The Flaxseed Pathfinder Lodge: Explore, Report, Cooperate!

Game Master Redelia

Outpost VIII Announcement
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8-07 Map DungeonMaster
DoubleGold wrote:
GM Hmm wrote:

Since the Know Direction Podcast, I've seen a number of newcomers show up. Is anyone running an evergreen for newcomers soon that I can point some of them to?


Yep, running a #7-10 - TheConsortium Compact (1-2) game.

Anyone with three or less PFS characters and has not made it to level five with a single character is welcome.

To be clear I'm a little flexible on what is a Newcomer, if someone has more than three characters or has a character past level 5, I may still consider that person a newcomer depending upon circumstances. The person would have to explain why he/she considers him/herself a newcomer if he/she does not meet the requirements.

"Doom Girl" // ♫ // ◇ ◈ ↺ // PbP Events // // PbP GM Kit // Silver Bark Golden Blades Map // ★ DA Duology Maps

DG, I've heard from a Venture Captain from another state who is baffled about where to start in PbP. He's never played in Play-by-Post and was trying to look through the signup sheets but many of them are inactive.

He totally does not meet your requirements as far as characters go... But he's brand new to PBP. I think we see three kinds of newcomers here at Flaxseed:

1) New to PFS and PBP
2) New to PFS, but PBP veterans willing to give PFS a shot
3) PFS Veterans from F2F play who want to try out PbP because they've heard so many great things about it, but have no idea where to start.

I've been hearing from members of all three categories.


MAP TEMPLATES | Social Combat | War for the Crown | Campaign Tracker |

Something to keep in mind that the campaign information page for Flaxseed Lodge contains an AMAZING introduction (with links to examples etc.) I'm working on a new version for Castamir Station, so I just reread Trotter's. I would send people from all three of those categories TO IT.

Sovereign Court

Chronicle Sheets GM Busy At Work........

I'm setting my own name up there to be running some games as well.
GM Nightdeath's Sign ups.

Could the admin kindly put it up?

8-07 Map DungeonMaster

At: GM Hmm Well, he is new to PBP, so I can let him in if he wants to play, though I'm going to want at least two newcomers completely new to PFS.

"Doom Girl" // ♫ // ◇ ◈ ↺ // PbP Events // // PbP GM Kit // Silver Bark Golden Blades Map // ★ DA Duology Maps

Don't worry, DG. I found another place for him! Thanks for doing a game for folks new to PFS. We need that, too!



Has anyone else been able to make changes to their PFS characters? Whenever I log onto my account the "Make Changes" button is gone- the link is only plain text.

Nigh-Deific Green Dragon * Note: The Great Green God doesn't go for any of that "stat" stuff. Consider him "unstatted" in the White Wolf/World of Darkness sense of the word.
DoubleGold wrote:
To be clear I'm a little flexible on what is a Newcomer....


chadius wrote:
Has anyone else been able to make changes to their PFS characters? Whenever I log onto my account the "Make Changes" button is gone- the link is only plain text.

Not me. Correction now, yes.

Z...D... wrote:
Click the Edit button on the top of that box and it should taker you where you want to go.

On the account page near the bottom. I would guess it is a PFS/SFS update thingie.

chadius wrote:
Has anyone else been able to make changes to their PFS characters? Whenever I log onto my account the "Make Changes" button is gone- the link is only plain text.

Click the Edit button on the top of that box and it should taker you where you want to go.

Sovereign Court

@Chadius: My understanding is that the website is having difficulties while they make changes related to Starfinder Society. But no, it's not just you. I have six scenarios waiting to be reported and get me another shiny GM star.

"Doom Girl" // ♫ // ◇ ◈ ↺ // PbP Events // // PbP GM Kit // Silver Bark Golden Blades Map // ★ DA Duology Maps

Granta, you can still report them!

Go to your Account. Click on Pathfinder Society. It should take you to "My Pathfinder Socitey."


Sovereign Court

@GM Hmm: That doesn't work right now, although Z...D...'s method does.

"Doom Girl" // ♫ // ◇ ◈ ↺ // PbP Events // // PbP GM Kit // Silver Bark Golden Blades Map // ★ DA Duology Maps

At least one of us got you there.

(Mine worked earlier. But they seem to be making cnanges faster than I can keep up with this week.)


Z...D... wrote:
chadius wrote:
Has anyone else been able to make changes to their PFS characters? Whenever I log onto my account the "Make Changes" button is gone- the link is only plain text.
Click the Edit button on the top of that box and it should taker you where you want to go.

Thanks, Z...D...! I see they are new buttons on top, using bootstrap. Maybe the website's gonna get an overhaul?

The Exchange

Female CN Elf Wizard (Transmutation) 20.0 HP 182/182(+5) | AC 43 | T 23 | FF 38 | CMD 33(FoM) | Fort +19 | Ref +20 | Will +21(+2 vs Ench) | Init +12 | Perc +24 | Images

Wonder if there's ever gonna be a scenario to get players their last xp for 20th or go above 20th..

Been at 19 2/3rds for over a year now :(..

"Doom Girl" // ♫ // ◇ ◈ ↺ // PbP Events // // PbP GM Kit // Silver Bark Golden Blades Map // ★ DA Duology Maps

There is. It is called Race for the Runecarved Key. All paths to 20 currently end with Race for the Runecarved Key.


Table Maps | Passing the Torch

There is one other path that involves Extended Travels.

The Exchange

Female CN Elf Wizard (Transmutation) 20.0 HP 182/182(+5) | AC 43 | T 23 | FF 38 | CMD 33(FoM) | Fort +19 | Ref +20 | Will +21(+2 vs Ench) | Init +12 | Perc +24 | Images

Ok besides a special that no one ever runs i guess lol.. I was thinking something higher than level 18 to enter.. Perhaps thats to much to ask though.. Ntm would it even be fun with an archmage flying around.. Pretty sure she could solo it..

That Staff of Power is but one xp from my reach lol.. It points at me and laughs..

VC - Sydney, Australia

LOL I ran Runecarved Key locally about two weeks ago, and we have it scheduled for PbP here on the forums :p Hmm also ran the same scenario in Minnesota about a week ago as well...

The good news is you only need 4 legal tables and an Overseer, so hassle your mates and get a session of it running near you :)

The Exchange

Female CN Elf Wizard (Transmutation) 20.0 HP 182/182(+5) | AC 43 | T 23 | FF 38 | CMD 33(FoM) | Fort +19 | Ref +20 | Will +21(+2 vs Ench) | Init +12 | Perc +24 | Images

By all means sign me up for the next one then.. I have 3-4 other friends at 19.2 that would love to get that last xp..

"Doom Girl" // ♫ // ◇ ◈ ↺ // PbP Events // // PbP GM Kit // Silver Bark Golden Blades Map // ★ DA Duology Maps

We (and by 'We' I mean Shifty) will be running Race of the Runecarved Key in January. Which reminds me. I need to work on adapting that one to PbP as well...


Venture Lieutenant Play by Post PBP GM kit

To everyone involved here:

The Flaxseed Lodge takes up a lot of real estate on 'my campaigns' with all the links in the short description on campaign info. That is something that i would like to change.

With removing the spreadsheets there should still be an easy way to give players the means to get to the links. I do not know the best way to do that though. I have thought of several possible solutions and there are possibly others. In no particular order:

- GMs include a link to their spreadsheet in their recruitment post
- GMs include a link to their spreadsheet in their stat bar
- All spreadsheets (or even all links) are put under a spoiler (this seems to work, I tested it with one of my campaigns)

I am curious what the opinions of the others (especially Mike) are. Discuss!

Grand Lodge

To be honest clearing out the deadwood would be more use than saving page space. I must admit I have given up looking at them because there are so many and I am not sure if half of them are currently being used.

I will stick to posting in the recruitment thread here with a link to another recruitment thread for my own games. I have used a spreadsheet and seen peoples names get typed over which rather puts me off the idea of using them. (fairly sure it was accidental but even so)

MAP TEMPLATES | Social Combat | War for the Crown | Campaign Tracker |
Magabeus wrote:
To everyone involved here: The Flaxseed Lodge takes up a lot of real estate on 'my campaigns' with all the links in the short description on campaign info. That is something that i would like to change. With removing the spreadsheets there should still be an easy way to give players the means to get to the links. I do not know the best way to do that though. I have thought of several possible solutions and there are possibly others. In no particular order: - GMs include a link to their spreadsheet in their recruitment post - GMs include a link to their spreadsheet in their stat bar - All spreadsheets (or even all links) are put under a spoiler (this seems to work, I tested it with one of my campaigns) I am curious what the opinions of the others (especially Mike) are. Discuss!

I'm going to look at feedback closely for Castamir Station!

-Posted with Wayfinder

Liberty's Edge

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Mosquito Witch Handouts
Merisal The Risen wrote:

To be honest clearing out the deadwood would be more use than saving page space. I must admit I have given up looking at them because there are so many and I am not sure if half of them are currently being used.

I will stick to posting in the recruitment thread here with a link to another recruitment thread for my own games. I have used a spreadsheet and seen peoples names get typed over which rather puts me off the idea of using them. (fairly sure it was accidental but even so)

I share this opinion! Recruitment threads seem to be easier to manage than spreadsheets for me.

Dark Archive

Goblins|| ...||Heresy

I don't ever bother looking at the spreadsheet links at the top, and I've always wondered the purpose. You wouldn't even know if there was a new game to sign up for unless the GM posted in the thread anyways. Besides that, I think less than half of those GM's are still actively running games.

MAP TEMPLATES | Social Combat | War for the Crown | Campaign Tracker |

It was not always the case. Once upon a time there was a short list, and you clicked at the top.

I think I might, for Castamir, include a link in my Starfinder GM tag. I'll put links to sign up sheets under a spoiler (which won't help Wayfinder users, but that's okay.)

Wayfinder users can't see spoilers?

Sovereign Court

I would definitely appreciate getting rid of the deadwood AND cleaning up my campaigns tab. In fact, I wish some of my GMs put info in the <Full Description> instead of the <Short Description>.

For Flaxseed, how about cleaning things up, then moving everything to the <Full Description>. The <Short Description> could be something like, "Check the <Campaign Info> tab for recruitment spreadsheets, helpful links and Flaxseed guidelines."

Sovereign Court

Chronicle Sheets GM Busy At Work........

I agree with clearing of the dead wood, I for one rarely look at those.

I'll setup Recruitment threads and links to my spreadsheet so as to help clear up the clutter.

"Doom Girl" // ♫ // ◇ ◈ ↺ // PbP Events // // PbP GM Kit // Silver Bark Golden Blades Map // ★ DA Duology Maps

I have to agree that we need to clear out the deadwood. Mike is on hiatus, but I'll check to see if he has time to poke his head into this discussion. Would someone be willing to go through the spreadsheets and give me a list of the ones that are still active?

I also like the idea of moving these to either a spoiler or to the campaign information tab. I do think that if you are a GM with a signup spreadsheet, having that spreadsheet in your header might be a good idea.


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Venture Lieutenant Play by Post PBP GM kit
GM Hmm wrote:
I have to agree that we need to clear out the deadwood. Mike is on hiatus, but I'll check to see if he has time to poke his head into this discussion. Would someone be willing to go through the spreadsheets and give me a list of the ones that are still active?

Sure, I will do this.

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The Flaxseed Pathfinder Lodge

I'm not totally on hiatus, just not able to update as often as I used to right now as I'm living in Wisconsin but working in Indiana, which is making things a bit difficult traveling back and forth every 4-5 days.

I have had the same thoughts as everyone else about the spreadsheet links but wasn't sure what to do about it.

They used to serve a purpose back at the inception of the lodge because it was only for active GMs who were constantly recruiting for games or GMs who liked to have players vote for the next scenario and things like that. It actually prevented a lot of clutter in the threads because you could just check the spreadsheets for upcoming games. Unfortunately many of those GMs no longer run games or no longer use those spreadsheets.

I don't want to get rid of them completely in one fell swoop so I will move them to the long description of the campaign and put them behind a spoiler for now.

If someone sends me a list of the ones who are no longer active I'll clean those ones out though. And if it doesn't seem like even the active GMs are using them consistently I'll get rid of them completely. Personally, I still use mine but I always link to it in my recruitment posts anyways so having it linked at the top is a bit redundant.

"Doom Girl" // ♫ // ◇ ◈ ↺ // PbP Events // // PbP GM Kit // Silver Bark Golden Blades Map // ★ DA Duology Maps

Thanks, guys! Really appreciated!


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MAP TEMPLATES | Social Combat | War for the Crown | Campaign Tracker |
Tarondor wrote:
Wayfinder users can't see spoilers?

On Wayfinder, spoilers are automatically expanded in the Campaign tab.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Sovereign Court

3 people marked this as a favorite.

GM Endless Forms' sign up sheet - Last edit was made on February 25 by anonymous
GM Bold Strider's sign up sheet - Last edit was made on February 25 by anonymous
GM Rah's sign up sheet - Last edit was made on July 13, 2016 by anonymous
GM Kludde's sign up sheet - Last edit was made on November 19, 2016 by anonymous
GM Trex's sign up sheet - Last edit was made on November 29, 2016 by anonymous
GM Phil's sign up sheet - Last edit was made on August 22, 2016 by anonymous
GM Fuzzfoot's sign up sheet - Last edit was made 4 days ago by P.J. Patterson
GM Sfounder's sign up sheet - Last edit was made 5 days ago by anonymous
GM Derek's sign up sheet - Last edit was made on February 18 by anonymous
GM Baerlie's sign up sheet - Last edit was made on September 18, 2016 by Beatrice P.
GM Dr Evil's sign up sheet - Last edit was made on January 19 by anonymous
GM Evil's sign up sheet - Last edit was made 10 days ago by anonymous
GM Thunderspirit's sign up sheet - Last edit was made on March 3 by anonymous
GM Panic's sign up sheet - Last edit was made on May 26, 2016 by anonymous
GM Crucible's sign up sheet - Last edit was made on August 28, 2016 by Tom Gregory
GM Eddv's sign up sheet - Last edit was made on February 18 by anonymous
GM Aerondor's sign up sheet - Last edit was made on February 26 by aero ndor
GM Nightdeath's sign up sheet - Last edit was made 1 hour ago by Herman Abelarde

I like this new streamlined version! We still have the list available to view without tracking down recruitment posts all the time. It is definitely cleaner looking. Thanks for the work, folks!

The Flaxseed Pathfinder Lodge

Ok, I got rid of any that hadn't been updated since the turn of the new year.

And I have three games going right now that I need to finish. I think in the future I will only be running one game at a time though but I may change my process a little bit.

Scarab Sages a worthless concept a cynical scam gestalt Ghul Lord/Warlock/Truenamer/Psychic/Wild Mage

Is it permitted to delay applying a Chronicle even after it's been reported? I ask because I applied my DM Chronicle from "Blood Under Absalom" to my Shaman, who went from level 1 to 2 because of it, but now that makes her ineligible for most of the low-level evergreens, making advancement harder, so I'm wondering if I can postpone it until after she gets one more of those under her belt.

Liberty's Edge

Nope. Chronicles must be applied when received, unless you are applying a higher level chronicle to a lower level PC (such as when playing a pregen).

Liberty's Edge

Mosquito Witch Handouts

If i'm not mistaken, the chronicle is to be applied as soon as eligible.
i.e. if the chronicle is tier 3-7, it's hold until the character reaches level 3, but is applied immediately. For BuA since it's all Tier, it's applied immediately at whatever level your character is.

Venture Lieutenant Play by Post PBP GM kit

Thank you for looking up that info Granta!

Scarab Sages a worthless concept a cynical scam gestalt Ghul Lord/Warlock/Truenamer/Psychic/Wild Mage

Ah, well. Thanks for letting me know.

"Doom Girl" // ♫ // ◇ ◈ ↺ // PbP Events // // PbP GM Kit // Silver Bark Golden Blades Map // ★ DA Duology Maps

You could ask Shifty if you could apply the chronicle to a different character that is farther along. If the shaman and the other character have not been played yet, I wouldn't see the harm in the shifting the GM chronicle to another character if Shifty is amenable.


Scarab Sages a worthless concept a cynical scam gestalt Ghul Lord/Warlock/Truenamer/Psychic/Wild Mage

I've played said Shaman twice.

"Doom Girl" // ♫ // ◇ ◈ ↺ // PbP Events // // PbP GM Kit // Silver Bark Golden Blades Map // ★ DA Duology Maps

I meant, not played since the chronicle was assigned...

Though it's not the end of the world to have a character who's missed out on the Evergreens. My -1, Zahra, does not have a single evergreen on her. Actually, most of my characters only have one or two evergreens on them, and not the expected ones!

Though it's not optimal, most of my characters start with Phantom Phenomena or the other quests. It's the easiest adventure to hook in newbies at conventions who may not have a lot of time!


Scarab Sages a worthless concept a cynical scam gestalt Ghul Lord/Warlock/Truenamer/Psychic/Wild Mage
GM Hmm wrote:

Though it's not the end of the world to have a character who's missed out on the Evergreens.

Of course not. I was just trying to be economical since I have so many characters and it's hard to find unplayed low-level adventures.

Silver Crusade

Male Dwarf 5 images; Bard lvl12 (still to level up from 11); AC 20 (22 w/cats grace; 23 haste); HP 80/80; Fort +8; Ref +9; Will +9; SM +21; Perc +15; init +4; Music left 25/31; reroll @+4 1/1; loremaster 1/1; IGF 1/1;

Unfortunately our kind GM for Lost at Bitter End has been having some real life issues.

It's been almost three weeks since his last In Game post, and two since he mentioned he was having some RL issues in Discussion. I dropped him a PM last week, and had no response.

Would anyone be willing to step in and rescue the game? We are only one encounter into it at the moment.

Discussion thread is found here.

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Table Maps | Passing the Torch

Curses, someone already stepped in. :)

Well, I have enough on my plate as is.

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"Doom Girl" // ♫ // ◇ ◈ ↺ // PbP Events // // PbP GM Kit // Silver Bark Golden Blades Map // ★ DA Duology Maps

^ I love this community.

That's all.


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