Roy Greenhilt

Fromper's page

**** Pathfinder Society GM. 8,010 posts (9,665 including aliases). 4 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 36 Organized Play characters. 5 aliases.


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Silver Crusade

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The oracle said LONG ago that Belkar would be dying permanently by the end of the year. That may have been 10+ years ago in real time, but in OOTS time, it's only been a few months, so they're still in the same year.

Silver Crusade

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I'm trying to remember if Roy remembers the oracle's offhand remark about Belkar not surviving until the end of the year. That was when Roy was watching as a spirit, right? So he remembers all of that?

Silver Crusade

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I just love Elan being the only one smiling in the final panel. He's proud of Roy for getting this right.

Silver Crusade

So the good news would be that they can bring Bloodfeast with them to keep him safe. The bad news would be that unless they have stone to flesh prepared, Bloodfeast won't be able to participate again until they prepare it.

Silver Crusade

So... did Belkar just cross the alignment plateau away from evil? I feel like he's been leaning that way for quite a while, but this seems like a "no turning back" alignment moment.

Silver Crusade

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The GM describes gurgling sounds coming from an approaching steam elemental. Knowing that elementals are often neutral, we try to talk to it instead of just fighting.

"Is it gurgling menacingly?"

Silver Crusade

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Fromper wrote:

My group is REALLY slow. After taking 5 years to get through Rise of the Runelords, we're now only at level 11 in Kingmaker after almost 5 years. The odd part is that we meet 3-4 times per month, but we just play slowly, and spend a lot of time chatting outside of actual play. We rarely do 2 combats in the same session, just because some people are so slow while we're in combat.

But we're still having fun with it, which is what matters.

And a year later, we're now at level 13. We just took down the major "boss" enemies (as far as we know) of the current book. Given how much our GM tied one of them into the back story of a PC, I'm kind of curious as to how much he customized vs how much is in the original published adventure path, but it'll probably be another 2 years before we finish and I can ask.

Silver Crusade

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The real question: Will Serini be surprised by Bloodfeast, since she slept through that part of their planning meeting?

Silver Crusade

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I'm disappointed that the final joke wasn't a callback to Roy throwing small, harmless animals early in his career.

Silver Crusade

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Time for Bloodfeast to wander into Sunny's line of sight to set up some lizard-on-lizard action?

Silver Crusade

Best detail is that O-Chul seemed seriously worried about Belkar.

Silver Crusade

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My first thought was that this is a great call back to the prequel books, that people who have only read the comic online won't get.

Silver Crusade

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Quibblesmurf wrote:

*trying for a long time to explain caster level vs. spell level vs. character level to a Pathfinder new player*

"The problem is that Pathfinder uses 'level' the way Smurfs use 'Smurf'."

Insert obligatory Order of the Stick reference here:

Up a level, down a level

Silver Crusade

Sorry, but I think I need to drop out. I don't even remember how to play 2e or update my PC, let alone put everything online for a PBP game. And I just don't have time right now to focus on figuring it all out.

Silver Crusade

Sorry, but I think I need to drop out of the game. It's not just about needing to put stuff here on the site - I'd have to first re-learn the game from scratch before making a PC, since it's been about 3 years since I last played 2e. I just don't have the time right now to focus on it.

Silver Crusade

Yeah, I need to get my character together and entered in the system. Almost forgot that we're starting soon.

Silver Crusade

We're starting in a couple of days, aren't we? I really need to get on that whole "making a character" thing.

Silver Crusade

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So this is going to sound ridiculous, but my nephew has got it in his head that he wants to make a character with a goose theme. His first thought was a druid who can wild shape into a goose, but it was unclear how to do that in the rules. A goose as an animal companion or familiar might work for him, though. I haven't looked at the summoner class in 2e - can an eidolon look like a goose?

Any recommendations for a geese themed PC? This is for PFS, so RAW only.

Silver Crusade

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Bardrick wrote:

Question: Got the bundle & all the files have gone to my acct...except for the Foundry VTT/Abomination Vaults file it appears. Am I overlooking something or will this be a reach out to customer service moment?

You have to redeem that on Foundry's web site. IIRC, there should be a link with your redemption code.

Note that it's not usable unless you buy the Foundry software for $50 first. So you may want to hold off redeeming that if you don't plan on buying that right away. Maybe someone else you know will buy the Foundry software at some point, and you can pass the redemption code to them later.

Silver Crusade

4 people marked this as a favorite.

My group is REALLY slow. After taking 5 years to get through Rise of the Runelords, we're now only at level 11 in Kingmaker after almost 5 years. The odd part is that we meet 3-4 times per month, but we just play slowly, and spend a lot of time chatting outside of actual play. We rarely do 2 combats in the same session, just because some people are so slow while we're in combat.

But we're still having fun with it, which is what matters.

Silver Crusade

So I haven't played much 2e, and most of what I did play was 3 years ago, when it was completely new. I'm just getting back into it and trying to figure some stuff out, so this thread's been helpful.

I thought about making a typical buff/heal cleric early on, but I couldn't figure out what buffs I was supposed to go with if I did that. The limited range on Bless makes it seem useless. I just have to ask: Do cloistered clerics actually prepare and use that spell? I guess I can see it for a warpriest, who wants to be on the front line bashing things, but what buffs should a non-front line cleric be casting?

Silver Crusade

While we're on the subject of me being clueless, is there a relatively standard format that most people use for their PC stats online? If there's a form I could cut and paste to enter my stats on the site here, that would be helpful.

And apparently, I didn't level up my character after the last time I played him, 3 years ago, so I may post asking for advice on what to take at level 5 for my champion.

Silver Crusade

Just signed up on the spreadsheet.

Long time Pathfinder Society player (and 4 star GM) in 1st edition, and just enough 2nd edition when it first came to have a level 5 PC. But I've played VERY little PFS since the pandemic started, and the local stores stopped holding in person events. Kept up with a 1st edition campaign with my friends online, but no PFS, and no 2nd edition.

Also, did some PBP years ago, but haven't done that in 4 or 5 years, either.

So hopefully, you can all bear with me as I try to remember how to play 2nd edition, how to play by post, and also how to make a new level 1 character for this adventure. I believe the start date for playing isn't actually until March, so hopefully, I'll have everything figured out before then, and be ready to dive right in when we actually start playing.

As for my new PC, I'm leaning towards making an investigator, if that affects anyone else's choices of what to bring. But I could also consider something else, especially a spellcaster. Don't really want to do a front liner. My only other 2e PC and the PC I'm playing in my 1e campaign with my friends are both front line tanks, so I want to do something different this time.

I actually have a credit from playing a pregen, so I'll start off with a tiny bit more money than a brand new PC, but not much else.

Silver Crusade

Just signed up on the spreadsheet.

Long time Pathfinder Society player (and 4 star GM) in 1st edition, and just enough 2nd edition when it first came to have a level 5 PC. But I've played VERY little PFS since the pandemic started, and the local stores stopped holding in person events. Kept up with a 1st edition campaign with my friends online, but no PFS, and no 2nd edition.

Also, did some PBP years ago, but haven't done that in 4 or 5 years, either.

So hopefully, you can all bear with me as I try to remember how to play 2nd edition, how to play by post, and also how to play my specific character. I believe the start date for playing isn't actually until March, so hopefully, I'll have everything figured out before then, and be ready to dive right in when we actually start playing.

Silver Crusade

Dancing Wind wrote:
Bardrick wrote:
Foolish question, the bundle files will show up in the 'my downloads' as usual?

No, you will get redemption codes from Humble Bundle send to the email address you use for that site. Each tier will give you one code.

You can use those codes yourself or you can share them with someone else.

Log in and go to "Account Settings" and look for "Partner Redemptions." There is a text box at the top of the page to enter the Humble Bundle codes, one at a time.

Or go to this page to redeem the codes for Paizo PDFs
Partner Redemptions

Ahh, yeah. Sorry for the abridged answer. Yes, you have to go through the steps in the email from Humble Bundle. Then, they'll appear in your downloads here like usual.

Silver Crusade

Bardrick wrote:

Foolish question, the bundle files will show up in the 'my downloads' as usual?

Yes, other than the Foundry thing. I haven't figured that one out yet.

Silver Crusade

ppaladin123 wrote:
The OGL debacle served as a good excuse for me to learn more about Pathfinder 2e, which was something I had wanted to try anyway. This bundle is absolutely wonderful. I picked it up and then also got the Advanced Player's Guide directly from Paizo. So I now own an enormous amount of content for $45.

Yeah, I pretty much just did the same - this bundle plus Advanced Player's Guide pdf. I had already tried 2e when it came out, but haven't played since the pandemic started. So the last 3 years, I've just playing 1e Pathfinder campaign with my home group, and that's it.

Silver Crusade

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The Raven Black wrote:
Phillip Gastone wrote:
The remark about dwarves having a civil war is so Eugene
Where is this ? I cannot find it.

Roy talks to him after the Godsmoot, and Eugene thinks it's fine if the gods destroy the world. Roy, among other things, expresses concern for the dwarves who will die dishonorably, and Eugene suggests a civil war as a way for them to all die in battle before the world ends.

Silver Crusade

Edward the Necromancer wrote:

I would LOVE for Paizo to give Orcs the same treatment that they gave to Goblins!

Orcs tend to not have a lot of lore examining what Orcs ARE! Meaning they get relegated to blood bags of XP.

But if Paizo can turn Goblins into lovable mascots, I am sure they can do SOMETHING interesting with Orcs.

First edition had a book called "Orcs of Golarion", and pretty much nobody cared.

Silver Crusade

GM Hmm wrote:

Fromper, you do Play-by-Post, don't you? Cottonseed Lodge is still going strong, and there is a PBP convention, Outpost VI happening soon. Come join us!

They will be seating players at tables starting February 10th.

I did a little PBP back in 1st edition, but it's been a long time since then. I may have to look into it.

Silver Crusade

Thanks for the replies, everyone.

Yeah, I already knew about the Humble Bundle deal. Definitely going to get that. Sounds like the APG is probably a must buy, too. After that, I'll see what I think from there. Other recommendations would still be appreciated. Definitely need to check out those classes Hilary recommended to see if I'll feel the need to buy those books. :)

My big problem is that I don't have a ton of spare cash right now, and I also don't know exactly where and when I'll get to play. So I don't want to spend a lot on books that I'll never use. You'd think being in a major city, I'd have an easy time finding games, but it seems like the local scene still hasn't fully recovered from the pandemic. Combine that with my odd work schedule that makes it tough to do evening games most days of the week, and that's pretty much why I haven't been doing PFS for the past 3 years, just sticking to my one home campaign group in 1e.

But buying my Gen Con badge inspired me. Maybe if I buy some books, it'll inspire me some more, and I'll try harder to hunt down playing groups, too.

Silver Crusade

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Been playing first edition Pathfinder for over a decade now. Still doing a home campaign with friends, but stopped playing PFS in public when the pandemic started. Before that, I bought the 2e Core Rulebook and played enough to get my first 2e PFS character up to level 4 or 5 (I forget now), but I was still doing 1e more than 2e, so never picked up any additional books or made a second PC.

I'm hoping to get back into PFS in the near future, especially since I just bought my first Gen Con badge since the pandemic started. I know most of the rules are on the Archives of Nethys home page. But in Society play, you have to own the books in order to use character options on your PC. So what would everyone consider the most important/best books to buy, given that most focus is on character building, not GMing?

And before you ask, no I don't know what type of character I want to make. I'm the type who looks through the rulebooks and finds options that make me want to create a character that uses that cool thing I just read about. But after decades of D&D/Pathfinder 1e, there was nothing that exciting and new in the 2e Core Rulebook, other than finally being able to make a goblin PC, which I think may be part of why I was slow to embrace the new version.

Silver Crusade

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After GM describes the forest we're searching as getting weirdly colorful, as we seem to be getting closer to a wild magic portal that we knew we were looking for.
Cleric player: Either we're getting close to the portal or Willy Wonka's factory.
Rogue player: Starts singing Oompa Loompa song
Me: Willy Wonka's big secret: Oompa Loompas are actually Pathfinder gnomes.

Rogue player: *singing* Do you see what I see?
Cleric player: *very matter of factly* No I don't. My perception is lower.

Silver Crusade

Given that she'd already personally fought Xykon before that, you'd think she'd already have been keeping track of him by then.

Silver Crusade

So, wait. That means Serini didn't know that Xykon had already beaten Durokan before the Order of the Stick arrived in his dungeon. I thought she was more on top of things than that.

Silver Crusade

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Chekhov's Gun has been loaded with 6 bullets. Time for some Russian Roulette.

Silver Crusade

When was it mentioned that Monster-San is dominated? I thought he went along with Team Evil pretty much willingly, due to ignorance and not realizing there were other options.

Even if he is dominated, he will get another will save if ordered to do something completely against his nature. And these days, attacking O-Chul would certainly quality. Probably not true of the rest of the team.

Silver Crusade

I think this confirms that Monster-San has officially gone full undercover good guy. It's a good thing Mr. Stiffly is there with the good guys, as I really don't think that convincing him to switch sides and actively fight against Team Evil in the final fight won't be a challenge.

Silver Crusade

Wow. That's just... Wow!!!

Silver Crusade

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Nobody on Team Evil has a Sense Motive to speak of. Except maybe Monster-San, who seems to finally be growing an int score.

Silver Crusade

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"Normally, yes, carelessness would be the most probable explanation for this. Or literally anything that happens to, near, or because of us."


Red Cloak proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that he has the highest wisdom on team evil.

Silver Crusade

Not a fan of the cockroach speech balloons.

Silver Crusade

The Raven Black wrote:
I hope everyone noticed the drawings. Not sure about the dragon, but that sure is the Snarl.

Of course it's the Snarl. What else would you draw with crayons?

Silver Crusade

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Mental Block

That might just be the greatest "last panel" gag Rich has ever included.

Yet, oddly, the more I think about it, the more I think Roy is wrong to be upset.

The bad guys just split the party, by letting Xykon out by himself. This is the perfect time for the ambush Roy was hoping to execute.

Silver Crusade

John Woodford wrote:

No one with good in their alignment can resist the awesome power of eleven* puppy-dog eyes!

*Thirteen, if you count Elan.

Actually, no. The 11 already included Elan. Beholders have 8 eye stalks, on top of the central eye.

Silver Crusade

Eye to Eye

And once again, O-Chul is the perfect paladin.

Silver Crusade

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We were talking about a minor detail in the campaign that two of us didn't remember from an earlier session.

Human player: "You must have been drunk at the time."

Me (elf player): "I guess us elves and half-elves just can't hold our liquor."

Half-elf player: "We were black out drunk, I guess. We woke up and lost a few hours."

Me: "It's that elven constitution penalty. But what's the use of being immune to sleep if we can still get drunk and black out?"

Silver Crusade

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Gritty Realism
Elan helped. :)

Silver Crusade

TriOmegaZero wrote:
1239: Saur Loser

I knew that dinosaur would be back eventually!



Silver Crusade

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So Roy and Durkon realized that they've treated the goblins badly, and never really thought to question why Redcloak and the goblins were doing what they're doing. And this has brought me to a major realization, too.

Belkar was right.

I mean WAY back. At the first mention of a plot back in OOTS #13:
Plot, Ahoy!

"I just figured we'd wander around, kill some sentient beings because they have green skin and fangs and we don't, and then take their stuff."

Apparently, he was right.

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