Castamir, Mike Tuholski has given his blessing. You can copy anything you want, and even have use of the Flaxseed name for anything you wish.

Dungeon Master S |

Castamir's Flaxseed Outpost (Station?)

Faelyn |

EndlessForms and DM S have both PbP GM's I've tried to emulate in my games. I'll be looking forward to seeing DM S open alodgeCantina open in the far far future of Golarion... I'm sure we will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy...
...where we always shoot first.

Faelyn |

A friend of mine has a character named Hans Olo. It's an Ifrit Gunslinger which at level 1 I think had +14 initiative?
And that's how you do it, Solo-style!
The disgusting part is that he could continually increase it with the Ifrit FCB for gunslinger... Add +1/2 to the bonus on initiative checks the gunslinger makes while using her gunslinger initiative deed.

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But what to call it... Callahan's Crosstime Saloon would be perfect, but has already been taken... well in fiction anyway... someone will need to come up with a great name for the new place

Dungeon Master S |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

This won't go live (i.e. Gameplay thread) until SFS does, but the idea is to make it The Flaxseed Lodge for Starfinder Society PbP on paizo.com. Castamir's Flaxseed Station
-Posted with Wayfinder

Z...D... |
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Just got a Ratfolk race boon..no I am not trying to trade it, well maybe at first, but not now.
What I am actually doing here is looking hoping to find a fellow ratfolk rouge or ninja or some one to be a swarming buddy. My chances of finding one IRL is going to be slim to none so why not PBP.
So what do you say...where is a fellow ratfolk who is willing to be my swarming buddy and help terrorize GMs, teamwork feats and all the things that come with brother and/or sister rats.
PS...willing to burn GM starts replays to keep the duo together.
Edit: Serious Inquiries fill free to PM me.

Shifty |

Just to make the comparison clearer, here are total populations.
Australia: 23.1 million
Netherlands: 16.8 million
Switzerland: 8.1 million
Arizona: 6.7 million
Minnesota: 5.5 million
In fairness, Australia has roughly the same landmass of the United States... just with 1/14th the population or something.

GM Hmm |

Since the Know Direction Podcast, I've seen a number of newcomers show up. Is anyone running an evergreen for newcomers soon that I can point some of them to?

DoubleGold |
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Since the Know Direction Podcast, I've seen a number of newcomers show up. Is anyone running an evergreen for newcomers soon that I can point some of them to?
Yep, running a #7-10 - TheConsortium Compact (1-2) game.
Anyone with three or less PFS characters and has not made it to level five with a single character is welcome.
GM Hmm |

Thank you, DG! I may have some PbP newcomers who have played regular PFS before... I'll have to see whether I can find games for them too.
Everyone else...
Holy moly, there was a HUGE update to the PFS FAQ today. Lots of nice changes and clarifications in there.

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I've got 4 new pbpers in my current confirmation run! So they are coming!
I'll likely start another recruitment for a tier 1 to 5 this weekend.